HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-05-19-SC-min Lexington School Committee Minutes - May 19, 1987 Pace 1
A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held on Tuesday,
May 13, 1387 at 8:00 p.m. at the Clarke Middle School Auditorium.
Present were: Koplow, Leader, Newman, Wik, Clough and Student Repre-
sentative Ted Chuang. Also present were Pierson, Zimmerman,
DiGiammarino, MacInnes and Barnes.
Mr. Clough reviewed recent votes of the School Committee per- PUBLIC
taining to all morning kindergarten (April 28) and the school budget PARTICIPATION
vote with a final review of the budget being scheduled for June 2,
He noted that the main issue on the evening's agenda was the
Bridge School. On behalf of the School Committee he entertained
public comments during this segment.
Sample comments:
Ellen Schultz, Fiske School teacher and resident, stated that
students should not be forced to participate in user fees. She felt
she idea was pernicious and urged reconsideration by the School Com-
Carl Rudy read a letter from the Estabrook PTE suggesting a delay
in the kindergarten programs especially when renovations were not pro-
jected to be ready. He said the results of a poll among the parents
were 6 in favor of implementing the K program in 1987 and 220 in 1988.
M. Alexander read a letter to the School Committee from the rep-
resentatives of GAC (Guidance Advisory Committee; K-12) which stated
that user fees were an idea to which they were opposed.
Mrs. MacKenzie read a petition from the Fiske School PTA which
urged that the AM K program be deferred until the 88-88 school year.
Mrs. Shoffler, representative of the Bridge School said she rep-
resented the kindergarten parents and suggested that the School Com-
mittee delay its decision to implement all morning kindergarten also.
She said the parents supported redistricting of a segment out of
Bridge to accommodate the all morning kindergarten since in a long
term, it would have a positive effect on the school program and the
extended day program.
Phyllis Sinclair, Fiske School teacher asked the School Committee
the following question: "Why do you not listen to your professionals?"
and requested an answer from the School Committee. Mr. Clough re-
sponded that the School Committee was generating a statement. Mrs.
Koplow said that the answers to many of the questions posed were not
simple and felt that the staff and parents did deserve a full and
genuine response which would come shortly.
Dr. Pierson noted for the audience that there was a difference
between listening and agreeing. He stated it was important to dis-
tinguish the difference. He said the School Committee had listened
but not necessarily agreed in all cases.
Lexin.ton School Committee Minutes - Mav 19 1987 p, .-
Kevin Murray, High School teacher, said that he felt: that the
situation was clear. He noted that the actions of the School Commit-
tee spoke louder than anything and indicated the value the School Com-
mittee held of the professional staffing by rejecting all their opin-
Martha Hutchinson voiced her disagreement with the use of user
Reverend Helen Cohen, representing the Clergy Association said
that their association was opposed to the user fee concept because it
discriminated against students of less wealth and felt that it was op-
posite to the concept of free public education.
Linda Abramson suggested that the School Committee wait until
1588 to implement the all morning kindergarten.
Jim Martin, Bridge School parent, urged the School Committee to
keep its quality program and suggested continuance of support for ex-
tended day programs. He also suggested the phase in of all AM kinder-
garten and other programs when appropriate.
Dan McCabe said the Town Meeting had sent a message to the School
Committee that it was not happy with the way things were going. He
said the School Committee should listen closely to the parents and
especially to the teachers. He noted there was a need to get things
straightened out and suggested the School Committee take a year before
implementing the K program.
John Gillis said he supported the budget but agreed that the Town
Meeting message was for the School Committee to listen to its profes-
sional staff and recommended that the School Committee postpone kinder-
garten implementation for one year.
Sylvia Kalambokas, Fiske School teacher, agreed that the Town
Meeting had sent the School Committee a message not only as to the
Kindergarten program but on a number of other issues. She suggested
the School Committee reconsider its vote on all AM Kindergarten until
William Welch, Town Meeting member and Lexington High School tea-
cher, noted that the budget cut of approximately $150,000 sent a
message to the School Committee. He said some people felt that be-
cause of declining enrollment coupled with increases in the budget,
it was not clear as to what the School Committee needed. He suggested
a need for better planning and communication to the community in
future budget_.
Al Fruscione said many teachers were looking forward to the
statement of the School Committee.
Sharon MacDonald, Town Meeting member, said she would support the
all morning kindergarten but recommended deferrment until the 1988
school year.
Lexington School Committee Minutes - Mav 19, 1987 Pace
Dr. Pierson reviewed three options pertaining to Bridge School BRIDGE SCHOOL
redistricting. He noted that 78 questionnaires had been mailed and OPTIONS
39 responses were rceived. He said that those in favor of Option 1
totaled 4, Option 2, 10 and Option 3, 13.
Following the presentation, there was a discussion by the School
Committee. Mr. Newman stated that if the buildings were in order by
September, it would be a miracle. He suggested that it would be in
the best interest of all to postpone the implementation of the AM
kindergarten. He said that as far as the concept of redistricting was
concerned, it was too soon to consider since the facts were all the
same as before. Therefore, he felt he could not recommend redistrict-
ing only three months later from the previous vote. He reminded the
School Committee that its job was to pull the community together and
urged his colleagues to reconsider its vote by deferring the implemen-
tation of the AM kindergarten program for one year which he felt would
be the most proper way.
Mrs. Wik responded that the Superintendent's recommendation could
also help solve some of the space problems.
Mrs. Leader agreed with Mrs. Wik's remark and said the Superintend-
ent's recommendation was a correct one.
Mrs. Koplow noted there would be enormous competition for finances
within the Town during the next fiscal year. She also agreed it was
the appropriate time to support the AM kindergarten program and re-
It was
VOTED: that the School Committee accept the recommendation of the REDISTRICTING
Superintendent to proceed with redistricting as presented,
with a hearing and final vote on which districts would be
redistricted at the May 26 hearing at the Bridge School. Yes,
Leader, Wik, Koplow, Clough; No, Newman
Mr. Newman said that one more aspect of discomfort was when the
School Committee made a commitment before all of the evidence was in
on the issue of all am kindergarten. He said it was a questionable
process at that.
Mrs. Koplow responded that she had studied the information (re-
districting and kindergarten) a long time and was prepared to make a
decision when a vote was called.
Mr. Clough said the redistricting options were quite clear, and
there was no additional information available nor needed.
No further discussion occurred on this topic.
At this point, the Chairman of the School Committee asked Mr. RENOVATIONS
Maclnnes for a status report on the construction plans for the schools.
Lexington School Committee Minutes - Mav 19, 1987 Page 4
Following his report, . the School Committee complimented Mr. Maclnnes
for his excellent work.
A discussion of the Bridge/Estabrook Extended Day Proposal plan EXTENDED DAY
was held. It was PROGRAM
VOTED: to accept the Superintendent's recommendation for an extended
day program for the Bridge/Estabrook at Hastings school and if
the Higashi negotiations failed, then the School Committee
would continue to review other options. (Leader, Newman,
Student representative, Ted Chuang, noted it was his last meeting STUDENT REPRE-
as student representative to the School Committee. He thanked all the SENTATIVE COMMENTS
School Committee members and administration for their support and
kindness. He noted that new elections would be held and the new
student representative would be assigned as of June 2, 1937.
Members of the School Committee and administration thanked Ted
Chuang for his excellent contributions to the school and to the work-
ings of the School Committee.
It was
VOTED: to adjourn at 11:30 p.m. (Leader, Koplow, Unanimous)
The Minutes of February 24, March 10, 17, 30 and April 3 and 7 and MINUTES
Executive Minutes March 11 and 17 and April 3 and 7 were deferred.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: to accept the Schedule of Payments listed on Page 117 and 117A. SCHEDULE OF
(Newman, Koplow, Unanimous) (To be embodied in the Official PAYMENTS
Minutes. )
VOTED: to accept the Personnel Changes (Certified) as listed on Page PERSONNEL CHANGES-
118. (Leader, Newman, Unanimous) (To be embodied in the CERTIFIED
Official Minutes. )
VOTED: to accept the Personnel Changes (Classified) as listed on PERSONNEL CHANGES-
Page 118-A. (Leader, Newman, Unanimous} (To be embodied in CLASSIFIED
the Official Minutes. )
VOTED: to accept the Personnel Changes (Food Services) as listed on PERSONNEL CHANGES-
Page 118-8. (Leader, Newman, Unanimous) (To be embodied in FOOD SERVICES
the Official Minutes. )
VOTED: to accept the Personnel Changes (Certified) as listed on PERSONNEL CHANGES-
Page 118-C. (Leader, Newman, Unanimous) (To be embodied in CERTIFIED
the Official Minutes. )
The School Committee noted that Dr. J. Geoffrey Pierson had sub- SUPERINTENDENT`S
mitted his resignation effective August 21, 1987 to accept the super- RESIGNATION
intendency in Vienna, Austria. Mr. Clough, on behalf of the School
Lexington School Committee Minutes - May 19, 1997 Page 5
Committee, extended congratulations to Dr. Pierson and acknolwedged
the many quality contributions that he had made to students, staff,
parents, and citizens. The School Committee wished him well and ex-
tended its best wishes for success.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: to re-elect the non-tenure staff listed on Page 119, 119-A, RE-ELECTION NON-
119-B at the step and level indicated for the school year TENURE STAFF
1987-28. (Leader, Koplow, Unanimous) (To be embodied in the
Official Minutes. )
VOTED: to re-elect the Secretarial and Clerical Personnel for the RE-ELECTION
school year 1997-88 at the Class, Step and hourly rate indi- SECRETARIAL AND
cated on Page 120 - 120-D, (Leader, Newman, unanimous) (To CLERICAL
be embodied in the Official Minutes. ) PERSONNEL
VOTED: to re-elect the Special Class Teacher Aides as noted on RE-ELECTION
Page 120-G. (Leader, Newman, Unanimous) (To be embodied in SPECIAL CLASS
the Official Minutes. ) TEACHER AIDES
VOTED: to re-elect the personnel not under contract guidelines as RE-ELECTION OF
listed on Page 120-F at the hourly rate indicated for the PERSONNEL NOT
1997-89 school year. (Leader, Newman, Unanimous) (To be UNDER CONTRACT
embodied in the Official Minutes. )
VOTED: to accept the Bid-General Supplies as listed on Page 121 based BIDS-GENERAL
upon low unit prices meeting specifications. (Newman, Leader, SUPPLIES
Unanimous) (To be embodied in the Official Minutes. )
VOTED: to accept the Bid-Duplicating Supplies with the companies BID-DUPLICATING
and approximate totals as listed on Page 121A. (Newman, SUPPLIES
Leader, Unanimous) (To be embodied in the Official Minutes. )
VOTED: to accept the Bid-Visual Arts Supplies with the companies BID-VISUAL ARTS
based upon low unit prices meeting specifications as listed on SUPPLIES
Page 121B. (Newman, Leader, Unanimous) (To be embodied in
the Official Minutes. )
VOTED: to accept the Bid-Bakery Products with the companies indicated BID-BAKERY
on Page 121C. (Newman, Leader, Unaimous) (To be embodied in PRODUCTS
the Official Minutes. )
VOTED: to accept the Bid-Doughnuts based on their low bid meeting BID-DOUGHNUTS
specifications as listed on Page 121D. (Newman, Leader,
Unanimous) (To be embodied in the Official Minutes. )
VOTED: to accepspecifications the Bid-Milk as the low bidder meeting specifica ions BID-MILK
as listed on Page 121E, (Newman, Leader, Unanimous) (To be
embodied in the Official Minutes. )
VOTED: to accept the Bid-Food Service Paper Supplies based on low BID-FOOD SERVICE
unit prices meeting specifications as listed on Page 121F. PAPER SUPPLIES
(Newman, Leader, Unanimous) (To be embodied in the Official
Minutes. )
Lexington School Committee Minutes - May 19, 1987 Page 6
VOTED: to accept the Bid-Ice Cream based on their low bid meeting BID-ICE CREAM ,
specifications as listed on Page 1216. (Newman, Leader,
Unanimous) (To be embodied in the Official Minutes. )
VOTED: to accept the Bid-Snacks based on their low unit prices meet- BID-SNACKS
ing specifications as listed on Page 121H. (Newman, Leader,
Unanimous) (To be embodied in the Official Minutes. )
Dr. Zimmerman presented the Evaluation report of the Harrington TECH TEAM REPORT
School Technology Stream Project. She noted that there would he a
one-year interregnum regarding the program being extended to Clarke.
The School Committee thanked Dr. Zimmerman for the report.
Dr. Pierson said that in order to find the .75 FTE necessary to HIGH SCHOOL STAFF-
restore the fifth housemaster position at the High School, Dr. Waring INC
was proposing reallocations of staff as follows:
From the 1.0 reading assignment at the High School .55
would be transferred to Diamond Middle School where the
position was needed reducing the High School allocation.
Linda Murbach, Reading Coordinator, would teach one class
at the High School next year thus reducing the need for a
1.0 FTE.
From the 1.0 position assigned to the supervisor of the
internship and work study program, .2 will be reallocated
to the housemaster position. A .80 position would
fullfil the requirements.
Therefore, the .75 restoration of the housemaster would
be a result of .55 from reading and .20 from Experienced
Based Education.
The consensus of the School Committee was that this reallocation
was appropriate.
It was
VOTED: adjourn at 11:30 p.m. (Leader, Koplow, Unanimous)
Res ec1•f 'v submitted
i�3rd H. ernes
/ Recording Secretary
APPROVED: November 2, 1987