HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-05-05-SC-min Lexington School Committee Minutes - May 5, 1987 Pace 1
A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held on Tuesday,
May 5, 1987 at 7:30 p.m. in the Lexington High School Student Library.
Present were Wik, Koplow, Leader, Newman, Clough and Student Repre-
sentative Chuang. Also present were Pierson, Zimmerman, DiGiammarino,
Maclnnes and Barnes.
Mr. Clough began the public participation segment by making a few PUBLIC
brief remarks regarding the all morning kindergarten. He said the PARTICIPATION
Superintendent was asked by the School Committee to refer budget cuts
to the staff to get their input. Their reactions would be discussed
on May 19, Also, the kindergarten issues would be settled at that
Mr. Meade, President of the LEA, read a petition from the member-
ship which recommended to the School Committee that they accept the
recommendation of the professional staff and postpone implementing all
morning kindergarten.
Joanne Granger, teacher and Lexington tax payer, said teachers
were very discouraged and disgruntled in regard to class ratios,
class sizes, management forcing programs on them, etc.
Mr. Clough suggested that perhaps professional consultation should
have been considered for discussing some of the issues mentioned and
that it might be something to pursue.
Mr. Meade responded that he welcomed such discussions with the
School Committee but the impact of the all morning kindergarten was
too near and the staff needed to react now.
Peggy Fenner, kindergarten teacher at Bridge school, stated con-
cerns regarding money available for the kindergarten program as well
as the implementation of the program being forced on them.
Mrs. June Hatfield said she supported the all morning kindergarten
and suggested that it would be a positive move to implement it in 87-
SS due to financial constraints predicted in the future but suggested
postponement due to teacher morale, Town Meeting attitudes and sending
a message to teachers by forcing them to implement a program after
they had recommended that it be postponed.
Mr. Newman urged the Committee to postpone the all morning kinder-
garten as he had done previously. He said he knew it was difficult to
change one's mind because of the pressures but teachers and parents
had been articulating many valid concerns, and pleaded with the mem-
bers to listen to their messages. He said that the lobby that init-
iated support for the program should also reconsider and release the
commitments of those who feel promised to support their cause.
Mrs. Koplow was disturbed at the insinuation that the School
Committee members had made a commitment to a particular group and that
• was the reason for the vote.
She said that she and the other School Committee members had
Lexington School Committee Minutes - May 5, 1987 Page C
studied the recommendation of the Superintendent's Early Education
Study and recognized the need for substantial support of children in
their beginning school experience in order to build a firm foundation
for success in their later school years.
She voiced her resentment towards the attack on the integrity of
the Committee. She said that the School Committee members had not
attached itself to any special interest group or groups.
Maureen Sullivan, Bridge School teacher, said the Early Education
Program report was specific in its recommendations and it Was just too
much of a strain on classroom teachers for 1987-88. She urged the
members to listen to its staff .
Mr. Clough thanked everyone for their comments and expressions of
feelings on the all morning kindergarten program implementation.
Ted Chuang presented comments on the proposed student feedback STUDENT REPORT
system at the High School. He said that he would send the comments to
the LEA/SC evaluation steering committee for consideration.
evaluation steering committee.
At this point, Mr. Newman stated he wanted to acknowledge that DR. PIERSON'S Nati
Dr. Pierson had announced he would be accepting a new position as the POSITION
Superintendent of Schools in Vienna, Austria. He said his absence
would pose a void in the school system. He expressed congratulations
to him on his new position. He said it would be,a great loss to Lex-
ington. The entire Committee echoed Mr. Newman's remarks.
Dr. Waring and Carol Kerrissey presented highlights of the Alter- ALTERNATE
nate Program of Study conducted at Lexington High School. She said EDUCATION PROGRAM
that since September 1986, she had undertaken a study to assess how LEXINGTON HIGH
Lexington High School students could be helped to take better ad- SCHOOL
vantage Of the educational opportunities that the School offered
especially for those students who did not feel connected. She pro-
jected that the study would provide some insight into possible reme-
Mr. Clough said he was concerned that the issues in the Alternate
Education Program were still alive after three years of expressing
concern. He hoped that the needs of these students who were falling
through the cracks would finally be acknowledged and that the neces-
sary programs would be provided for them. He hoped that a model could
be produced. Other members agreed. It was also agreed that Dr.
Pierson and Dr. Waring would study the report by Mrs. Kerrissey and
return with recommendations for the School Committee at a future date.
Mr. Clough announced that it was nA^Ac==ry to begin thestructur- SUPERINTENDENT
ing of the process to recruit and appoint a new Superintendent. Mem- SEARCH
bers suggested Dr. Pierson give his views on the process also. Dr.
Pierson responded that it was important to start as early as possible
and have a new superintendent in Lexington no later than July 1, 1988.
The School Committee members agreed that it would be important to
Lexington School Committee Minutes - May 5, 1987 Page 3
start as early as possible.
Mr. Newman suggested considering a consulting firm to work with
the School Committee in its quest. After a discussion of whether a
consultant was needed or not, it was the consensus of the School Com-
mittee that a consultant should be considered and that contacts be
made and interviews of consultants be arranged. It was also agreed
that the School Committee goal would be to try to find a new superin-
tendent as soon as possible but no later than July 1 , 1988. It was
agreed that the School Committee would send to Mr. Barnes names of
possible consultants, He would establish a list for School Committee
considertaion. It was
VOTED: to convene in Executive Session at 11:13 p.m. to discuss mat-
ters pertaining to negotiations and financial matters. (Yes,
Koplow; Yes, Leader; Yes, Newman; Yes, Wik; Yes, Clough)
The Chairman announced the School Committee would return to pub-
lic session.
The School Committee reconvened in Public Session at 11:42 p.m.
The Chairman announced the details of beginning the search for a
new Superintendent of Schools and also that Bridge School options
(redistricting) would be discussed at the nest School Committee meet-
It was
VOTED: to adjourn at 11:55 p.m. (Wik, Koplow, Unanimous)
Respectf y submitted,
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Recording S , retary
APPROVED: November 17, 1987