HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-07-SC-min Lexington School Committee Minutes - April 7, 1987 Page 1
A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held on Tuesday,
` April 7, 1987 at 8:00 p.m. in the Lexington High School Student
Library. Present were: Wik, Newman, Koplow, Leader, Clough and
Student Representative Ted Chuang. Also present were: Zimmerman,
Barnes, Macinnes and DiGiammarino.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: to accept the Schedule of Pa ments as l SCHEDULE is Pd on Pages 9E and 5 LE OAF
and 9EA. (Koplow, Newman, Unanimous) (Po be embodied in the PAYMENTS
Official Minutes. )
Th= third reading of theConstitution oftheLexington High School CONSTITUTION
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Senate was held. The School Ccmr ttee e prPPPP:'. ito th s Mr. READING
ank_ to THIRD REP.
George Southwick and Dr. Michael Waring and all those who participated
in the development of the LHS Senate Constitution. 7t was
VOTED: LHS Seale Constitution.to approve the new Senate °i' uti (Newman, Leader,
Unanimous) (To be embodied in the Official Minutes. )
Ted Chuang also thanked all parties involved over the last several
years both students and staff in the development of the Constitution.
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: to accept the Personnel Changes - Certified as listed on PagePERSONNEL CHANGES-
97. (Koplow, Leader, Unanimous) (To be embodied in the Of- CERTIFIED
ficial Minutes. )
VOTED: to accept the Personnel Chances - Classified as li=ted on PERSONNEL CHANGE5-
Page 97-A. (Leader, Koplow, Unanimous) (To be embodied in CLASSIFIED
the Official Minutes. )
VOTED: to accept the Personnel Changes - Food Services as listed onPERSONNEL CH NG
Page 97-."3. (Koplow, Newman, Unanimous) (To be embodied in the
Official Minutes. )
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: to accept the request for extended paid sick leave as noted EXTENDED PAID SICK
on Face 98 for the employee named if necessary. (Newman, LEAVE
Koplow, Unanimous)
VOTED: to accept the list for Non-tenured Staff for which there would NON-TENURED STAFF
be no guaranteed positions available for the next school year
as listed on Pace 99. (Koplow, Newman, Unanimous) (To be
embodied in the Official Minutes. )
The first reading of the Special Abilities Program Policy was con- SPECIAL ABILITIES
ducted. At the conclusion of the reading, the following requested in- PROGRAM POLICY
formation: Jan Welch requested a copy of the policy;following requested
felt that the issue of having a program in the middle schools (Grade E)
needed review; Pat McClure said the policy suggested by the School
Committee should be available to any child and not differentiate ser-
vices for the gifted. She requested the School Committee review the
Lexington School Committee Minutes - April 7, 1987 Page 2
policy before making a final decision.
The Elementary Foreign Language Report was postponed. ELEMENTARY FOREIGN
Dr. Waring presented his position regarding the need for extra HIGH SCHOOL COURSE
staff at the High School. He reviewed options that would include OFFERINGS
additional staff from 1 - 2 112, persons. Members of the School Com-
mittee expressed their concern with some class sizes and the composi-
tion of some of the class sizes by levels. A review of possible
larger and smaller class sizes is needed
Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was
VOTED: to accept the Clarke Middle School Improvement Council grants CLARKE MIDDLE
as listed on Page 101. (Newman, Koplow, Unanimous) SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT
Long-range plan (fourth annual report) for computers and the use LONG-RANGE PLAN
of technology in the Lexington Public Schools was presented by the FOR COMPUTERS
Assistant Superintendent Isa Zimmerman. In addition, the following
persons highlighted the following areas. Martha Stanton - video disc
and other technology; Beth Lowd - professional development; Ed Good -
information science; and Frank DiGiammarino - future plans. Committee
members thanked the team for a very comprehensive and effective pre-
sentation. The report given is on file at the Professional Library,
Lexington High School.
It was agreed to postpone the Needs Assessment Program with NEEDS ASSESSMENT
specifics for the middle school assessment to be decided upon and sent PROGRAM
back to the School Committee for feedback prior to release.
It was
VOTED: to convene in Executive Session at 11:30 p.m. to discuss mat-
ters pertaining to contract negotiations. Yes, Newman; Yes,
Wik; Yes, Koplow; Yes, Leader; Yes, Clough.
The Chairman announced that the Committee would not be returning
to Public Session.
Respec ,f' ly submit d,
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.:ouaro H. arnes
Recording ,Secretary
VOTED: June 22, 1987