HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-01-14-LBAC-min APPROVED MEETING NOTES LEXINGTON BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 2019 Lexington Community Center, Room 232 Members present: Peggy Enders (Chair), Bob Hausslein (Chair, FoLB), Bob Dangel, Kevin Falcone, Lou Savarino, Jennifer Melot, Omar Khudari, George Gagliardi, Mike Tabaczynski, Joe Pato (Selectman Liaison) Others present: Ross Morrow (Assistant Town Engineer), Matthias Beebe, Tom Fortmann Proposed Bikeway Ramp: The Committee reviewed the request for support of a proposal from Lexington resident Tom Shiple regarding a ramp behind Cary Hall. The design would involved two switchbacks to achieve ADA grade and would cost about $30K. Peggy said there have been several discussions in the past (e.g., design for Center Streetscape included an access point from Mass Avenue in that area) about a ramp in that area, since some bikeway users take that shortcut down to the parking lot behind the town office complex. Comments from Committee members included: Mike Tabaczynski said that we should wait until the Center Streetscape or Police Department design is finalized so the project can be integrated. Bob Dangel said that the ramp wouldn't be negotiable by a bike due to the switchbacks; Mike Tabaczynski agreed, saying that pedestrians will also just walk straight down, so effectively the ramp would just be for people in wheelchairs. Tom Fortmann suggested that a curb cut be made at the end of the existing path; it would save $30K, he said. Another member said that Fletcher Street is not that far away; most would just stay on their bikes instead of dismount. Lou said he thought this was "not a $30K problem," and that "we should express support in the spirit of ADA compliance, but this ramp appears to be a bit of a bridge to nowhere." if coming from the west, someone said, a uniform slope is the way to go and could satisfy ADA and also be negotiable by bicyclists (although it would be a long ramp). Ross Morrow suggested another possibility: an ADA-compliant switchback ramp + a bike-negotiable ramp right next to it. He said that, even if the ADA ramp was not a committee top priority, other voices in town (i.e., Disabilities Commission), may be in favor of it. Joe Pato said that he was not familiar with this request from the disabilities group. Bob Dangel made a motion to table discussion for a few meetings; the majority of committee members were in favor. Advice to the Board of Selectmen: LimeBikes, E-bikes, and Other Issues Peggy said she is scheduled to go before BoS on Feb 4 to present an update on a number of topics: LimeBikes, e-bikes, the current laws, etc. She said that the Tri-Town bike committee group supports allowing pedal-assist e-bikes up to 20 mph on the bikeway. The Committee discussed the national classification system that has been adopted by many states; those standards allow Class 2 e-bikes (with throttle) on shared paths. Omar said that deviating significantly from the national effort would be going against the tide. Peggy said that Galen Mook pointed out that the bikeway towns can develop local rules if it wants. She added that the message to the BoS needs to be that safe on-road bike infrastructure is the important issue — to provide a place for faster riders and accommodate classes of a-bikes that don't belong on trails. Peggy said that, at the tri-town meeting, speed and passing rules were also discussed, The consensus was to urge a speed limit of 15 mph during congested times. The tri-town group was also in support of burma shave signs rather than metal signs. Peggy mentioned Galen Mook's plan to make a video to target "jerk riders" and post it on twitter, Facebook, YouTube. He is asking for financial support from the Friends. Peggy said that the bikeway kiosks — where maps and bikeway information and guidelines would be posted — are still in limbo after several years, even though Town Meeting approved the funding. . Kevin said that posting a speed limit on the kiosks may not be effective, as people may not stop and read. Tom Fortmann said that the message to users really needs to be "adjust your speed to the conditions". Peggy and Omar have been looking into some LimeBike concerns of the Board. Mike said the bikes are very popular in Arlington; he thinks Lexington might just be on the fringe of the LimeBike range, which is why we get more abandoned ones. MassDOT Draft Bike Plan: Peggy said she hopes the BoS are aware of this document and asked Joe if the MassDOT regional goals could inform the town's goals. Budget recommendations in September are informed by BoS goals, he said. Tom Fortmann expressed concern that the data regarding dooring is mostly not reported in general car-bike crash data because the car isn't moving. He expressed the wish that the issue was dealt with by the town in the context of safety; bike lanes that are painted without a buffer zone to protect from dooring are not safe bike lanes. Peggy reiterates need for bike coordinator in town whose responsibility is to focus on and coordinate town department decisions and budget on issues like this. At tri-town meeting, Peggy reported that Terry Gleason wants the three towns to join forces on some kind of middle school bike education program. Liaison reports: Ross Morrow said he is invited to route 2A multimodal transportation design meeting being led by Toole Design group. Mike Tabaczynski mentioned that even a crosswalk in a western segment of the road would help. Lou will take the lead on Bike Walk `n Bus Week 2019. Joe Pato mentioned that apparently Mass Ave will be shut down in Lexington center for discovery day. The meeting was adjourned. Record of the Discussions of the Friends of Lexington Bikeways The Treasurer's Report was given. With no solicitation this year, already have received $5K in donations. The On the Path book netted $95. We donated the remainder of the books to Bowman School for a fundraiser. $858 was netted from t-shirt sales. Bob Hausslein reported on the meeting with the new Town Manager about the snow plowing agreement. He said that DPW will move barrels back after plowing. There formal agreement with the town on plowing logistics has been updated. The actual agreement is with the Bicycle Advisory Committee and the Board of Selectmen; the Friends solicit the donations. Smart Cycling - Lou reported that he has been in touch with Peter Coleman about this year's program, saying he would like to offer four programs instead of two this year. Peggy mentioned that in the MassDOT bike plan, some towns use teens to help younger kids learn to ride. Since the School Committee appears uninterested, perhaps the schools need to be approached through the Wellness Program coordinator. Bikeway Sandwich Boards: Great Harvest and MA France sandwich boards in the bikeway right of way were discussed. Peggy said she had talked with Dave Pinsonneault about the decision of the Board of Appeals to allow Great Harvest to put a sign near the bikeway, but the BoA letter stated that the sandwich board needed to be on their private property. The signboard is right next to the bikeway pavement, on the ROW. (Bob Hausslein suggested that, since this is a regulatory issue, it should be part of LBAC meeting.) Recorder: Jennifer Melot Editor: Peggy Enders