HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-06-15-BOS-min 564 SELECTMEN'S MEETING June 15, 1961 A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Thursday evening, June 15, 1961, at 9:30 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs . Adams and Cole were present. The Executive Clerk was also present. The Chairman read a letter from the Cemetery Department .advising that Mr. George Hynes had re Cemetery signed as Chairman due to failing eyesight. He Commissioners will continue as a member of the Board and Mr. Gail Smith will assume the Chairmanship. Letter was received fromMrs . Lillian Cumming, 2027 Massachusetts Avenue, advising that she would like to go on record in favor of allowing Mr. Millican of Lexington Gardens todo the work on his property Lexington he thinks necessary. Gardens It was agreed to acknowledge the letter and advise Mrs . Cumming that the Board of Selectmen has nothing to do with the decisions rendered by the Board of Appeals . Letter was received from the Boston and Maine Rail- road relative to the ehange in type of crossing as an extension of Edison Way. If the Town changes its peti- Edison Way tion to both the County Commissioners and the Department of Public Utilities, the Railroad would still insist upon automatic flashers with pedestrian bell at the proposed pedestrian crossing in the interest of safety to the local residents. Letter was received from the Planning Board rela- tive to lot* 22-25, inclusive, on Marvin Street for which the Board had received an offer from Mr. Alfred Tax title Iodice . The Planning Board staff is presently pre- paring a redevelopment plan for the arrested subdivision in this area and does not recommend selling these lots. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that it would not be in the best interest of the Town to dispose of the property at the present time . Mr. Iodice ' s offer was, therefore, rejected. The Chairman reported that it was brought to her attention that there is some $10,000 of unppid water 565: bills. She stated that John Carroll explained that automatically on January first the water bills are re- ferred to the Tax Collector, but during the year, nothing is done and the amounts increase . Nothing is done in Water the way of dunning people . She stated that Mr. Jefferson bills suggested that Lexington might do what some other towns have done , and that is to allow a discount for the bills that are paid by a certain date . Mr. Adams said this subject brought up the Executive Secretary. It was decided not to take any action at the present time . No action was taken relative to the Town Meeting next Monday night . With referenee to the appointment of a Gas In- spector, the Chairman agreed to discuss the subject Gas Inspector with Mr. Irwin. The draft of recommended duties for an Execu- tove Secretary was discussed and Mr. Adams suggested that the first items on the list should be coordination Executive of the offices, charge of personnel, and budgets. He Secretary said the budgets should be all reviewed before being presented to the Board for action. The Chairman reported tht she had received an application from James E. Enright, Assistant Chief of the Department of Corporations and Taxation. It was agreed that she discuss the position with Mr. Enright . Upon motion duly made andseconded, it was voted to give the Town employees Monday, July 3, 1961, off thereby making it possible for the employees to enjoy Holiday a long holiday weekend; the Town Offices being closed Monday, July 3, 1961, and Tuesday,July 4, 1961. The Chairman reported that Mr. Stevens is about to pass papers on the Hayden property and the family is still occupying the premises . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Mr . Stevens toproceed with passing the papers with the Hayden organization and the Board would assume the responsibility of vacating the pro- perty. Further consideration was given to the appoint- ment of a member of the Town Celebrations Committee to 566: ;� r On replace Mrs . Williams who declined reappointment. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Mrs . Linda M. Fernberger, 50 Spring Street, to serve on the committee for a three-year term expiring March 31, 19614.. Further consideration was given to the appointment of a member to the Board of Health. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Mr . James M. West, 135 Simonds Road, to the Board of Health for a three-year term expiring June 1, 1964. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. A true record, Attest: ecdtiv (11 Cler Select n a I • I