HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-05-01-BOS-min 46T, SELECTMEN'S MEETING May 1, 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, May 1, 1961, at 7:30 P.M. Messrs . Adams, Ferguson, Richards, and Cole were present. The Execu- tive Clerk was also present. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Chairman to elect Mr . Adams Chairman pro tem. Hearing was declared open upon petition of the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone Pole lo- and Telegraph Company for permission to locate four cations poles on Coolidge Avenue . Notice of the hearing was mailed to the appli- cants and to the owners of property listed on the petitioners , blueprint. Mr. Consilvio, representing the telephone com- pany, and Mr. Mahon, representing the Boston Edison Company, were the only individuals present for this hearing. Mr. Mahon explained that the poles are to be set to take care of the new church. No one being present in favor or in opposition, the hearing was declared closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition and sign the order . Hearing was declared open upon petition of the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for permission to locate one pole on Preston Road. Notice of the hearing was mailed to the applicants and to the owners of property listed on the petitioners ' blueprint . Mr. Glenn C . Wright, 67 Simonds Road, and Mr. Herbert A. Melhorn, 2 Preston Road, were present Et the hearing. Pole Mr. Mahon explained that there is an existing 3/o location pole now on Preston Road in front of Mr. Frank Powers ' property and the feed from this pole comes from a pole on Simonds Road. He stated that the telephone company has eighteen or twenty loops which it desires to form into a cable and run from the pole on Simonds Road to a new pole on Preston Road as indicated on the plan. He said Mr. Melhorn, 2 Preston Road, has requested the tele- lame 468 phone company not to cross his property overhead with. wires, hence the petition to relocate between the pro- perty of Wright and Powers . Mr. Wight said that Mr. Consilvio asked him about a week ago for permission to run one cable . He said Mr. Powers wants to put a driveway in and this will bring it over five feet on his dide . If he wants to put a driveway in, which he may have to do for the second car, he questioned how it could be done. He said his frontage on Preston Road is sixty feet. Mr. Mahon explained to both gentlemen exactly where the proposed pole would be located on the lot line and both agreed tht there would be no objection if it were located on the lot line . The hearing was declared closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition and sign the order inasmuch as the pole is to be located on the lot line . Hearing was declared open upon petition of the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for permission to locate one hip guy and anchor on Wood Street . Notice of the hearing was mailed to the peti- tioners and to owners of property listed on the peti- Hip guy tioners ' blueprint. & anchor Mr. Pasquale P. Barbieri, 59 Wood Street, was present at the hearing . Mr. Consilvio explained that there is a tree opposite the pole 115/11 that is going tokbe re- moved. He said that coming around Wood Street there is a curve which tends to give a stress on that particular pole and the company would like permission to place a hip guy to supplement the tree . He stated that it will be on public property. Mr. Barbieri stated that this pole is attached to the tree at the present moment but the tree is decayed and he is going to take it down. He said a hip guy will detract from the landscaping he is going to have done and suggested that the Boston Edison Company move the tree to the boundary line . Mr. Mahon explained this is something for which the telephone company is responsible and there is a tree guy now on this pole attached to a tree on Mr . Barbieri ' s property. He said he looked at the situ- ation this afternoon and the line makes a crossover and that is the reason for trying to hold that pole as the crossover is made to the westerly side of the street . He stated that if the pole is brought back to the northerly line thirty-five feet, it would be . nn 469 added to a section which is 130.2 feet and that would make an abnormal section on the pole . He explained that they have difficulty in maintaining crossover poles particularly where there is a contour in the street as in this case . He explained it will not be an anchor guy, but a hip guy and it would be entirely in the public way. He said they do need something to hold that pole . Mr. Barbieri suggested placing this pole on the southern boundary and a second pole on the northern boundary. He said he wanted to go on record as being opposed to the hip guy in this location. The hearing was declared closed at 8:oo P.M. Messrs Mahon, Consilvio, Wright, Melhorn, and Barbieri retired. It was agreed to ask Mr. Carroll to contact Mr. Mahon relative to Mr. Barbieri ' s suggestion. Mr. Stevens and Mr. Carroll met with the Board . Mr. Stevens referred to the parcel of land to be acquired by the Town, authority having been obtained by vote of Town Meeting in 1960, from the Trustees of the Tower estate . Tower land Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign an Order of Taking by eminent domain. Mr. Stevens said he thought he had mentioned that the Governor is proposing a reorganization of the MDC and it is coming up again tomorrow morning as S-590. He said he thought the Board should consider if it wants him to represent the Board at the hearing. He explained the bill and stated that it puts all the department S-590 heads directly under the Governor. Mr. Richards asked if there was any chance of the bill being passed and Mr. Stevens replied that he did not think so but it seemed to him only proper for some- one to appear at the hearing . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Mr. Stevens to represent the Board at the hearing, and to register opposition. Mr. Stevens reported that he had received Mr. Reenstierna' s appraisal of the properties on Burlington Burlington Street but he neglected to put them in his file . He Street said he would discuss them with Mr. Carroll. appraisals The Chairman inquired as to the status of the Herzog situation and Mr. Stevens stated that on March I17 Mr. Herzog wrote him acknowledging the plan Mr. 470' Stevens had sent him and said he was working on a proposal which he would submit to Mr. Stevens . Mr. Stevens then checked with Herzog' s attorney who did Order of not know the letter had been written. Taking Mr. Stevens reported that he wrote Herzog on Herzog land April 5 and told him that unless he heard from him by April 15, he would proceed with the preparation of an order of takirmg. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Mr. Stevens to proceed with the Order of Taking. Mr. Stevens retired at 8:19 P.M. The Chairman read a draft of a letter to be sent to Chief Engineer, E. J. McCarthy, with reference to Route 128 the widening of Route 128 and the effect it would have widening on Lexington. The letter was approved as read and it was agreed to send copies to Governor Volpe, Senator James J. Long, Representatives John Brox, Stanley J. Bocko and C ommis- sioner Jack P. Ricciardi. Notice was received from the State Department of Public Works of a hearing to be held at the Court House Hearing in Cambridge on May 10 at 10:00 A.M. in the matter of the alteration of the bridge on Route 128, carrying the Lexington branch of the Boston and Maine Railroad over Route 128. A copy of the notice was given to Mr. Carroll. Letter was received from Walter C . Birchler, 472 Marrett Road, together with a letter he received from the State Department of Public Works in reply to repeated complaints regarding a drainage problem in his neighbor Drainage hood. Mr. Carroll presented a plan of the area and ex- plained that there is a culvert under Marrett Road and stated that six or seven years ago, the Town extended the pipe . He has talked to theState Engineer and sug- gested that if the culvert was dropped and the pipe lowered by the Town, the situation would be corrected to a large extent. It was agreed to advise Mr. Birchler that the problem is strictly a State matter but the Board would keep in touch with the situation and see what can be done when the new State budget goes into effect . Mr . Pierce, of the Mystic Valley Gas Company, met Sas Inspector with the Board. He stated that his company received a letter from the Chairman asking if any help could be 471 offered relative to appointme ;t of a Gas Insp. ctor. He said that last year they installed 282 appliances in Lexington and also ran gas into 76 new homes . He said it could he assumed that the plumbers and dealers had at least that much more , and that would give the Board an idea of the volume of inspecting the Inspector would have to do . He said the inspections would run over 500 a year and this would expand as the Town expands . He said he thought the Board could look forward to 700 in- stallations . He explained that his company' s work is contract work and done by plumbers and gas fitters. Mr. Richards said that,in the employment of a man for Inspector, he assumed a licenses plumber would have had sufficient experience and Mr. Pierce said that was right. Mr. Pierce said the Plumbing Inspector in Arlington is also the Gas Inspector . In Winchester, the Electrical and Building Inspector is also Gas Inspector . Mr. Richards asked if the Mystic Valley Gas was the only company selling gas in Lexington and Mr. Pierce replied in the affirmative . Mr. Pierce said in Malden, Medford, Everett and Melrose , the Plumbing Inspector is also Gas Inspector. Burlington' s Plumbing Inspector is also Gas Inspector. Mr. Pierce stated that in Arlington, Winchester, Melrose and Revere , the fee for gas permits is 50 for the installation of an appliance and if more than one appliance is installed, the fee is 50 for each appliance . In Malden, the fee is 504 Medford, $1.00; Everett, 42.00 for a new house and $1.00 for remodeling. He stated that 50¢' is more general than $1.00. He said in sane Towns there is a combination price . In Belmont the package price is $2.50 and in Burlington it is $1.50. The Chairman asked if a Master Plumber would be competent enough to be the Gas Inspector, and Mr. Pierce replied that most of his company' s work is done by a Master Plumber . He explained that very few cities and towns require a Master Gas Fitter. Mr. Pierce retired at 8:40 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. James Flynn met with the Board. Mrs . Flynn explained that they were representing the High School PTA. :and 14an dt© knnW: he;ther:.aroncht' axa . . thing could be worked out whereby they could have a portable trailer to operate concessions at the football PTA conces- games . They would like to have it for the duration of sion trailer the football season and store it at the Public Works Department. They have in mind a plan such as is used in Winchester. Over there the Public Works Department 472. 0.3 takes care of setting it up in the field and takes it to the Public Works yard for storage . The PTA would like to interest a service club to sponsor the trailer but before trying that, she would like to know if such an arrangement could be made with the Town. She explained that the funds realized are used for the High School Scholarship Fund and an amount is also given to the Student Council. Mr. Richards asked who would own the trailer and Mrs . Flynn replied that would depend on who sponsored it . In Winchester, the Rotary; Club is the sponsor. Mr. Richards said someone would have to be re- sponsible . Mr. Carroll asked how large the trailer would be, and Mr. Flynn replied that it would be 19 feet long and 8 feet wide , inside measurements. Mr. Richards said that he thought the Town would have to be held harmless for any damage that might come to the trailer. Mrs . Flynn explained that all equipment is removed at the end of the season and the gas tanks are outside the trailer when in operation . Mr. Carroll asked if the trailer could be stored outside and Mr. Flynn replied that it definitely could be . The Chairman said the Board would let Mrs . Flynn know its decision. Mr. and Mrs . Flynn retired at 8:55 P.M. Mr. Carroll said he could see no problem if the trailer is stored outside . It was agreed that the Chairman should advise Mrs . Flynn verbally that it appears at the moment as though there would be room enough to store the trailer in the Town yard. Mr. Carroll retired at 9:00 P.M. Chief John W. Rycroft met with the Board. The Chairman said the Board wanted to talk to him about a few things and the first was to be brought . Sergeant up to date on the case of Sergeant Russell . Russell Chief Rycroft said he had no information on that as it would all be going through the Board. The Chairman mentioned the length of time Sergeant Russell has been out sick and receiving his pay. The Chief explained that if Sergeant Russell has what he is supposed to have and might drop dead on the job, it would be bad publicity to have him working, and the accusation would be that he was forced to work when he was physically unfit . 472 Mr. Richards asked if the Chief sent anyone to examine a man when he has been out for a certain length of time, but had not applied for retirement . The Chief replied that usually a doctor is sent down but it has never been done in Lexington. Mr. Richards said he thought the Selectmen should authorize the Chief to have a doctor examine a man who had been out for a period of time and the Board should authorize a doctor to check on Sergeant Russell right now. The Chief suggested that the Board has waited this long and it might be well to wait a little longer. Mr. Richards said he was disturbed because the Town is paying a man and no one has the facts as to his status . The Chairman asked what would happen if the medical panel did not recommend retirement, and the Chief replied that he would have to report back to work or his salary would be stopped. Mr. Richards said he felt the Board of Selectmen is duty bound to do something about the Russell case . Mr. Ferguson asked how long the Chief would keep a man on extended sickness on the payroll. Chief Ryeroft replied that Officer Mowatt was kept on the payroll for a year . Mr. Ferguson asked if he brought the subject to the Board' s attention and Chief Rycroft replied in the affirmative . Mr. Fgrguson asked how long he was paid before the mattelr was discussed with the Board, and Chief Ryeroft replied about ninety days . Mr. Ferguson asked how long Sergeant Russell had been out, and Chief Rycroft replied he worked a few days in February and has been out ever since . Mr. Ferguson said he has been out almost ninety days now and then it is about time for the Chief to bring the case before the Board. Mr. Cole called Dr. Treat, Chairman of the Medical Panel and reported back to the Board that the doctor' s secretary has been instructed to arrange a meeting with Dr. Joseph and Dr. Mooney and he has not heard from his secretary. She will call Miss Murray tomorrow. The Chairman said that most of the members of the Board have, at one time or another, had complaints about Officer McSherry. The Chief said he received complaints also. He talked to the Officer and for about two months, he was better . He said people come to him and complain but 474 `mob immiq w..b when asked if they will put the complaint in writing, they refuse . He said he could not bring him in without charges . He stated that he intends to keep the officer on the last half every night and to explain to him that he will have to stay on the last half until he can control his language . He asked if the Bca rd had any objection to his proposal to keep Officer McSherry on the last half every night. The Chairman said the Board would support the Chief in whatever he plans to do. The Chairman informed the Chief that a delegation from Hayes Lane met with the Board last week relative to activities at the Y.F.W., and it came down to the question of whether the law is being enforced. Chief Rycroft stated that these individuals have been making charges over a period of time but not to him. No complaints were made to him until after the last hearing before the Board of Appeals . The petition was denied and at that meeting, there was something said about liquor. He said the same three individuals who mat with the Board last week came to see him with the liquor law manual. He told them to give him three weeks to see what could be done . The Chief said }e dad never V.F.W. been in the building and told them to let him know at Complaint the end of three weeks if conditions improved. He has never heard from them. The Chief called David Toomey and obtained the name of the Commander, Benoit . He told him to bring his officers with him as he wanted to talk to them. Benoit did meet with him and brought Mr. Garrity and Mr . Toomey with him. The Chief said there was no mincing of words and they claimed that the liquor was . downstairs and only members were allowed in. They promised at the time that no more liquor would be seen going in there . The Chief told them to have a meeting of the members and request them to stop slamming doors and making a noise when they left the club. The Chief explained that once a month, a plant Union meets in the club and the Elks had an organization meeting there, but he did not know if they would be hold- ing all their meetings there . He said there is bound to be some noise . He said without the liquor, there will be complaints about the noise . He said to the best of his knowledge , the situation is under control, and all he can do is watch it . Mr. Cole said Mr. Levis may have misunderstood that he was to report back to the Chief. The Chief said he would talk to Benoit again to find out what they have done . Chief Rycroft retired at 9:34 P.M. 475 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meeting held Minutes on April 24, 1961. The Chairman read a letter from Whitman & Howard, dated April 27, 1961, relative to the Yarin sewage dis- posal system. The Board of Health has an appointment to meet with the Board next Monday. At 9:50 P.M. , Mr. Arthur Burrell, Director of Civil Defense , met with the Board. He said the exercise last Friday and Saturday was substantially improved from the one a year ago. However, he ran into a problem which he knew existed but it came up rather forcibly on Friday. He said he was not at odds with anyone on a personal Civil basis but he thought the problem has to do with the know- Defense ledge and responsibility of the town employees as a group and particularly those in key positions . He said the existing town structure represents one of the biggest assets Civil Defense has and should incorporate as much as it can in Civil Defense . He said in the year and a half he has been working with these people as individuals, they have been very co-operative , but at no time has the responsi- bility ever been spelled out . He said when it becomes inconvenient to be co-operative , one can find some reason for being some place else . He said if Civil Defense is going any place, this has to be settled. He asked if the Town Department heads had a responsibility for Civil Defense plans or not and if they do have, then they have to accept that responsibility. He said on Friday, as a group, they were asked to be there at 4:30 to put in a fairly long evening . It was suggested that they could send qualified substitutes , someone familiar with the operation of the department . Howevr, at five minutes to six, none of them were there and the entire exercise was set up for their training and to test plans . Mr. Ferguson asked if anyone showed up and Mr. Burrell replied that some of them did. He said the effect was , of course , that the program never got off the ground. The Chairman said that most of them arrived between six and six thirty. He asked how long they stayed. Mr. Burrell replied that they were there until midnight . The Chairman said when he left, the police or health departments were not there . Mr. Richards asked how the request for them to he there at 4:30 went out . i 4,7.6 Ore �...� On Mr. Burrell replied that the formal details went out the eighteenth and they knew about it at least two months ago. He said he did feel that this entire Civil Defense activity does put an extra burden on these people and he thought the Selectmen should recognize it and give these people some guidance as how they should act . Mr. Cole said the Public Works covered with three men, John Carroll, Robert Higgins and Manuel Coscia. Mr. Burrell said he thought a policy should be set . Mr . Ferguson said his reaction was that the Board set the policy a year ago when it sent the department heads a letter . Now the Board receives a report that there was not the co-operation that was expected and this includes all department heads . He said the Board is now in the phsition where it reprimands them for not being there or asks them to co-operaterr Mr. Burrell said he thought what is involved is important enough to have these people willing to partici- pate . He said perhaps the approach is to come to the Selectmen and statecth.ht the exerciseis coming and then have the Board put out a directive . He said these fellows have to put some time in outside for develop- ment of plans for their departments and he has been trying to get them for three or four months . Mr. Burrell said he would like to spm about two months going over the preparation of this problem and then run this same exercise again. However, to do that, he would have to have some time from these people . The Chairman ahked how much time and Mr. Burrell replied that it would vary from department to department . Mr. Ferguson said it would probably not be held until fall and suggested that Mr. Burrell advise the Board that he would like to have it and then the Board could send out a notice to the department heads. Mr. Burrell said what he needs is plans . Mr. Ferguson said that if the department heads are told a test is going to be held, it might be one way to get the plans . The Chairman stated that all the men are full-time employees and asked if they were entitled to do the work in their regular time . Mr. Ferguson replied in the affirmative ana said they should be told it is part of their town duties . He suggested that when Mr. Burrell has some idea as to the date, that he write the Board. The Board would then write to the department heads and tell them the plans should be in. Mr.. Burrell retired at 10:10 P.M. 47/ Upon motion duly made and seconded., it was voted to approve the petitions and sign orders for the fol- lowing j/o pole locations: Minola Road, Rumford Road, Pole and Tyler Road and Asbury Street, as follows : locations Minola Foad, southeasterly side , approximately 80feet southwest of Highland Avenue , One pole - hip guy and anchor. Minola Road, southeasterly from a point approximately 250 feet southwest of Highland Avenue , Three poles - guy wire and anchor on the 3rd pole . Rumford Road, southeasterly side , approximately 125 feet southwest of Laconia Street, - One pole . Rumford Road , southwesterly side, approximately 5 feet northwest of Young Street, - One pole . Rumford Road, southeasterly from a point approximately 240 feet southeast of Young Street, - Eight poles . 111 Tyler Road, northeasterly side, northwesterly fsom,a point approximately 20' northwest of Winchester Drive , - Five poles . Tyler Road, southwesterly side, opposite Blueberry Lane ,- One pole . Tyler Road, northeasterly side, northwesterly from a point approximately 50 ' northwest of Blueberry Lane , - Eight poles . Asbury Street, southwesterly side , approximately 70 ' southeast of Freemont Street, -- One pole - Guy wire and anchor. Asbury Street, westerly side, northerly from a point approximately 140 feet north of Balfour Street, - Four poles - Guy wire and anchor on the fourth pole . The Chairman explained that Mr . Irwin had in- quired about printing Bu,ldin.g, Plumbing and Sign -r ' 0.3 By-Laws for which an amount of 4600 had been included in the Building Department Expenses budget. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the low bid submitted by the Lexington Press, Inc . for printing the three by-laws in one booklet, using both sides . The price quoted far the budget was $51 .3.00 . Notice was received from the Massachusetts League of Cities and Towns advising that the Annual Meeting League will be held on Saturday, May 27, at the Hotel Bancroft in Worcester. The Chairman agreed to attend, representing the Board. Letter was received from the Memorial Day Committee inviting the Board to participate in the observance of 'memorial Memorial Day, May 30. Day Mr . Cole agreed to represent the Board and read the proclamation. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Appointment to appoint William P. Brenchick, Jr., representing the Lexington Marine Corps League , a member of the Memorial and Veterans' Day Committee . Letter was received from Paul B. Lloyd request- ing permis .ion, on behalf of the 4-H Horse Club, to h-H Horse conduct a horse show on Sunday, May 28, commencing at Show 10:30 A.M. on property owned by Mrs. W. John Baskin at the rear of Porter Bros. ' greenhouses on East Street, and to place directional signs to be removed after the show. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant both requests . Letter was received from Mr. Irwin, Building In- spector, advising that he would like to take his Vacation vacation one day a week throughout the summer months, in most instances Friday, starting about June 16. The Board had no objection. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to certify the character of Charles W. Campbell, 114 Cert . of Inc . Greenwood Street, who has applied for a Certificate of Incorporation, satisfactory character reference having been received from the Chief of Police . Application was received from Joseph Trani, Incorporated, for an indefinite extension of its trans- 1 479 I fer of its all alcoholic beverage license as a Package Goods Store from its present location at 1757 Massachu- setts Avenue to a building now in the process of com- pletion located at 1775 Massachusetts Avenue . The ex- tension was requested inasmuch ..s the interior of the Package building is not completed and the com .letion date is Goods Store uncertain. license Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the application for an extension of time to transfer the Package Goods Store license from 1757 Massachusetts Avenue to 1775 Massachusetts Avenue until July 1, 1961 . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to renew the following licenses : Trinity Pharmacy Sunday Sales renw' l . Woodhaven Country Store n " " Chester Willard Peddler n Li_. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint the following Special Police Officers for Appointments' terms expiring March 31, 1962; all having been checked Special i ' and approved by Chief Rycroft: Police SPECIAL POLICE COMMISSIONS Expiring March 31, 1961 Acheson, Eugene A. 2634 Massachusetts Ave . Allen, Charles D. 4 Paul Revere Road Allison,. Howard D. 115 Utica Street Anderson, Carl 41 Ledgelawn Avenue Baker, Ramon C . 14 Stratham Road Ballou, Sidney R. 2013 Massachusetts Avenue Barrett, Elliott J. 15 Donald Street Bickford, Walter E. 82 Waltham Street Brunn, Ewart M. 40 Downing Road Butler, Lawrence M. 24 Woodland Road Cabral, Joseph E. 47 North Street Calhoon, Albert J. 104 Simonds Road Carroll, James J. 17 Muzzey Street Clifford, Malcolm H. 54 Chase Avenue Colbert, Edward P. 794 Massachusetts Avenue Dearborn, Horace N. 16 Stratham Road Dearborn, Murray C . 16 Stratham Road 480 monk 110116111 SPECIAL POLICE COMMISSIONS (CONTtD. ) Dooley, Henry W. 77 Baker Avenue Dreselly, Andrew 12 Patriots Drive Erikhson, E. Alden 41 Preston Road Fifield, Donald M. 25 Adams Street Finney, Charles A. 36 Albemarle Avenue Flack, Clifford F. 41 Outlook Drive Foster, George E. 10 Plainfield Street Gagne , Maurice A. 18 Middle Street Galvin, Russell P. 21 Crescent Hill Avenue Greening, Caywood 688 Marrett Road Gazan, Samuel E. 112 Bertwell Road Howie , Colin A. 14 Scotland Road Jefferson, Charles E. 8 Alcott Road Jensen, Edmund M. 46 Fern Street Johnson, Joseph S. 51 Spbing Street Jones, Cecil 36 Woburn Street Josephson, Harold W. 33 Liberty Avenue Kakas, Edward G. J1J; Locust Avenue Kleinberg, Edward F. 41 Moreland Avenue Lannquist, Arthur 153 Shade Street Lewis, Raymond E. 11 Hancock Street Linfield, Arthur R. 58 Oak Street Licciardi, Frank G. 26 School Street MacDonald, Charles 24 Bernard Street Maloney, William E. 289 Bedford Street Martin, Clifford M. 6 Hillside Terrace MacLean, Ralph D. 9 Spring Street Melquist, John 86 Gleason Road Merz, William F. 252 Marrett Road Moretti, Joseph A. 8 Rindge Avenue Murphy, L. Francis 5 Bennett Avenue Myatt, Robert 9 Sunnyknoll Avenue Nickerson, Benjamin 81 Gleason Road Palermo, Victor 20 Avon Street Pierpont, Wilfred D. Jr. 4 Taft Avenue Polley, John D. 189 Wood Street Prescott, Robert 6 Forest Street 481 SPECIAL POLICE COMMISSIONS (CONTeD. ) Purinton, Richard M. 12 Oakland Street Redmond, James 7 Dunham Road Reed, Haskell W. 72 Lowell Street Reilly, John F. 43 Downing Road Richards, Randall W. 67 Farmcrest Avenue Richardson, Earl W. 18 Winter Street Ritter, Julius C . 13 Pine Knoll Road Rogerson, William G. 19 Homestead Street Rosendorn, Louis 50 Fottler Avenue Rossi, Anthony J. 2 Wheeler Road Ruocco, Louis 28 Theresa Avenue Ryan, William J. 21 Grant Place SAmuels, Frank T. Jr. 31 Grassland street Saunders, Robert W. 295 Marrett Road Sellars, John A. 430 Concord Avenue Seymour, Cyril V. 6 Paul Revere Road Shaw, James C . 24 Homestead Street Slader, Frederick 23 North Hancock Street Smith, Edward C . 55 Taft Avenue 111 Smith, Walter C . Jr. Sorenson, Axel 17 Coolidge Avenue 7A Revere Street Tucker, Ralph H. 100 Meriam Street Turner, Gerald C . 9 Hillside Terrace Walsh, James V . 152 Bedford Street Webb, Edmund A. 43 Hayes Avenue Wilson, Davis S. Jr. 24 Homestead Street Wright, Glenn 67 Simonds Road Young, Stanley R. 86 Winter Street Zittell, George S. 306 Lowell Street Reference was made to appointments to the--Town Celebrations Committee and Mr. Richards suggested Mr. Leo Poplawski, 14 Oxbow Rigid. Mr. Cole said he would contact Mr . Leo Gaughan Appointments and it was agreed to hold the appointments over another week. Appointments to the Board of Fire Commissioners and Board of Health were also held over. The meeting adjourned at 10:.35 P.M. A tree record, Attest: tiCi Exe c t ive. le rk, (Selectmerf