HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-04-24-BOS-min 458 CD SELECTMEN'S MEETING April P/1, 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, April 2L , 1961, at 7: 30 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs . Adams, Ferguson, Cole and Richards were present . Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, and the Executive Clerk were also present. Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, met with the Board for the drawing of two jurors . The following Jurors individuals were drawn for jury duty: Mr. Melvin J. Davis, 31t. Concord Avenue and Mr. Fletcher Ashley, 6 Moon Hill Road, were drawn for jury duty. Mr. Carroll informed the Board that the fi- nancial condition of the Town is causing him much concern, and explained that funds are not available because no money is coming in. He explained that to pay the school teachers from now, including April 28, and their vacations, will require $927,000 and he has on hand $761,000. Finances The Chairman said that the Town would not receive any sizable amount until next November and Mr. Carroll ggreed. He explained that with the schools, up until the end of June and not including bills, the figure is $1,009,190. Then he will have to borrow money be- cause there is not enough coming to to offset the school expenditures . He reported that the teachers ' payroll alone for every two weeks is $103,000 and in July and August, it is four times as much. He said he has to borrow but the question is, how much, and he will have to have the money the first of June to meet the large payroll at the end of June . Mr. Carroll retired at 7:45 P.M. Hearing was declared open upon petition of the Lexington Nurseries for permission to store 2,000 gallons of gasoline on premises at 1265 Massachusetts Avenue . Mr. Anthony Padudo, representing the petitioner, Mr. And Mrs. Earl J. Spears, 1359 Massachusetts Avenue , were present at the hearing. Notice of the hearing was mailed to the owners of all property deemed by the Board to be affected 459, thereby as they appear on the most recent local tax list and also advertised in the April 13, 1961 issue of the Lexington Minute-man. The application was approved by Mr . Bernard J. Belcastro, Chief Engineer of the Fire Department. Gasoline Mr. Padudo explained that the pumps will be main- hearing tained on the property for equipment owned by the nursery and will not be for resale . He stated that presently the nursery is purchasing gasoline from various gasoline stations . Mr. Spears said his only interest is its proximity to his property and whether or not it would affect his insurance . Mr. Padudo presented a sketch and explained that the tank and pump would be ten feet from the first greenhouse . Mr. Spears said as far as he could see, it would not come close to his property. He asked if the pump would be limited to the Lexington Nurseries or if Arlex would be driving trucks in and out. Mr. Padudo explained that this is for the nurseries only, that Arlex has its own pumps and is a separate entity. The hearing was declared closed at 7:53 P.M. , and the group retired. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant a license to the Lexington Nurseries to main- tain an underground tank for the storage of 2,000 gallons of gasoline on premises located at 1265 Massa- chusetts Avenue . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign an Exercise of Option Richard H. Soule and Phoebe H. Soule gave the Town for easements on Eldred Option Street. Mr. Stevens brought up the subject of terminating the water contract with the Air Force and reported that he talked With Mr. Toole , M.D.C . , today and he is ready to go over the contract . Colonel Wills said it Air Force would take a minimum of one month to clear the agree- water ment once it is agreed to . contract Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to extend until July 1, 1961 the time for terminating the water service contract with the United States, Contract No. AF 19 (604) - 781, dated May y, 1954. Letter was received from the Boston and Maine Railroad regarding the extension of Edison Way across € O the railroad, and the expense of Automatic flashing lights . The Chairman stated that a spring Town Meeting has been mentioned several times . She talked to Mr . Soule and Saturday morning had a meeting with Mr . Austin Fisher and Mr. Sanborn Brown, at which time it was agreed a date should be set, the 19th of June being favored. She stated that if the railroad crossing item was included in the warrant, it might be reflected in a letter to the Boston & Maine Railroad. Mr. Adams said he felt that a crossing should be provided to obtain the maximum use of the parking area and meters should be installed in the other two muni- cipal parking areas . He moved to insert an article in the warrant . Mr. Stevens explained that if the Board comes to the conclusion that there should be a pedestrian way, it would have to be laid out. Mr. Ferguson said that there could be a layout as a walk and a layout as a road. Mr. Stevens said he has never seen it done that way and it is a little contrary to statute . The Town Meeting can only accept what the Board has determined. He said he thought a bell would be satisfactory., The Chairman suggested sending a letter to the Boston & Maine asking what the cost would be if this was laid out as a pedestrian way. Mr. Carroll suggested deferring action until a fall Town Meeting because the parking area would be constructed and there would be an opportunity to determine whether or not a pedestrian way or a vehicular way is needed. Mr. Ferguson agreed with Mr. Carrollis suggestion to build the parking lot and then bring this up at a fall Town Meeting. The Chairman said as she understood it, what the Board wanted was to get information, construct the park- ing lot and then see what to work for. Mr. John Levis, le Hayes Lane , Mr. A. W. Dinia, 20 Hayes Lane , and Mr. John C . Ciance , 12 Hayes Lane , met with the Board. Mr. Levis said he would like to acquaint the Board with the conditions at 2 Hayes Lane, the Veterans of Foreign Wars ' headquarters . He stated that there were two meetings before the Board of Appeals for this organization; one in November, 1960, and one in February, 1961 . He said at the first meeting, he , and others, protested the parking conditions . At that time , members I of the organization were parking all over the street and several times the people coming in or going out had to go down to the bar and request them to move the cars'. He said the second time , three months later, they re- quested permission to enlarge the building. He felt at that time he would mention the liquor. He said every Friday, commercial liquor trucks unloaded beer for the bar, and from about 4:30 in the afternoon until one and two in the morning, cars were parked, doors slamming, loud goodbyes, all disturbing to the neighbors. He stated that Mr. Vendell Lichtenberg was promiseda retaining wall there which has never been built. He said he spoke to the Chief of Police and there was a question In his mind and he wanted to check the law. After reading it, he did say he would act on the situ- ation in regard to the liquor. Mr. Levis asked him if he would let him know the outcome, but he said they . would know by the conditions. He said this is two months later and the only improvement, is that they do not park there on Sundays . He said in April, the daily average number of cars was frau five to nineteen. Mr. Dinia said he was in agreement with what Mr. Levis said . He paid he has seen trucks delivering liquor through the basement window and everyone on Hayes Lane has seen what appears to be a breaking of the law. Mr. Ciance said he brought up the traffic at the last meeting . He said hhe cars coming in there create a traffic hazard. The children have to go to school and pass the parking lot with cars going in and out all hours of the day. ' Mr. Benoit, Commander of the V.F.W. , said the Chief of Police did speak to the organization. He said they do have beer in the club. Two years ago, the veterans offered to contribute $800 towards paving the road but the people complained because they would lose seven or eight feet of their property. He said the veterans are still willing to pay to help these people have a paved road. He stated that during the last snow storm, three cars, owned by people on Hayes Lane , were stuck in the club yard making it necessary for its snow plow to come back to complete the job of snow removal, at double the cost . He said the veterans were glad to permit these people to park on their lot and Mr . Lichtenberges .son parks on the lot every day and every night all night . Mr. Benoit said the veterans have policed them- selves . The club is closed every night at midnight and closed on Sundays . He said the auxiliary holds whist parties, but there are no beano games which are illegal. He said the children go to school at eight and return at three , during which time there are no cars going in 462 or out of the club. He stated that no one is permitted there on Sunday unless it is a wedding party and then there is a police officer on duty at all times . The Chairman said that obviously there is a differ- ence of opinion as to the way the club is operated. Mr. Richards said he did not think it is up to the Board to decide whether or not the club is breaking the law as that is up to the Chief of Police . He has examined Conditions and if the situation has not corrected itself, as Mr. Levis has alleged, then the Chief of Police should report to the Board. The group retired at 8:35 P.M. It was agreed to refer the matter to the Chief of Police and discuss it when he meets with the Board next Monday. Letter was received from the Board of Assessors advising that they expect the revaluation will be com- pleted one year from the date of the contract . They Revaluation voted on April 17 to award the contract to Cole , Layer & Trumble Company of Dayton, Ohio. It is expected that the photographic flights will be completed by the end of this month and the revaluation completed in time for reflection in the 1962 tax bills. Appraisals for damages on Burlington Street were held over. Mr. Stevens retired at 9:10 P.M. Mr. Carroll stated that C . C . & F. should receive an answer to the communication relative to the sewer under Route 128. He reported that he talked to the State representative again this week and found out C . C . & F. that the State wants water and sewer for the maintenance sewer depot on the westerly side of 128. It was indicated that the State would contribute for at least part of the cost of the sewer. He received a message today that now they do not want the sewer and he will have to get more information on that . Mr. Carroll referred to the pumping station and reported that the State will not go along with his sug- gestion for an access to the station, and he was ad- ' Pumping vised that the only thing to do is to write. Mr. McCarthy ! Station directly. He su -gested that the Board write Mr. McCarthy on the subject . He said very definitely he wanted a private access to the station. Mr. Richards suggested sending a copy of the letter going to Mr. McCarthy to Brox, Bocko, James Long, a call 463,_ to Robert Hunter and a personal letter to Governor Volpe . Letter was received from the State Department of Public Works relative to the establishment of a maintenance area on Route 128. Mr. Carroll said that there are funds in the Road Machinery Capital Outlay account to purchase a snow- fighter. Wood Bros . in Watertown offered a Walter Snow- Snowloader fighter completely rebuilt, 100% guarantee for the first winter. Mr. Richards reported unfavorably on this particular make and Mr . Carroll said he would like to check further. Further consideration was given to request from the Hancock Church for repairs to the sidewalk on Massachu- setts Avenue from Clarke Street to Forest Street. Sidewalk It was agreed to resurface the sidewalk from Clarke Street to the end of the church driveway. Letter was received from Mrs . Charles Toscano, 385 Lowell Street , stating that a sidewalk is needed on the other side of Lowell Street leading from the lights on Woburn Street to the corner of Peartree Drive . Sidewalk The Chairman stated that this is more or less tied in with the curbing and whatever decision is made relative to the Countryside area . Mr. Carroll reported on sidewalks and read a list of those requested by the School Department . He said one of the most important areas is Eldred Street and the School Department did not have this on the list . Sidewalk He said it should be carried down Grove Street to the School. It was agreed to do Eldred Street, Paul Revere Road, Forest Street, Lowell Street and a small portion of Grove Street . Mr. Carroll retired at 9:55 P.M. Letter was received from Eugene W. Pike , 10 • Churchill Lane , advising that he desires to acquire approximately 2,750 feet of land now owned by the Town and abutting his property. Pike ' s offer It was agreed to refer the communication to the to purchase • Planning Board, advise Mr. P ke that it has been re- land ferred and also tell him it will require a vote of a Town Meeting to dispose of the parcel if both Boards recommend it . 1 44 ,..w Report was received from Officer Forten re Mr. Brucchi ' s Brucchi ' s complaint about Adams ' dog. He has made com:plaint an investigation and is of the opihion that a hearing at this time is not warranted. Letter was received from John A. Bellizia with reference to his letter of November, 1960, relative to the acquisition of a portion of Meagherville for Tax title proposed expansion of the Pine Meadows Golf C lug. It was unanimously agreed that it would be in- advisable to dispose of the property. Further consideration was given to Mr. Joseph Casey' s offer of $200 for lot 23, block 89, on Garfield Tax title Street . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to entertain an offer of $500 plus sewer and water betterment assessments . , At 10:10 P.M. , the Planning Board met with the Selectmen in connection with the recommendation of Whitman & Howard that a cloverleaf be built on Route 128 to give an access to the Airport . Mr . Soule presented a plan entitled "Plan of Proposed Worthen Worthen Road Road from Massachusetts Avenue to Route 128" dated August 5, 1958, showing how this cloverleaf would serve Lexington. After some discussion, Mr. Richards said the answer to Whitman & Howard is that the Town does not, in the immediate future , intend to make any connection. The Chairman mentioned the date of June 19 for a Special Town Meeting and Mr. Soule said if the Select- men determined the date , the Planning Board would get as much done as it can. The Planning Board retired at 10:30 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Town Meeting to establish June 19, 1961 as a tentative date for a Special Town Meeting . The Chairman read a letter from Mr. McQuillan in reply to the Board' s request for information relative Board of to Mr. Yarin' s sewage disposal system. She reported Health that Mr. McQuillan was very Ouch disturbed because the Selectmen wrote to Whitman & Howard for information. It was 9 greed to make an appointment for the Board of Health to meet with the Selectmen. Letters of resignation from the Civil Defense organization were received from Mr. Robert E. Thompson, 465 , Radio Officer, and Mr. Daniel A. MacDonald, First Deputy Radio Officer. Resignations Mr. Cole reported that both individuals are involved in projects taking so much of their time that they are unable to continue with Civil Defense work. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignations with regret . Letter was received from the Board of Appeals with a list of possible appointees as the sixth Associate Appointment Member to be appointed following approval of the amend- ment to the Zoning By-Law by the Attorney General and the required advertising. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. George_ P. Morey, Chairman of the Lexington Contributory Retirement System, advising that Mr. Palmer, Accountant," has requested that Salary he receive more money for his services as ex-officio member of the Retirement Board. In view of the fact the Town Accountant ' s salary was recently adjusted, the Board was not in favor of an increase . Suggested names for appointment as Fire Commissioner were James West, Robert Farwell, and Earl Baldwin. Appointments Suggested names for appointment to the Town Cele- brations Committee were Leo Gaughan to replace Mr. Bongiorno and Mrs . Williams for re-appointment . Letter was received from the Lexington Historical Society advising that Donald R. Grant and Robert N. Cann were nominated by the Society to fill the term on the Historic Districts Commission which expires January 1, 1961. Appointment Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to re-appoint Mr. Donald R. Grant a member of the Historic Districts Commission for a term expiring January 1, 1966. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to renew the following licenses : Wardrobe ' s Pharmacy Sunday Sales renewal William G. Nowlin Guide 't Theron H. Gough Peddler n Licenses Joseph Trani, Inc . Package Goods transfer Town Line Pharmacy Sunday Sales renewal t • 466 IMO an Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted I Minutes to approve the minutes of the Selectments Meeting held on April 17, 1961 . specifications for an Executive Assistant was held over . The meeting adjourned at 11:25 P.M. A true record, Attest: et- ! -ec iveGClerkq Seleetme 4ti,-P P KYl I I 1