HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-04-17-BOS-min 446 0.10 SELECTMEN'S MEETING April 17, 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, April 17, 1961, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs. Adams, Cole and Richards were present. Mr . Stevens,. Town Counsel, Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, and the Executive Clerk were also present. Mr. Stevens referred to petition filed in the Land Court by Mr. Alexander Palladino, 201 Massa- chusetts Avenue , for registration of his land. He recalled that the Board had decided that Mr. Stevens was to find out if Lot 7-A had been registered, and Palladino he found out that it had hot been registered. The Land Board' s feeling, when this originally came up, was that if Lot 7-A was registered, it would go along with the straight line as indicated on the plan pre- sented at that time . Since it has not been registered, he checked with Mr . John Carroll for recommendations . Mr. Carroll reported that he had scheduled a meeting with Mr . Fred Joyce to see if he could find out exactly what the details are . Mr. Stevens mentioned the MDC sewer assessments and explained that under the provisions of Chapter 230 of the Acts of 1961, the MDC is authorized to NDC assess- change the percentages if they find inequities and ment must do so prior to December 31, 1961. He reported that it appears now that possibly Lexington will re- ceive a small reduction. Mr. Stevens retired at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Carroll reported that he had a conversation with Mr.Paul Shepard of C .C . & F. on the dump site and the C-3 zone . He presented a plan,. given to him Dump site by Mr. Shepard, and indicated sites #10 and #8. He pointed out three buildings they propose to erect along Hartwell Avenue and indicated where the Town would like access across C . C . & F. land. He stated that Mr. Shepard' s feeling was that there is a pos- sibility C . C . & F. would let the Town acquire all of the land they own between Hartwell Avenue and Site #10. Mr. Richards said that as near as he knew, with- out looking at the taking, it could be used for pur- pose of travel or agriculture. 447 Mr. Carroll said C . C . & F. could see no problem. He said a 12-inch water main was recommended to be placed in the road the Town is to build and it was to go from Westview Street down Maguire Road. He said he did not see any need for a water main on Maguire Road as Itek already has water. He said the question now is what future water requirements would be in the entire area. He said they talked about the possibility of running a water main down an easement which C . C . & F. would have to give the Town off Westview Street to Hartwell Avenue . It would serve their three buildings , but the Town would also have water for Site #8 develop- ment in the future . With reference to the C-3, Mr. Carroll recommended a 12-inch water main at Wood Street and Massachusetts C-3 zone Avenue over to Marrett Road and to extend the 8-inch line as far as the end of the construction for the present. He explained that there would then be a loop in the system. He stated that if the land is zoned for industry, water would have to be provided. Mr. Richards asked who decided it was going to be zoned for industry. Mr. Carroll replied he understood that the Plan- ning Board and the Board of Selectmen were in favor . 111 Mr. Richards said he agreed with the plan for extending the water, but he was not aware that the Board of Selectmen ever announced it was in favor of that land being zoned for industry. He said it would have to be coordinated with the National Park Service . Messrs. Stevens, McQuillan and Mr. Paul Yarin, 34 Webster Road, met with the Board. The Chairman said she thought Mr. Adams had talked with Mr. Yarin. He had met her and Mr. Adams one day and she referred him to the Board of Health. Yarin sewer She stated that she understood he had a meeting with system the Board of Health for a good part of an evening and was dissatisfied and wanted to see the Board. She said, in looking over the minutes of the meeting and the report of the Board of Health, she did not know why Mr. Yarin was dissatisfied . Mr. Yarin said he came bef6re the Board because he felt his problem was with the Selectmen because the health problem was already established. He said there is a point that he has definite proof that in installing the leaching field in building the house he lives in, no leaching field was put in but the in- spector' s certificate shows a diagram that the leaching field did exist. He said he could have the testimony of may witnesses that there is not a leaching field there and also the testimony of Judge Brooks of the 448E Middlesex Court who tookit up with the builder In a letter, the Judge states the; without any doubt there is no leaching field there . He explained that the Judge was there because of a suit Mr. Yarin had against the builder. The Chairman asked if Mr. Yarin was awarded damages but collected nothing. Mr. Yarin replied that he was awarded 63300 but there was nothing there because the corporation had been dissolved. He said the Board was reading the minutes of the Board of Health meeting which was a meeting so onesided he never thought he would become involved in a situation like that . The Chairman asked if when the house was built, the sanitary drainage was put in as sketched on the permit. Mr. Yarin replied that it was not put in at all . The Chairman said something else was put in after that and asked if that was what Mr. Yarin was asking the Town to pay for. Mr. Yarin replied that he was more concerned about living in a Town where such things could happen and he was interested merely in bringing to justice the situ- ation that Mr. Capone, the engineer for Whitman & Howard, inspected leaching beds, signed the permit and involved Mr. Lurvey. He said Mr. Capone did not do this entirely in the dark. Mr. Yarin contacted the plumber who worked on the house and he told Mr. Yarin exactly what Mr . Yarin found but did not witness the digging up. He told Mr. Yarin they ran a short pipe from the distribution box to the next door neighbor' s property to their leaching field. Mr. Adams asked for the date when Mr. Yarin pn- chased the house . Mr. Yarin stated he bought the house in 1957. He worked on the leaching field in the early part of 1959. The early part of 1959 he dug up to lookyyfor the leach- ing field and aTrunoff pipe fors twenty-five feet or to the neighbor' s property. He leaching was in the opposite direction and at that point he con- tacted Mr. Lurvey. He said this was after pumping the leaching field continuously. He said he submitted bills in Court in the amount of $250 just on pumping the leaching field. Mr. Lurvey told him he would have a man from Whitman & Howard come down and design a new leach- ing field if Mr. Yarin hired the contractors. He said he was of the opinion that Mr. Lurvey said the Town would pay for the engineering services, but he may have misunderstood and was not going to push because of his respect for Mr. Limey. He said they laid out a leaching 449 field that cost him $917 and it was a monstrosity. The Workmen would not guarantee the leaching field because it was not a sand design. They also told him _ it was ridiculous to build this if the sewer was coming in because it could have been built for $200 or $300. He said the Town Engineer laid it out and when the work was done , he went to Mr. Lurvey and told him they wanted $917. He said they had quite a discussion about misinterpretation of the statement . He said he paid the man the money and that was in May. He stated that in April and May the leaching field was put in. The trial came up and the Judge came out on June 17 and had the property dug up. It was found that nothing existed there , and the builder admitted nothing was there . He said the Court was brought there and it was part of the trial. On June 17, the Judge was there and on July 29, he wrote Mr. Yarints attorney a letter asking him to put the claim for the leaching field in the original suit against the builder. He said previous to that he had understood the Town was paying for it. He said he has no ax to grind with Mr. Lurvey. Mr. Richards asked what Mr.Yarin wanted tom the Town. Mr. Yarin said he thought there is a situation of corruption and he would like this matter cleared up. Mr. Richards said those were serious charges and asked for evidence of malfeasance . Mr. Yarin said he was referring to Mr. Capone , the man who signed the permit. He said it was signed by Mr. Capone as an engineer for Whitman & Howard represent- ing the Town to take the overload of the work off the Health Department.office . Mr. Richards asked if Mr. Yarin felt that Mr. Capone was guilty of wrong doing in the execution of the permit and asked if he enjoined him in the suit . Mr. Yarin replied in the negative . He said the first person he ever sued in his life was the builder. Mr.. Richards said he did not enjoin Mr. Capone . Mr. Yarin said it is not pleasant to come to the Town and sue an agent of the Town. He said he thought it could be worked out here . He said if it is of no concern to the Board, he did not know where he was living. Mr. Richards said Mr. Yarin was making a serious charge and he wanted to know the facts . Mr. Yarin aaid Mr. Capone was an agent of the Town. Mr. Richards asked what Mr.Yarin was indicating. The Chairman said the leaching bed was brought up in Court and the decision was in Mr. Yarin' s favor. Mr. Richards asked if Mr. Yarin challenged the inspection and Mr. Yarin replied that it could not be III inspection because he has a Judgets statement saying it never existed. He said the charges were not made H.a 4.50CD girD against the Town of Lexington. Mr. Richards said that Mr. Yarin had made a charge against I,hAgent of the Town. Mr. Yarin said he certainly was . Mr. Richards said he would like more details of the facts . He asked if Mr. Yarin had discussed this with Mr. Capone . Mr. Yarin replied that he never talked to him or never met him. Mr. Richards asked if he discussed it with Whitman & Howard. Mr. Yarin replied that he talked to an agent and he suggested, in a sarcastic manner, that I sue . Mr. Richards asked exactly what Mr. Yarin wanted now. Mr. Yarin said he would like the situation straightened out with Mr. Capone and Whitman & Howard. He said if their agent has let them down in a small way, it is large to him. He said he did not think the taxpayer ' s money should pay them every year when they don' t do the job right. He said he came to the Selectmen for help. He said the $900 is no longer important to him. Mr . Richards said the Board set a hearing for this evening to see what Mr.Yarin had to say and it would be his impression that the Board could determine what the facts are and then let him know what its re- action is. He said Mr. Yarin made certain allegations and he would like to know more . He would like to hear from Whitman & Howard and further from the Board of Health, and after examining the facts, the Board would be better able to decide . The Chairman said the Board would talk with Whitman & Howard and look into this in that direction and Mr. Yarin would hear from the Board. Mr. Yarin retired at 8:45 P.M. Mr. Richards suggested, and the Board agreed, that a letter be sent Whitman & Howard asking whether or not the work completed for Mr. Yarin in redesigning the leaching bed tas done at the direction of the Town or of their own volition. It was also agreed to ask the Board of Health to explain what the situation was relative to inspection of systems . Messrs . Nickerson, Ballard, Emery, and Redman, of the Board of Appeals, and Mr. Irwin, Building Inspector, Board of met with the Board to discuss enforcement of the Sign Appeals By-Law and violations of the Zoning By-Law . Following a lengthy discussion, the Board of Appeals and Mr. Stevens retired at 9:35 P.M. 451 Messrs . Soule , Meyer, Bryson, Maybee , and Grindle of the Planning Board, and Mr. Snow, met with the Board. The Chairman explained that the Selectmen are anxious to know the location of Worthen Road as it joins Route 2 because there is a contract to be let on the sewer extension. She said the Board has to have this Worthen Rd. information for design and has to know it quickly. Mr. Soule presented a plan showing a study made 4 by Mr. Burns in 1952 and said there is no plan in ex- istence beyond this one . He explained the taking made by the State and said Worthen Road could follow Wellington Lane or could follow this road (indicating it on the map) and go into the proposed circle at Watertown Street. Mr. Carroll traced the proposed location of the sewer. Mr. Soule said • the Town can' t get across the State taking and if Route 2 is going to be constructed, they will join Route 2 to an existing road . If the Town wants Worthen Road to connect to Route 2, it must be constructed and not just laid out. He said this means it will have to be constructed across the Tower estate land and from there through to Route 2. No decision was arrived at. The Chairman referred to the Harrington School playground area and stated that Mr. Carroll has had calls from the School Department about the pond and asked what the plans were for the pond. Mr. Snow presented a plan entitled "Harrington School Recreation Area" and said he talked with the Harrington Recreation Committee in 1958 when it asked for a School Pond certain amount of land put aside for additional facil- ities . On the basis of this, the Planning Board deter- mined the amount of area needed, and it was to be used for a picnic area, skating area, baseball and room for two tennis courts . He said the pond is four or five feet deep now but normally it is dry. Mr. Richards said it is his opinion that the pond is an asset and he would dislike to see it eliminated. Mr. Snow stated that one reason the land was ac- quired was there was a pond for a skating area. The Chairman read a letter from the Planning Board stating that a detailed study should be made of existing conditions at the Woburn and Lowell Street Countryside intersection. traffic Mr. Carroll presented a plan showing the area. Mr . Soule asked to have a copy and said the Planning Board would study the problem. 452 r.� The Chairman said that Mr. Carroll has had some discussion with C . C . & F. about the sanitary land fill areas . She explained they are concerned about rezoning the Rinaldo property because they need sewer if it is going to be used and have implied that the Planning Board is in favor of the zoning should they C . C . & F. bring it up. Mr.Soule said the Planning Board had not voted on the matter but he believed the Board would con- sider a rezoning in that area. Mr. Snow said that the National Park Service is trying to have a study made 600 feet south of Route 2A and this Rinaldo property is involved. Mr. Richards said that any stand to be taken should be based on at least an answer from the National Park Service of what their plans are . He said if Route 2A was moved to run parallel, he assumed the land in between would be absorbed into park area and therefore the land would be substantially reduced. He said he also questioned the advisability of having C3 land adjacent to a park. Mr. Soule asked if the area of the remaining land was sufficient for C . C . & F. to erect a building on. No action was taken on the matter. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Snow, together with copy of letter from Whitman & Howard, in regard to the proposal to make a direct road connection from Hanscom Field to Route 128. Mr. Soule reported that Whitman & Howard have been engaged by the Air Force to make a study of .an access to and for the Air Force . The sketch, attached to the letter, showed a proposal to bringyan access from the Air Force out to 128 which the Planning Board would like very much to see . He said the' Planning Board would like recommendations from the Selectmen and then they would consider it further. The Chairman asked to see the plan next week and it was agreed to discuss the subject with the Planning Board at the next meeting on April 2L. at 9:00 P.M. The Planning Board retired at 10:35 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Minutes to' approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meetings held on April 3, 5 and 10. Mr. Carroll presented a plan entitled "Plan and Profile of State Highway", Route 128 and explained the proposed water and sewer mains he recommends for future use . I 453 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petitions and sign orders for the follow- ing ,j/o pole locations , all approved by Mr . Carroll: Wingate Road, northwesterly side, northeasterly from a point approximately 115' northeast of Diana Lane ,-- Five (5) poles. Dewey Road, northeasterly side , northwesterly from a point approximately 25 feet northwest of Gould Road,-- Five (5) poles. Dewey Road, southeasterly from a point approximately 30 feet southeast of Gould Road, -- Seven (7) poles - guy wire and anchor on the 4th and 6th poles . Leeland Terrace , southeasterly from a point approxi- mately 150 feet southeast of Wingate Road, -- Two (2) poles . Emerson Road, northeasterly side, northwesterly from a point approximately 400 feet northwest of East Street, -- Five (5) poles - guy wire and anchor on the 1st, 3rd and 4th poles . Gould Road, southerly side, easterly from a point ap- proximately 30 feet east of Grove Street , -- Seven (7) poles. Alcott .Road, northwesterly from a point approximately 150' northwest of Thoreau Road, -- Five (5) poles . Moreland Avenue, northwesterly side, southwesterly from a point approximately 5 feet southwest of Moonhill Road, -- Four (4) poles . Moreland Avenue, northwesterly side, northeasterly from a point approximately 60 feet northeast of Davis Road, -- Four (4) poles . Peachtree Road, northeasterly side, southeasterly from a point approximately 20 feet southeast of Woburn Street, -- Seven (7) poles - guy wire and anchor on the 5th and 7th poles . Peachtree Road, southeasterly from a point approximately 15 feet southeast of Blodgett Road, -- Five (5) poles . (This cancels and supersedes order adopted by the Board of Selectmen on March 5, 1956, and record in Book 36, Page 15. ) 454 Letter from the Hancock Church relative to the Sidewalk sidewalk on Massachusetts Avenue from Clarke Street to Forest Street was held over . • The Chairman read a letter from Busa Realty Trust Bus - Stop requesting the Board to move the bus stop from in front of 131-133 Massachusetts Avenue approximately thirty feet north or on the other side of the driveway. They Street light also requested the installation of a street light op- posite 131 Massachusetts Avenue . Mr. Carroll reported that the street light has been taken care of. The Board was not in favor of moving the bus stop. Mr. Carroll retired at 11:15 P.M. Officer Casey' s offer of $200 for tax title lot 23, Tax title block 89 Garfield Street was held over. Letter was received from the Planning Board ad- vising that an option had been obtained, signed by Richard H. Soule and Phoebe H. Soule under which the Town may acquire easements for public travel, in two parcels of land abutting on Eldred Street at a price of $1500. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to exercise the option. Letter was received from the Chamber of Commerce relative to the traffic on Lowell and Woburn Streets. It was agreed to advise the Chamber that the sub T,,affic ject has been under consideration and the Board is working with the Planning Board, Superintendent of Public Works, and the Traffic Study Committee in an effort to arrive at some feasible solution. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to amend the Traffic Rules and Regulations byadding to Article V, Section 2 (No Parking) the following: Bedford Street . On the westerly side from Reed Street northwesterly to the Boston & Maine Rail- road tracks . Vine Brook Road. On both sides from Waltham Street for a distance of ninety (90) feet southeasterly. 1 • 4Ri_lR The Chairman read a letter from Mrs . Rich, Tax Col- lector, inquiring about the purchase of new billing machines. She has held up her order of 16,000 motor vehicle excise tax bills. Billing It was agreed to suggest to Mrs . Rich that she machines place her order inasmuch as it may be some time before any definite action is taken relative to the acquisition of a new billing machine . Letter was received from Alden W. Jefts, on behalf of the Battle Green Chapter, Order of DeMolay, request- ing permission to sell ice cream April 19 from a stand to be located at the Masonic Temple , and by DeMolay boys carrying boxes on Massachusetts Avenue . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted • to grant the request . Letter was received from Dean Blake , 40 Prospect Hill Road; requesting a one-day peddler' s license to sell flags and balloons in the doorway of the Colonial License Pharmacy. Peddler's licenses are issued by the State and it was agreed to so advise Mr. Blake and to enlcose a copy of the rules and regulations for hawkers and peddlers . Letter was received from Edward F. McLaughlin, Jr.ri Lieutenant Governor, relative to Cerebral Palsy Month, requesting permission to conduct a Tag Day on Friday, May 19. Tag Day In keeping with the policy established some time ago limiting Tag Days to Legion, V.F.W. and Little League, it was voted to deny the request. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve bond #632130 in the amount of $1,000 on Bond behalf of Hazel J. Murray, Executive Clerk. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the following licenses: Brigham' s, Inc . Sunday Sales renewal F. K. Lowry '' a Town Line Pharmacy, Inc. " , " George H. Phelan Peddler Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to request the Appropriation Committee to transfer $436.50 from the Reserve Fund to the Town Report ap- propriation. 111 456' , F� Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Appointment to appoint Mr. Robert P. Trask, Jr. , a member of the Board of Public Welfare and Bureau of Old Age Assistance for a term expiring March 31, 1962. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint the following Special Police Officers: SPECIAL POLICE OFFIU S - TERMS EXPIRING March 31, 1962 (Mrs . ) Ruth Morey Selectwoman Alan G. Adams Selectman Gardner C . Ferguson Lincoln P. Cole , Jr. It Norman J. Richards Bernard J. Belcastro Chief, Fire Department John J. Carroll Sup' t. Public Works Paul Mazerall Park Department Anthony Rochette Janitor, Town Office George Doughty, Jr. School Department Thomas F. Ryan Louis A. Bonney Anthony J. Janusas " n Thomas Sullivan David Kidd n " William P. Casey " n Clyde L. Hayne Duncan F. Swan " " Oscar Heimlich — It 4° Edward. P. Stevens TT " John Blodgett " Nicholas J. Delfino Philip P. Braun Herman A. Mahon " n Joseph Bluteau Raymond Stevens " " Edward J. McDonnell Cary Memorial Library Charles W. Varney Middlesex County Sanatorium William J. DiCicco " " " Robert F. Ingram " " " William L. Harrington Metropolitan State Hospital John W. Alexander Henry Brown, Jr. It " " 457 ISPECIAL POLICE OFFICEES - TERMS EXPIRING (CONT'D. ) March 31, 1962 M.I .T LABORATORIES Joseph E. Ewers Wentworth J. Marling 12 Old Coach Road 101 Dodge Street Weston, Mass. Beverly, Mass . William L. Spiers, Jr. August S. Cidado 185 Lowell Street 39 Tufts Street Lexington, Mass . Arlington, Mass . Edward T. Gallagher Henry Crowninshield 8 Spring Lane 7 Paul Avenue Maynard, Mass. Woburn, Mass. Howard D. Ryder John A. Carroll 2 Wilson Road 4 Roberts Road Lexington, Mass. Framingham, Mass. Robert J. Vinsec Arthur L. Goodfellow 93 Winthrop Street 71 Ossipee load Waltham, Mass. Somerville, Mass . Bertram M. Adams, Jr. Lewis M. Laing 127 Wyoming Avenue 3 LaRiver Road Malden, Mass . Saxonville , Mass . William K. Wright Hildreth Street Westford, Mass . It was agreed to invite Chief Rycroft to meet with the Board next Monday night to discuss police matters. Letter was received from the Veterans of Foreigh Wars inviting the Board to an installation of post officers at the Belfry Club on April 25 at 8:30 P.M. The meeting adjourned at 11:25 P.M. A true record, Attest: i / ec tiv Cler. y Selecr '=en LA. b