HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-04-05-BOS-min 429 SF.rIECTMG'NtS MEETING April 5, 1961 A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Town Accountant' s Office, Town Office Building, on Wednesday, April 5, 1961, at 8:00 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs . Adams, Richards, and Cole were present . The Executive Clerk was also present . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meetings, Minutes as amended, held on March 13, 18, 23 and 27 . The Clehk was instructed to send a memo to the Town Celebrations Committee acknowledging with thanks Program receipt of the program for the morning parade on April 19. The Chairman reported that she had invited Mr. Stevens to stop in at the meeting this evening to Town Counsel discuss what the Board intends to do relating to Town Counsel. Mr. Adams reported that he had received a call from Mr. Edward Martin who said he would like to be considered for the position if there is an opening. The Chairman suggested that the Lexington Mini.te-man arrange to have a special space for Town Legal notice legal notices so that they will be more prominent. A copy of Lt. Colonel George A. Criser' s letter to John Carroll, regarding the sewering of 200 new Sewer units soon to be constructed on the base, was received. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant permission to the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for Pole permission to locate four poles on Whitman Circle and locations four poles on Whittier Road; the proposed locations having been approved by Mr. Carroll. The Chairman read a letter from the Mystic Dis- posal Corp. , Medford, who has a permit to construct and operate an incinerator in the City of Medford. Refuse The communication included an offer to the Town of disposal 430 F..M Lexington for complete incineration facilities for refuse and garbage for a twenty-year period at the rate of $4.25 per ton. The letter was referred to Mr. Carroll. The Chairman reported that the Planning Board Worthen Road will meet with the Selectmen on Monday night, April 10, 1961, to discuss Worthen Road. Upon motion duly made and seconded,it was voted to make the following appointments : Appointments Walter C . Ballard, Board of Appeals for a five-year term expiring March 31, 1966. J. Henry Duffy, Charles H. Norris, James A. Harding, Jr . , Ralph H. Tucker, Associate Members of the Board of Appeals for one-year terms expiring March 31, 1962. The Chairman agreed to contact Mr. Charles Abbott to determine whether or not he would accept appointment as an Associate Member of the Board of Appeals, replac- ing Mr . Emery. Suggestions are to be brought in next Monday night for the sixth Associate Member, authorized by vote of Town Meeting. The Chairman agreed to contact Mr . Harold F. Lombard, Chairman of the Board of Public Welfare , rela- tive to appointments to that Boa' d and the Old Age Assistance Bureau and report to the Board next Monday night. Mr. Harold Stevens, Town Counsel, met with the Board at 8:50 P.M. to discuss the position of Town Counsel. The Chairman said that it is hoped, in the change to take place, that if and when an Executive Assistant is employed, he will be able to assume certain of the duties of the Town Counsel so that possibly it would not be necessary to have an assistant Town Counsel as such on a continuing basis . She said with that premise, the question is whether the Board can use certain funds Town Counsel allotted for this purpose . Mr. Stevens said that if it becomes necessary to spend more money from the Law Department, a transfer could be requested at a fall Town Meeting. Mr. Richards said an assistant could be paid out of legal fonds and the account could be reimbursed at a later meeting. Mr. Stevens said it could be explained, and if no 431 transfer is made , the Law Department is out of business . The Chairman reported that she talked to Mr.Soule and asked what the Planning Board intends to do about zoning changes and if that Board expected it to be done by Town Counsel . Mr. Stevens stated that he has not known what the Board had in mind and he has not even considered who might be available and who would be suitable . The Chairman said that Mr. Edward Martin has ex- pressed interest in doing Town work. Mr. Adams asked what the duties of a Town Counsel are , - if anyone could call upon him, and if everyone had a right to go to him directly. Mr. Stevens replied that as far as he knew, they could not go to anyone else . Mr. Adams asked if the Selectmen had any right to screen the calls . Mr. Stevens replied that the Board could say that they should all go through someone but who that would be , he did not know. He explained that if an assistant were employed, the calls could go through him. He said he was at a loss as to why some of the Town officials and employees cannot handle some of the things themselves . Mr. Stevens advised that before he says he will be willing to do anything, he would like to think about it and see what he might be able to work out. He said he did not want to go along on the basis of an Executive Assistant. He did not know when the Board would have one or how much help he would be to him. He said he would have to have someone that he could turn things over to and tell him to work on them. He said this individual would have to be paid out of either Law Depart- ment expenses or personal services, and he was not in- sisting on receiving all the money himself, but he does not want to do just as much work and take less money. He would be willing to do less work and take less money. Mr. Adams said the Board could not determine the figure until Mr. Stevens determines what he wants to release . Mr. Stevens said he would like to have the Board' s approval on who is used so he might possibly take over. Mr . Stevens said the Board would like him to go ahead and figure out some way of assistance and he would see if he can work something out. Mr. Stevens retired at 9:30 P.M. Sealed bids for three police cars were opened and read by the Chairman as follows: 4.32 Rowe-Jackson Chevrolet, Inc . 1961 Model 1111, Biscayne, 2 door Net $1364.35 Taking in trade 1960 Plymouth Motor No. 2901-194078 Taking in trade 1960 Plymouth Motor No. 2901-193834 Net $1389.35 Taking in trade 1959 Ford Motor No. A9EG226797 Net 1?54.35 Dunn Ford Sales, Inc . 1961 Ford Fairlane tudor Net 1245.45 Taking in trade 1960 Plymouth Motor No. 2901-19t078 Taking in trade 1960 Plymouth Net 1245.45 Motor No. 2901-193834 Taking in trade 1959 Ford Motor No. A9EG226797 Net 845.45 Mawhinney Motor Sales 111 1961 Plymouth Patroller Net 1315.00 Taking in trade 1960 Plymouth Motor No. 2901-194078 Taking in trade 1960 Plymouth Net 1315.00 Motor No. 2901-193834 Taking in trade 1959 Ford Net 1015.00 Motor No. A9EG226797 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the low bids submitted by Dunn Ford Sales, Inc ., for three 1961 Ford Fairlane tudors, subject to Chief Rycroft checking to make sure that they all comply with the specifications . Letter was received from Mr. Irwin in reply to the Board' s inquiry as to the status of the Metropolitan Maney' s Equipment and Service Company. Mr. Irwin reported that this company and Maney' s are essentially one and the same . The Company owns 2.77 acres of land and one building and A Board of 433 ' Appeals ' permit was granted to permit the premises at 169 to 173 Bedford Street to be used for a business of general contractor. The Crowell Tube Company, Inc . , located at 177 Bedford Street, has 2 .23 acres of land and was granted a Board of Appeals ' permit for the continuance of the manufacturing of small metal tubing. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted certify the character of Edward F. Donnelly, 125 Cert . of Inc Shade Street, who has applied for a Certificate of Incorporation, satisfactory character reference having been received from the Chief of Police . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted License to renew Mr. Bertram P. Gustin's license as an Auctioneer. Mr. Adams reported that Sergeant Russell worked two days after his suspension and has been out sick ever since . He said as far as he knew, no effort has Police sick been made to check up on him and he does not think he leave should be out at the Town 's expense when nothing has been approved. He said he would like to have a year' s record of everyone who has been out sick. Mr. Richards suggested saeding a letter to the Sergeant referring to his request for retirement made February 18, 1961 and to advise him that unless the information is received from his physician within ten days, it will be assumed that his application for retirement has been withdrawn. Mr. Adams mentioned that five complaints have been made relative to Officer McSherry; a number of parking Police meters are broken most of the time and left for months Matters without being repaired; there have been at least ten breaks in the Centre . He suggested inviting the Chief to meet with the Board to discuss the department. Mr. Richards questioned the advisability of join- ing the Massachusetts League of Cities and Towns and Mass . League said he would like to know more about the organization. The Chairman agreed to find out what the actual cost would be to the Town. The subject of Gas Inspector was discussed briefly and it was agreed to write the Mystic Gas Company and Gas Inspecto ask to have a representative meet with the Board for a few minutes some night to discuss qualifications and duties of an Inspector. 434 • a It was agreed to invite the Boc rd of Appeals and I the Building Ispector to meet with the Selectmen on April 17, 1961: The Clerk was instructed to ask Mr. John Carroll for the following information: Status of Busa's culvert. Sketch showing Countryside buildings, and indicate with a line where the curbing exists . Obtain the same information on similar busi- ness areas . List sidewalks that need tintenance . The meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. A true record, Attest: 2)/ jj ' gzl'° ee ive%Clerk, Selectmen • 1