HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-02-15-BOS-min 357 SELECTMEN'S MEETING February 15, 1961 A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Wednesday, February 15, 1961, at 8 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs . Adams, and Cole were present . The Execu- tive Clerk was also present . Mr. Harold E. Roeder, Chairman of the Board of Fire Commissioners, met with the Selectmen to discuss 1961 budgets . The Chairman explained that the Selectmen have decided upon a 5% increase on top of any step-rate increase across the board and stated that the Appro- priation Committee was in agreement . Mr. Roeder stated that the Commissioners would like an increase of $100 for the Deputy Chief which would make a $500 differential. The Chairman said that it would hot be approved this year . Mr. Roeder said he would rather have the differential approved that the 5% increase . He explained that the total for the Chief Engineer includes an increase of $200. He asked if the 5% was for permanent men only Fire Dept. and the Chairman replied in the affirmative . budget Mr. Roeder explained that the part-time clerk has been in the department only: six months and was told that an increase in salary would be considered later in the year . She was hired at $1.50 per hour . The Chairman read a letter requesting an addi- tional $2300 for extra duty because of the snow storms . Mr. Roeder said that men were on four days and were sent around to dig out the hydrants. Mr . Roeder said that the step-rate increases are figured on the anniversary date of when the men started to work. Mr. Roeder mentioned the establishment of a fund similar to the Road Machinery Fund to be used for the purchase of apparatus and explained that the subject was brought up by Mr. Blaisdell . The Chairman explained that as far as the March Meeting is concerned, no action can be taken. Mr. Adams said he thought the establishment of such a fund would require an act of the legislature . 1 30, Mr. Roeder reported that the Chief Engineer is very much in favor of the idea of marking the fire hydrants. He said in his opinion this should come under the Water Department and not the Fire Department. To have the markers made would incur an expense of appront telt' $1125, but Mr. Roeder said he thought • an appropriation of $700 would rover everything. The only cost involved would be the material as the men could make the markers by using the tools in the Larchmont Farms Shop. The Board felt that the markers were very desirable. Mr. Roeder said that every year it has cost $500 to repair the slate roof andif one side of each part of the roof could be replaced each year, it would save the Town money. Mr. Roeder retired at 8:45 P.M. Mr. Burrell, Director of Civil Defense , met with the Board, and when questioned about matching funds for Fire Department radios stated thathe was almost sure they would not be approved because the radios are not new but a replacement item. Civil Mr. Burrell roorted that he has applied for $1100 Defense for half a year, reimbursement of administrative ex- penditures from the Federal Government. He thought the application had been approved but he has not heard anything about it. Mr. Burrell-retired at 9:15 P.M. An invitation to the Governorts reception on Febru- ary 22 was taken by Mr. Cole . A telephone call was received in the Selectments Wire Office from Mr . Jeremiah advising that he would be on Ins1ector vacation for three weeks starting February 25 or 26. Mr. Waldo MacWilliams, the Concord Wire Inspector, will substitute for Mr. Jeremiah. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Mr. Waldo MacWilliams as substitute Wire Inspector for the Town of Lexington for a three week period beginning February 25, 1961. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Stanley I. Phalen asking why new streets are being accepted and why Winthrop Road could not be included in the Warrant this year . ginthrop It was agreed to advise Mr. Phalen that the newer Road streets proposed for acceptance have been constructed under the subdivision by-law. Further that because of the large numberof requests for acceptance of streets, the Board has applied a rule-of-thumb requiring 359 111 at least 80% of the signatures before recommending accept- ance and to advise him of the percentage on Winthrop Road . Notice was received from D. Joseph Burke advising that the Ways and Means Committee has before it for consideration House, No 1230 - Bill authorizing the Town of Lexington to sell water to the United States of America for the use at Laurence G. Hanscom Field. Sale of The Clerk called Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, and water at his request , mailed the original notice to him. Notice was received from the Massachusetts Select- men's Association that a hearing will be held on Febru- ary 21 on H-1372, an Act granting the Board of Selectmen the final authority to approve the issuance of a permit for the erection or maintenance of a billboard, sign or other advertising device in a town. Bill Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to support the bill and to so advise Mr . Herbert B. Hollis of the Massachusetts Selectmen' s Association. Letter was received from the Town Celebrations Com- mittee inviting the Board to participate in thk early April 19 morning parade on April 19, starting at the Adams School at seven o'clock. Letter was received from Reverend Harold T. Handley requesting permission, on behalf of the Church of Our Redeemer, to hold a paper drive on Sunday, April 30 and to erect a stand on the Rectory grounds for the sale of food and coffee on April 19. Paper Drive Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the request for a paper drive . Inasmuch as the proposed stand on April 19 is to be erected on private property, no action by the Board is required. Letter from the Town 4-H Committee rehtive to permission to sell wrapped items from baskets along Massachusetts Avenue on April 19 was held over. April 19 Letter from Edward T. Martin, on behalf of the St. Brigid' s Holy Name Society, requesting permission April 19 to conduct a refreshment stand on April 19 was held over. A certificate of the official population of the counties, cities, and towns in the Commonwealth as Census certified bp by the Bureau of Census was received from the Secretary of State . The population of Lexington is officially 27,691. � 0 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign an application, certifying to the character of Lawrence A . Sullivan, 16 Cutler Farm Road, who has ap- Cert . of plied for a Certificate of Incorporation. Satisfactory Inc . character reference was received from the Chief of Police . Reports from Underwood Incorporated relative to a Business survey made of the various departments in connection machines with the use of business machines were held over. Letter was received from Mr. Irwin, Building In, spector, with draft of letter he proposes tosend out Sign in regard to the portion of the Sign By-Law that becomes By-Law effective in July. The suggested letter was approved subject to minor grammatical corrections . Letter from the I,,spectors relative to proposed fee changes for permits, particularly wiring permits, was held over. The Chairman reported that the installation of lights to Bloomfield Street of equal brightness as those installed in some other areas will cost $750, plus $500 for the lights. Street Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted lights to include an item in the Street Light budget for $1250 to provide for the installation. The Chairman reported that the cost of crossing Crossing lights in connection with the new municipal parking lights area will be $11,500. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following budget changes and to so advise the Appropriation Committee : Budget changes Board of Health c L .V.N.A. (Increase from $2400) $2,900.00 Inspection Department Printing Building, Plumbing and Sign By-Laws 600.00 Street Lights Increased lighting to Bloomfield Street 750.00 Maintenance 500.00 361 Fire Department Expenses Markers for hydrants $ 700 .00 Extra duty of x;2,000.00 not approved. If an emergency arises, a request for transfer can be made . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to cancel the SelectmenIs Meeting scheduled for Monday, February 20, at 7:30 P.M. , and to hold the meeting at 5:3o P.M. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. A true record, Attest: q / 2 . xecutivej'Clerld, Select en 1 I