HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-02-09-BOS-min 941 Gol SPT.ECTMEN'S HEARING February 9, 1961 • The Board of Selectmen held a hearing in Estabrook Hall, Cary Memorial Building, on Thursday, February 9, 1961, at E3:00 P.M. Chairman Morey, Mr. Adams, Mr. John J. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, Mr. Robert Higgins, Assistant Town Engineer, and the Executive Clerk were present . The hearing was held for the purpose of making and establishing extensions and layouts of streets to be presented to the Annual Town Meeting in March for ac- ceptance by the Town. Notices of the intention of the Board to pass orders for the extensions, layouts and relocations were delivered by the Constable to all pro- perty owners as they appear on the most recent tax list . The Chairman called the meeting to order, intro- duced Mr. Carroll and Mr. Higgins . She explained that the hearing is requdred by law on the acceptance of streets prior to the Town Meeting, and said that Mr. Carroll and Mr. Higgins would answer questions as they arise on the different streets. She explained that the hearing at eight o'clock is on the streets that have been built under the Subdivision Control Law and constructed according to specifications . She stated that if accepted by Town Meeting, the Town would assume responsibility for the care and maintenance of the streets . The first street to be taken upwas Hathaway Road from Adams Street a distance of 250feet, more or less, northerly. Mr. William A. Delaney, 30 Hathaway Road, asked if it would be possible po erect a dead-end sign in an effort to prevent cars from going over the lawn, and Mr. Carroll replied in the affirmative . Hathaway Mr. Delaney said the sidewalk is badly cracked and Road the road has dropped. He asked if it would be repaired. Mr. Carroll explained that the Town has a signed agreement with the developer that states prior to August of this year the Town can make him go in and repair the end of the street or the Town can go in and repair it. He explained that whether or not the street is accepted, the agreement is in force . Mr . Delaney said the most important item is a stream which runs across the end of Hathaway Road, about six feet across and one and a half foot deep. He stated that there are sixteen children and it is dangerous for 341 them. Last year the water was analyzed and they were told it was nothing but an open sewer . He said that the Board of Health tested the water after a rain storm and said it was not impure . Mr. Carroll explained that this was not relevant to the acceptance of the street and stated that there are a number of drainage problems in the Town. He said the problem is one that should be submitted to the Board of Selectmen in a letter . He explained that the street can be accepted whether or not the drain is put in but after it is accepted, it would be a good idea to write the Board. He said it is a fairly expensive project . Mr. Leon Ames asked if the tree would be left on the corner and Mr. Carroll replied in the negative stating that the intention is to take that tree down. No one else wishing to be heard, the hearing on Hathaway Road was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Brent Road from Hathaway Road a distance of 595 feet, more or less. Mr. Robert F. Plumridge , 6 Brent Road, asked if the road would be extended, and Mr. Carroll replied that there are no plans to extend it now . Brent Road No one else wishing to be heard, the hearing on Brent Road was declared closed. • IThe next street tobe taken up was Sedge Road from F thaway Road a distance of 295 feet, more or less, westerly. Sedge Road No one wished to be recorded in favor or in op- position, and the hearing was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Blueberry Lane from Tyler Road to Tyler Road a distance of 2143 feet, Blueberry more or less, westerly. Lane No one wished to be recorded in favor or in op- position, and the hearing was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Baskin Road from Worthen Road a distance of 2120 feet, more or less, northerly and westerly. Baskin Road Mr. John C . Yanakis, 18 Baskin Road, asked if sidewalks were included. Mr. Carroll replied that sidewalks are by peti- tion and betterments assessed. Mr. Yanakis said that there is a sign at the corner of Baskin Road giving directions to Baskin Road in both directions and asked if something could be done about it . Mr. Carroll replied that Baskin Road will eventually loop around and if anyone could suggest a better way to erect the signs, he would lik6 ;to hear it. 9A9 F•-o Mr. Garabed Zartarlan, 21 Baskin Road, asked if a dead-end sign could be erected and Mr . Carroll re- plied in the affirmative . Mr. Warren Kunz, 11 Baskin Road, asked if Baskin Road would be used as a thoroughfare providing access to the dump and Mr. Carroll replied in the negative . No one else wished to speak in favor or in op- position, and the hearing on Baskin Road was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Loring Road from Baskin Road a distance of 1152 feet, more or Loring Road less, southerly. No one wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing on Loring Road was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Outlook Drive from Loring Road a distance of 352 feet, more or less, Outlook westerly. Drive No one wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing on 0"tlook Drive was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Ledgelawn Avenue from Revere Street to the previously accepted Ledgelawn section a distance of 796 feet, more or less, northerly. Avenue No one wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing on Ledgelawn Avenue was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Liberty Avenue from Revere Street to the previously accepted section iberty a distance of 880 feet, more or less, northwesterly. avenue Mr. Charles Masse, 67 Liberty Avenue, said that a portion of the road to be accepted is in poor con- dition and asked if it would be covered. Mr. Carroll said he would take a look at it. Mr. James Colli, 61 Liberty Avenue , said there is a low piece in front of his house and the water settles there. Mr. Carroll said the condition would be corrected. No one else wished to speak in favor or in op- position and tie hearing on Liberty Avenue was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Hartwell Avenue from Wood Street to Bedford Street a distance of 6675 Hartwell feet, more or less, northeasterly. Avenue No one wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing on Hartwell Avenue was declared closed. The next stmt to be taken up was Hinchey Road from Hartwell Avenue a distance of 600 feet, more or less, southeasterly. 343 No one wished to speak in favor or in opposition Hinchey Road and the hearing on Hinchey Road was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Westview Street from Hartwell Avenue to the previously accepted part of Westview St . Westview Street a distance of 383 feet, more or less, northwesterly. No one wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing on Westview Street was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Maguire Road from Hartwell Avenue to the Bedford Town Line a distance of 1535 feet, more or less, northwesterly. Maguire Road No one wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing on Maguire Road was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Fabbanks Road from Shade Street to Tufts Road a distance of 2647 feet, more or less, northeasterly . Fairbanks Mr. Warren Ferguson 16 Fairbanks Road, asked if Road the acceptance of a street inferred that the sewer would immediately be put in. Mr. Carroll replied in the negative and explained that the acceptance of a street means the Town will assumetthe responsibility of maintaining it. Mr. John F. Moran, 12 Fairbanks Road, asked if the Town would pay for repairing the road or if the contractor would pay for it before it is turned over to the Town. Mr. Carroll said he thought the bond had been re- leased. Mr. Moran asked if the section in front of his house would be repaired and Mr. Carroll replied in the affirmative . Mr. Moran said that three of the people came to the Town and were told the Town would take steps to have the contractor take care of the street. Mr. Henry Hurley, 15 Fairbanks Road, asked why the Town should pay for repairing Fairbanks Road or any other street if the contractor should leave it in first-class condition. Mr. Carroll stated that the fact remains the bond . has been released by the Planning Board. Mr. Hurley said the taxpayers should not have to pay for what the contractor did. Mr. Carroll said Fairbanks Road was built in 1954 and he did not know when the bond was released or at what time the defects showed up. He said it may be that at the time the then Superintendent of Public Works saw the road and it was all right so the bond 344 i was released. He said the bond has been released and the contractor is no longer responsible . Mr. Moran said he wanted to go on record that the Planning Board was very lax in releasing this bond and it should be looked into for the future , at least. No one else wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Tufts Road from Marrett Roadd to Fairbanks Road a distance of 1856 feet, more or less, southwesterly. Mr. Alton Jones, 16 Tufts Road, asked if the bond had been released, and Mr. Carroll replied in the negative . Tufts Mr. Jones asked how the bond on Tufts Road could Road not be released and the bond on Fairbanks Road was re- leased. Mr. Carroll explained that there are two sections of Fairbanks Road. Mr. Jones asked if the contractor would be forced to complete his work.: Mr. Carroll asked what Mr. Jones was specifically referring to . He said as far as he was concerned the work is all completed. Mr. Jgnes said in September there was a great deal of work to be done . Mr. Carmoll stated that the work has all been done . Mr. Jones asked why the bond had not been released and Mr. Carroll explained because of easement problems. He said the Town could still accept the street and he thought the easement problems would be worked out . Mr. Jones referred to the entrance of Marrett Road and said it is difficult to turn into the road. He asked if the telephone pole would be removed. Mr. Carroll replied in the a irmative and ex- plained that the Town is making a taking there . No one else wished to speak in favor or in oppo- sition and the hearing on Tufts Road was declared closed. The next street to be up was Gould Road from Dewey Road to Turning Mill Road a distance of 512 feet, Gould Road more or less, northerly. No one wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Demar Road from Turning Mill Road to previously accepted section Demar Roada distance of 493_,feet, more or less, southwesterly. No one wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing on Demar Road was declared closed. 1 345 The next street to be taken up was Turning Mill Road from Gould Road a distance of 3032 feet, more or less, northeasterly. Turning Mill N o one wished to speak in favor or in oppo- Road sition and the hearing on Turning Mill Road was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Grimes Road from Turning Mill Road a distance of 330 feet, more or less, easterly. Grimes Road No one wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing on Grimes Road was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was proposed way from Edison Way northeasterly to the municipal parking area. Station Way No one wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing was declared closed. The Chairman explained that this completed the streets to be submitted to Town Meeting for acceptance, having been constructed under the Subdivision Control Law. She said the next hearing would be on streets to be accepted under the Betterment Act. The first street to be taken up under the Better- ment Act was Balfour Street from Asbury Street to Cedar Street a distance of 960 feet, more or less , easterly. Balfour St . No one wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing on Balfour Street was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Hamblen Street from Bellflower Street to Cedar Street a distance of 610 feet, more or less, northeasterly. Hamblen St . Mr. Frederick Kolb, 18 Hamblen Street, said he has a problem about the light pole at the end of the street and at the low point of the street, there is a. drainage problem. He asked if the Town would install a storm drain, and Mr. Carroll replied in the affirma- tive . No one else wished to speak in favor or in oppo- sition, and the hearing on Hamblen Street was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Young Street from Webb Street to Third Street a distance of 8S0 feet., Young Street more or less, easterly. Mr. John Boardman, 22 Young Street, saaddthe street was referred to as a town way and asked if this was be- cause only half of it is to be accepted. He asked if c: the portion completed at the moment would come under the same act. Mr. Carroll replied that the portion completed at the moment is a private way. Mr. Boardman asked if, after it is completed, they could apply for an accepted street , and Mr. Carroll re- plied in the affirmative . Mr. Boardman asked when construction would start, and Mr. Carroll replied he hoped to let a contract early in the spring. Mr. Lester Zieff, 12 Young Street, said tie people are all interested in getting the street accepted. No one else wished to speak in favor or in oppo- sition and the hearing on Young Street was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Rawson Avenue from Albemarle Avenue to beyond Rindge Avenue a distance Rawson Ave . of 524 fat, more or less, easterly. Mr. Anthony Cataldo, 47 Rindge Avenue , asked if he would be compelled to pay for the acceptance of Rawson Avenue . Mr. Carroll explained that if the street is built past Mr. Cataldots house on Rawson Avenue , he would have to pay a betterment. Mr. Cataldo said he did not sign the petition for Rawson Avenue and he did not care to have it accepted. He said he would be willing to pay for Rindge Avenue . He asked why Rindge Avenue and Winn Avenue were not going to be accepted. The Chairman explained that this year, because there were so many requests, in trying to decide what streets should be constructed, the Board decided to require 80% or more signatures of the owners . Mr. James M. Gaffney wished to be recorded in favor. Mr. Joseph Vitale wished to be recorded in favor. No one else wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing on Rawson Avenue was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Tucker Avenue from Baker Avenue to Chase Avenue a distance of 160 feet, Tucker Ave . more or less, southeasterly . No one wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing on Tucker Avenue was declared closed. The next street taken up was Oxford Street from Theresa Avenue a distance of 270 feet, more or less, Oxford St . southerly. Mr. Winsor Jellis, 12 Oxford Street, said he petitioned from Theresa Avenue to the end, and as now 347 proposed, this street splits his property in half. He said half the area in front of his house will be paved and about sixty or seventy feet will not be paved. He asked if the entire length could or could not be done . The Chairman etplained that it was decided not to go beyond Lee Avenue because those were the people who signed the petition. She said two owners of land beyond did not sign, and if they did, it would not give 80%. Mr. Jellis said if the street was not paved this year in its entirety, it would never be paved. He said those two individuals would receive benefit of the street for which others have to pay. Mr. Carroll explained that the Selectmen determine what streets are to be included in the warrant and this year, the percentage used was eighty. The Chairman asked why Mr . Jellis did not withdraw the petition until he had the other signatures, and he replied that he did not want to withdraw it. He said he wanted an answer and asked if the entire street would be accepted. The Chairman said she was not in a position to give an answer. Mr. Jellis asked when he would receive an answer. The Chairman replied after Um Board of Selectmen had discussed the subject. Mr. Jellis asked if he would be told that this would or would not be in the warrant . The Chairman replied that he was requesting in- formation and he would receive the information. Dr. Paul J. Sullivan, 9 Oxford Street, asked if they would have to put what they have in mind in writing or if what was said would be sufficient . The Chairman replied that the record would be enough. Mr. John Bonasera, 24 Theresa Avenue , said he could not understand why his signature did not count to make the 80%, and Mr. Carroll explained that he would not be deriving any benefit . Mr. -Jellis said that all the people who signed the petition were present to go on record as being in favor of the street being accepted. No one else wished to speak in favor or in oppo- sition, and the hearing on Oxford Street was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Tarbell Avenue from Taft Avenue to Tucker Avenue a distande of 455 feet, more or less, southwesterly. Parboil Ave... II Mr. Louis Carota, 21i. Tarbell Avenue, said it would o him any good. He said the street would go past $48 two lots of his land but would not improve his property. Mr. Carroll explained that the Board would not re- commend acceptance of a street part way between two streets . Mr. Carota asked why he should pay for two lots of land . Mr. Carroll explained that after the betterments have been assessed, he could request an abatement . Mr. Frank Davis , 59 'Parboil Avenue, said a peti- tion was presented last year with 100% of the people . Mr. Carroll explained that Bennett Avenue is a private way and part of Tarbell Avenue is a private way. He said the Board does not recommend acceptance of a street unless it abuts on a public way . Mr. Davis asked if it is possible to get the drain- age without constructing the street and Mr. Carroll replied in the negative . Mr. Carroll agreed to meet Mr. Davis Monday morning at nine o' clock to go over the situation with him. Mr. William D. McGrath, 11 Tarbell Avenue , said this was a step in the right direction. No one else wished to speak in favor or in oppo- sition and the hearing on Tarbell Avenue was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Bellflower Street from Balfour Street to Homestead Street a distance of 780 feet, more or less, northwesterly. Mr. Francis Shannon, 34 Bellflower Street, B ellflower wished to be recorded in favor. Street No one else wished to speak infavor or in opposition and the hearing on Bellflower Street was declared closed. The next street to be taken up was Chase Avenue from Bennett Avenue to Tucker Avenue a distance of Chase Avenue 500 feet, more or less, northeasterly. Mrs . John Haskell, 25 Chase Avenue , said she wanted to know if this street would go through and Mr. Carroll replied that it probably would. Mr. John Haskell, 25 Chase Avenue , said he was in favor of both Tucker and Chase Avenue being accepted. No one else wished to speak in favor or in op- position and the hearing on Chase Avenue was declared closed. { The meeting adjourned at 9:1 . P.M. A true record, Attest : may_ t. . ) e ct i vi Clerk Se l e c tme n 349 SELECTMEN'S MEETING February 9, 1961 A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, Lexington, at 9:35 P.M. following the street hearins in Estabrook Hall, on Thursday, February 9, 1961. Chair- man Morey, Messrs . Adams, Ferguson, and Cole were pre- sent . The Executive Clerk was also present . The Chairman reported that the Veterans ' Benefits department must now, according to law, be known as the department of Veteransl Services and the officer in charge shall be known as the Director of Veterans ' Services . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to change Mr. Maurice D. Healy's title from Veterans ' Agent to Director of Veterans' Services, the department Veterans furnishing information, advice and assistance to veterans to be known as the Department of Veterans ' Services. The Chairman said that some clarification should be made, with the Appropriation Committee, relative to the proposed 5% increase . Salaries Mr. Ferguson saidthat as far as he is concerned, the increase will be 5% as recommended by the Board. The Chairman reported that Mr. John Carroll in- formed her that some repairs will have to be done to the Millyan house and he suggested that money be made available for repairs to the houses acquired by the Rental Town. She suggested including an item for Rental property Property Expenses .in the amount of $1,000. Mr. Adams said that the Town of Concord has markers on the fire hydrants which have worked out very well and cost approximately $1.00 each. He said he thought Mr. pp y Carroll should be advised because he maintains the Hydrant hydrants . Markers Mr. Ferguson suggested that the Fire Department decide if it wants the markers, what type it wants and Markers discuss the subject with Mr. Carroll. Mr. Adams said he felt very strongly about this . The Clerk was instructed to ask Mr. Carroll under whose jurisdiction the proposed markers for hydrants should come. • �� The Chairman referred to a discussion with the Planning Board relative to establishing a screening Screening boa^d and said she thought it should be started. She Board said if it met with the Board' s approval, she and Mr. Adams would serve because they are available. The other members of the Board had no objection. The Chairman reported that a letter had been sent to the Minute Man National Historical Park Ser- vice concerning the problem of building a new bridge Route 128 to replace the existing one on Massachusetts Avenue at Route 128 - a project made necessary because of the impending enlargement of Route 128. The Chairman referred to the subject of Executive Secretary and said the question has come up as to Executive whether or not there is going to be an article in the Secretary warrant for someone to work out of the Selectmen' s Office and pay him $10,000, and if the Board would then be in the position of having to adjust the salaries of the department heads. Mr. Ferguson said he did not know that it had been decided to pay $10,000. The Chairman explained that the Board had not definitely decided. Mr. Adams said the article will be in the warrant and the Board will have to decide on the salary. Mr. Ferguson stated th Et whatever amount is put in the vote will be the amount an applicant would ex- pect to receive . He said he would just as soon have the article to find out whether or not Town Meeting would approve and then go back for an appropriation at a Special Town Meeting . Mr. Adams brought up the matter of trucks going in and out of Waltham Street in connection with the new (Construction construction. The Clerk was instructed to mention the subject to Chief Rycroft and Mr. John Carroll and find out who gave the contractor permission to block the entranc4 to the municipal parking lot . The meeting adjourned at 10:25 P.M. A true record, Attest: -yec� leek Se le ctmn