HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-02-06-BOS-min 334 n SELEC TMEN 1 S MEETING February 6, 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, February 6, 1961, at 7:00 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs . Adams, Ferguson and Cole were present. Mr. Carroll,Superintendent of Public Works, and the Executive Clerk were also present . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Minutes to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meeting held on January 30, 1961. Letter was received frau Mr. Stevens with copy of the agreement between Joseph Trani, Incorporated, and the Town, dated January 23, 1961, relating to the pro- Agreement perty at 1775 Massachusetts Avenue and particularly to the building line established in that property. The original agreement was registered in Middlesex South Land Registry District as document No. 362965 on Janu- ary 31, 1961. Letter from Robert L. Burke , 231 Marrett Rodd, Snow Removal received last week relative to removal of snow on the sidewalk on Marrett Road east of Stedman Road was held over again until Mr. Carroll has had an opportunity • to discuss the subject with the School Department. The State Department of Public Works Land Damage Agreement was held over from the last meeting. Mr. Carroll reported that he had arranged with Land Damage Mr. Harry Berglund to make an appraisal of the pro- Agreement perty involved which is part of the Baskin playground. The subject was held over. Mr. Carroll read a letter advising that prior to the storm on February t , 1961 the cost of snow removal amounted to $3600 and he expected that the storm of February L ,might cost as much as $25,000, making a total expenditure of $28,600 ao far in February . In Snow Removal 1960 the maximum monthly expenditure for snow removal Budget occurred in December and was $27,535.03. Because it is so early in the month he requested approval to incur additional liabilities for snow and ice removal in February to an amount not in excess of $25,000.00. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Superintendent of Public Works to in- cur liabilities for snow and ice removal during the 335 I month of February, 1961, to an amount not in excess of $25,000, over and above the sum of $27,535.03, being the highest amount spent for such purposes during any one month of the,year 1960. Mr. Carroll stated that he would like to purchase two plows and explained that additional funds will not be necessary. He said that he had requested prices on the plows he wanted to purchase before the storm and Public Works he would like to trade in a couple of plows that are Equipment very old and have not been used for many, many years. He explained that in addition to the old plows, there is an old drill press, purchased in 1916 as war surplus material, that he would like to trade in. He said that with the trade-in allowances, he could purchase the equipment tir $1,005, and the plows he would be purchasing would be Bakers . Mr. Stevens arrived at the meeting at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Ferguson asked if Mr. Carroll had received only one bid and he replied that he wants to purehase a Baker plow because it is about the best plow made , Bid he bias parts for a Baker and has received very good service . It seemed desirable to the Board to dispose of the equipment not being used, and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Mr. Carroll to pur- chase two Baker plows at a cost not to exceed $1,005.00. Mr. Ferguson did not vote . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign a:,contract for engineering services, prepared by Mr. Stevens, between the Town of Lexington and Contract Whitman & Howard, Inc . , in:connection with the extension Worthen Rd. of Worthen Road at Massachusetts Avenue and Waltham Street. Mr. Carroll referred to the Chapter 90 project at the corner of Winchester Drive and Lowell Street and explained that the State needs some slope easements on three properties on Lowell Street. He said he has had Chapter 90 trouble with two of the people involved and the third one hasn' t been contacted yet. He explained thatthe Church of Christ, in building a parking area, went out beyond its property line , and was akked to remove it but no action has been taken. Mr . Donald Legro, counsel for the church, has indicated to Mr. Carroll that the church would grant an easement to the, Town if the Town would remove the fill which the church put out on Town 36 Omv CD omo Cit property and request an easement of la to 1 instead of 2 to 1 so the extent of the slope would be about six feet less on the church property. Mr. Carroll said it would not be very expensive to remove the fill and its value to the Town at the dump would be $1.00 a yard. He explained it would cost less than that to get it . He said he did feel the State would insist on the 2 to 1. Mr. Carroll explained that the second property is the Byron property at the corner of Winchester Drive . Mr . Byron built a brick wall out on Town property after the Town had widened Lowell Street. The State wants the wall pushed back and has indicated that the wall would be put back. He said it will cost about $830 to remove the wall and the Town would be involved in pay- ing one-fourth or $200 for removing the wall . Mr. Byron also has some trees, or bushes, that he feels the Town should move back. They are within the limits of the slope easement and it will cost approximately $250 to replace them. He explained that the trees are not on Town land. The third property involved is Mr . Coblyn's, and Mr . Carroll said he has tried four times to contact him and finally sent him a letter on January 26 but has not received an answer. He suggested making a taking for slope easements on this . Mr. Ferguson suggested that the Town remove fill from the church property and that the slope easement remain 2 to 1 as specified by the State . On the Coblyn property, he suggested tt . t a taking be made . Ontthe Byron property he suggested that Mr. Byron be advised that the Town will move the wall but he will have to move the trees . Mr. Stevens explained that the State will remove the wall anyway and the Town is to acquire the easement . Mr. Carroll agreed to try to contact Mr. Coblyn and see whet can be worked out before starting suit. The Board authorized Mr. Stevens to bring suit against Willis F. Garland to cover the cost of re- placing la hydrant. Mr. Stevens retired at 8:40 P.M. Mr,. Carroll referred to Oxford Street, one of the streets to be presented for acceptance and explained that the petition was sent out and returned signed by all but two property owners at the end . He explained that the street drops off at numbers 15 and 16 and could never be built beyond that point . He presented a planand said that the question is whether it should be 331 111 accepted from street to street or laid out all the way it would actually be built physically. He said it was decided, because the last two people did not sign, to Oxford Street accept from Theresa Avenue to Lee Avenue . He explained that Mr. Jellis wants the street accepted all the way. He said that new percentages have been figured, and he told Mr . Jellis that under the circumstances, the street would probably not be accepted. Mr. Ferguson said he knew the street very well and to him it would not make sense to construct the entire length, and if those two people refuse to sign, then dontt accept:- the street. Mr. Carroll referred to the Shade Tree budget and explained the difference in the amounts requested in 1960 and 1961 stating that the increase is due to the fact that the poison ivy sprayer has to be rebuilt and a motor has to be overhauled. He stated that last year the figureof $8,000 was incorrect and wouldhave been in- Park budget sufficient except for the :fact he lost two men. He stated that he is not requesting additional funds but the amount was incorrect last year . Mr. Carroll referred to the Town Offices and Cary Memorial Building budget arra reported that three sections of the boiler have to be replaced at a cost of approxi- mately $3,000. The tank has to be cleaned out . The Town Offices estimated cost of cleaning the tank and feed line to & Bldg. the boiler is $350. He stated that wcr k already done budget to repair the boiler amounts to $313.79 and service • from Petro amounts to $100. I was agreed to include the amount of $4500 in the 1961 budget for repairs and maintenance which in- cludes a service contract. Mr. Carroll reported on snow removal and requested an appropriation of $100,000.00 for 1961 which was ap- Snow Removal proved by the Board. Mr. Carroll referred to the Water Maintenance budget and reported that over the weekend, the department was behind in thawing frozen water services, as many as Water Maint. thirty-five . He explained that some of the people have budget been without water for two or three days and this is • something that has to be taken care of. He recommended increasing the budget by $8,000.00 and the Board approved an increase of $10,000.00, making the total budget $76,700.00. 1 338 Mr. Carroll referred to the Highway Maintenance Highway budget and explained that because of the frost in the Maintenance ground, he anticipated trouble with the roads and re- commended an increase in the appropriation. It was agreed to approve an increase of $10,000.00. Mr. Carroll referred to the Road Machinery budget and explained that becauseof equipment breakdowns due to the heavystorms, he felt the budget should be in Road. creased by 3500 .00. He reported that to date he has Machinery spent $1400.00 more this year than he did last year for the same period. It was agreed to approve a total of $3700.00. The Chairman referred to the Engineering Personal Services budget and the proposed salary policy for 1961 1ngineering was explained. Personal Mr. Carroll said he felt the men in the department Services are underpaid and submitted the budget with the thought that even if no one received an increase , this depart- ment would be brought up to the right salary levels . Letter from John A. Bellizia, Conservator, Pine Meadows Country Club, requesting the Town to petition the State Department of Public Works to drain Tophet Swamp by dredging Kiln Brook. Drainage The Board reviewed the past history of the project and also considered the possible future widening of EeitaC IR8 _a id: detidad` aoite te-_take>,.any aetian until definite information is received as to what the State intends to do relative to the widening of Route 128. Letter was received from Mr. Mitchell Spirts stating that there seems to be a definite need for sidewalk Snow plowing on Forest Street between Clarke Street and Removal Massachusetts Avenue . Mr. Carroll reported that this area is being plowed. Notice was received from the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company of proposed abandonment of the following j/o poles : L Cambridge-Concord highway, southwesterly side, northwesterly from a point approxi- Pole mately 490 feet northwest of Spring locations Street, push brace on the first pole . 1 Cambridge-Concord highway, southwesterly side, approximately 1,000 feet north- west of Spring Street. Upon recommendation of Mr . Carroll, it was voted to approve the proposed abandonment . Mr. Carroll retired at 10:05 P.M. 339 Letter was received from Mr . Donald K. Irwin re- Report of porting on complaints received during the month of complaints January, including the complaint received by the Board from Mr. George W. Mayo. Letter was received from Mr. Irwin relative to elevator inspections, advising that there are now eleven, five of these having been installed within Elevator the last two years . He explained that a bill has been inspections presented in the Legislature to have this type of in- spection taken over as a State responsibility and then the inspections would be made by a State Inspector fully qualified and trained. He advised that such a bill would be to the best interest of every Town not having a fully qualified and trained inspector of ele- vators and suggested that the Board support the Legis- lature this year. Letter from Mrs. Thaddeus Szalajeski, of the 4-H Committee , was received requesting permission to sell eatable wrapped items on April 19. The items would be April 19 sold from baskets along Massachusetts Avenue and the products wrapped. No action was taken and the letter held over. The Appropriation Committee met with the Board at 10:15 P.M. The Chairman of the Botrd reported the adjusted figures in the Park, Snow Removal, Water Maintenance , Highway Maintenance, and Road Machinery budgets . Budgets Budgets from 1-A through 36 were discussed and the amounts suggested, but not approved, by the Ap- propriation Committee read by Mr. Blaisdell . The meeting adjourned at 11:50 P.M. A true record, Attest: , - xe tiv, e , Select, en hC " °'