HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-01-26-BOS-min 319 SELECTMEN'S MATING January 26, 1961 A special muting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Thursday evening, January 26, 1961, at 8:15 P.M. Chair- man Morey, Messrs . Adams, Ridhards, and Cole were pre- sent. The Executive Clerk was also present. Letter was received from C . W. Whittier & Bro.,. 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, with reference to a discussion the Chairman had with Charles H. McArbhur, President of Country-wide Offices Corporation, relative to his thoughts and proposals concerning the development of the land at the junction of Route 128 and 2. The Chairman explained that they are interested in building a $4,000,000 office building, and George Fuller is interested in this project over at the corner of Spring Street. They have a great deal of material on hand they would like to show the Board, including a scale model of what they would like to build. She said Zoning that Mr. Adams had talked to Cabot, Cabot and Forbes and they have plans for the area in North Lexington. She explained that she would like to arrange a meeting with the Planning Board, without the Director, to talk about these things that are coming to Lexington and see what its attitude is . Mr. Adams reported that Dan Wbeeler,of Cabot, Cabob and Forbes, talked to him about M 1 District . They have two pieces of land there now on which they have passed papers . They have all of the Reiss And all of the Linehan land. Before his conversation with Mr. Adams, Mr. Wheeler talked with the Panning Board. Cabot , Cabot and Forbes had a customer who wanted some rezoning out to Bedford Street which would include the sandpit. Mr. Adams told Mr. Wheeler that Itek had been anxious to get the land zoned to C-3 . They saw the Planning Boa d and received a non-committal reception. Mr. Adams also advised Mr. Wheeler to contact Itek, which he did, and there is renewed interest in research people coming in there . They now have three customers very much interested in it for research purposes. Mr. Adams said he realized this is a Planning Boat function but he thought the Selectmen had a. right to be interested in new assessable property. Mr. Adams said that Cabot, Cabot and Forbes and Itek would like some light manu- facturing in conjunction with the research. 2 w,. The Chairman said the Board should know when any of these things arecoming in and work with the Planning Board to determine if it is something desirable for the Town. Mr. Adams said that Mr. Wheeler is negotiating for the land right up to Wood Street. Mr. Richards reported that they are buying off Green and Gallagher and really lining this project up. He said no Board should take a negative attitude and he always felt badly that the Town lost the opportunity of having the Liberty Mutual Building. Mr. Adams said he thought the Selectmen should be in on things that could very well affect the financial interest of the Town. It was agreed to try and arrange a meeting with the Planning Board for Wednesday evening, February 1 . The Chairman referred to a letter received from the Planning Board in September relative to Mr. Snow ' s recommendations for the development of the Hillside Avenue area. She said that this should be considered by the Selectmen immediately after Town Meeting, and the Town should be able to sell enough good lots to pay Hillside for the cost of developing the area. area and Mr. Richards said that the Board should review the Tax titles tax title situation in hopes that it can accomplish what Town Counsel wanted to do two or three years ago and straighten out the tax titles in Meagherville as well as a survey of the tax title land in the Balfour area. He suggested employing a local man to appraise the oddlots because he believes it is the Board' s duty to restore these lots to the tax rolls . Consideration was given to the proposed staff in- crease for the Planning Board. Mr. Adams, reporting for the so-called salary com- mittee , said that its first duty was to try and line up the salaries so similar positions, particularly in the clerical level, in the Town and the School Department, Planning would work on a single schedule . They took the School Board Department Wage and Salary Plan which is based on the theory of classifications and series of increases . The increases are 22,E up to a certain figure , based on the valuation of a group as tohow well they are doing their jobs. He explained this is for non-certificated personnel . He explained that the committee went from there and it can be worked out so all the clerical help here can be put into similar positions. He said the School Department works 372 hours and the Town Offices work 35 hours, so 321 that particular chart will have to be done over, but mechanically, it can be worked out . He said, however, to work it out successfully would necessitate having some permanent person whose job is to handle this . The Committee feels very strongly that it would be part of the job of an Executive Secretary or General Manager. He said the Committee feels that a good Executive Secretary should be employed aid paid, if necessary, up to what the Superintendent of Public Schools is paid. The suggestion is to give a blanket increase this year of whatever percentage the Board may decide upon, with the understanding that the Ex- ecutive Secretary would take what the committee has done and carry on from there . Mr. Richards asked if the committee wanted to adopt the system used by the School Department with modification, using the same hourly figure . Mr. Adams replied that is the essence, and actuallyy they are not too far out of line . The Chairman asked if an across-the-board raise- would be taken care of in the school setup. Mr. Adams replied that most of the requests for raises were 5% which would have brought the similar positions practically into line . The Chairman asked if the school step-rate in- crease was 5%, and Mr. Adams replied it is about 2 . He said that on the evaluation group two, three or four increases are granted in one year if it is felt the work warrants the increases. The School Depart- ment is trying to work on a merit system. Mr. Richards stated that no system of merit classification is successful without a Board, so it means, upon adoption of this system for the rest of the Town, that it would be necessary to establish a B oard to make these decisions because an Executive Secretary should not have the power alone toincrease or decrease salaries . Mr. Adams agreed that the system would require administration to function properly. Mr. Richards asked if the recommendation for a flat increase would cover the certificated personnel as well as the non-certificated personnel, and Mr. Adams replied that he did not think it would . He said a certain number of department heads, such as the Tax Collector and Town Clerk, should be the decision of the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Richards asked if the Board wanted to change the setup in the Planning Board to include an assistant 322 0-1 r..., and full-time clerk which would be increase in the personnel as well as an increase in Mr. Snow's salary. Mr. Adams said the Clerk should be taken care of . Mr. Richards asked about Mr. Snow' s salary and the salary of the Senior Planner. Mr. Adams replied that they were not considered. Mr. Richards said he has been unable. to find, in this area, the eastern part of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, anything as elaborate as the setup pro- posed by the Planning Board, and that included Cambridge and the city of Fall River. He said the setup has great merit but the elaborateness of it for a Town the size of Lexington might well be questioned. He said there would be a salary of $103000 plus $7,000 plus $3,000, a Board of three people which is $20,000 just for personal services providing there are no increases next year . He said in addition there would be an expense account of $3,000 or $4,000. He said he would be willing to go along with the Planning fulltime. Clerk, a Planning Director, and an increase in Board the item for professional services for the hiring of ad- Personnel ditional help; increasing the $2,000 which has been ap- proved in sears past to $4,000 which would give the Board twice as much money for hiring additional professional services . Until such time as a Senior Planner could be located, the Board would have $4,000 to pay his salary for the balance of the" year. He said he would approve a Lull-time Clerk, andPieraSdntoPIPIetnev and. adidibtonal:;mmney fbe PtofeeeiolpelfewsttecHwiamplftnedihthiatAfLthe proper individual came along, the money would be avail able, and if he did not, they would have money to hire additional help to do what the Senior Planner would be doing. Mr. Adams said that the present typist is excellent as a typist but she is not a secretary and he would be in favor of hiring a full-time secretary. The Chairman said she understood that Mr. Richards would be in favor of the Planning Board hiring extra help but would not be in favor of establishing another permanent position at this time . Mr. Richards said that was correct and that he is not convinced that the Board needs it . He also felt that the rate of growth of the Town is slowing down and perhaps the subdivision load, although perhaps not decreasing, would be levelling off. He stated that Mr. Mabee agreed with him on this . Mr. Richards said the excuse for not working on the master plan has been because of the subdivision work and he feels that the pressure may not now be so great . He said he also relied on the statements made by the Planning Board about the employment of semi- professional help during the summer months and he 323 thought if they had some money they might be able to get another fellow to help out. Mr. Adams asked if Mr. Richards would go along with the figure for the Clerk, and he replied that he would not argue that but would notut in anything for Senior Planner. He would increase the item of f2,000 for professional services by adding $2,000 or $1,200 or $4, 000 if the Planning Board wanted it . Mr. Adams asked what would happen December 31 if the Board found the right man and he did a good job. Mr. Richards said he could be paid. He asked if the Selectmen intended to give the Planning Director the increase requested or to include him with the entire group. Mr. Adams said if the Board considered oneLdepart- ment head, he thought it should consider others . Mr. Richards said that employees who are department heads and immediately under the Board' s control is one thing and people who can go to Town Meeting is another. He said at some point the Board should consider the Chief of Police with no relation to the Planning Director or the Town Engineer. Mr. Richards said that he thought this is not the time to establish a definite basis but for the coming Town Meeting a general increase should be considered, the amount to be further explored. It was agreed to approve the salary for the Planning Director at the rate of §9200 per year. Consideration was given to suggested articles to be inserted in the warrant for the March Meeting and the following decisions were made : 1. By-Law re business establishments pushing snow on sidewalks. Mr. Adams agreed to obtain copies of By-Laws used by other towns . 2. Acquisition of Hinchliffe land, Washington Street.. Very definitely an article should be included. Mr. Adams to obtain more complete information necessary to drawing the article . 3. Hayden property. In favor. L . Resolution re establishment of a Metropolitan Boston Planning Agency. In favor of an article to be placed at the end of the warrant . 324 1.0 c'. 5. Abandonment of a portion of Westview Street. Discuss with Mr. Carroll Monday night . 6. Upgrading parking in C 1 areas . In favor of an article - this is a must . 7. Elimination of C 1 districts at Lowell and North Street and Lowell and Laconia Streets . In favor of an article . 8. Purchase of the Nason property adjacent to the Munroe School. Agreed to advise the School Committee that majority of the Board is not in favor of the Town acquiring this property. 9. Revaluation. The Chairman explained that the entire sum is appropriated the first year . Mr. Adams and Mr. Cole were in favor of inserting an article . Mr. Richards felt that nothing would be gained by a professional revaluation. It was agreed to include an article . It was agreed to discuss Worthen Road with Mr. Stevens Monday night and determine whether there should be two articles, one to construct the road and one to acquire the Hagerty property. The Chairman agreed to contact Mr. Burnell relative to arranging a meeting with Mr. Whittier on Wednesday. It was also agreed to ask Mr. Stevens Monday night if he .wiuld consider continuing as Town Counsel if an Executive Secretary is engaged. The meeting adjourned at 10:14.5 P.M. A true record, Attest: xecutiv 'Clerk, Select 1