HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-01-23-BOS-min 312 sitI SFT,FC TMEN' S MEETING I January 23, 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, . on Monday evening, Januay 23, 1961, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs. Adams, Ferguson, Cole and Richards were present . Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, and the Executive Clerk, were also present . Mr . James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, met with the Board for the drawing of four jurors; The following Jurors individuals were drawn for jury duty: Thomas L. Flannery, 4 Winston Road, Paul W. Huprich, 17 Lantern Lane, Percy A.Coomber, L.0 Bloomfield Street, Gerald G. Fall, Sr. , 11 Cary Avenue , and Camille B. Skov, 8 Hawthorne Road. Mr. Carroll retired. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Minutes to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meeting held January 16, 1961. Mr. Stevens reported on the claim of Lillian R. Claim Bertini and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to settle the claim in the amount of $100. Mr. Stevens called the Board' s attention to Chapter 810 of the Acts of 1960 which provides a fine for jaywalking which becomes effective upon acceptance Traffic by vote of Town Meeting . The Chairman suggested that this be referred to the Traffic Study Committee for a recommendation some- time. Mr. Stevens reported that the so-called Trani agreement was approved by the Lexington Savings Bank and the bank' s attorney. Agreement Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign an Agreement between the Town of Lexington and Joseph Trani, Incorporated, owner of the premises at 1775 Massachusetts Avenue . Telegram was received from Senator Leverett Saltonstall advising that the Lexington Battle Green and the Buckman Tavern have been declared as historic 31 sites by the Secretary of the Interior and are eligible for registered national historic landmark status . The Chairman suggested that a copy of the telegram be sent to Mr. Ralph H. Tucker, President of the Lex- ington Historical Society and ask for suggestions as to the next step. Report was received from Mr . Donald E. Nickerson, appointed by the Board to serve on the Minute Man National Historical Park Advisory Commission, of a Report meeting held Wednesday at Mr. Small ' s office . A copy of theireport was given to each member of the Board. Mr. Stevens retired at 8:07 P.M. Mr. Carroll reported that all the local contractors had received invitations to bid on the Civil Defense Room butonly two were received. Mr. Louis Tropeano' s total bid was *5,342.00 and Soule Bros . ' bid was $5,573.00. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the low bid of $5,342.00 submitted by Louis Tropeano. The Chairman read a letter from Diran M. Semonian and Rebecca E. Semonian, 504 Lowell Street, stating that in their opinion the water betterment assessment of Deferred $450.00 on part of Lot A, Laconia Street, is unjust be- betterment cause of the swampy condition of the land. assessment Mr. Carroll presented a sketch of the property, pointed out Lowell Street, Laconia Street, and the Semonian property. He stated that, in his opinion, this is not farm land and the betterment should not be deferred. Mr. Ferguson asked if the property was all one lot now and Mr. Carroll replied in the affirmative . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, under the provisions of Chapter 159 of the Acts of 1950, to extend the time for payment of $450 water betterment assessment levied against part of Lot A, Laconia Street, without interest, until said land or any part thereof is built upon, sold or until the expiration of three years from the date hereof, whichever event occurs first; provided, however, that this extension of time shall termi- nate immediately if the facilities of the water main are used for said Lot A or any part thereof. The Chairman read a letter from Thomas A. Napoli, relative to a sewer betterment assessment in the amount of $4,719.74 levied against Lot B, Middle Street . 314 042 Mr. Carroll presented a sketch of the property and reported that it is farm land. He recommendedthathe amount of $4,180.46 be deferred and the balance of $539.28, representing Mr. Napoli' s house lot of 125-foot frontage, be paid immediately. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted under the provisions of Chapter 159 of the Acts of 1950, to extend the time for payment of $4,180.46 on 96,900 square feet of land on Middle Street, without interest, until said land or any part thereof is built upon, sold, or until the land or any part thereof is built upon, sold, or until the expiration of three years from the date hereof, whichever event occurs first; provided, however, that this extension of time shall terminate immediately if the facilities of the waver main are used for said land orrany part thereof. The balance of $511.28 which represents 125-foot frontage upon which Mr. Napoli' s house is located, is due and paybble immediately. The Chairman read a letter from John A. Bellizia requesting the Bow d to petition the Massachusetts Depart- ment of Public Works to drain Tophet Swamp by dredging Kiln Brook, tbhreby eliminating a mosquito nuisance ani Dredging making it possible to utilize swamp land. iln Brook The Chairman suggested that Mr. Carroll find out why the abutters refused to grant easements and then the Board could consider further the possibility of following this through. Statement was received from Antonio Busa for the ulvert total cost of the box culvert at Lillian Road. It was agreed to make an appointment to discuss the subject with Mr. Busa some time after consideration of the 1961 budgets has been completed. Petition was received from the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for g p p Y permission to move an anchor guy because of the fact that the new sewer line in Watertown Street is going iuy wire through the existing anchor guy. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition for running and maintaining the guy wire . Petition was received from the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone and Telegraph xuy wire fdompany for permission to install an anchor guy and maintain guy wires across the premises at 572 Massa- chusetts. Avenue . 315 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition. Memorandum was received from the Massachusetts Public Health Association relative to a winter meet- ing on Thursday, Januay 26, at Boston College , scheduled at 2:15 P.M. The subject to be discussed is Sanitary Meeting Land Fills, Open Dumps, Incinerators--Helping the Com- munity Make a Choice . Letter was received from The National Conference of Ch±tstians and Jews, Inc . , together with suggested proclamation for the observance of Brotherhood Week, Brotherhood February 19-26. It was also requested that a Chair- Week man and or a committee be appointed to prepare suitable observance of the week. Mr. Cole reported that there has been some agi- tation to have a permanent committee and he suggested a sub-committee of the Town Celebrations Committee . The matter was held over until the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Carroll read a letter from Mr. Stephen Russian, Standing School Building Committee, relative tostreet lights for the Grove Street School. He said Mr. Crimp, the architect, saw him before the work' was done on the school, and at the time, Mr. Carroll suggested that the lighting oa the road going into the school should go on School the street lighting schedule and the lighting for the parking would be metered by the Boston Edison Company and paid by the school. Mr. Carroll was thinking in terms of overhead connected poles . Since then, a change has been made and the service to the school is to be underground. He explained that three of the lights will cost 0268 .20 per year and the other three will be $181.80 per year . M,,. Carroll said that he thought the Public Works Department should separate itself from the School Department insofar as lighting is concerned and it should be considered a school expense . . Mr. Ferguson said his recommendation would be to keep the street lights in the Public Works Department budget. The Chairman said she would like to know the plan for the rest of the exterior lighting of this school. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that the operation of the street lights on all new schools be charged to the School Department. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant Yearly Dump Permit; to Donald L. Cruwys, .25 316 Iowa NodDump Jason Street, Arlington, and the T. F. Kennefick Co., Permits Inc. , 20 Bartlett Avenue , Arlington. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted License to grant a First Class Agent License to Dunn Ford Sales, Inc . , 109 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington. It was agreed to meet at 8:00 P.M. on Thursday evening, January 26. Mr. Carroll advised the Board that no provision, has been made in his 1961 budget for the installation of the sanitary sewer in Boulder Road. If the Board wants to service Mr. Davis' house, there are sufficient funds carried over from last year. Boulder Rd. sewer He presented a plan and explained that an 8" gravity main would cost $4,575 and a 4" force main would cost $4,W18, not including the drain. He recom- mended including the drain at a cost of $3,000. He said that Mr. Davis told him he could obtain an easement from Mr. Fletcher . Mr. Carroll said that the Fernald house should be connected the same time the Davis house is connected. Public Works Budgets were reviewed until Mr. Carroll retired at 11:00 P.M. Mr. Levi Burnell, Chairman of the Planning Board, met with the Selectmen. He reported that the Planning Board has decided to recommend the extension of Buckman Drive as a second means of access to the Moon Hill section. He said that PlanningSummit Road is also included in this project but for the moment, the Board is concerned with Buckman Drive and Board was planning to include in the warrant for the spring town meeting the acquisition of Lot 11 from Mr. Luoggo. He said that Mr. Stevens this evening advised that it seemed more reasonable to ask for a layout as a town way and the acquisition would become a part of that . Mr. Burnell asked if the Selectmen preferred to have this done as a layout of a Town way and if so, It could not be done at the spring meeting because of time . He said Mr. Stevens thinks it is too late to do any- thing about it. If the Town wants to make a move now, it could acquire the land . The next question would be on what basis . Mr. Snow was trying to locate some town-owned land to exhhange for the Luongo land and keep him in his produce business. Mr. Snow believes there is land on Hillside Avenue that could be exchanged and would be excellent far Luongols use . 317 Mr. Burnell asked if the Planning Board should proceed b))acquire the land through the layout as a town way or should it attempt to acquire it as an ex- change of land. Mr. Richards said the Town might as well acquire the land and the business of exchanging land could come later. He said someone will have to contact Luongo and ask him how much he wants for his land . It was agreed to insert an article in the warrant to tale the Luongo land. Mr. Burnell reported that he contacted the Buckman Drive group relative to a meeting Saturday morning but the only one he was successful in getting to attend was George Matheson. Last Monday night, a meeting was held with Mr. Matheson, Dr. Brennan, Mr . Conti, at which time the Board heard the same presentation that is in the Selectments minutes. Mr. Burnell retired at 11:15 P.M. The Chairman reported that Richard Doran, 905 Massa- chusetts Avenue , called relative to having the Town plow a ten-foot driveway for three houses. Mr. Carroll main- tained that the entrance to these houses is to all intents and purposes a private driveway and it is the obligation of the people living there to take care of the snow re- moval. Snow removal Mr. Ferguson said that before giving an answer, be would like to know what the Town is doing on other similar drives. Mr. Richards said he did not think the Town should plow any private driveway. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign Notices of Intention to lay out the following streets: Ba l f our Street Le dge lawn Avenue Baskin Road Liberty Avenue Bellflower Street Loring Road Blueberry Lane Maguire Road Brent Road Outlook Drive Chase Avenue Oxford Street Dewar Road Proposed Way Fairbanks Road Sedge Road Gould Road Tarbell Avenue Grimes Road Tucker Avenue Hamblen Street T$fts Road Hartwell Avenue Turning Mill Road Hathaway Road Westview Street Hinchey Road Young Street Rawson Avenue 318 The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. A true record, Attest: j,/}je Cr/ J � ' tive 01e , S r en ut EEdb' i