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Janua. y 9, 1961
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was
held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on
Monday, Janu r y 9, 1961, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Morey,
Messrs . Adams , Ferguson, Richards, and Cole were pre-
sent . Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr. Carroll, Super-
intendent of Public Works, and the Executive Clerk
were also present .
Mr.James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, met with the
Board for the drawing of two jurors. The following
individuals were drawn for jury duty: Edward J. Jurors
Cassidy, 173 Cedar Street, and Samuel L. Fardy, 29
Pine Knoll Road.
Mr. Carroll retired.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to approve the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting Minutes
held on Tuesday, January 3, 1961.
Discussion was held relative to application for
the use of Cary Hall by the Lexington Rotary Club on
March 18, 1961.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Use of Hall
to revoke permission granted December 114, 1960 for the
use of the hall if the purpose of the proposed use of
the hall is to carry on a lottery; permission having
been granted through a misunderstanding.
Letter was received from Mr. Stevens relative to
State aid for free public libraries.
The Chairman suggested that the information in
the letter be referred to the Executive Committee of Aid for
the library and Mr. Stevens agreed that it might be free librarts
well to refer the matter to the committee .
Mr. Carroll retired at 8:10 P.M.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to go into executive session for the purpose of dis-
cussing, deliberating or voting on a matter which,
if made public, might adversely affect the public
aecurity, the finandial interest of the Town,. or the Executive
reputation of any person' Session
298 '-'
The Chairman read a letter from Chief John W.
Rycroft relative to a personnel trmatter, and following
discussion of the subject, motion was duly made and
seconded, to resume the open meeting.
Mr. Stevens retired at 8:35 P.M.
Mr. Edward B. Cass met with the Board .
The Chairman explained that the Board had asked
Mr. Cass to attend the meeting because it had been dis-
cussing the Assessor' s Department, policy of assessing, the
way things have been conducted, and the budget . She said
the fact that the time for his reappointment was up again
it seemed like a good time to talk to him individually
and as Chairman of theBoard of Assessors .
She said that there was some question as to whether
or not assessments on business properties have been kept
up as they should have been over the past five years, and
if that is one of the reasons why a general reassessment
is needed. She stated that there is a question as to
whether or not Mr. Cronin has been operating the depart-
ment as he wanted it .
Mr. Case stated that the Clerk of the Board is the
only man who is an expert appraiser and has the tech-
niques of running an office and keeping the office cur-
rent. He said the Assessors rely on him for the know-how
Assessors' in running the office . He said the Assessors are simply
ibepartment citizens ofthe Town doing the assessing job for the
Town as a phblic service and they are not experts, and
of necessity they rely on Mr . Cronin to make the assess-
ing his full-time career. He said that, in a sense,
they do take the lead frau him as to how to proceed and
keep things up to date. Mr. Cronin sets up the day's
work, for example . He does not make any major decisions
without taking them up with the Baird at a meeting . He
said that everything that has to do with assessing as
such is done by the Assessors when they go gut with him
or attend meetings. He said in that sense one could not
say Mr . Cronin ran the office . In addition, he is the ex-
pert in the office. The Assessors are assessors and Mr.
Cronin is the Clerk and the Assessors rely on him for the
techniques of the administration. They also rely upon
him to point up problems . Other than that, he does not
run the department. He said that Mr. Cronin does not want
to make decisions and is very careful to stay in his own
province . He said he thought Mr. Cronin kept his place
very well. He said there are three lay men and an ex-
pert and they naturally look to him for advice . The
Assessors meet once a week in the evenings, either
Monday or Tuesday night.
The Chairman asked if usually two Assessors went
out with Mr. Cronin, and Mr. Cass replied that it
depended on what was being assessed. They try to have
all three , or at least two, unless it is on houses or
routine things. They feel they can cover more ground
on homes with just one man and Mr. Cronin. Mr. Cass
said he tries to give one morning and one evening a
week. Mr. Burnham gives two and three full days . The
work is brought into the evening meetings. * The decisions
are made at the meetings and Mr. Cronin does not have
a vote .
Mr. Adams said a year ago the subject of getting the
taxbills out was discussed and the Board talked to Mr.
Cass and Mr. Cronin and at that time, it appeared that
the bills could not be sent out because of vacations .
A letter went from the Board asking not to have the
vacations fall in the same period another year but the
same situation prevailed this year.
Mr . Cass said that would be a matter of arranging
in the office. He said it could have been done and
should have been done . He said that the Assessors asked
for additional help but the request was denied.
Mr. Adams said it seemed odd that one year the
Selectmen asked about it and the same thing occured again.
The Chairman asked if the policy of getting the ex-
cise tax bills out first was set by the Board of Assessors
or Mr . Cronin.
Mr. Cass replied that he probably told the Board
about it at a meeting and the Assessors thought it was
a good idea because the banks would not be paying taxes
until late . He explained the idea was to get some quick
money and the. Assessors went along with it. He said it
still seems theoretically the thing to do.
Mr. Adams said that the. Assessors' work is only
part of the entire procedure , and there were times when
the vacations made it impossible for other departments
to arrange their vacations and it created a personnel
Mr. Cass said that vacations come in July and August,
and itis considered a crime usually if people can't have
the vacation period during those two months.
The Chairman said that a check showed Lexington to
be latest in getting the real estate tax bills out .
Mr. Richards stated that the Board has been con-
sidering the question of machines and will investigate
the matter for an overall installation of machines .
Mr. Cass said he thought other departments could
make use of the machine .
The Chairman explained that the Town already has
111 a new graphotype, an old addressograph, and a billing
*The AssesLors who go out don' t make the decisions .
machine used for the water bills which is quite old.
She said the Board is considering one machine room for
all departinants.
Mr. Richards said the Board hopes the machines can
be used by mo-e than one department .
The Chairman stated that all the tax bills could be
out in a week, as she understood it, and then the machines
could be used for other work.
Mr. Cass said a machine would seem to solve the
problem of getting the tax bills out early. He said it
did not matter what department had the machine .
Mr. Adams mentioned the valuationof business
Mr. Cass said he never heard the complaint that
business properties were not kept up and he thowght
they were right up to date . He said the department
was readjusting the entire business area because of the
applications for abatements. He said he thought the
business area was uptto date, he did not think there
was any problem, and the Assessors thought they had
business properties in good condition in th&s Town.
He said the Assessors feel the business properties are
assessed a,s high as they can be right now.
Mr. Adams said before Mr. Trani purchased his pre-
sent building, it was assessed for less than $4,000
and it seems a low figure for any business on the main
street . When it was sold, the assessment was changed
to $9,000.
Mr. Cass asked if it was the building or the land
that was assessed for $4,000 and Mr. Adams replied it
was the land.
Mr. Richards said it had been that way since about
Mr. Adams said it seemed to him that the new build-
ing he is in is assessed too low;
Mr. Cass said that building was done a couple of
years agol He said some buildings might be low be-
cause they are old, and the land may be higher.
Mr. Adams asked about the rents and Mr. Cass replied
that the Assessors had tried to get the rents but were
Mr. Cole asked if any readjustments had been made
since the parking areas were built and Mr. Cass replied
that he thought all the buildings and land were redone
about three years ago and he thought they were fairly
high. He said he did not knlow the story on the Trani
Mr. Cole asked if the Assessors reappraised at the
time of a sale, and Mr. Cass said they do not think
that is fair and is spot assessing.
He explained that the Assessors were in favor of
a general reassessment because it would take in every
piece of property and every commercial property and the
Assessors don't have the time for that .
Mr. Cass said he was disturbed about the comments
on the commercial properties because the Board felt they
were in line . He said they would look them ove• again
and see if they are out of line . He said that they
assess generally around SO% and are running close to
45% on residences .
Mr. Cole asked if the net return to the Town would
be the same as it is now if there was a general re-
Mr. Cass replied that the general feeling is that
the Town would realize more money. He said it would
result in an established assessment and he thought the
Town would receive more money. He said he would take
another look at the commerdial areas in Town.
Mr. Ferguson asked Mr . Cass what he considered
the duties of the Board of Assessors to be .
Mr. Cass explained that the Board of Assessors are
appointed by the Board of Sete etmen but their duties are
statutory and are under the supervision of thedepartment
of Taxation and not under the supervision of the Town. He
stated that they are bound by the statutes and have no
supervision by the Town at all as to their assessing duties .
Mr. Ferguson asked if the duties involved merely
appraising a certain piece of real estate .
Mr. Cass replied that the statutehas to do with
assessing and does not mention running the office. He
explained there is a statute that 'vomits a Town to re-
quest the State to come into the Assessors' office and
ask for assistance in setting up the assessing practices.
However, this requires too much supervision by the State
that most communities have not gone into it. He said the
State does put out a manual on assessing and assessing
Mr. Ferguson said Mr. Cass stated that the Assessors
rely upon Mr. Cronin for expert advice .
Mr. Cass said that Mr. Cronin is the expert appraiser.
Mr. Ferguson asked if theBoard made the decisions .
Mr. Cass replied thAt the Board makes the decisions
on the techniques he sets up. The Assessors rely on him
to keep them up to date on the best method of assessing
but they do the actual assessing. Mr. Cronin is the
only one who has made a compote study.
Mr. Ferguson asked if Mr. Cronin provided the As-
sessors with the formulas and figures.
Mr. Cass replied that he does not provide the Board
with the figures. He said the Assessors do the arithmetic
302. )-.at
in the field and Mr. Cronin brings the book out . The pro-
perty is listed and calculations made on the field and the
assessment is made from that . He said they assess accord-
ing to the standard and accepted practices of the Appraisers '
Institute of America.
Mr. Ferggson asked if it were possible for two people
come up with a different answer.
Mr. Cass replied on a new house , no, but on an
old house, yes. •
Mr. Ferguson said that the Board of Selectmen asked
to have certain things done which were not done and he
asked who was responsible, the Board of Assessors or the
Mr. Cass replied that tWblame was upon the head of .
the Board of Assessors . He said he intended not to take
responsibility for such matters and does not take the
responsibility. The Assessors expect Mr. Cronin to carry
out the instructions of the Board of Selectmen and if he
doesn't, the Assessors would be disappointed. They would
expect him to so operate the department that the muest
would be carried out. Mr. Cass said he would not -make a
note in his diary and try to remember it for the follow-
ing year as he does not have the time for that.
- Mr. Cass said he did not know why Mr. Cronin missed
it. He runs the office and should because he is the Clerk
of the Board. He said the office operation is an adminis-
trative- task and the Assessors do not have the time to
supervise Mr. Cronin or the manner in which he runs the
office .
Mr . Cass retired at 9:30 P.M.
Mr. John Carroll returned to the meeting.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to reappoint Mr. Edward B. Cass to the Board of Assessors
for a three-year term expiring January 1, 1964.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to grant the petition and sign an order fop the following
j/o pole location, approved by Mr. Carroll:
Massachusetts Avenue , easterly side ,
Pole approximately 125 feet north of
location Barnes Place , --
One pole .
Mr. Carroll reported that Mr. Mahon, Boston Edison
Company, called him relative toobtaining permission to
Pole erect a pole for a temporary service to the Pilgrim
location C hureh and filing a petition at a later date for three
additional poles. The desired permission was granted.
Letter was received from the State Division of
Forests and Parks stating that the financial liability
of the Town for Insect Pest Control for 1961 has been
established as $7,569.74 and the financial liability
of the Town for Duthh Elm Disease Control for 1961 has
been established as $17,569.74.
The Chairman read a letter from Alden W. Jefts,
47 Wachusett Drive , expressing concern over the lack
of safety devices and the absence of parking facilities
at the Marrett Road reservoir skating area. Skating area
It was agreed to advise Mr. Jefts that there are
no funds available tolevel off a parking area and the
Recreation Committee will be requested to place a ladder
and life rings as suggested.
Mr. Sinkevichts offer to purchase lot 196 Circle
Road was held over.
Mr. C oiwell's offer to purchase lots 59 and 60 Ivan
Street was held over.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to grant the following licenses:
Louis Sala Taxi Driver (renewal)
Ernest L. Reese new Licenses
Ralph R. Towl
Minute Man Restaurant Common Victualler (renewal)
Anna Phillips " " "
Lexingtnn Motors, Inc . 1st Class Agent
Rowe-Jackson Chevrolet " " " "
The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Lurvey, Executive
Health Officer, relative to Mary A. Rowlandts application
for a Common Victualler license, 150 Lowell Street. He
stated that he has never had occasion to inspect the License
establishment because it has been closed ever since he
has been in "exington. Therefore he could not recommend
issuing a Common Victualler license to any establishment
that is not in operation.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
not to grant the license .
Mr. Carroll mentioned that about two weeks ago, Mr.
Stevens, Town Counsel, brought up what the Town was
going to give Hayden and what Hayden was going to give Exchange of
the Town. He presented a plan of the properties to land
which he was referring and said he would like to make
certain he understood correctly what the Board has in
The Board made no change in the plan submitted and
the parcels indicated by Mr. Carroll .
Mr. Carroll referred to Worthen Road and asked if
he should contact Whitman & Howard for the preparation
of a rough draft of the contract which must be done in
Engineering a hurry.
Mr. Ferguson replied that the decision is up to
Mr. Carroll as to what concern he hires, but if some
other engineering concern is not engaged for some of
the Town business, he will bring the subject up again.
Mr. Carroll reported that Anthony Busa was in to
see him about the culvert at Lillian Road, and wanted
to know what the Town is going to do about it . The
Busa culvert is now approximately 99% completed, and the
Culvert Board had at one time discussed the possibility of
inserting an article in the warrant requesting an ap-
propriation of $2,000 to be paid to Mr. Busa. He said
he did not think the Board would take any action at
the Annual Town Meeting this year because the plan has
not been approved and some of the work cannot be done
until spring.
Mr. Burnell, Chairman of the Planning Board, came
into the meeting and read the following list of items
for which that Bpard wants articles drawn to be pre-
Articles sented at the Annual March Meeting:
1. Abandonment of a portion of Westview Street .
2. Revision of Waltham Street A 1 district .
3. Woburn Street crossing for Emerson Road.
4. Rezoning the M 1 district to C 3.
5. Regular option article .
6. Upgrading the parking in C 1 areas.
Permissive use .
7. Elimination of C 1 district at Lowell and
North Streets and at Lowell and Laconia Streets .
Mr. Carroll retired at 11:03 P.M.
The Chairman read tatters from Mr. Irwin, Building
Inspector, and Mr . Belcastro, Chief Engineer, reporting
on an inspection of the wooden fire escape at 271 Lincoln
It was Egreed to acknowledge the letters and state
that the Board presumes the proper follow-up action
will be taken and to keep the Board advised.
The meeting adjourned at 11:09 P.M.
\., A true record, Attest: 1
4 Executive Clerk, Selectmen