HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-01-07-BOS-min 292 CC SELECTMEN'S MEETING January 7, 1961 A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmenus Room, Town Office Building, on Saturday, January 7, 1961, at 9:00 A.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs. Adams, Ferguson, Richards and Cole were present. The Executive Clerk was also present . The Chairman reported she , Mr. John Carroll, and Mr. Jefferson had been over to the Town of Wayland to see the office machines and system of billing that town uses. Mr. Ferguson suggested, and the Board agreed, that two or three companies, such as the National Cash Register, Business Minneapolis-Honeywell be requested to give the Town pro- machines posals, to use the present equipment if possible , of a system for all accounting and mailing, tieing in every department , and that they be advised that the present Civil Defense room might be made available for a business machine room. It was also agreed to notify all departments that the Board has requested these companies for proposals and ask them to co-operate when the company representa- tives are seeking information . During the discussion, the subject of mailing water Water bills was brought up and the Board was in favor of re- billing vising the system so that the bills would be sent out only twice a year. The subject of an appointment to the Board of As- sessors was discussed, Mr. Casst term having expired January 1, 1961. The Chairman agreed to contact Mr. Cass, and invite him to meet with the Board either next Monday or the following Monday, at which time the Board will discuss the department. At 10:05 A.M. , Messrs. Burnell, Mabee, Soule, and Meyer, of the Planning Board, met with the Selectmen. Mr. Burnell said the Planning Board would like to know the Selectmen's reaction to its personal services Planning budget. He statedthatadding an additional man to the Board staff, and the Herzog discussion, were two problems that required considerable study, and Mr. Mabee was asked to do the work for the Planning Board. 293 Mr. Mabee explained that Mr . Snow's salary is figured at the rate of $10,000 a year; the Senior Planner is figured for half a year because the Board would not be able to get him earlier and his salary is at the rate of $7,000 a year. He said if the department has two full-time professional men, it will have to have a full-time clerk. Mr. Richards said that for a town the size and area of Lexington, such an extensive operation seemed unusual. He asked if there was any town within fifty miles that would have a setup similar to what the Planning Board is proposing. Mr. Mabee replied that he did not know of one . Mr. Richards asked if the rate of growth of Lexing- ton had any bearing on the rate of work, and Mr . Mabee replied that he assumed it did. Mr. Mabee reported that the Planning Board has tried for approximately six months to reach an agreement with Mr. Herzog and has been unsuccessful. The Planning Board recommends that an agreement to purchase be presented to Herzog Mr. Herzog. If he turns it down, which the Board thinks he will, the Board recommends that the Selectmen take the land by eminent domain and in lieu of cash, give him the use of the land for as long as he is in the house . I Both Boards agreed that the property should be taken by eminent domain. Mr. Burnell referred to Mr. Cassim's problem. His land is being taken for the enlargement of the clover- leaf on Bedford Street and Route 128. Mr . Cassim wants Cassim to move his house back on his land, of which he has about five acres with no access . Mr. Burnell said the problem is whether or not the Selectmen are interested in laying out Valley Road under the Betterment Act. Mr. Richards said the Town is under no obligation to Mr. Cassim in any way and if the road was laid out, it would only be for preservation of tax title property. Be asked if Mr. Cassim wooldbe willing to pay to the Town more than normally would be charged. Mr. Snow came into the meeting with a plan of the property and said he had talked to Mr. Cassim about sub- dividing his property which could also take care of about twenty other people . However, he said it would be neces- sary to lay out Brook Street and Center Street, as well as Valley Road. Mr. Ferguson said his decision would depend on whether or not the streets involved are actually streets. Mr. Snow stated that Center and Brook Streets are not streets. 294 . Mr. Ferguson said in that event, this would be strictly a subdivision proposition. The suggestion was made that the Town lay out the streets if Mr. Cassini will donate to the Town a sum of money to build the streets . Mr. Snow explained that Mr . Cassim is going to have the property surveyed and will present a plan to Mr. Irwin and request a building permit , which will probably be denied. Having been denied, Mr. Cassim will go to the Board of Appeals requesting a variance . Mr. Richards said the first step is for Mr. Cassim to go to the Board of Appeals and request a variance. Mr. Snow referred to Buckman Drive extension and reported that there is a partial right-of-way from Fern Street to the Wilson land and Mr. Wilson told him possibly it could be extended across his land to Pleasant Street. However, that does not solve much. He said the second solution would be the construction of a road over this very narrow right-of-way fromMoon Hill Road to Millican Road. He said this is actually no solution because the grade is much too steep and the cost of damages for widening would be such that it would not be economically feasible and he did not think it would solve the problem. The third way would be the construction of Summit Road from the intersection of Pinewood and Summit to Fern Street. He explained this would involve something in the way of construction costs. There is about 300 feet of wooded section and 400 feet of rough paving that would have to be installed and extended for at least 500 feet. He stated that when this is all done, there would be a means of getting out onto Follen Road, but in terms of relieving the problem of Follen Hill itself, this is of no he l ) at pll. The fourth way woad be the extension of Buckman Drive for 250 feet from the end of Buckman now to Moreland Avenue . He said the Town now has a fifty-foot easement across two lots owned by Mr. Luongo in which there is an eight-inch mater main. He said Moreland Avenue has been constructed to Davis Road. Mr. Ferguson asked if this would mean that traffic could go between Moreland Avenue and Buckman Drive and onto Fern Street . Mr. Snow said it would mean that Moon Hill Road, Moreland Avenue and Fern Street could go over Buckman Drive . Mr. Ferguson said people on Buckman Drive have a different opinion as to whether or not they want a second way out. 295 Mr. Snow said that the construction cost only for laying out Buckman Drive would be $4,000 and Summit Road would be $17,500. Mr. Burnell said the Planning Board believes Buckman Drive should be extended as a town way and action should not be deferred until a developer comes along. Mr. Ferguson stated that when people from Buckman Drive met with the Board it was more or less understood. that before any article was put in the warrant, they would have an opportunity to discuss the subject with the Planning Board. The Chairman said that she was in favor of extend- ing Buckman Drive . Mr. Ferguson said he would rather postpone it until the people have discussed the matter with the Planning Board. It was left that the Planning Board would meet with the group from Buckman Drive and then discuss the subject further with the Board of Selectmen. The Planning Board left the meeting at 12:06 P.M. The subject of handling the Town insurance was dis- cussed and a majority of the Board was not in favor of the system of rating presented by the committee on in- surance . Mr. Ferguson stated that there would have to be some way of determining who will go off the committee and the committee would have to decide that. He sai&. two members will be going off the committee each year and asked who would decide if the committee doesn't. Insurance Mr. Cole said a regular rotation would take care of it . The Chairman suggested terms of one , two and three years, replacementsto be made at the dnd of the terms. Mr. Adams said that actually it was the Board's responsibility. Mr. Richards agreed and said he thought the Board should make the appointments each year. Mr. Ferguson said he would put it up to the members of the Committee to rate the individual members because some will be dropped off each year. The Chairman asked from what type of a list the first five were to be appointed. Mr.. Ferguson replded that the Board will have to decide if a committee is to be appointed and then decide how to appoint the first committee . The Chairman said she thought it important to know the details of how the committee is going to operate . Mr. Ferguson explained that the initial appointment could be any way the Board wants it; the first committee N 296 n Gr] being appointed from the insurance agents in the town who apply. He said the Board would look over their qualifi- cations and then decide . Mr. Richards said the Board should decide whether or not it wants tm,revise the current system of insur- ance premiums to a system based on the framework which was presented by the committee . He said what has to be worked out is a means of operating to set forth the principles upon which the Board is going to select people and the duties they are going to perform. He said there will be people te,advise the Board on the insurance needs of the Town. He stated that after two or three meetings in the course of a year, they should be able to present to the Board the entire picture in regard tcoinsurance . He said he did not think a rating system should be set up and he did not believe in a qualification except for the fact the individual::: must be a licensed insurance broker and engaged in the business . Mr. Ferguson stated that the people will be paid advisors and receive a good income for very little work so he felt the Board was entitled to the best it could get. He felt that they should apply in writing and should know some work will be expected of them. He said he felt they are the ones who know what it is and they should rate the members. The Chairman said the Board should invite Mr . Hill to a meeting and tell him that it is dissatisfied with the present handling of the insurance and explain what it has in mind. Mr. Adams said before any change is made , he thought the Board should listen to Mr. Hill first. He said the Board may find that none of the agents will want to serve on the committee because of the rating. The meeting adjourned at 12:35 P.M. A true record, Attest: L. ec tiv Cler , Sole toren J tI i