HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-01-03-BOS-min 287 SELECTMEN'S MEETING January 3, 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Tuesday, January 3, 1961, at 7:30 P.P1 . Chairman Morey, Messrs . Adams, Ferguson and Richards were present . Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr . Carroll , Superintendent of Public Works , and the Executive Clerk were also present . Mr. Cole arrived later in the evening . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes ofthe Selectmen ' s Meeting Minutes held on December 27, 1960 . The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Stevens with Acquisition reference to the Meriam Street parking area. Papers or parking were passed and recorded December 29, 1960 completing area land the acquisition by the Town of the Parking area . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to petition the County Commissioners for authority to lay out a public way from Edison Way to land of the Petition to Town that was recently purchased from the Boston and County Corrmti . Maine Railroad and is to be used, together with other land of the Town on which it abuts, for a municipal off-street parking area, which public way will cross at grade the tracks of the Lexington branch of the Boston and Maine Railroad. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign contract, submitted by Mr . Stevens, between Alarm system. the Town and Hosmer R. Kimball for the installation contract of a remote transmitter alarm system in the amount of $1609. Copy of Mr. Stevens' letter to Anthony D 'Alessandro & Sons, Inc . , relative to a claim filed by Margaret A . McCarthy, was received. Mr. Stevens explained that Mrs . McCarthy claimed a defect in the highway due to the presence of con- Claim struction equipment sticking out and not property lighted. Mr. Carroll reported that the incident occurred on Watertown Street and Mrs . McCarthy hit the shovel .. 288 t7 The Chairman referred to an application for the Mary Rowland renewal of a Common Victualler license filed by Mary A. Common Viet. Rowland, 150 Lowell Street . Mrs. Rowland continues to apply for renewal each year but is not operating her business and has not been operating it for several years . Mr. Stevens explained that, under the Zoning By-Law, a non-conforming premise not used for two years, the non-conforming use is terminated. It was agreed to request the Health Sanitarian to submit a report in writing relative to the establishment . Mr . Stevens retired at 8:10 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Pole to approve the petition and sign an order for the fol- location lowing i/o pole location recommended by Mr. Carroll: Bow Street, southeasterly side, approxi- mately 300 ' southwest of Winn Avenue , -- One pole . (One existing i/o pole to be removed. ) The Chairman read a letter from Mr . John Carroll Garbage to Silva Brothers relative to deductions from payment because of missed collections . 111 Mr. Carroll reported that the State took bids on Chapter 90 construction on Maple Street, Lowell Street and Winchester Drive . The low bidder was Chapter 90 Rufo Construction Company at about $31,000. The total appropriation was 440,000. He explained that this does not include Winchester Drive . However, provisions have been made in the contract so that the Town can go to Winchester Drive if it so desires. He stated that in 1961 he would like to use Chapter 90 funds for Winchester Drive and Concord Avenue , the State contributing $10,000. Mr. Carroll explained that he would need an ad- ditional $6500 to pay for bills incurred in the Snow Removal Account up to January 1, 1961. Transfer Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to request the Appropriation Committee to transfer the sum of $6500 from the Reserve Fund to the Snow Removal Account. Discussion was held relative to Mr. Carroll ' s letter, dated December 22, 1960, to the Board with reference to the Sewerage Contract AF (604) - 716. 289 111Mr . Carroll is to send the Air Force a copy of Mr. Sulesky' s letter which indicates the problem Sewerage with which the Town is faced. contract Mr. Ferguson mentioned advising the Air Force with Air that a survey is being made and suggest that a Force portion of the cost be borne by them. Mr. Ferguson submitted a letter forwarded to him by Mr. Richard S. Sparrow, Chairman of the Recreation Committee , relative to flooding an area in the Peacock Farms development for skating . Flooding Mr. Carroll stated that he receives calls from areas for time to time for flooding private property and he skating thought the policy had been established whereby such calls were to be referred to the Recreation Committee . Mr . Adams said he thought it was a good policy for the Town to take care of Town areas only. It was agreed to advise Mr. Sparrow that the subject had been taken up and it is the opinion of the Board that flooding areas for skating should be limited to Town-owned land. It was agreed to meet in the Selectmen's Room, Saturday morning, January 7, 1961, at 9:00 A.M. , to Selectments ' discuss the insurance policy and 1961 budgets . A Meeting meeting to be held at 10:00 A.M. with the Planning Board to discuss Buckman Drive , Cassim, and the Plan- ning Board office personnel. The Chairman read a letter from the Planning Board in regard to Mr. Bellizia' s proposal to acquire a portion of the Meagherville subdivision for expansion of the Pine Meadows Country Club . Tax title The Planning Board recommended that no aation be taken until the School Sites Committee has definitely decided whether or not a portion of this land is to be used for an elementary school site . Notice was received from the State Department of Corporations establishing the sum of $79,000 as the amount not less than which the 1961 bond of the Treasurer shall be written and th_ sum of 6100,900 as the amount Bonds not less than which the 1961 bond for the Collector of Taxes shall be written. Letter was received from the Collector of Taxes together with bond on behalf of Frederick J. Wright, Bond Deputy Collector. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted I to approve the bond on behalf of Frederick J. Wright 290 ip as Deputy Collector, in the amount of $2500 for a period expiring December 31, 1961; said bond having 111 been approved by the Commissioner of Corporations and Taxation. Letter was received from the Lexington Junior Chamber of Commerce relative to Jaycee Week, January Jaycee Week 15 through 21. Enclosed were forms to be used to nominate candidates for the Distinguished Service Award to the community's outstanding young man of 1960 and a proclamation to be issued. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted a proclamation be issued during Jaycee Week and to authorize the Chairman to sign it on behalf of the Board. Letter was received from Mr. Irwin, Building In- Sale of spector, listing the names of people to whom he has Christmas written about the sale of Christmas trees in resi- trees dentja.l areas . Appointment to the Board of Assessors was held over for another week . Mr. Adams reported that there is a wooden fire escape on the Carriage House Restaurant that he felt should be investigated because the room on the second floor accommodates 200 people who, in the event of a fire might have to use that escape . It was agreed to call the matter to the attention of Chief Engineer Belcastro and to Mr. Donald Irwin. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the following licenses : Lexington Inn Restaurant Common Victualler (ren'w' 1. ) Geo. R. Reed & Son, Inc . Heritage Room, Battle Green Inn Geoffroy' s Pharmacy Colonial Garage , Inc . First Class Agent " Mawhinney Motor Sale s n " r, n Morris Motors Second " " Wild Acre Inn Innholder Mark C . Aldrich Taxi Driver " Donald W. Birch Thomas F. Cunningham Raymond E. Dalrymple Donald F. MacElroy Samuel L. Fardy, Jr. rr n n 291 I Licenses (aonttd. ) Richard S . Gazan Taxi Driver (renewal) Caywood Greening, Jr . ft ti t, Otis J . Keating " It " Angus W. McIver tt tt " Pasquale J. Monsignore " it tt Robert M. Payne " " " Paul J. Rivais tt It It Paul T. Sullivan " " " Charles A. Urbon tt " It Thomas W. Wilkie it tt It Peter R . Bottai " 't New Herbert E. Hutchinson tt William T. Whiting it It +t Mr. Richards reported that Swenson' s barn on Marrett Road is being used for storage of equipment owned by Marshall ' s Food Service Corporation, 315 Marrett Road. It was agreed to call the situation to Mr . Irwin' s attention. I The meeting adjourned at 11 :05 P.M. A true record, Attest : ---' ec'tt.iv Cler , Se1ec en