HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-12-10-BOS-min60 Transfer Article Drainage SELECTMEN'S MEETING December 10, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, December 10, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Adams, Messrs. Richards, Cole, Brown and Burnellwere present. Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk_, were also present. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Carroll re- questing a transfer of $2,000 to enable him to con- tinue ins1ling sewer services for the remainder of the year. Mr. Carroll reported that he had discussed the subject with Mr. Clarke, Chairman of the Appropri- ation Committee. The committee is not meeting this evening, but Mr. Clarke advised him that he would call the other members of the Board. Mr. Clarke asked if the situation was such that the people desiring services could not wait until after January first, and Mr. Carroll advised him that they definitely could wait if there was no frost in the ground. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to request the Appropriation Committee to transfer the sum of $2,000 from the Reserve Fund to the Sewer Ser- vices Accouht. Mr. Carroll referred to relocation of a water main under the Grove Street bridge which he had previ- ously discussed with the Board and requested that an article be inserted in the warrant for the Special Town Meeting in January. He said he now thought this is an item that could be held over until the Annual Town Meeting in March. It was agreed not to include the item in the warrant for the January Meeting and to hold it over for the Annual Town Meeting. Mr. Carroll referred to Mrs. Adelaide M. Sullivan's letter of October 9, 1962 relative to connecting her property to the sanitary sewer in Barrymeade Drive. He said the problem is definitely one of drainage and not sewer, and that there is no drainage in Marrett Road. He said the only solution would be some type of connection to Barrymeade Drive but that would be a private drain. The Chairman said that situation would be of no concern to the Town. Mr. Carroll presented a plan of the relocation of Massachusetts Avenue going out to Marrett Road and suggested that the Board send a letter to the State asking if something can be done to make a better intersection which now appears to be a traffic hazard. The Chairman read a letter from Holtz, Sullivan & Zonderman, attorneys for Hilco Supply, Inc., with reference to Swwer Contract #3 dated August 3, 1961, requesting approval to a letter signed by B & R Con- struction Co. Inc. and A. Lucahetti & Son authoriz- ing direct payment of $6,600.75 for sewer pipe to Hilco Supply, Inc. Mr. Carroll stated that he will be putting through about $11,800 the twenty-first of this month. The correspondence was referred to Town Counsel for his recommendations. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition and sign the order for the fol- lowing j/o pole location on Spring Street; approval having been expressed by Mr. Carroll: Spring Street, westerly side, approximately 494 feet south of Cambridge -Concord Highway, -- One (1) pole. The Chairman read a letter from the Boston Edison Company and theNew England Telephone and Telegraph Company requesting leave to withdraw a joint petition dated September 13, 1962, for one guy wire and anchor on the southwesterly side of Burlington Street from a pole located sixty-three feet southeast of Blake Road Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant permission to the Mystic Valley Gas Company to install a six inch welded steel gas main in East Street to serve house #239, subject to Mr. Carroll's approval of the installation. The Chairman read a letter from Porter & Desmond, requesting permission to move a building, now located at 39 Blossom Street to Wellington Lane Avenue. The Chairman referred the request to the Superintendent of Public Works. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. John Castoldi, together with plan, relative toconnecting lot 8A 61 Mass. Ave. relocation Sewer Contract #3 Pole location J/0 guy wire peti- tion withdrawn Gas main Permit 62, Middleby Road to the town drain. Mr. Richards said it appeared to him that an indi- vidual who builds a new house on a piece of property that is just being developed, the drainage situation could not be considered an emergency. He said it would seem that the builder would provide for drainage for his own property and in Mr. Castoldi's proposal, he is providing for drainage by utilizing the Town's facili- ties. He said if this creates a precedent, he was opposed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to deny the request. Petition was received from residents of Concord Avenue and adjacent streets, requesting the Board to establish a 25 MPH speed limit on Concord Avenue; Traffic speed not to exceed 35 MPH in all other areas of the control road; speed:1 limits posted and enforced; traffic lights at the corners of Waltham Street and Concord Avenue, with Safety zone crosswalks marked. The petition was referred to the Traffic Study Committee. Minutes Budget Mr. Carroll retired at 8:10 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen's Meetings held on December 3 and December 6. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Irwin, Build- ing Inspector, requesting a transfer of $31.75 to his Out -of -State Travel budget. Mr. Richards said an overexpenditure of an ap- propriation for Out -of -State Travel did not constitute an emergency. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to deny Mr. Irwin's request for a transfer. Messrs. Cass, Connell and Rush, the Board of Assessors, and Mr. Cronin, Clerk, met with the Board. Mr. Cronin explained that, in submitting the budget for 1963, an item of $19,900 due Cole-Layer- Trumble Co. was omitted. This is the final payment and should be included. The Chairman stated that the Selectmen are con- cerned about the lateness of the real estate;' tax bills and said this cost the Town a considerable amount of .Real estate money. He said for two years there has been the bills question of vacations being taken during the busy period when bills are being prepared, and the Board thinks vacations should be deferred until after the work on tax bills is complL'ted. He said this subject was mentioned in 1960 and 1961. Mr. Cronin said the bills should go out June 1st. Mr. Cass said there is no reason why the bills should not go out on time next year and the department can be advised in advance that there will be no vacations until the bills are out. Mr. Cronin said if the assessing was completed in February, the posting could be done and the plates ready by March. Mr. Richards asked if a sufficient number of people were trained to operate the machines and Mr. Cronin re- plied that all the employees in the office are trained to work on the machines and have done very well. The Chairman asked about the farms that were not lotted and said the assessment on these was increased very substantially. Mr. Cronin replied that the Board has met with the farmers and intends to establish a policy to cover these. Mr. Cole inquired about the number of appli- cations fcr abatements, and Mr. Cronin explained that approximately 800 applications have been given out and only one half returned. In other years, there were usually 400 or 500 applications. Mr. Cass said the Board hopes to dispose of the majority of them in the office because most of them are minor issues. The Chairman said the Board should have some indi- cation of legal fees involved in cases to go before the Appellate Tax Board. Mr. Cass said they wont come up until 1964 but expense will be incurred in filing answers, correspondence and appraisals. He stated that Cole-Layer-Trumble will be available as appraisers. Mr. Richards said the Town Counsel should confer with the Board of Assessors before submitting his budget. Mr. Cass explained that each Assessor:; is taking a group of properties and then the entire Board wilidis- cuss them. If it is necessary on anyone of them, two of the Assessors willvvisit the property. Mr. Cole asked if the Board of Assessors would be better off with a larger Board. Mr. Cass replied that he hati not thought much about it, but could use more help. Mr. Rush said he was new on the Board, but from what he has heard, it W11 be a real task this winter, but if it Valls back into the normal routine, he did not see any reason why a three-man Board could not continue. 64 The Chairman said there has been a five -man Board at one time and as far as he knew, it worked out very well. Mr. Brown asked if there had been a repercussion resulting from churches on assessing parsonages, and Mr. Cronin replied in the affirmative. He said the Board is seeing representatives. Mr. Connell said this was a legislative proposition. The Board of Assessors retired at 8:55 P.M. The Board of Health met with the Selectmen. Mr. McQuillan said the Board waisted to disnuss the classification of the Health Officer and said the Board could not possibly hire a man at the present starting salary. Mr. Richards explained that Mr. Evans considered nineteen or twenty communities and used a figure for the maximum which is 10% or 11% above the mean of all these communities and a minimum of 16% above the mean minimum. He said the proposed minimum and proposed maximum are much higher. Mr. West said unless the Board has a real pro- fessional qualified person, he, as a member of the Board, could not do his job. He said the man should have a col_ege degree, a Master's degree in public health and better than five years' experience. He said he thought the classification should be somewhat higher. He said the statement that the Health Officer works under the direct supervision of the Board of Health is incorrect, as he pretty muc ,t directs and executes the main business of the Board of Health. He said the fact that he supervises only two or three people is not germane in this position. The Chairman said the Board of Health was not ob- jecting so much to the salary as to the classification, and Mr. West said that was correct. He said the starting salary is low. Mr. West said the Board could have hired any number of people for $5,000, people who think they are Health Officers. Mr. Richards said that he thought perhaps the job description should be changed. Mr. McQuillan said the maximum should be $7900. Mr. West said he wanted a correct job description and it would not be possible to hire a man with a degree for the money recommended. The Chairman suggested that the Board of Health write up their own job description. I r The Chairman read a letter from the Board of Health requesiing a transfer of $280.65 to the Personal Services Account, the account having been overdrawn due to extra clerical help to type record cards for the Polio Clinic. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to request the Appropriation Committee to transfer the sum of $280;:65 from the Reserve Fund to the Board of Heath Personal Services Account. The Board of Health retired at 10:10 P.M. Further consideration was given to Mr.David Washburn's claim for damages in connection with land taken for Worthen Road. Claim Mr. Richards advised that for an item of this nature, it would be impractical to engage an appraiser. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to offer Mr. Washburn $100, the maximurp., in full settle- ment of his claim for damages. Request for a transfer of $54.90 to the Personal Services Account in the Cemetery Department was refer- Transfer red to the Appropriation Committee. The Chairman read a letter from Brewer & Lord relative to distribution of commission on the Town's fire insurance schedule. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize distribution of the commission according to the schedule submitted. Mr. Brown and Mr. Cole abstained from voting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to establish the sum of $86,000 as the amount not less than which the 1963 bond for the Treasurer shall be Bonds written; $108,600 as the amount not less than which the 1963 bond for the Collector shall be written, and $1,800 as the amount not less than which the 1963 bond for the Clerk shall be written. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint individuals listed in a letter from Mr. Arthur Burrell dated December 3, 1962 as members of the Civil Defense organization. Mr. Legro arrived at the meeting at 10:45 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to call a Special Town Meeting to be held on Monday, January 28, 1963= at 8:00 P.M. Insurance Appointments 66 (Special Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Town Meeting that the warrant for the Special Town Meeting be closed. Mr. Burnell retired at 10:55 P.M. Central Block Licenses Order of Taking Further consideration was given to the subject of the Central Block discussed with Murray Dearborn of Leeland RL,alty Co. on November 26. Mr. Richards said he could not see how the Town could pay more or commit itself to pay more than the fair market value, and he could not see how the Town could inject itself until it is known exactly what is to be done with the building. No action was taken. Mr. Cole reported that Mrs. Edith Sloane would like to run a tape of a boys' choir at the Creche on the Common Christmas eve. The Board had no objection. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it to grant the following licenses: Howard D. Johnson Co. Pine Meadows Country Club Margaret W. Heywood Lexington Inn Restaurant Village 'Variety Store Baker Avenue Variety Baker Avenue Variety 1775 House Gerald McLaughlin Peter J. Colpitts Richard D. Kachadoorian Upon motion duly made and to deny application for a Taxi ceived from Peter J. Colpitts. was voted Common Victualler n n tt t1 ti tt 11 tt it n Sunday Sales Common Victualler Taxi Driver tt tt it 11 seconded it was voted Driver's license re - Upon motion duly mdde and seconded, it was voted to adopt an Order of Taking of Lot 8-A, Grove Street, owned by James J. Murphy and Bertha J. Murphy, in the following form: - COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, SS. TOWN. OF LEXINGTON At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington held this 10th day of Decmeber, 1962, it is ORDERED; -Whereas by vote duly adopted by a Town Meeting duly called, warned and held on the 5th day of March, 1962, 1 67 namely at an adjourned session thereof duly held on March 19, 1962, the Planning Board was authorized to obtain options for land or rights therein for future streets or fob' playground and recreational purposes and theSelectmen were authorized on behalf of the Town of Lexington to purchase, take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire for such purposes such lands or rights therein as are or may be included in options obtained by the Planning Board, and an appropriation was made therefor; and whereas the Planning Board has acquired an option for the land hereinafter described. NOW, THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, being a majority of the Board of Selectmen of the said Town of Lexington, duly elected, qualified and acting as such, do hereby, pursuant to said vote and under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897, Chapter 263 of the Acts of 1926, and Chapter 79 of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and all acts in amendment thereof andin addition thereto, and of any and every other power and authority us hereto in any way enabling, take in fee simple in the name and on behalf of the Town of Lexington for playground and recreational purposes a certain parcel of land on the Southwesterly side of Grove Street in said Lexington shown as Lot 8-A on a plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington Mass.", dated April 18, 1952, drawn by Albert A. Miller and Wilbur C. Nylander, Civil Engineers and Surveyors, recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds in Book 7898, Page 161, bounded and described as follows: NORTHEASTERLY By Grove Street by two lines together measuring 304.80 feet, more or less; SOUTHEASTERLY by Lot 7-B on said plan, 174 feet, more or less; EASTERLY by said Lot 7-B, 27.00 feet, more or less; SOUTHERLY by land now or formerly of Dennis J. and Annie J. Kelley, as shown on said plan, by four lines together measuring 544.03 feet, according to said plan; WESTERLY by the center of a ditch and land now or formerly of W. J. Baskin and F. M. Baskinf; as shown on said plan 515 feet, more or less, and NORTHERLY by the center of a brook shown on said plan, 342 feet, more or less; +8 Containing, according to said plan, five (5) acres, more or less. Said land is taken with the benefit of all rights and easements now appurtenant thereto. All trees upon said land and buildings and structures affixed thereto are included in the taking. We award the damages sustained by persons in their property by reason of the taking hereby made as follows: James J. Murphy, the sum of One Dollar Bertha J. Murphy, the sum of One Dollar In so awarding damages we have awarded them to the sup- posed owner of record of the land hereby taken as of the date hereof, but if the name of the owner of any interest in said land is not stated or is not correctly stated, it is to be understood that such interest is owned by an owner or owners. unknown to us and in such case our award is made to the lawful owner or owners thereof. No betterments are now to be assessed for the improvements for which this taking is made. WITNESS our hands and seals in said Lexington, the day and year first above written. TOWN OF LEXINGTON By /s/ Alan G. Adams Lincoln P. Cole, Jr. Otis S. Brown, Jr. Norman J. Richards Majority of the Board of Selectmen COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. December 10, 1962 Then personally appeardd the above named Alan G. Adams, Otis S. Brown, Jr., Lindoln E.:_Bele, Jr. and Norman J. Richards, known to me to be a majority of the duly elected, qualified and acting Selectmen of the Torn of Lexington, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their free act and deed, before me, Donald E. Legro Notary Public My commission expires 6 The meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M. A true record, Attest: