HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-12-06-BOS-mina2 SELECTMEN'S MEETING December 6, 1962 A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Thursday, December -6, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. Chair- man Adams, Messrs. Cole, Richards, Brown and Burnell were present. Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, was also present. Budgets were acted on as follows: Collector - Expenses 3-B referred back to Collector for the 1962 approved amounts. Mr. Burnell opened a discussion relative to central purchasing and the Chairman suggested that action be deferred until after the employment of an Executive Assistant. The Chairman read a letter from the Town Accountant in which he questioned an invoice, received from the Civil Defense Department, in the amount of $43.40 for accessories and repairs to the Director's automobile. The Clerk was instructed to ask Mr. Burrell, Director, for an explanation. Assessors - Expenses 6-B to be discussed with the Board of Assessors on Monday, December 10. Board of Appeals Expenses 9-B The Chairman stated that, as a matter ofinformation, he would like an explanation as to the reason for the increase over the past three years in the item for Office Supplies which was $500 in 1961, #650 in 1962 and $720 'requested for 1963. Board of Health - Expenses 11-B; Engineering 11-C;. Dental Clinic 12-B; Posture Clinic 13-B to be dis- cussed with the Board of Health on Monday, December 10. The Rabies Clinic budget 11-E was approved for the amount requested, $975. Veterans' Day - Expenses apprave1 $200 as requested. Memorial Day - Expenses The Clerk was instructed to ask Mr. Healy, Chairman of the Memorial Day Committee, for a breakdown of the $500 requested. Town Celebrations Committee - Expenses approved $5,000 as reques ed. Capital Expenditures Committee - Expenses approved $50 as requetted. Historic Districts Commission - Expenses Approved $400 as requested. Standing School Building Committee - Fxpenses approved $600. At 9:00 P.M., the Standing School Building Com- mittee, representatives of the School Committee, Re- creation Committee, Appropriation Committee and Capital Expenditures Committee, met with the Board. The Chairman stated the joint meeting was scheduled to discuss the situation at the central playground in relation to plans for the proposed new Senior High School and what could be done to change the jurisdiction of the land and put it under the new High School program and thereby• receive State aid. Mr. Fisher reported th-.t his Committee met with the Building Assistance Commission about a month ago. He explained that any development is eligible for State aid as soon as certain things are done. He said the main thing at the moment is to have in the Committee's general plot plan all those things considered to be part of the expansion of the facilities for the High School. He said he believed no other action would have to be taken this evening. He explained the other thing is, it does not matter whether the building committee does this work or not, and stated that the work Mr. Carroll has already done on the central playground, authorized after the first authorization of the build- ing in 1960, is part of the project so when the build- ing is completed and the Committee turns in a claim, it will be under the jurisdiction of the school. He said that first, the facilities involved must relate to the building project and second, the land and facili- ties must be included in the plot plan the Committee submits to the Commission and third, at the time the Committee asks for State aid, the facilities must be under the jurisdiction, legally, of the School Committee. He suggested including all the central playground and all the land of the dump area as far as Middleby Road. He said the question of jurisdiction, as far as he could tell, does not have to be settled until some time before the Committee asks the State to put this under State aid. He explained that State aid is 46% so it is worthwhile. 54 Mr. Kent said the Committee has to fill out forms and the estimate can be changed each year. When the Commission adds up the entire project, it then makes the determination whether a particular item can be in- cluded or not. The Chairman said the Committee was suggesting that the entire playground be included. Mr. Fisher said he did not think they could go beyond that, not beyond the break at Middleby Road. The Chairman said it would not be necessary to appropriate money for this work and Mr. Fisher said that was correct. The Chairman asked if this would hurry the de- velopment of the playground and Mr. Fisher replied that it might. Mr. Richards said there is no assurance that the Committee will receive State aid. Mr. Kent explained that the major factor, and an absolute minimum essential, is that it be put under the control of the School Committee. He said there are some phases he doubted would be approved, but there appears to be a good chance that the items on Mr. Snowts plan, the new football field, would be approved.. Mr. Fisher said the Building Assistance Commission might give an informal opinion regarding approval and suggested what is and what is not within its jurisdiction. He stated that if nothing is put in, nothing will be obtained, and if it is put in, it may not be approved. Mr. Richards said it seemed to him that such facilities as the tennis courts which have been op- erating for a long time would not be included. Mr. Fisher said aid would not be given on fixing up general facilities. Mr. Richards said the track which has been modi- fied and used by the School, could be included and also stated that the question of distance from the school buildings must be considered. Mr.Kent said it is reasonably used in connection with the school. Mr. Richards asked if the distance from the school buildings to the area reasonably close enough to be used, being within walking distance. Mr. Fisher said it would be advisable to put the field over there and have the physical education facilities close in. However, if that is done, it will be necessary to move the enclosed field to put the physical education fields closer to the building. Mr. Kent asked if having the facilities under the jurisdiction of the school took anything away from recreational uses. 1 1 Mr. Richards replied that it means the decision is made by the School Committee instead of the Select- man. Mr. Kelly said, with regard to the use of school land, the public is getting good use of land which is considered to be under the jurisdiction of the school. He stated that the work between the two committees has been excellent and the public has had use of the land after school hours. He said it re- quires some coordination and he could see no differ- ence whether it is school land or public land. The Chairman said thatthe dividing line on main- tenance had been worked out with Mr.Carroll and Mr. Spiris, and there is a policy already established under maintenance and care by the Public Works. Mr. Richards said if it is under the jurisdiCtjon of the School Carnmittee it makes very little difference, the general benefit would be the same. He said the next question is, will there be a saving by including this in the general overall picture. He said the only reason for doing this would be to get something for nothing. Mr. Fisher said the Town would be getting it on somethingbesides real estate taxes. Mr. Richards asked if there would be any real monetary value. Mr. Kingston asked if, in order to qualify for funds, the Town had to make an appropriatinn. Mr. Fisher replied that all this does is to establish the maximum the Town considers it may spend. It is not something that has to be done and no funds have to be appropriated. Mr. Kingston asked if the Town would qualify for aid if no appropriation was made. Mr. Fisher replied that the Committee will not close the account with the Building Assistance Com- mission before 1966 or 1967. and any time before the final record is closed, the Town can request aid if it is put on the site plan. Mr. Richards asked about the additional cost and Mr. Fisher explained that the architect would include this in the plan he is going to submit. The architect said he was assuming this would be a general outline. Mr. Kelly asked if these could be put in the site plan and then not go through with them and Mr. Fisher replied in the affirmative. Mr. Richards asked how much could be included in the plan before the Commission objected. Mr. Kent said he would not include the swimming pool or the present tennis court and he walnot sure he would include the track, but he would certainly include the football field. Mr. Gary asked what it would cost. Mr. Fisher replied thOt whatever the Town is going tp spend, it would receive 16% back. He said the Town does nt have to spend any money or take the full ex- tent of Mr. Snow's plan. The Chairman said there should be some figure for Town Meeting and Mr. Fisher said not now. He explained that showing the proposed development of all land in the area of the High School which can properly be related to the expansion of the facilities was suggested by the School Building Assistance Commission. Mr. Kent said figures will not be needed in January so spend X number of dollars. The Chairman said someone would ask how much this will cost and how much the Town will save. Mr. Kent explained that when the Committee closes its accounts, at that time it will only be able to ob- tain aid on what the Town has decided to do for this area. He said he thought the years 67 or 68 would be nearer correct. The Chairman asked when transfer of the land would be requested. Mr. Fisher said the Committee would not be asking for it; they are asking for a very small piece of land, and doing a very minimum of landscaping. He explained there is nothing in the Committee's present project for the development of this playground at all. Mr. Brown, of the School Committee, asked if some official transfer of authority was required. Mr. Fisher replied not now but at the time the Town wants to go in for State aid, it has to be under the jurisdiction of the school. Mr. Kent said the Committee has to have future plans on the plot plan. Mr. Richards asked if at a future Town Meeting $100,000 is asked for the development of a portion of this area and the money appropriated, would the Town be assured of receiving state aid. Mr. Kent stated that the only question is going to be for this development in conjunction with the expansion of the High School and it should be on the plot plan now. He explained that at the time the Town appropriates the money would be the safe time to make the transfer if State aid is desired. He said that the ruling on what is and what is not subject to 57 State aid is not made until the final completion of the project. Mr. Fisher said he did not think the Committee would recommend appropriating money to receive State aid, but is trying to set this up so the Town will get !:E6% back. Mr.. Gary said if it were not for State aid on this, the question would never have come up for consideration and asked therefore if this didn't come down to a matter of potential cost. He said Mr. Kelly, of theRecreation Committee, gave him a figure of $62,000 and it seemed to him the Town would request 16% on $62,000 or whatever it might be, and once this is started, a precedent has been established. He said if it were not for the cost savings, this would bot be under consideration at all. Mr. Kingston stated that nothing is being committed even if the plan does go in, and the decision relative to the transfer does not have to be made. The only de- cision to be made at this time is, does the Committee include these facilities on the plot plan. Mr. Richards said if the Committee shows the site plan to include the additional desired facilities, it will be saying that it is going to build just the school and the rest is just scenery, etc. He said only the school, upon which there is a firm bid, will be built and he thought someone would ask how much the rest will cost. Mr. Fisher explained there was no relationship and this is not part of the project the Committee is discussing. Mr. Kent said, assuming the site plan is public property, there is no commitment on the part of the Town to do any of this. The only purpose of including it is in the event the Town wants to develop this land for recreational purposes, it can be done at less cost. Mr. Gary asked if there would be cost figures for this at the Town Meeting, and Mr. Fisher replied in the negative. Mr. Gary asked in that event, why it could not be put on the plot plan. The Chairman said it could come up at the time transfer of title is requested. Mr. Kent explained that would not be done until there is a plan. Mr. Richards said if this is to be put on the site plan, it should be released to everyone and have a geographical area that is defined. There should also be cost figures and a program of when it would be re- quested. 58 The Chairman said the decision the Committee wants this evening is whether or not this is to be included in its request. If something comes up between now and January, it still can be dropped. Mr. Fisher explained that his Committee, at this point, only has to file with the School Building As- sistance Commission a plan of what the Town might ultimately decide to do and there is no recommendation that has to be made. He said it would be included in the event it is decided to go ahead within the next five years, and the Town wishes to do it, this is the plan the Committee thinks logical. He said all the Committee will come in for in January is the building and the site right around the building. Mr. Kent said the next thing the Committee should do is to bring in an estimated expense on three weekst notice before this Town Meeting. He explained that the Committee was present this evening only because the School Building Assistance Commission brought it to the Committeets attention. Mr. Kingston asked if there was any reason the Com- mittee had to bbtain approval from the Town to put this on the plan. Mr. Kent replied that where the Committee is in- volved with something that will in the future affect the control of the land, it did not feel it should take any steps without bringing the entire matter to the attention of the committees involved. Mr. Blaisdell said what is put on this plan now is the maximum and could always be cut down. Mr. Fisher said it would not be turned down now. He said the Committee suggested, on the Town property, leaving off the pool and tennis courts. He said he thought the maximum would be, in general, all of the Town property now considered the central playground and all the Town property in and adjacent to the dump to the rightof way= onto Middleby Road. The Chairman asked if it was the consensus of the groupthat was desired or just that of the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Richards said he thought it should be a vote of the Board to direct them to include the area. The Chairman asked if anyone present was opposed, and no opposition was expressed. Mr. Kent suggested that the actual plan be dis- cussed by four or five people and Mr. Carroll. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that the Standing School Building Committee be directed to include in the site plan for the future development c 1 of the playground, what is now under the jurisdiction of the Board of Selectmen and the land recently acquired by the Town; the present swimming pool and the present tennis courts to be specifically excluded. The group retired at 9:50 P.M. The Recreation Committee returned to the meeting and Mr. Kelly submitted what he termed to be an in- formal budget. Mr. Richards asked if the Committee was satisfied with the Director, his assistants and the number of instructors. Mr. Kelly replied that the Committee feels it is necessary to have a man of reasonably professional status on a part-time basis, and has not considered any such thing as a full-time man. He explained that the present Director has had some personal problems for the past two years which have limited the amount of time he"has devoted to the Town. However, the time he has spent, has been extremely helpful. The Chairman gave Mr.Kelly a copy of the Per- sonnel By -Law. The Committee retired at 10:20 P.M. The Chairman reported that Mr. Charles M. Evans was at the Selectmen's Office today and answered questions various individuals had pertaining to the new Personnel By -Law. He said the Fire Commissioners have asked Mr. Evans to attend a meeting with them next Monday night. The Chairman said he thought any such meeting should be made through the Board of any such meeting should be made through the Board of Selectmen. He said that if there was a Personnel Director, Mr. Evans would not have to be making any of these meetings, and reported that he is going to have to charge for them. Mr. Burnell said inasmuch as the Board does not have an Executive Assistant, he thought some arrange- ment should be made with Mr. Evans to have this By -Law given consideration completely and effectively. Mr. Richards questioned where the funds would come from to pay Mr. Evans. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. A true record, Attest: ee tiv eijk, Se1ec uen 59.