HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-11-26-BOS-min :38 SELECTMEN'S MEETING November 26, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen 's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, November 26, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Adams, Messrs. Cole, Richards, Brown and Burnell were present. Mr. Legro, Town Counsel, Mr. Carroll, Super- intendent of Public "'orks, and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present. Miss Mary R. McDonough, Assistant Town Clerk, met with the Board for the drawing of two jurors. The Jurors following individuals were drawn for jury duty: William S. Whittemore, 41 Fair Oaks Drive, and John W. Alexander, 19 Welch Road. Miss McDonough retired. Chief John W. Rycrcft met with the Board and stated that he is having trouble on Route 128 coverage. He said there are three different sections going now under three different contractors and this subject was brought up by the State who is trying to make a move in which he is in favor. He reported that he had officers com- Police ing in from Lynnfield where they were paid $3.00. He said Special Lexington is the only town paying $2.50 an hour, and ex- Duty plained that if a rate of $2.50 is established, he cannot increase it . He mentioned commitments with MIT and also the First National Stores based on $2.50 an hour . He explained that Mr. Dunne, from the Department of Public Works, Ranted to know if that was the trouble, and the Chief advised him it was part of the difficulty. Mr. Dunne requested the Chief to ask :the Bo erd to raise the rate to $3.00 and he was sure he could get it in a very short time . The Chief reminded him of the $2.50 rate, and he told him not to worry about it, that there must be- protection at these roads . The Chairman said as he understood the situation, the Chief wants $3.00 an hour for extra duty on Route 128 and the Chief stated that was correct . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to establish a charge of $3.00 per hour for Police Of- ficers assigned to extra traffic duty on Route 128 con- struction areas; Mr. Dunne to be so advised. The Chairman read a letter from Harold Michelson, Parking Michelson' s Shoes, 1788 Massachusetts Avenue, asking the Meter Board to consider the removal of a parking meter at the rear of his store, which he claimed leaves no access to the rear door for delivery trucks. The Chief explained that when the three cars at the rear of Maienzats and Brigham► s are removed, and the parking area is operated the way it should be, there will be sufficient room for delivery trucks . It was unanimously agreed to deny the request . Chief Rycroft retired at 7:50 P.M. Mr. Legro reported that he has not contacted the Boston Globe yet relative to lots 11-14, inc . , Block 86, taken by the Town for the dump site. He ex- Dump site plained there is ample time to make an offer, but lots he would like to discuss the subject with the attorney for the Boston Globe first . The Chairman read a letter from Lee E. Tarbox advising that he has acquired title to lot 6, Block 18, Reed Street, and would like to have the transfer Tax title of Lot 7, Block 18, which the Town agreed to sell him, made. He said he wanted to be sure that the two lots can be combined into one lot, eligible for a building permit. Mr. Legro reported that he has not had an op- portunity to look into this and he did not know what the frontage would be when the two lots are combined. It was his opinion that Mr. Tarbox would not be able to obtain a building permit and he said he would follow this through further . At 8:0L1. P.M. , Mr. Murray Dearborn, Leeland Realty, met with the Board. He reported that the Central Block will be for sale and he understood that the Town has, for some time, wanted to get the street setback and has retained a Central parcel of land in the rear. He said his question of Block the Board is one of trying to determine how far the Town might go and in what manner it could go if it is interested in participating in the purchase of this piece of land. He said he thought that , unless the Town is willing to do something, he did not think the building would be torn down and a new one erected. He said a price of $200,000 is being asked, and he did not think anyone would pay the: price and then take the building down. He said someone might purchase it for $135,000 and net 8% as long as the building remains. He asked if the Board thought the Town would be inter- ested in purchasing a strip, which he indicated on a plan , to induce someone to take the building down. He said perhaps $150,000 would purchase the building and then have it taken down. The Chairman said he understood Mr. Dearborn meant . that by the Town paying for the front line, it could be assured of getting the building down . 40 Mr.Dearborn asked what the mechanics of accomplish- ing this would be . The Chairman replied that the Board could only dis- cuss the subject and make a recommendation, that it could not make a decision. The final decision would have to be made by a Town Meeting. Mr. Carroll said the Board should make sure the Town is getting something worthwhile as far as the widening is concerned. Mr. Dearborn said unlesssomething happens, the building will remain. He said it does not seem realistic for anyone to pay so much for the building and then tear it down . The Chairman said Mr. Dearborn was suggesting that the Town, in order to get the building down, might be willing to pay some of the initial cost of the land. Mr. Richards advised that the Town could not pay more than the cash value. Mr. Dearborn said he could attempt to negotiate, based on how the Board feels about the situation. Mr. Dearborn retired at 8:15 r.M. Mr. Legro referred to tax title lots 4 and 5 on Massachusetts Avenue between School Street and Esta- brook Road. He said he understood it is registered Tax title land, although he has not seen any plan. A builder acquired lot 7 thinking he had a fifty foot lot . A plot plan by Miller and Nylander indicated that he did, but the stakes appeared about two or three feet from the side of the house oh the adjacent lot and the people were very much alarmed. He reported that he has advised the Building Inspector he should not issue a building permit because he has knowledge of facts that it is not a fifty-foot building lot. He said the Town has lots 4 and 5 which one party seems to be interested in acquiring to make an exchange. He reported that in measuring from School Street, the lots are in one location and in measuring from Estabrook Road, they are in another location . The Chairman said, basically, it is not the Town' s problem. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Carroll re- questing a transfer of $4,000 for Sewer Services. The request was discussed with the Appropri- 'Transfer ation Committee later in the evening, at which time Mr. Blaisdell reported a balance of $10,000 in the Reserve Fund. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was votedlir to request the Appropriation Committee to transfer the sum of $4,000 from the Reserve Fund to the Sewer Services Account. Mr. Carroll reported that he has been unable to rent the house at 561 Massachusetts Avenue. The Board authorized him to reduce the rent to $150 per month. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition and sign the order for the fol- lowing Vo pole, hip guy and anchor locations on Sprig Street: Pole Spring Street, from poles located on easterly side, location southerly from a point approximately 585 feet south of Cambridge-Concord Highway, -- Hip guy and anchors on each of five poles . Spring Street, from poles located on easterly side, northerly from a point approximately 372 feet north of Waltham-Lexington Town Line, -- Hip guy and anchors on each of two poles . The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Carroll to which was attached a copy of Chapter 782 project re- Article quest he made on behalf of theTown. He suggested that an article be included in the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. John Castoldi, Auburndale, requesting approval to tie Lot 8A, Mill- brook Road, into the Town drain. Mr. Carroll presented a sketch of the lot and explained that Mr. Castoldi has approximately 150 feet of drainage toinstall and he had no objection as long as Mr. Castoldi posts a bond. Drain Mr. Richards asked why Mr. Castoldi wanted to tie into the drain, and Mr. Carroll replied there is water there. Mr., Richards said the Board has no right to permit him to bie into the leaching field. It was agreed to advise Mr. Castoldi that before taking any action on his request, the Board will have to have a detailed plan of exactly what he intends to do and also an explanation as to where he intends to dump the water which he anticipates will be in the cellar. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Paul J. McCormack, attorney for John Fontas, requesting permission to con- nect the house at 21 Locust Avenue to the sewer on Tower Road. 42 Mr. Carroll presented a plan on which he indicated1111 Mr. Fontas' house. He recommended that the request be ' granted providing Mr. Fontas will agree to assume the Sewer entire cost of the service, plus a. sewer betterment connection charge. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant Mr. Fontas permission to connect his house at 21 Locust Avenue to the Tomer Road sewer providing he pays the entire cost of the service, plus a sewer betterment charge. Letter was received from the Planning Board ex- pressing concern with the lack of a fence along the Worthen easterly side line of Worthen Road. IRoad fence The Chairman suggested acknowledging the letter, stating that the Board would take it under advise- ment and discuss it with the Planning Board later . Mr. Carroll retired at 8:55 P.M. Mr. Charles M. Evans and the Appropriation Com- mittee met with the Board. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to go into executive session for the purpose of dis- cussing, deliberating or voting on a matter which, if made public, might adversely affect the public security, the financial interest of the Town, or the reputation of any person. Executive Following a discussion of the Proposed Personnel Session By-Law, it was voted to resume the open meeting. Mr. Evans and the Appropriation Committee retired at 10:45 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Minutes to approve the minutes of the Selectmen's Meeting held on November 19, 1962. The Chairman read a letter from Richard A. Michelson, Chairman of the Retail Division, Chamber of Commerce, re- questing permission to conduct a Santa Claus parade on December 6, park a Santamobile on Massachusetts Avenue beside Emery Park and to have Christmas music broadcast Santa Claus throughout the Center. parade Permission was granted for the parade but the reques'_, to park the Santamobile at Emery Park was denied and it was suggested that the Chamber select a location other than Massachusetts Avenue . Mr. Meyer and Mr. Snow, representing the Planning Board, met with the Selectmen at 11:00 P.M. Mr. Snow presented a plan of the Lexington-Winchester Town Line and indicated a proposed relocation of the Town line. Mr. Snow explained that the advantage of the pro- posal is that a new town line would be located between the common property lines of the Sun Valley development Lexington- in Lexington and the Winchester. Estates, Section Four, Winchester and the Crestview subdivisions in Winchester. He Town line indicated Thornberry Road on the plan and stated that lots fronting on that road and on Berkshire Drive would all be in Winchester. A meeting with the Winchester Selectmen and Plan- ning Board has been scheduled for next Monday night and the Lexington Planning Board would like the Select- men's approval and also have a representative attend the meeting. The Board of Selectmen was in favor of the proposed relocation of the Lexington-Winchester Town line and the Chairman suggested that Mr. Snow attend the scheduled hearing in Winchester, representing the Town of Lexington. Mr. Snow also indicated a parcel of land that the Planning Board is interested in acquiring from Mr. Mendum. Messrs. Meyer and Snow retired at 11:02 P.M. Letter from Mr. Brox advising that December 5 is the last day for filingbills for consideration before the 1963 session of the Legislature was noted and placed on file. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Mr. George P. Wadsworth a regular member of the Board of Appeals for an unexpired term ending Appointment March 31, 1963 to replace Mr. George W. Emery, who resigned. Appointments of two Associate Members to the Board of Appeals and an appointment to the Historic Districts Commission were held over. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted toant the following licenses: Licenses �' g BellinoTs All American Donut & Coffee Shop, 141 Mass.Ave. Charles F. MacDonald Taxi Driver Joseph Trani, Inc . Package Goods Store The Chairman reminded the Board that Mr. Victor Bortnick, applicant for the position of Executive As- sistant, would meet with the Board Saturday noon. The meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M. A true record, Attest : „Eic eatx�tivj6 Clank, Selec Tien n - / y /t -