HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-10-22-BOS-min 592 SELECTMEN'S MEETING October 22, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, October 22, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Adams, Messrs . Richards, Cole, Burnell and Brown were present . Mr.Legro, Town Counsel, Mr . Carroll, Super- intendent of Public Works, and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present. Mr. James J. Carroll met with the Board for the Jurors drawing of three jurors . The following individuals were drawn for jury duty. : Myer Kolker, 49 Bridge Street, David Karen, 20 Justin Street, and Joseph V . O 'Loughlin, 28 Lawrence Lane. Mr. Carroll retired. Messrs . Kingston L. Howard and Charles L. Parks met with the Board and presented each member with a proposed budget for the 250th Anniversary to be ob- 1963 April served April 20 and 21, 1963. 19 Cele- Mr. Howard stated that the Committee' s concern bration is with how the additional expenses involved in the celebration of the 250th Anniversary are to be financed. He said it was his original belief that the appropri- ation of funds of this nature could not be done until the Annual Town Meeting in March. Since then, he has obtained information from other Towns that they have done this at a Special Town Meeting. He said if this is true, it would be most advantageous to have an article in the warrant for the Special Town Meeting. He explained that it is proposed to make the celebration as self-liquidating as possible and asked what is the most expeditious means to obtain funds at the moment for the two day celebration. The Chairman explained that any money coming into the Town has to go into the Excess and Deficiency Ac- count, and he thought the entire amount would have to be appropriated. Mr. Cole explained that the only solution to the items that require a charge to the public would be to have them sponsored by a civic group, as Town funds cannot be used with the expectation of getting money back. Mr. Howard said there is a group of individuals who are very talented and willing to put on a musical drama, but they have neither the ability nor the means to take the financial risk involved. 593 The Chairman asked if the Premiere Performance I was going to produce the musical drama, and Mr . Howard replied that the group is involved. He reported that the Lions Club has committed itself to the athletic events; the Rotary Club has committed itself to the balls on April 18, and the Jaycees have voted to under- take the bean supper. The Chairman referred to the commemorative plates, and said that someone would have to raise the money. Mr. Parks said the musical drama was one of the outstanding features and they would like as many as possible to see it, but no one on the committee has the financial resources for this venture . Mr. Coleexplained that even if it were possible to obtain funds at a Town Meeting, the earliest date, which has not been officially voted by the Board, would be January 28. Mr. Howard asked if it would be possible to have an article in the warrant, and Mr. Cole replied that all the Committee could request would be $3, 350, the deficit. The Chairman explained that the Committee has no authority to order the plates without funds to pay for them. The Chairman stated that the Board would consider the subject for a week and invited Mr. Howard and Mr. Parks to meet with the Board one week from tonight to discuss the matter further. Messrs . Howard and Parks retired at 8:00 P.M. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Howard ask- ing confirmation of the appointment of Grant B. Cole and Howard A. Smith to the 250th Anniversary Sub-Com- mittee to replace Messrs . Foster and Worthen who have resigned. Appointments Upon motion duly made and seconded,it was voted to confirm both appointments. Notice was received from the U. S. District Court of Civil Action No . 62-757-S, United States of America, Plaintiff , v . Certain land in the Town of Lexington, County of Middlesex, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and A. G. Davis Ice Company, Inc. et al, defendants . P.O . Ex- Mr. Legro stated tht insofar as he has been able tension to determine, if any Town land has been taken, it is very small, and advised that no action by the Town is necessary. The Chairman read a letter from William H. Lyon and Effie S. Lyon with reference to the taking of lots 1-13, inclusive, Block 87, Ferndale Street, by order ts. 594 of the Board dated January 23, 1962. The Lyons re- -1 quested the Board to make an offer which it is willing to pay either in settlement or as a payment pro tanto . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Mr. Legro to offer Mr. and Mrs . Lyons $850 in settlement. The Chairman read a letter from Stephen T . Russian, attorney for Dorothy Buhler, owner of nine lots on Dump site Hickory Street . lots Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Mr. Legro to settle the claim for $225. The Chairman read a letter from Donald K. Irwin, Building Inspector, relative to proposed amendments to the Building By-Law. Mr. Legro advised that it is not necessary to hold a public hearing, but he did suggest that the Inspector might hold an informal hearing with the builders. Mr. Legro retired at 8:15 P.M. Mr. Carroll referred to a petition received last week from Norman May for extension of theresanitary sewer to service Mr. Krag' s house at 22 Slocum Road. He reported that the only other abutter involved is Krag John Devine who will sign the petition if the Board sewer will defer the betterment because of the fact his land involved is now a tennis court. The Board felt it could not commit the Town, and recommended that the only action would be to consider the petition from Mr . Krag. Mr. Carroll stated that last year he purchased two Walter snow fighters. The one with the dump body was equipped for a future underbody scraper and a future sanding body. He would now like to purchase Sander body the underbody scraper and the sanding body on the for truck dump truck. He reported that he found a place in New Hampshire where there are secondhand Walter trucks and he bought the underbody scraper for $300. He would like to equip the truck with a sander body which will cost $2161. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Mr. Carroll to acquire the sander body at a cost not to exceed $2161. Mr. Carroll referred to the proposed swimming pool building and explained that he has a set of plans and the estimate is higher than what was appropriated. He I _ I 595 suggested going out to bid and see what the results are . The Board had no objection. A letter was received from Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Christensen, L Oakfnount Circle, relative to dirty water and low water pressure. Oakmount A similar letter was received from Mr . and Mrs. Circle water William R. Young, Jr . , 6 Oakmount Circle. It was agreed to advise both families that the Board is aware of the situation and that it has taken measures to correct the situation temporarily and that the necessary funds, between 85,000 and $6,000, will be requested at the Annual Town Meeting to correct the situation permanently. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meeting held on October 15, 1962. The Chairman read a letter from the Appropri- ation Committee denying the Board's request for a transfer of $1,050 from the Reserve Fund to the Town Clerk and Treasurer .- Personal Services Account pend- Transfer ing receipt of further information . Mr . Cole left the meeting to discuss this with the Appropriation Committee . The Chairman also read a letter from the Appropri- ation Committee denying the Board' s request for a Transfer transfer of $2,000 from the Reserve Fund to the Police Department - Personal Services Account because of the wording of the request . The Chairman read a letter from Mr. White, Town Accountant , reporting that Chief Rycroft is of the Transfer opinion that with extra duty, etc. , for the last three months of this year it will take care of the $660 for the two additional policewomen for the first three months of 1963. However, he will require 8L00 for uniforms . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to request the Appropriation Comittee to transfer the sum of $400 from the Reserve Fund to the Police Department - Expenses Account for the purchase of uni- forms for two additional policewomen. Invitation was received from Colonel Grover C. Willcox, Jr. , Hanscom Field, to participate in the Invitation Cornerstone Laying Ceremony for the new Headquarters 596 Building for the Electronic Systems Division on Tuesday, October 30. Messrs. Burnell and Cole agreed to represent the Board. Mr. Burnell reported that the Traffic Study Com- mittee had met this evening and considered a letter received by the Board from Mrs. Harvey Fox, 14 Stimson Traffic Avenue. The Committee recommended construction of a side- walk on the easterly side of School Street, funds to be included in the 1963 budget . He reported that the Com- mittee considered the request for a policewoman at one point on School Street in relation to the Maria Hastings School, but the first step would be to have the sidewalk installed. Mr. Burnell referred to letter received by the Board fromMr. Lawrence D. Freeman, 11 Loring Road, rela- tive to safety precautions =+in connection with Worthen Road, and to a letter received from Mrs. Howard Asarkof, 6 Lincoln Terrace, relative to traffic control for the intersection of Lincoln Street, Massachusetts Avenue, Traffic and Worthen Road. He reported that the $400 transfer for police- I women ' s uniforms would take care of this by having a policewoman there . The Committee also recommended that a letter of explanation be sent to Mr. Freeman, Mrs . Asarkof and the School Department be requested to issue caution statements to the children in the area. The Chairman read a letter from Walter C. Ballard Resignation resigning as a member of the Board of Appeals. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation with regret . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted "Package not to authorize the sale and delivery of alcoholic Goods" dZoeverages during polling hours, 7:00 A.M until 8:00 P.M. stores on Election Day, Tuesday, November 6. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the following licenses: James J. Green Peddler Coleman Vaughan Taxi William Hadley Taxi 597 The subject of sound trucks was discussed and it was the decision of the Board that no permits for Sound trucks sound trucks should be issued. permit Mr. Evans met with the Board at 9:00 P.M. for further discussion of the proposed Classification and Compensation Plans. The Clerk retired at 9:35 P.M. Mr. Brown brought up the question of purchasing fuel oil for the various Town departments and sug- gested to the Board that in this area there might be a simple means of starting some centralized pur- chasing. It was agreed to advise the School, Heating oil Library and Fire Departments that the Board would like to see this idea pursued further and to sug- gest that full-time department heads meet to work out ways and means cf putting out one bid for all of the Townts requirements for heating oil. A true record, Attest : j j xecutive, Clerk, SelectMen 5 S-2,‘