HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-10-15-BOS-min r 584 -C SET,FCTMEN'S MEETING October 15, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen ' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, October 15, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Adams, Messrs. Cole, Richards and Brown were present . Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, and Miss Murray, the Executive Clerk, were also present. Mr. Legro, Town Counsel, arrived at 9:40 P.M. Mr. Carroll referred to the meeting held last week with the State Department of Public Works, relative to the proposed widening of Route 2. At that meeting Mr . Carroll pointed out that at the present time, the inter- change between Waltham Street and Route 2 provides for eight turns and he indicated to the Board two turns the State now plans to eliminate. The Board reviewed the plan and voted to ask the Department of Public Works to make the following re- visions to the plan as shown to them: 1. That the frontage road "A" which is shown as connecting relocated Spring Street and relocated Waltham Street be laid out as close as possible to Route 2. 2. That an additional ramp be provided in the southwest quadrant of the Waltham Street interchange which will enable eastbound traffic on Route 2 to turn into Waltham and Lexington at this interchange instead of having to use Concord Avenue as is provided in the present plan. Letter was received from Walter M. Oppenheim, 16 Lillian Road, relative to water in the basement of his house . Drainage. Mr. Carroll reported that this is a complicated drainage problem and he is not sure the water in the cellar is coming from the brook that goes from Lillian Road. He stated that the capacity of the three culverts, put in this year, may not be enough to handle severe flooding conditions and is causing the water to back up and rise in the area. He reported that he has in- structed Mr. Higgins to make a complete survey and see if it can be determined exactly what the problem is. 585 Mr. Carroll has already advised Mr. Oppenheim that he would look into the matter, but that it would take time . The Chairman read two letters from Mrs . Lan Jen Chu, 18 Oakmount Circle, relative to rusty water. Mr. Carroll suggested that the Board consider the long-range solution to this problem and the rust problem throughout the Town. He explained that the solution would be to have some phosphate introduced into the water line at each connection to the MDC and a rough estimate of the initial cost is $10,000. He also ex- plained that there would be a high maintenance cost in- volved and stated that the chemical would coat the pipes in the system and eliminate the rust problem. In reference to Mrs . Chu' s problem, he suggested cleaning Rusty and cementing some of the lines. water The Chairman asked if anyone else in the neighbor- hood had this trouble and Mr . Carroll replied that he did not know of anyone. Mr. Cole asked if Mrs. Chuts water line could be fixed without involving Mr. Sands ' pond, and Mr . Carroll replied in the negative . He said he might be able to flush the water line through her property with a hose. Mr. Richards said if she is the only one having trouble, she could install a filteration system, which I I would seem to be an immediate answer . = The Chairman said there are two problems, and one is what the position of the Town is if the water running into the pond is causing it to overflow. Mr. Carroll explained that the Town has no right to dump water into the pond. Mr. Cole said citizens are entitled to good water. Mr. Carroll said he could maintain a regular pro- gram of flushing once a week which would alleviate the problem but would not eliminate it . Mr. Richards said the answer is not to drain the pond which is private, but is not to dump any water into the pond. Mr. Cole said this would take care of Mr.Sand' s problem and asked about Mrs . Chu' s problem. Mr. Richards said he could not see what she could do other than to install a filteration system. Mr. Carroll said the water should be shut off and Mrs . Chu advised that the Town will flush the hydrant once a week and more often if necessary. He said he also thought funds should be requested so that the main can be cleaned and lined. The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Adelaide M. ; Sullivan, 323 Lincoln Street, a1king if it would be 586 r L tu possible to connect her property to the sanitary sewer in Barrymeade Drive. Mr . Carroll presented a plan of the property and said he did not think putting in a sewer would solve Sewer the drainage problem. He said he did not recommend that Mrs . Sullivan be given permission to tie into the Barrymeade Drive sewer, as an individual, but should wait until the sewer is installed in the street . Mr. Richards explained that Mrs. Sullivan is com- plaining because the seepage in her cellar is from the septic tank or cesspool and she has a real bad condition . Mr. Carroll said this would be a situation where there will be pieces of pipe running down the street all different grades and explained that this will be a deep sewer and also an expensive sewer. He said it would have to be run at the proper depth. It was agreed tht Mr. Carroll would send Mrs . Sullivan a petition for the sewer from Barrymeade Drive to Marrett Road, involving six lots. Letter was received from Norman T. May, attorney for Mr. and Mrs. William Krag, 22 Slocum Road, re- Sewer questing that their property be connected to the Town sewer. The request was referred to Mr. Carroll who agreed to send cut an estimate of the cost for signa- I tures . Petition for the construction and acceptance of Drew Avenue Drew Avenue was referred to Mr. Carroll. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Chapter 90 to sign a Memorandum of Agreement (in duplicate) for construction of Concord Avenue under Chapter 90. The Chairman read a letter from Miss Katharine Harrington, 1884 Massachusetts Avenue, suggesting that the Christmas Creche be placed on the Buckman Creche Tavern Lawn . Mr. Carroll reported that he had discussed the suggestion with Mr. Mazerall and there appears to be no reason why the Creche cannot be located on the lawn. The Board was in favor of changing the location of the Creche as recommended by Miss Harrington. Further consideration was given to Messrs.Kaufman Traffic and Coccoluto° s request to have the bank in front of their properties on Larchmont Lane cut down . Mr. Carroll retorted that he could erect signs "Go-Slow - Children for about $25.00 and that it will cost approximately $5,000 to cut thebank down as it is solid ledge. It was agreed to advise Mr. Kaufman that the signs would be erected but that the cost of $5,000 to remove the bank makes it prohibitive. Mr. Carroll retired at 9:05 P.M. Mr. Richard Gleeson, 5 Fuller Street , Everett, appli- cant for the position of Executive Assistant, met with the Board. The Chairman read Mr. Gleeson' s application and asked him if he was still in the service, to which Mr. Gleeson replied in the negative. The Chairman asked if he had any experience in munici- pal administration, and Mr . Gleeson replied only in public works . The Chairman asked if he was familiar with city Administra- government and not town government . tive Assist- Mr. Gleeson replied that he did not see any dif- ant ference. He asked 1thw_the Board defined the position. The Chairman stated that when the first encumbent came in, it was a new position. He explained that the _ Board meets once a week and there are a great many de- cisions made by the Board which need implementing. He stated that members of the Board cannot be available at all times and the first essential is the implementation of the decisions made by the Board. He said the second problem is the case of coordination of all the departments, some of which are not under the Board' s jurisdiction. He said it would be a case of implementation of the Board' s decisions plus working with other departments to see that everything is coordinated. Mr. Gleeson asked why the former Executive Assistant resigned, and the Chairman replied that he left for more money. Mr. Gleeson asked about the salary arrangement , and the Chairman stated that it is $8500, and that there will be some range on that before another Town Meeting. He said whoever is appointed will probably have a great deal of personnel work to do if the Classification and Salary schedule is accepted, plus sick leave, vacation records, etc . He said there would also be a great deal of work at budget time . Mr. Gleeson said he would like an opportunity to walk around the Town. The Chairman said that the Board wants to see every- one whose letters appear to be of interest to the Board and who are interested themselves . cisions to make in Public Works which are handled through one regular c'nennel and there are a great many de- 588 ra 0-C CT The Chairman asked how soon Mr. Gleeson would be available, and he replied within two or three weeks . Mr. Richards asked if Mr. Gleeson was on contract now and he replied in the negative. Mr . Gleeson retired at 9: 18 P.M. Mr. Legro arrived at the meeting at 9:L0 P .M. Letter was received from the Capital Expenditures Committee stating that last year the Selectmen informed the Committee that additional Town Office space would Capital probably be required before 1967, and fcr planning pur- Expenditures poses an estimated cost of $100,000 was assigned to this project in the 1962 annual report. The Uommittee would like to know the timing or estimated cost of this project and any new items the Board may foresee at this time. It was agreed to delete the item for additional Town office space . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Minutes to approve the minutes of the Selectmen ' s Meeting held on October 8, 1962. Mr . Legro presented five copies of a contract between the Town and Belli Bros . Inc . , for construct- ing the Grove Street sidewalk. Mr. Legro explained that he would hold the contracts until proper certifi- cates of insurance are received. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the contract, in the amount of $16,738.50 be- tween the Town and Belli 3ros . Inc . , the low bidder for construction of the Grove Street sidewalk. All copies of the contract were taken by Mr . Legro. Mr. Legro presented an Order of Taking for the lots owned by George S. Apostolu and Evelyn E. Papyaylion, Order of situated on Moreland Avenue which comprise part of a Taking school site recommended for acquisition at the 1962 Annual Town Meeting. (See Page 576 for Order of Taking) . Upon. Motior,•:-duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the order of Taking. At 9:50 P.M. Messrs. Mabee, Meyer and Campbell, of the Planning Board, met with the Board relative to Route 2 the proposed widening of Route 2. Mr. Mabee stated that the Planning Board under- stood the Board of Selectmen had agreed to compose a letter to be sent to the State Department of Public Works confirming the view of the two Boards . 589 The Chairman explained that the Board had dis- cussed the subject with the Superintendent of Public Works earlier and the letter would be sent from the Board of Selectmen. Letter was received from the Planning Board with reference to the acceptance of Winter Street . The Planning Board recommended that the Selectmen lay out Winter Street as a town way from Rangeway to a perma- Winter Street nent turnaround as shown on an attached plan entitled "Suggested Layout for the Extension of Winter Street as a Public Way", dated October 15, 1962, which was prepared by the Planning Board. The Planning Board also recommended renaming Winter Street from Grove Street to the proposed turnaround and abandoning as a way the section of Winter Street from Bird Hill Road to the turnaround. The Chairman reported that Mr. Carroll, Super- intendent of Public Works , had also mentioned that there is a question of renaming streets in this area. It was agreed that the Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board would exchange copies of the minutes of the Board meetings . The Planning Board retired at 10:00 P.M. Mr. Legro referred to the parcel of land with buildings thereon situated westerly of Laconia Street, belonging to William F. and Muriel G. Ash, to be acquired as part of a recommended school site and presented an agreement in connection therewith for the Board' s signature; Ash property Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the agreement in the following form: Mr. Legro recommended that the building be covered with insurance, and it was agreed to instruct Mr . Carroll to have the necessary coverage placed. The Chairman read a letter from Mr . Irwin, Building Inspector, relative to proposed changes in the Building By-Law. A copy of the proposed changes was sent to Article Mr. Legro, Town Counsel. The Chairman said as far as the Board is concerned, the changes seemed to be all right and an article would be included in the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting, a public hearing to be held to be held before the Town Meeting. i 590 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted « ° to accept with regret Mr. William H. Enders ' resignation as Deputy Director of the Lexington Civil Defense De- partment . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Paper Drive to grant permission to the Sacred Heart Church Parish and St . Brigid' s Church Parish to conduct a paper drive on Sunday, October 28. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted License to grant a Taxi Driver ' s license to Leslie F. St .George, satisfactory character reference having been received from the Chief of Police. The Chairman read a letter from the Town Cele- brations Comnittee inviting the Board to participate UN Day in the UN Day ceremonies, October 24. Mr. Cole and Mr. Brown agreed to represent the Board at the Flag Raising ceremony, 7:00 A.M. Mr. Cole agreed to represent the Board at the Tree Plant- ing ceremony, 2:00 P.M. , and also at the High School Assembly, 10:00 A.M. on October 25. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the following sidewalk orders : Grove Street, westerly side from Eldred Sidewalk Street 2,27L;. feet, more or less, northerly; Orders Massachusetts Avenue, easterly side 203 .9L1. feet in front of 1)115 and 1L.29; Audubon Road, westerly side in front of No. 5; Cedar Street, westerly side from Massachu- setts Avenue 130.75 feet northerly. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Election to sign the Warrant for the State Election to'-be held on Tuesday, November 6, 1962. The Chairman read a letter from the Board of Re- tirement requesting a transfer of $285 from the Reserve Fund to the Board of Retirement Expenses Account. The subject was discussed with Mr. Clarke, Chair- Transfer man of the Appropriation Committee, and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to request the Appropriation Committee to transfer the sum of 5285 from the Reserve Fund to the Board of Retirement Ex- penses Account . 591 The Chairman read a letter from the Town Accountant requesting a transfer of $9,7)111 .8L4 to pay the interest Transfer on debt payments to December 31, 1962. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to request the Appropriation Committee to transfer the sum of $9,7)111 .84 to pay the Interest on Debt payments to December 31, 1962. The meeting adjcurned at 10:25 P.M. A true record, Attest : xecItive( Clerk, Selectmen \ __ I _ II