HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-09-10-BOS-min aa SELECTMEN'S MEETING September 10, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, September 10, 1962, at 7 :30 P.M. Chairman Adams, Messrs . Richards , Brown and Burnell were present . Mr. Staples, Executive Assistant, Mr. Carroll, Super- intendent of Public Works, and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present . Mr. Cole arrived at 8:45 P .M. Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, met with the Board for the drawing of three jurors . The following individuals were drawn for jury duty: Howard Dickerman, Jurors 17 Deering Avenue; Robert M. Lunn, 17 Linmoor Terrace and John B. Steele, Jr. , 384 Marrett Road. Mr. Carroll advised the board that at the present time, he has $599,000 and for this month he will need $700,000. He stated that no tax bills have been sent out and there are no funds coming in. He is making preliminary arrangements with the banks with whom he has done business relative to the $2,750,000 due November 8 and November 15. He reported that he would extend those notes or renew them until a certain date . In the meantime, he has to borrow money to take him over this period until money starts coring in. The bank officer told him to wait until next week to see how the situation develops . He said he had to know a date when the bills would go out and he did not know of any suggestions that anyone could make . He said he would have to borrow heavily, and could put off borrow- ing for one week. He reported that he has discussed Tax bills the subject with the banks holding money for payment of taxes who advised that they have not time to rearrange the mortgages . They are going to turn over the money they are holding and let the individuals pay the balance due . He said that even then no payment will be made until the banks receive the tax bilis. The Chairman said he thought the board should dis- cuss the subject later and reported that he did speak with Mr. Cronin today who told him they have 1,000 of the addressograph plates done and they are sending them in. There are 9,000 to do . Mr. Staples reported that Mr. Cronin is going to have the girls figure out thebetterments which will 531 be typed on and the rest will be done by machine . Mr. Carroll retired at 7:50 P .M. The Chairman referred to the subject of preparing plans for the center playground and reported that he had discussed with Mr . Grindle the possibility of hav- ing Mr. Snow do the plans . He said the Planning Board is trying to get through the master plan and will dis- cuss this at the meeting tonight . He asked if it was all right for Mr . Snow to prepare the plans . Mr. Carroll replied that something should be pre- pared for this year ' s budget . The Chairman said a definitive plan should be pre- pared. Center Play- Mr. Carroll explained that something should be ground plan done as soon as possible and reported that Mr. Mazerall does not even know what the best location is for the diamond. The Chairman suggested that the plan be requested in time to discuss it when the 1963 budgets are being considered. Letter was received from Everett L. Cram, Jr . , 120 Winter Street, requ sting the installation of a street light in front of his house. Street light Mr . Carroll agreed to take care of the request . Petition relative to traffic conditions in the vicinity of Lowell Street, received in April and held Traffic over, was referred to the Traffic Study Committee. Petition was received requesting extension of the sanitary sewer on Marrett road from its: present end at approximately 231 to roller Road. Sewer Mr. Carroll explained that this area will, for the most part, go into the extension of the Woodhaven trunk sewer andhe agreed to reply to the petition. Petition for the acceptance of Sanderson Road Street was referred to the Planning Board for recommendation . acceptance The Chairman read a letter from Maurice A. Gagne, 18 Middle Street, relative to removal of a decayed tree in front of his house and the use of a town truck for removing a tree at 67 Cedar Street . Mr. Carroll reported that Mr. Gagne has a dead tree at the corner of his driveway. The Engineering Department has viewed the tree twice and both times established that it is at least two-thirds on Mr . Gagne ° s property. He explained that there are a 4 r toir number of trees involued, and if the Town agrees to remove this one for Mr. Gagne, there will be some obligation to remove the others. Mr. Mazerall has twice informed Mr . Gagne that the tree is on private property and therefore it it his responsibility to have it removed. Mr. Carroll explained that the Town truck on private property, 67 Cedar Street , was re- moving a Dutch elm tree . The Chairman was authorized to advise Mr. Gagne that the area has been carefully surveyed and it has been the policy of the Town not to remove trees on private property except those with Doh Elm disease and such trees on private property have been removed. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Sanborn Brown, Chairman of the School Committee, with reference to a letter from Mr . Lawrence Freeman, requesting some type of traffic control and safety precautions., for the Worthen Road area. Mr. Carroll explained that there will be a sidewalk on both sides of Worthen Road and stated that no action can be taken relative to installation of traffic lights until the road is completed and the traffic pattern es- tablished. He said it is expected th t there will be lights at both ends. Mr. Carroll retired at 8:10 P.M. Letter was received from George M. Bilafer, 6 Hathaway Circle, Arlington, offering $2400 for lots 59 and 60 Ivan Street . Mr. Staples presented a plan on which he indi- cated the lots and peported that they are about 7200 square feet each. He mentioned thattheDoard had Tax title previously rejected an offer of $3,000 as inadequate . He said the lots have been land courted and a peti- tion filed by Mr . Stevens , former Town Counsel. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to advise Mr. Bilafer that, in the opinion of the Board, his offer is inadequate . Mr. Legro arrived at the meeting at 8:25 P.M. Mr. Staples reported that he had called Arcangelo Cascieri, Arlington, relative to cleaning and cutting the letters on the Revolutionary Monument . Mr. Cascieri did the work before and said he could not give a firm price but did stated that it would not exceed $900. He estimated$6.00 or $7.00 an hour, plus the staging , and said the maximum would be $900. Mr. Cascieri also re- commended thatthe work be done late in the spring, possibly 3 the last two weeks in June, because of the weather. It was agreed to include an item to cover the cost in the Selectmen ' s Expenses budget for 1963. Mr. Legro referred to the subject of taxicab rates, the question of an increase having been raised by the two taxi companies. He said he did not think Taxi fares there is any question but that the Board of Selectmen has the power to establish and modify rates for taxi- cabs and similar vehicles . The Chairman suggested that the companies be requested to submit recommended increases in the fares . Mr. Legro referred to an accident that occurred on March 1, 1962 involving the 'Town ambulance, driven by Edmund Gourdeau, and a car owned by Lillian R. Gale, He said he has not seen the writ, but Mr. Gourdeau has Legal recovered for personal damages and expects tobe defended. The Chairman stated that Mr.Gourdeau is being sued for $400 damages to the other car . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Mr . Legro to defend Mr . Gourdeau. Mr. Legro retired at 8:40 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen ' s Meeting held Minutes on September 4, 1962. Proposed proclamation relative to United States Day was noted and placed on file . Proclamation Press release was received from the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission relative to the sale and delivery of alcoholic beverages during polling • hours on State Primaries Day, Tuesday, September 18, Package Goods 1962. stores Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize the Package Goods Stores to remain open during_ polling _icurs . The Chairman read a letter from Dr. Robert H. Marden, Harvard University Graduate School of Edu- cation relative to a proposed School and Community Program. It was agreed to advise Dr. Marden that the Execu- tive Assistant to the Board has resigned and it would appear that such an activity, insofar as Lexington is Harvard concerned, should perhaps be deferred until an apyoint- program ment has been made to replace Mr. Staples . 534 r '-C Further consideration was givan to Mr. John MacNeil' s letter relative to savings on the Town' s insurance pro- gram. Mr. Brown reported that he and Mr. Cole had dis- cussed the subject and realize that it will continue to be an annual problem. He su -gested that Mr. MacNeil' s Insurance letter be answered by stating that his offer does hold merit, but until such time as the agents doing business in Lexington can form a working committee to give the Town a proposal, no change will be made in the insurance program. Further consideration was given to appointing a membertw the Historic Districts Commission to replace Appointment Mr. Donald E. Legro. The Chairman suggested Mr . Wilbur Jacuith and agreed to contact him. It was also suggested that the Town Meeting Members Association be contacted to find out whether or not thero is anyone on their list who would be interested in serving on the commission. The School Committee met with the Board at 9:00 P.M. The Chairman stated that the meeting with the School Committee had been called for the purpose of electing a member tc the Committee to replace Mr. Ronald S. Woodberry, Jr. , who resigned. Mr. Brown read the names of two candidates, Messrs . Robert Farwell and David Marshall, proposed by the School Committee for consideration. Mr. Cole proposed Mr. Alfred Viano. Mr. Brown reported that Mr. Farwell, according to the Town Meeting Members Association ' s record, hadindi- cated interest in education . He lives at 25 Balfour Street , is a program manager, was president of the down Meeting Members Association and is interested in edu- cation and finances . Mr. Brown reported that Mr. Marshall was appointed by the School Committee to be a member of the Maintenance and Operations Systems Committee. Mr. Page said Mr. Marshall is a stranger to most people, lives at 126 Kendall Road, is thirty-two years old, has two children five years old, is a civil engineer. He is a civilian employee for the Air Force where he is School Administrator of Base Facilities. He said when he takes Jommittee on an assignment he does it to the beat of his ability. Mr. Cole reported that Mr. Viano is presently a member of the Appropriation Committee, is a local busi- nessmaLn and a product of the Town ' s school system. He said he knew that Mr . Viano was interested in the school system. 535 Mr. Brown said thtt whoever is appointed should be willing to run in March so that he can continue to serve on the committee . There were no other nominations . Upon motion duly made and seconded, the nominations were closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Executive Clerk was appointed Teller. The members of the Board of Selectmen and the School Committee proceeded with the election by ballots which were collected and counted by the Teller. There were six votes for Mr . Viano, two votes for Mr. Farwell and one vote for Mr. Marshall. The Chairman thereupon declared that Mr. Alfred L. Viano had been duly elected a member of the ScLool Com- mittee to serve until the Annual Election in March, 1963. The School Committee retired at 9:20 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the following licenses: Licenses Henry J. Breda " Taxi Walter Hodgdon " Robert Patterson Intelligence Office The Chairman read a copy of letter received by Mrs . Rich from the Department of Corporations and Tax- ation advising that if tax bills are first sent out Tax bills after September 1st, and interest has been added, if the bills are paid within thirty days, the Collector has the right to waive the interest . The Chairman asked the Board if it wished to make a decision relative to the continued display of a sign used in connection with the Gold Ribbon Farms, 1265 Massachusetts Avenue . Gold Ribbon The subject was discussed at length, and upon Farmst sign motion duly made .- nd seconded, it was voted to order the owner of the Gold Ribbon Farms to remove the sign, now located on Town property, within ten days from receipt of the letter . The Chairman read a letter from Chief Rycroft ad- vising that he will be on his annual vacation starting September 17. Appointment Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Lieutenant James F. Corr as Acting Chief during Chief Rycroft ' s absence . Mr. Logan Clarke, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee, met with the Board. 536 eT Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing, deliberating or voting on a matter, which, if made public, might adversely affect the public security, the financial interest of the Town or the reputation of any person . The meeting adjourned at 10:25 P.M. A true record, Attest : � . jig ;i�✓i/�✓� :Executive:Clerk, Selectmen