HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-08-20-BOS-min SET.FCTMEN' S MEETING August 20, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, August 20, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Adams, Messrs . Burnell and Richards were present . Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, Mr. Staples, Executive Assistant, and the Acting Clerk were also present . Messrs. Cole and Brown arrived later in the evening. Mrs . . John Rich, 27 Meriam Street, came into the meeting with ten students from Italy, to observe the meeting. The Chairman greeted them with a few words of Students welcome, explained the way the Town operated and said if there were any questions they wished to ask, the Board would be glad to answer them. Mrs . Rich and the students retired at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Thomas Moon, President of the Gridiron Club of Lexington, and. Mr. Murray, Vice President, met with the Board relative to its answer in regard to the Foot- ball Scoreboard which the club wishes to donate to the Scoreboard High School Varsity Football Field. The Chairman stated that Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, had procured a figure of $1500.00 for the wiring. Mr. Moon stated they would supply the board with 200 feet of cable and would run across the field to the present junction box. He asked what the Board' s objection was. The Chairman explained that the Board had not procured a complete set of figures and wished to look into the matter further. He asked Mr. Moon to wait until the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Moon said he wculd come in to the next meet- ing if he had not heard from the Board in the meantime. Mr. Moon retired at 7:45 P.M. Mr. Stevens presented the contract with Warren Bros . Roads Company for resurfacing streets in the Town . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Contract to sign the contract between the Town of Lexington and Warren Bros . Roads Company for resurfacing streets at the low bid price of 537,230.00. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign contract for sewer, drain and water work with Contract Gil-Bern Construction Corp. at the bid price of 8109,757.00. Mr. Stevens explained that in the subdivision of the "Glen Estates", an Article was inserted in the warrant to abandon a portion of the drain easement on Lot 27-C on Fessenden Way. Drain Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted easement to sign the instrument for the Abandonment and Release of part of drain easement in lot 27 on Fessenden Way in Lexington . Mr. Stevens stated that the Board had voted to sell Lot C off 4arrett Road to Arthur Patuto. The petition was filed with the Land Court, the Order ob- tained and registered this morning and is now in order to be signed. Deed Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the deed conveying Lot C Marrett Road to Mr. Arthur H. Patuto and Geraldine M. Patuto . Mr. Stevens retired at 7:50 P.M. Mr. Carroll reported that bids were opened today on the Marrett Road sidewalk from Spring Street to Cary Avenue. There were three bidders: Malden Paving and Bid Contracting Co. , Inc . , $4,43o.00; S. J. Tomasello, awarded $4,455.00; P . Harvey McNutt , Inc. , $5,150.00. Mr. Carroll stated the Malden Paving and Con- tracting Co. , Inc . has done work in the Town and he recommended awarding the contract to them. Mr. Richards questioned the sidewalk of the Auto Engineering Company and M_r•. Carroll said the State had given him a revised plan which showed openings and curbing. Mr. Richards inquired if the bid included curbing and Mr. Carroll replied in the negative, it provides for openings . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to award the bid for sidewalk work to the Malden Paving and Contracting Co. , Inc. , at their low bid price of $4,430.00 . Mr. Carroll reported that there was only one bid for the Parking Meters: Magee-Hale Park-O-Meter Co. , Parking Meer Oklahoma City: bid 32 Single head meters % $ 57.45 102 Twin mounted meters 107.40 Total $12,793.20 C; < This was advertised for two weeks but there were no other bidders. This meter is the one now being used and he recommended that the bid be awarded to them. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to award the bid to Magee-Hale Park-O-Meter Company at the bid price of $12,793.20. Mr. Carroll reported that the State would make some changes in the Waltham Street parking lot and they request that the traffic be one way from Muzzey Street out and no traffic onto Waltham Street. He stated Parking the traffic rules and regulations are being changed lots and they have to be approved by the Attorney General' s Office . The State also recommended on the Massachusetts Avenue parking lot where the Town has four bays it be reduced to three, which would eliminate four or five cars. Mr. Carroll will have a revised plan . Mr. Adams asked about trees, but both Mr. Richards and Mr. Burnell felt that trees did not belong in a parking lot . Mr. Carroll showed a plan and stated that on Route 2 at Webster Road, in making the takings for Route 2, the State decided they would lay out a Town road between Lawn Webster Road and Lawn Avenue. Avenue After some discussion of the State' s right to lay out Town roads, the Chairman advised that Mr. Carroll take the matter up with Mr. Stevens. The Chairman read a letter from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Public Works, relative to Chapter 90 work on Concord Avenue . The Commissioners Chapter 90 recommend awarding the contract to N. Pandelena & Son, Concord Ave . Inc. , the lowest bidder, at a bid price of 556,120.40. Mr. Carroll stated if the Town didn't get the County money, he would ask for a transfer of $3300.00, and Mr. Richards asked if the Town pays the County' s share, would it be permissible to be paid back by the County and if there is reasonable assurance that the County will reimburse the Town. Mr. Richards stated the Appropriation Committee would have to be contacted. Letter from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Chapter 90 Department of Public Works, relative to the assignment assignment of $26,200.00 for the improvement of Concord Avenue under Chapter 90, was noted and placed on file. ces Mr. Carroll brought up the subject of Federal Aid for the Woodhaven Trunk Sewer. He reported that he and Mr. Staples had met with Mr. Greeley of the Department of Sanitation and felt there was a good chance for the Town to receive it. He stated that the Town should at least apply for it, should advertise the job. The grant requested is $178,200.00 . The Board authorized Mr . Carroll to represent it and make application. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt the following resolution: 1. That the construction of said Project is essential to and is in the best interests of the Applicant, and to the end that said project may be constructed as promptly as practicable it is desirable that action preliminary to the construction thereof be undertaken immediately: 2. That John J. Carroll, Supt. of Public Works be hereby authorized to file on behalf of the Applicant an application (in the form required by the United States and in conformity with 33 U.S.C. 466e) for a grant to be made by the United States to the applicant to aid in defraying the cost of construction of the sewerage treatment works de- scribed above; 3. That if such grant be made, the Applicant agrees to pay all the remaining cost of the approved Project, over and above the amount of the grant; L . That if such grant be made, the Applicant agrees to make provisions satisfactory to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service for assuring proper and efficient operation and maintenance of the treatment works after com- pletion of the construction thereof; 5. That the said John J. Carroll (Supt . ) is hereby authorized to furnish such information and to take such other action as may be necessary to enable the applicant to qualifg for the grant; 6 . That the said John J. Carroll (Supt . ) is hereby designated as the authorized representative of the Appli- cant for the purpose of furnishing to the United States such information, data, and documents pertaining to the application for a grant as may be required; and otherwise to act as the authorized representative of the Applicant in connection with this application; .4r _ . �c 7. That certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the application to be submitted to the United States, for a grant. The Chairman read a letter from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Metropolitan District Commission, Chapter 723 relative to Chapter 723 of the Acts of 1962. (Water Rates) Mr. Carroll reported that he had met with the Air Force and his opinion is that they are not going to pay. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to place the letter on file. Letter from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Pedestrian Metropolitan District Commission, with regard to the Law Revised Sample Pedestrian Regulation , was read and referred to the Traffic Study Committee. Petition and order from the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for the relocation and alteration of poles on Paul Pole Revere Road, approved by Mr. Carroll, was read by locations the Chairman. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the alteration and relocation of the fol- lowing poles: Paul Revere Road, southeasterly side, northeasterly from a point approximately 32 feet northeast of Battle Green Road, - Three (3) poles . (Three existing JO poles to be removed. ) Paul Revere Road, southerly side, westerly from a point approximately 14 feet west of Asbury Street, -- Five (5) poles . (Five existing JO poles to be removed. ) Paul Revere Road, southeasterly side, southwesterly from a point approximately 72 feet southwest of Cedar Street, -- Seven (7) poles. (Seven existing JO poles to be removed. ) Dr. Edward E. Anderson ' s letter relative to traffic Traffic on Winthrop Road (Adjoining Waltham Street ) was referred to the Traffic Study Committee. Letter from Mr. Earl A. Jones, 186 Cedar Street, relative to installation of street lights on Cedar Street light Street, was referred to Mr. Carroll. The Chairman read a letter from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Metropolitan District Commission, with reference to a hearing to be held at the office Hearing of the Metropolitan District Commission on maintenance costs for the cities and towns in the Metropolitan Sewerage District, August 29, 1962, at 10:00 A.M. Mr. John Carroll and Mr. Staples agreed to attend. Mr. Arthur E. Burrell, Director of Civil Defense, met with the Board with reference to the position of secretary to the Civil Defense Department . He stated he had received a few applications for the position. Mrs . Camarata, 16 Cushing Street, who is presently Civil Defence employed as a secretary at Boston University, is in- secretary terested in the position. The nearness of the work here is a factor in her changing her position. He stated her salary would be 565.00 per week. The Board was in favor of the appointment. Mr. Edward Cataldo met with the Board relative to the sign at 1265 Massachusetts Avenue. = Mr. Adams stated that this meeting was s:heduled a month ago and was in regard to the sign of the Gold Ribbon Nursery. Mr. Cataldo advised that he felt the Board and he Gold Ribbon should come to some agreement as the sign has been Nursery there more than twenty years, and the Historic Districts Sign Commission has given them permission to put it there. He asked if the Town could lease the land to him for a small consideration a year and he would be responsible for the sign. Mr. Burnell stated that it would be pretty diffi- cult to lease it . Mr. Richards explained this was a gift entrusted to the Town, and it is not possible to do anything with park land, as such. He stated that as far as leasing is concerned, the Town would have to have per- mission from the Legislature to do anything. Mr. Cataldo said when the Town took over the land, they took it with the sign, and he felt there must be some way to work around it . Mr. Richards agreed it had been there possibly fifty years, perhaps not in its present form, but did not feel there were any rights acquired in a right-of-way such as this, half owned by the Town and half by the abutters. The Town has a piece of aC tV park property and the Legislature has power over parks. He said the Board had no power to grant any rights to Mr. Cataldo. The Chairman said the Board would take this matter under advisement and contact him later. Mr. Cataldo retired at 9:50 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to go into executive session for the purpose of dis- cussing, deliberating or voting on a matter, which, if made public, might adversely affect the public security, the financial interest of the Town or the reputation of any person. Mr. Charles M. Evans of the Charles M. Evans & Salary Associates, met with the Board and reported on the schedule progress of the Classification and Compensation Study. Mr. Evans retired at 9:30 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to resume the open meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the Warrant for the State Primary to be held on September 18, 1962. Mr. Carrollseported on bids taken for the Play- ground field, and said there was some difference of opinion as to whether the bid of Paino-LaCava Company, Inc . came in on time. The contractors claim the bid was in after 4 o 'clock. Mr. Stevens was to come in Bids and make a recommendation to the Board and lir. Carroll informed the Board that he was not feling well and had returned home . For the Board's information the bids are as follows : Gil-Bern Construction Co. Inc. 1.172 $35,250.00 Rich Construction Co. , Inc . 1.19 35,700.00 S. Rotondi & Sons, Inc . 1.49 111 ,700.00 Exchange Construction Inc. 1.29 38,700.00 Paino-LaCava Company, Inc . .99 29,700 .00 The late bidder, Paino-LaCava Company, happened to be low. The Chairman felt it was imperative to have the advice of Town Counsel and the matter was held over until the next meeting of the board on September 4. Mr. Herbert Hafley, representing the Penetryn System, Inc. , met with the Board. Mr. Carroll explained that Mr. Hafley has a film which he feels is interesting for the Board to see, explaining that this system fixes joints from inside the sewer pipe, which is unusual in this area. The Board reviewed the film, after which Mr. Hafley retired. Mr. Carroll brought up the subject of the Centre Playground and the Hayden land. He felt the present time is right for the Planning Board to lay Centre Play- out this area. ground - The Chairman suggested that he request the Plan- Hayden ping Board to bring up a plan to worked out with him. Letter commending the Fire Department was received from the USAF, Laurence G. Hanscom Field, relative to the manner in which the emergency forces cooperated at the time of the accident; was noted and placed on file . Letter from USAF, Laurence G. Hanscom Field, ex- tending appreciation for the cooperation of the Police Department during the labor dispute at MIT Lincoln Laboratories, was noted and placed on file. Letter from the Massachusetts League of Cities and Towns, enclosing their convention report, was noted and placed nn file. Letter from Hazel B. Sheldon, 31 North Hancock Street, with reference to a shade to be installed on Street light a street light opposite her home, was referred to Mr. shade John Carroll for his attention. Letter from USAF, Laurence G. Hanscom Field, relative to the Alert Warning System testing practice, was read by the Chairman who reported this announce- Notice ment would be published in the Lexington Minute-man . Mr. Staples reported on a letter together with plan received from Mr . Charles J. Allen, 44 Eastern Avenue, relative to tax title land on Grandview Avenue. Tax title Mr. Snow feels this land should not be disposed of at this time . The Chairman stated that further information should be obtained before a decisiPp was made . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve Mr. Fred Hersom' s application for rental of Cary Memorial Hall on August 27 at 8:00 P.M. for discussion of real estate evaluation. s-c tit He is to be informed of the fees charged for Janitor ' s services and for a Police Officer if needed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to certify the character of Sten G. Nyberg, 76 Middle Cert . of Street, who has applied for a Certificate of Incorpo- Inc. ration, satisfactory character references having been received from the Chief of Police . The subject of Brewster ' s, Inc. Sunday Sales License was held over from the last meeting of the Board. License Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted tc grant the license with the restriction that the hour of closing be 11:00 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the following licenses: Lexmil Theatre, Inc . 1794 Mass. Avenue Theatre (renewal) Lexmil Theatre, Inc . 1794 Mass. Avenue Sunday Movies " Brewster' s, Inc. 913 Waltham Street Sunday Sales David Thomas Savage 40 Woburn Street Ta,i Driver Stephen Michael Nawoichik 16 Nichols Road " " Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Minutes to approve the minutes of the Selectmen ' s Meetings held on August 6, 1962. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Mr . George C. Sheldon and Mr. Howard H. Dawes Appointments Associate Members of the Board of Appeals to fill unex- pired terms ending March 31, 1963. Mr. Staples reported he had talked with Miss Anzivino relative to Lot 7A Pleasant Street . The Board authorized Mr. Staples to write Miss Tax title Anzivino and report that that the Board will consider an offer of $250.00 for this parcel. Mr. Staples reported on lots in the elementary school site, Laconia-Young-Webb Streets area. Takings Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to take three parcels, B-4, B-5, B-6, owned by DeSimone, Stacchi and Cupp, respectively. Mr. Staples advised the board that he had accepted the position of Town Manager in the Town of Salem, New Hampshire, and tendered his resignation, effective September 14, 1962. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept Mr. Staples ' resignation, with regret . Discussicn was held relative to the meeting to be held in Car/ Hall on Monday evening, August 27, Meeting relative to the real estate evaluation. The Clerk was dismissed at 10:35 P.M. A true record, Attest: Acting Clerk, Selectmen