HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-07-23-BOS-min SELECTMEN' S MEETING July 23, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen ' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, July 23, 1962, at 7 : 30 P.M. Chairman Adams, Messrs . Richards and Brown were present . Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, Mr . Staples, Executive Assistant , and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present . Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, met with the Board for the drawing of two jurors . The following individuals were drawn for jury duty: Charles I. Jurors Loh?', 15 Harding Road, and Lawrence R. Harding, 21 Battle Green Road. Mr. Carroll retired. Hearing was declared open upon petition of the Boston Edison Company for permission to make a pole connection on Spring Street . Pole Mr. Serverson, representing the petitioner, was connection the only person present at the hearing. Notices of the hearing were mailed to the peti- tioner, owners of property as listed on the peti- tioner ' s plan , and also filed ,with the Superintendent of Public Works . Mr. Serverson explained that .the_request.was being made for a small piece of conduit running to the Kennecott Copper Corporation, 114 Spring Street . No one wishing to speak in favor or in opposition the hearing was declared closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition and sign the order for the following pole connection: Spring Street, approximately 3, 685 feet southwest of Marrett Road, a distance of about 45 feet, -- Pole connection . Hearing was declared open upon petition of the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for permission to locate one Pole, guy pole, two guy wires and anchors on Bernard Street . wires and Mr . Serverson, representing the Boston Edison anchors Company, Mr. Consilvio, representing the telephone company, and Mr. Howard H. Dawes, 10 Bernard Street, were presen at the hearing. GI tc Notices of the hearing were mailed to the peti- tioners, owners of property as listed on the peti- tioners ` _plan, and also filed with the Superintendent of Public Iorks . Mr. Dawes said he had no objection to the pro- posed locations . No one else wishing to speak in favor or in oppo- sition, the hearing was declared closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition and sign the order for the following pole, gay wire and anchor locations: Bernard Street, southeasterly side, opposite Ivan Str -et ,-- One pole Two guy wires and anchors . Hearing was declared open upon petition of the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for per- mission to locate approximately 17 feet of conduit in Massachusetts Avenue and approximately 75 feet of con- Conduit duit in Percy Road. location Mr . Consilvio, representing the _petitioner, and Mr. and Mrs . Timothy Kinneen, 4 Percy Road, were pre- sent at the hearing. • Notices of the hearing were mailed to the peti- tioner, owners of property as listed on the peti- tionerts plan, and also filed with the ''uperintendent of Public Works . Mr. Consilvio explained that the company does have an existing conduit going from manhole 18 on Massachusetts Avenue to the first pole on Percy Road, but there has been a recuest for more tee _ephone service in Percy Road. He stated the company has to reinforce the line which means digging up seven- teen feet in Massachusetts Avenue and seventy-five feet in Percy Road . He explained the conduit will be located in the sideway__ and the work should not take too long. Mr. Carroll said he had not seen the petition, and recommended that action be deferred until he has had an opportunity to look at it . No one wishing to speak in favor or in opposition, the hearing was declared closed. Messrs . Consilvio, Serverson and the Kinneens retired at 8:40 P .M. • Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition, subject to hr . Carrollts approval, at which time, the Board will sign the order. _ i Mr . Stevens advised that he had prepared an Order of Taking by eminent domain for the lots covered by the option given to the Board by John J. McDonnell, Muriel McDonnell and Dominic C . Luongo Taking Order to purchase lots on Young Street as part of the Young Street elementary school site in the Laconia-Young-Webb Streets area. Ho then explained the land should be taken and a confirmatory deed and release obtained. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt the Order of Taking in the following form: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS LEXINGTON rrnr MIDDLESEX, SS . TON OF LEXIN�. ON At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington held this 23rd day of July, 1962, it is ORDERED: -Whereas by vote duly adopted by a Town Meeting duly called, warned and held on the 5th day of March, 1962, namely at an adjourned session therm duly held on March 19, 1962, the Selectmen were authorized on behalf of the Town of Lexington to purchase, take by eminent domain or otherwise acquire for school, playground and other public purposes, the land herein- after described and an appropriation of money was made therefor . NOW, THEREFORE, we, the undersigned, beim; a majority of the Board of Selectmen of the said Town of Lexington, duly elected, Qualified and acting as such, do hereby, pursuant to said vote and under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 504 of tae Acts of 1897, Chapter 263 of the Acts of 1926, and Chapter 79 of the General Laws of Massachusetts, and all acts in amendment thereof andd in addition thereto, and of any and every other power and authority us hereto in any way enabling, take in fee simple in the name and on behalf of the Town of Lexington for sewer , water, drain, street , school and playground purposes a parcel of land situated on Young Street in Lexington, consisting of lots 166, 167, 168, and 169 as shown on plan entitled Battle-View rare., Lexington Mass . James E. Burke Owner" , dated November 1913, John N. McClintock, k.•N.C .E . , and recorded in: Middlesex South District Registry -of Deeds in Plan Book 22L, Plan 1L, and bounded and described as follows : SOUTHEASTERLY by Young Street, one hundred (100) feet; SOUTHWESTERLY by lot 165 as shown on said plan, one hundred (100) feet; NORTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of Young, one hundred (100) feet ; and t� tt NORTHEASTERLY by lot 170 as shown on said plan, one hundred (100) feet. Said land is taken with the benefit of all rights and easements now appurtenant thereto . All trees upon s aid land and. buildings and structures affixed thereto are included in the taking. We award the damages sustained by personsin their property by reason of the taking hereby made asfollows : John J. McDonnell and Muriel McDonnell, husband and wife, the sum of One Dollar. Dominic C. Luongo, Jr. , the sum of One Dollar. In so awarding damages we have awarded them to the sup- posed owner of record of the land hereby taken as of the date hereof, but if the name of the owner of any interest in said land is notstated St t2d 0. is not correctly stated, it is to be understood that such interest is owned by an owner or owners unknown to us and in such case our award is made to the law- ful owner or owners thereof. No betterments are now to be assessed for the improve- ments for which this taking is made. WITNESS our hands and seals in said Lexington, the day and year first above written. TOWN OF LEXINGTON By Alan G. Adams /s/ Norman J. Richards Otis S. Brown, Jr . Majority of the Board of Selectmen u"_oL is 1 T-. OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss . July 23, 1962 Then personally appeared the above named Alan G. Adams, Otis S. Brown, Jr. , an0. Norman J Richards, known t0 me to be a majority of the duly elected, qualified and acting Selectmen] of the Town of Lexinton, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their free act and deed, before me, /s/ Harold . . Stevens .'ot ary _'ublic My commission expires -wast 31, 1968 Mr. Carroll reported that bids were received this afternoon on the access road to the durox site, and. that Gil -Bern Construction Corp. was low with a - Access road bid of $27, 790. He explained that the bids had been bid checked and the low bid was correct mathematically. The corporation was investigated two weeks ago rela- tive to street construction work and Mr . Carroll re- commended that the contract be awarded. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to award the contract for construction of the access road to Gil-Bern Construction Corp. at the bid price of 'U27,790 . Mr. Carroll reported that he had received a letter from Peter Ronchetti who claimed on July 19, 1962 the right front-wheel of his car dropped into a hole on Walnut Street, necessitating replacement of Claim a tire for which he enclosed a bill in the amount of $19. Mr. Ronchetti called the police and the hole was filled the next morning. Mr . Carroll said he did not feel there was any negligence on the part of the Town. It was agreed that Mr . Carroll would discuss the subject with Mr . Ronchetti and was authori7ed to settle, without bringing the matter before the Board again , pro- viding Mr. Ronchetti will settle for $10. Mr . Carroll reported that he had received a letter from James Mallon, Contracting Officer, of the Air Force, requesting detailed information pertaining to the new water rate. He exprained that Mr. Stevens had advised that the Town is not obligated to furnish the requested information. Mr . Stevens explained tht the Town has the right, under the agreement , to revise the rates . He stated that under the terms of the contract, the Town is not Air Force obligated to furnish the infc mation and that it has water rates the right to increase the rates . Mr. Stevens retired at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Tomkins met with the Board relative to the purchase of parking meters . Mr . Carroll reported that he had roughed out some estimate on the meters and asked if the Board had any questions . He stated that he and Mr. Tomkins estimate 226 meters for the two munidtal lots. Mr. Richards asked if there would be additional meters in the street and Mr . Carroll replied in the negative. ?^?�'+'i 7;d Mr. Richards asked if the meters would be for two-hour parking and Mr. Tomkins replied that the time is usually determined by the location . In looking at the lots today, he thought the primary use would probably be the shopper and therefore a long-term parking was not desirable . In this case, he recommended two-hour:meters . He also recommended Parking the same rate as is presently being used on the street Meters meters . He said it was his opinion that the parkin:.- should be two hours, a nickel an hour with the utili - zation of not only the nickel but also the dime . He said he could not see the use of pennies in a parking lot such as is being considered. He explained that the trend is to change the five cents an hour rate to ten cents an hour, but this may be two or three years hence . Mr. Carroll explained that he anticipated having the meters in operation by the end of October. The Chairman said the Traffic Committee should study a Stop and enter going into Depot Souare from Edison Way. Mr Tomkins mentioned the old method of payment , which is still used, whereby the revenue is divided fifty-fifty on a monthly basis until the meters are paid for. He said there is also the method of paying x:2.00 per meter per month regardless of what the in- come is . He explained another method would be to pay twenty-five cents down and a Quarter for the next three years for the balance due, and stated that he would do almost anything that is convenient for the Town . He explained there is a 5% discount for cash, and said there would be/Bash outlay even though they install them. Mr. Carroll said he thought the original plan was to pay on a fifty-fifty basis. Mr . Tomkins retired at 8:10 P.m. Mr . Richards said he did not think the Board had authority, under the original vote, to commit the Town to a payment of $2.00 per meter per month. Mr . Carroll reported that bids were taken on Concord Avenue and the low bidder was Pandelino who submiated a bid of $56,120. 0. He explained that there will be 'a few extra charges amounting to $3,000 for items not in- Chapt . 90 eluded in the bid and the total amount needed is $59,000 . bids He said that the allotment wes approximately $52,000 making the net amount needed $6,600 . He discussed the subject with a State engineer and it was his suggestion that if the Town could raise $1,650 he might be able to get the County to raise 81,650 and the State to raise $3, 300 . 77 Mr. Richards asked what assurance the Town would • have, if the Board obtained a ttansfer from the Appropri- ation Committee that the State and County would con- tribute their additional shares . Mr. Carroll replied that this does not have to be decided upon tonight and it would depend on whether or not the State and County would contribute . Mr . Richards suggested that the Board notify the Chairman of the Appropriation Committee of a possible request of 81,650 and obtain its approval so that within two weeks, if the State and County have cleared, a definite answer can be given to Mr. Carroll. The Chairman said he would see Mr . Blaisdell and brief him on the subject . Mr. Paul Sheppard, representing Cabot, Cabot & Forbes, met with the Board in regard to the access road to the dump site . Mr . Staples mentioned an exchange of land with Cabot, Cabot 8: Forbes who has agreed to permit the Town to make a taking of the easement if the Town Cabot, Caboll agrees that at the time this becomes a public way, & Forbes the Town will give them enough additional land on the easterly side of the easement to make a five acre parcel. He explained this would require a vote of the Town . The Chairman said this would have to be presented to a Fall Town Meeting. Mr. Richards said all the Board needs is per- mission to deed this portion , indicated on the plan , in return for a deed to a portion owned by Cabot , Cabot & Forbes. He stated that the Boagwoula only say that it would recommend to the next/Meeting, as- suming it will be in October, that authorization be given to exchange the land in return for a release, but nothing could be guaranteed. The Chairman asked if this proposal had been checked with the Planning Board, and Mr. Staples re- plied that Mr . Snow knew about it . Mr . Richards said the Board would make a taking and Cabot, Cabot & Forbes will have one year within which to file a claim. Mr. Sheppard said he had not had an opportunity to check with his mortgagee but the proposal sounded all right to him. Mr. Richards said the Town would give Cabot, Cabot & Forbes a buildable lot to at least the mini- mum requirements . Mr. Sheppard said he realized the Board could not give a guarantee . Mr. Sheppard retired at 8:25 P .M. 4 t 0 tt Mr. Carroll referred to a meeting with Mr . James • Carrig relative to the construction of Worthen Road from Pleasant Street into the first street of his development and the difference in cost of a seventy foot street as compared to a fifty foot street . This Carrig he reported would amount to approximately $2,000. The Chairman said Mr. Carrig wanted to kno w how much the Town would pay. Mr. Carroll said $2,000 was the official figure and stated that the Board is empowered to tell him that the Board would agree to the payment of $2,000 subject to the approval of the Planning Board. A letter from Mrs . Meyers, 13 Hancock Avenue, relative to damage to a portion of her property caused by the flow of water following the instal- Meyers ' lation by the Town of drains, was held over. • claim Mr. Carroll presented a plan of the area and explained that the rear of Mrs . Meyers ' property is wet most of the spring, summer and winter. She claimed that before the drain was located in Hancock Avenue in 1953, the property was dry all year . He said he did not know whetaer or not the property was dry before the drain was installed, but there is a possibility that it was dry. He explained that it would cost between $300 and $400 to run a drain back to her property in order to make it dry and stated that it is extremely wet now. The Chairman said he thought the land was dry because at one time there was a large garden there and the question is whether or not the drain has flooded the property. Mr. Richards said that if there is a possibility that the drain has disturbed the soil, he would be in favor of correcting the condition subject to ob- taining a release of all damages . Petition was received from the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone and Telegraph Pole Company for a j/o pole location on Reed Street . location Mr. Carroll had no objection and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition and sign the ord_:r for the following j/o 0 pole location : st Reed Street , northerly side, opposite Ash Street, -- One pole . �r C; $[ Request was received from the Mystic Valley Gas Company for permission to locate a L inch welded steel gas main in Meriam Street to serve gas to #2L. Gas main Mr. Carroll had no objection and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the request subject to Mr. Carroll' s approval of the work. A second communication was received from Mr. Daniel A. Cronin, 49 Foret Street, regarding the sidewalk, road, grass plot and walk from the side- walk to his house. Mr. Carroll reported that the sidewalr was in- stalled last year and resulted in a change of grade in Mr . Cronin ' s concrete walk. He explained that Cronin the concrete walk from his house to the sidewalk complaint was rebuilt and he asked the contractor to return and finish that section of thewalk. He said he did not feel the other complaints enumerated by Mr . Cronin were justified. He said cars pull onto the lawn but he thought the original work was done satis- factorily. Letter was received from John F. Batter, 5 Rogers Woad, inquiring about the necessary procedure to have ws Rogers Road, Fessenden Way and Marshall Road in the Glen development off Woburn Street accepted. The Glen Mr. Carroll recommended that the Board ask the subdivision Planning Board for its opinion inasmuch as the en- tire subdivision has not been completed. He explained that there is a problem of a drain easement on which Mr . Stevens is working and the most important factor is that a section of road has not been completed and he did not think the developer intends to finish it . Notice was received from the State Department of Public Works advising that the Commissioners have assigned, under the provisions of Section Ls, Chapter Chapter 90 90, the sum of ?1,500 for the maintenance of Chapter 90 roads in Lexington, on the dondition that at least $1,500 is contributed by the Town and $1,500 by the County. A Memorandum of Agreement between the State De- partment of Public Works and. the Town was received relative to Chapter 90 maintenance of 600 feet of Massachusetts Avenue and 1500 feet of Bedford Street . Chapter 90 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the Chapter 90 maintenance Memorandum of Agree- ment . Mr. Carroll retired at 8:35 P.M. Mr JohnJGrant, 25 Balfour Street , Mr. John J. MacKechnie, 25 Greenwood Street, and other residents in the area met with rue Board relative c the presence of Puerto Ricans in the neighborhood. The Chairman explained that, because of the re- cent incident involving Puerto Ricans on the Ricci Puerto farm, the Chief of Police was unable to attend the Ricans meeting. Mr. Mackechnie said the group had a general com- plaint and most of the gentlemen present could bear witness to What he had to say. He stated that on Greenwood Street , Asbury Street , Balfour Street and Cedar Street theris an influx of strangers in the oorriunity that is more or less accosting the children . He said speeding was another item. He said he thought there should be additional protection of some sort in the area and the group was aresent at the meeting to ask if something could be done . The Chairman asked if the police had been con- tacted, ander. Mackechnie replied that in many in- stances they have been and they are aware of the situation, but it has been going on for two years . The Chairman asked if there had been response to the calls and Mr. Mackechnie replied in the affirma- tive . Mr. W. S . Couette, Jr. , 28 Balfour Street, said that he had caught these individuals in his yard and when he chased them a week ago tomorrow, they ran into Hr. Fowlers yard. He said he had no criticism of the Police Department as the officers were there within three minutes after the call, but the problem, as he understood it, was that there are only two cruisers, and if cne cruiser is on Route 128 at an accident and the other is in 'East Lexington, there was the Question of what to do. The Chairman explained that there are three cruisers now. Mr . Couette said that two police officers do not have much of a chance with fifteen men who, he judged, were Puerto Rican farm hands . The Chairman explained that the problem is that the Police Dep .rtment is short manpower and the reason apparently is that no one is interested in taking the poJ ion. He stated that there are six vacancies at the present time . He said as far as he knew this was the only area where there has been any concentrated action. Mr. Ceuette said there must be some attraction and that is what he would like to find out . Mr. Brucci reported that his fourteen year old daughter was riding her horse to a !4E meeting and 420 I. two Puerto Ricans came by riding in a car and asked if his daughter wanted to go for a ride. The men blocked the bridle path but fortunately, Mr . Mackechnie came along in his car. The Chairman asked if theincident was immediately reported to the police and Mr. Brucci replied in the affirmative . The Chairman said he would discuss the subject with the Chief of Police. Mr. Michelson said the police have checked out registration numbers and found these Puerto Ricans are coming from out of Town. He said the ones in Lexington are generally not in automobiles . Mr. Plasse, 197 Cedar Street, reported an in- stance when a car was in his area. Mr. Brown asked if the situation had improved any in the past week, and Mr. Michelson said it had quieted down some . Mr. Michelson said last Thursday the police sat in his driveway and watched the activities . The people across the street realized they were being watched and it has been quiet for three or four days. Mr. Paul Lloyd, 202 Cedar Street , said the situation has presented a problem at h'is home be- cause of the 4-H Horse Club. He stated that 60% of the group is young girls who can no longer be left alone . The Chairman suggested that all incidents of a suspicious nature be reported immediately to the police and said he would talk with the Chief who:,. he was sure, was aware of the situation. The group retired at 8:55 P .M. Mr . Alfred Busa met with the Board and re- ferred t: some property on Massachusetts Avenue at the rear of his stores. He said he had in- tended to purchase land from Hr. Palladino who thought he owned it , but in looking it up, he found the Town has a fee in lots 1-B, 2-B and 3-B. He said he would like permission to hardtop the area and use it for employees ' parking. Mr. Staples reported that Mr. Palladino had re- cently complained that Duval was using lot 7-B as a parking lot for his employees. He stated there is a paved area being used for parking which has a sign indicating that it is Duvales parking area. He ex- plained it is a :carcel of land owned by the Town which Mr . Duval paved or paid to have paved. He explained that it is of no value for parking unless Mr. Busa permits the cars to drive over his land. � un1 c. 3 a l °"C The Chairman asked who blacktopped the area and Mr. Busa replied that he did. The Chairman asked if the Town was aware of it and Mr. Busa replied in the negative . Mr. Busa said he would like to clar lots 7,1-B, 2-B and 3-B and blacktop them. Mr. Busa retired. Mr. Richards said if an individual wanted to pave the lots free of charge for parking and take the cars off Massachusetts Avenue and off Bow Street he could not see that the Town would be substantially injured. The Chairman mentioned the possibility of liability on the part of the Town for maintenance and Mr. Richards explained that the Town would not have to maintain it or replace the pavement if the Town had to dig it up to get into the sewer. Mr. Staples was authorized to tell Mr . Busa that the Town has:,no objection and he was also in- structed to advise Mr. Duval that he will have to remove the sign. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing, deliberating or voting on a matter which, if made public, might adversely affect the public security, the financial interest of the Town or the reputation of any person. Mr. Donald E. Legro met with the Board rela- tive to the position of Town Counsel. Mr. Legro retired at 9:35 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to resume the open meeting. Letter was received from Edward J. McCormack, Jr. , Attorney General, together with a copy of his letter to Chief Rycroft, relative to charges made by David Von Euw, a picket on Wood Street , against Lieutenant Corr. A copy of Lieutenant Corr' s report to the Chief was also received. Mr. Richards reported that last Thursday he re- ceived a call from the Vice President of MIT who in- Lt. Corr and formed him that there was a letter, a copy of which pickets on was sent to him and the Board, which had been addressed Wood Street to the Chief of Police concerning the activities of the police in control of the picket line at the MIT Laboratory. Mr. Richards called the Chief who told 3 him he had already ordered an investigation . He stopped in Thursday and read the report made by Lieutenant Corr which he said was satisfactory, and he did not see that any deletions or additions were necessary. He stated he also spoke to Lieutenant Corr and to the Chief of the picketers at Lincoln Laboratories who had nothing but words of praise of what had been done by the Town with the few men the department was able to spare. He explained that he did hot think the letter from the Attorney General' s office was anything but what had to be done. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen ' s Meetings Minutes held on July 9 and July 16, subject to amendment . Invitation was received from the Lexington Guide Association to attend an Annual Town Tour , Invitation dates of which will be announced in the Lexington Minute-man. Request was received from Five Fields, Inc. for permission to conduct a block dance at the junction of Field and Barberry Roads. Block dance Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant permission for the block dance on Friday, August 31 or, in the event of inclement weather, on Saturday, September 1, from 6:30 P.M. until midnight; the Chief of Police and Chief Engineer of the Fire Department to be advised. Letter was received from the State Department of Public Works advising that a hearing will be held on July 31, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. in the auditorium Meeting at 100 Nashua Street, for the purpose of familiarising local officials with the necessity of uniformity in traffic controldevices and the implementation of the jaywalking bill. Previous meetings have been well attended by public works and enforcement officials but there has been a lack of attendance by Selectmen, Mayors and elected officials. Letter was received from Mr. Ralph H. Tucker ad- vising that due to the fact he will be moving from the State about August 17 he must tender his resignation Resignation as an Associate Member of the Board of Appeals . Appointment of a replacement for Mr. Tucker and for Mr. Hoyt was held over until the next meeting of the Board. }-c Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Jury List to adopt the Jury List for 1962. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint the following individuals as Election Of- ficers for terms expiring September 1, 1963: Election Officers ELECTION OFFICERS 1962 1963 R George E. Foster R Alice G. Marshall 10 Plainfield Street 9 Independence Avenue R Ilda J. Field R Helene L. Ignico 30 Chase Avenue 18 Outlook Drive D Edna F. Marshall R Sally S. Hooper 110 Woburn Street 282 Bedford Street D Michael Lovezzola R Edna R. Anderson 242 Waltham Street 21 Leonard Road R Mary E. Clifford D Clarence E. Delp 54 Chase Avenue 18 Dexter Road', D John McDonough D Joseph 0 . Rooney 54 Woburn Street 51 Grant Street R Lena S. Rochette R. Elizabeth Fardy 370 Marrett Road 40 Preston Road D Randall W. Richards D Mary J. Ferry 67 Farmcrest Avenue 50 Downing xoad D Mary G. Oliver D Ann L. Ford 610 Waltham Street 1989 Massachusetts Ave. D Elizabeth F. Downey D Mary A. Spellman 4 Farmcrest Avenue A Shirley Street D Henry P. Meade R Caroline F. Deloury 1843 Massachusetts Avenue 99 Spring Street R Nellie I. Batstone R Mary A. Hallett 49 Bartlett Avenue 2270 Massachusetts Ave . xeits Letter was received from the Board of Health ad- vising that a dinner will be held in honor of Mr. Lurvey on August 7 at the Fantasia Restaurant, Cambridge, Invitation at 6:30 P.M. The price of the dinner, etc. , will be $5.50 and reservations should be made not later than July 31, 1962. Mr. Staples reported that the Director of Civil Defense has received only one application for the position of secretary. Miss Riley, now secretary to the president of theJefferson Union, has applied. Civil DCfern He said the fact that she is nearly sixty-five years secretary had caused some concern, but Mr . Staples reported that her employment will not affect the Retirement System at all. He stated she would be willing to work full time for 565.00. Mr. Staples reported that Mr. Ash has agreed to limit his occupancy in the house at 96 Laconia Street to one year. He will take S11,000 and the Ash property Town will hold $1,000 until such time as vacates the property. If he does not vacate, he will for- feit the 81,000 . Mr. Staples reported that Mr. DeSimone wants per- mission to remove the loam which he paid to have put on the land being acquired by the Town . The appraisal of Mr. DeSimoners land was without the removal of the loam and the Board was opposed to DeSimone becoming involved in loam removal. land Mr. Staples reported that Mr. DeSimone also wants to remove some of the small fruit trees and would like to use the garden for a while. The Board felt that payment should be withheld until after Mr. DeSimone vacates the premises. Mr. Staples was requested to discuss the subject further with Mr. Sennett, attorney for Mr. DeSimone. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt an order for the construction of a sewer in Sewer order Peacock Farm Road from a point about 275 feet, more or less, from the northerly side line 125 feet northerly. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M. A true record, Attest: Executive Clerly, Selectmen