HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-06-25-BOS-min iNt �Idvn. SELECTMEN' S MiEETING June 25, 1962 A regular meeting of the board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen ' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, June 25, 1962, at 7 : 30 P.M. Chairman Adams, Messrs . Cole, Brown and Burnell were present . Mr. • Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr. Staples, Executive Assistant , Mr . Colella, Assistant Superintendent of Public J°orks, Mr. Higgins, Assistant Ton Engineer, and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present . Hearing was declared open upon application of Frederic K. Johnson for permission to increase the underground storage capacity from 10,000 to 12,000 gallons of gasoline on premises located at 39-41 Bedford Street . Notice of the hearing was mailed to the peti- tioner and owners of all property deemed by the Board to be affected therehy as they appear on the most recent tax list and also advertised in the June 7; Gasoline 1962 issue of the Lexington Minute-man. The appli- hearing cation was approved by Mr . Bernard J. Belcastro, Chief Engineer of the Lexington Fire Department . Mr. Johnson, Mr. Rowe, of Rowe-Jackson, and a representative from the Guif Oil Corporation were pre-• sent at the hearing. No one appeared in favor or in opposition . Mr . Johnson explained that over the years the business has increased and he would now like to have the benefit of what he understood to be the permissible maximum storage. The hearing was declared closed and the group re- tired. Upon motion duly made and seconded; it was voted to approve the application and grant a license to Frederic K. Johnson for the underground storage of 12,000 gallons of gasoline on premises located at 39-41 Bedford Street . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application and grant a license to Frederic K. Johnson for the underground storage of 12,000 gallons of Easoline on premises located at 39-41 Bedford Street . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign a contract, prepared and presented by Mr . • Contract Stevens , with the Hussey Manufacturing Company, Inc . , North Berwick, Maine, for additional stands and work C r` on the stands at the enclosed field, in tie amount of $15, 995.00. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign a contract, prepared and presented by Mr. Contract Stevens, with the Metropolitan Construction Company for general sidewalk work in the amount of $1,677 .00 . Mr. Stevens presented a plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. ", dated May 15, 1962, drawn by Schofield Brothers, Registered Land Surveyors and Deed indicated the Goodrich land which the Town voted on March 26, 1962 to acquire. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign a deed, prepared and presented by Mr. Stevens, conveying to E. Lester Goodrich and Lloyd C. Goodrich such portion of Town land acquired in 1959 that abuts upon the remaining land of the Goodrichs . It was also voted to sign an agreement to the effect that so long as the Goodrichs, or either of them, continue to reside on lots 8 and 2, they may enter on Agreement lots 7 and 11, conveyed to the Town, and remove such fallen wood as may be desired by them for their personal use as fireplace wood to be used in and about their residences. Mr. Stevens referred toan Exercise of Option, signed by the Board on April 16, 1962, for the purchase cf land referred to in Article 38 of the warrant for Order of the 1962 Annual Town Meeting a nd for which the Board Taking voted to extend the time for passing papers until July 15, 1962. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt an Order of Taking to take the land by eminent domain. Mr. Stevens stated that substantially the same situation exists with reference to the Shea land shown on plan entitled "Plan Of Part of Lot A Off Massachu- setts Avenue Lexington - Mass ." , dated May 3, 1962. Order of Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Taking tc adopt an Order of Taking to take the land by eminent domain . Mr. Stevens retired at 8:02 P.M. Letter from Frederick J. Conroy relative to a permit to move a house from 30 Blossom Street to Lawrence Lane was held over . Permit Mr. Colella stated that there is no problem with trees or wires and the major portion of the move will be on Route 2. 2 ag SV r" SC • Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant permission subject to the usual provisions and also subject to the mover obtaining written approval from the State Department of Public Works . Letter was received from John A. Fiorentino; attorney, together with petition signed by residents of the Baskin Road area, asking that corrective measures be taken immediately to eliminate tnd alleviate she nuisance and. Complaint re health and fire hazard baused by the dump located off dump Lincoln Street . Mr. Colella stated that men are assigned periodi- cally to clean up the papers, and everything possible is being done to keep the dump in good condition. The Chairman said that the Town has gone to con- siderable expense to keep the area in as good condition as possible. It was agreed toso advise Mr, Fiorentino and further, to tell him that it is essential to complete the filling of the Lincoln Street dump so that plans to make this into a highly attractive recreation playground area may proceed as soon as possible . Further consideration was given to Mr . Edwin F. Hutchinsones letter claiming damage to his driveway. =sir. Colella explained that he went to look at the driveway following a telephone call to Mr . Carroll. Claim He also went up to look at it with Mr. Staples . He stated that the street is narrow and Town men did go onto private property because there was no other way to get into the trench. However, the shovel was rubber mounted shovel and not a caterpillar tread as Mr. Hutchinson claimed. Mr. Brown reported that he had looked at the drive- way and said thatactually, the cracks run further up the driveway than the shovel went . Mr. Burnell said it appeared to him that the equip- ment may have caused some damage. He said he did not think it was necessary torepair the driveway and asked if it could be fixed. Mr. Colella mentioned that Mr. Hutchinson stated in his letter that a thin surface of hottop would be inadequate. He said it is his opinion that the base of the driveway failed a long time ago . Mr. Cole reported that the damage did not seem to be caused recently. It was agreed toadvise Mr. Hutchinson that members of the Board had viewed the premises and do not feel there was any damage caused by the equipment which was not a caterpillar tread power shovel but was a vehicle mounted on rubber treads . Letter from Mr. John A. Sellars, requesting an adjustment of hiswater bill for the period ending April 18, 1962, was held over. Mr. Colella explained that the break occurred inside and had nothing to do with the Town . The Chairman explained tht Mr. Sellars does not claim the Town to be at fault, but apparently he is financially embarrassed. Abatement Mr. Brown said his financial situation is such that any abatement would help. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to charge Mr . Sellars the wholesale cost of the water over and above his normal charge, abating $31.40. Letters were received, signed by the Boston Edison Company and the New Lngland Telephone and Telegraph Company, requesting permission to withdraw j/o petition Pole dated October 19, 1961 for one pole location on Massa- locations chusetts Avenue, northerly side, approximately 70 feet west of Worthen Koad and j/o petition dated January 2, 1962 for one guy wire and anchor on the westarly side of Wood Street from a pole located 250 feet south of Alpine Street; one guy wire and anchor on the southwesterly side of 'wood Street , approximately 160 feet southeast of we. Fairview Avenue . Upon motion dul - made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen1s Meeting held Minutes on June 18-, 1962. Further consideration was given to letter received from the Fire Commissioners advising that the telephone poles on Worthen Road in from Waltham Street are to be removed. The fire alarm wires feed on these poles into the Baskin Road area and must be removed. Fire alarm Mr . Staples reported that he went over the area wires with Mr . Fitzgerald, Chairman of the Board of Fire Com- missioners, and explained the method which seemed to them to be the best . It is to use the conduit the tele- phone company had placed in Worthen Road to a manhole in Waltham Street ; then back to the intersection of Worthen Rood and Waltham Street, across Waltham Street by means of a wire which had been supplied by the Tele- phone Company. The Town would have to extend the con- duit approximately 50 feet to the pole at a cost of about $1200. This would also put the Town in the posi- tion of being able to continue down Worthen Road should the poles there be ornamental poles instead of wooden poles . Mr. Staples was requested to ask the Fire Com- missioners to obtain final figures for the method as outlined by him. '�s�„ „Mn MC Letter from WGBH relative to a proposed program to be produced in Lexington was noted and placed on file. The Chairman read a letter from R . L. Gatnik, 10 Rafferty Road, advising that he did not feel the tow- ing charge of $7.00, incurred when the police had his Towing car towed away, was justified. charge The Chairman reported that he was in the Police Station when the Officer submitted his report and every effort was mode to contact Mr . Gatnik. It was found, from a telephone call to the Stoneham Police, that he had moved from the address given on his registration . He explained that when a car is left overnight and ap- pears to have been abandoned, and the owner cannot be reached, it is towed away. The Chairman read a letter from Stanley A. Chao, 9 Alpine Street, relative to the acquisition of tax title lots on Alpine Street, Colonial Avenue and Hayward Avenue . Mr. Staples reported that, upon receipt of this letter, he had checked with the Minute Man National Historical Park. The final map is net ready. He Tax title stated the Town is in about the same position it was before, until a map has been co p feted. it was agreed to advise Mr . Chao that the Board does not intend to dispose of any tax title land in the area until such time as definite information rela- tive to the location of the Park has been received. Mr. Staples reported that a letter had been re- ceived from Hans . G. vanderBrink, 23 Rangeway, offering, B600 and $500 for lots 31 and 32 Rangeway, respectively. He stated that Mr . Snow f..els the Town Tax title should retain ownership of these lots because the lots back land will some day be developed and the access will be through these lots. Mr. Burnell said he thought the Board should abide by the Planning Boards judgment . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reject the offer. The Chairman read a letter from the Lexington Historical Society Council relative to placing the National Historic Site markers for Buckman Tavern Markers and the Com.on . The Chairman agreed to discuss the subject with the Historic Districts Commission and then refer the matter to Hr . Carroll and Yr . Mazerall for suggestions • as to placing the markers . t It was also agreed that the Chairman would ask Historic the Planning Hoard to investigate the possibility District are. of extending the Historic Districts area from the extension Common to the entrance of the National Historical Park. Letter was received from the Airways Trans- portation Co . , 276 St . Botolph Street, relative to the operation of passenger carrying limousines from Bus from Logan Airport to Hanscom Field. The route con- Logan to templated in Lexington will start at the Arlington Hanscom line on Route 2 ,o Bute 128 to Route 2A to Access Road with no stops in Lexington for passengers . Permission has bee given the company to operate in the Town of Belmont, Lincoln, Bedford, the City of Cambridge . The Town of Arlington will act on the request this evening. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the Airways Transportation Co . permission to operate on the routes specified within the Town of Lexington . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted ow to grant the following licenses, satisfactory character Licenses references having been received from the Chief of Police : David F. Corr, Peddler ; Kenneth P. Kelley, Jr. , Taxi Driver . The Chairman read a letter from the Board of Assessors reque:;ting a transfer of $1500 from the Reserve Fund to the Assessors ` Personal Services Account . Figuring the assessment from Cole-Layer- Trumble Co . cards has become the Assessors ' re- sponsibility, and there is quite a load of work Transfer to be done before preparing cards for the Addresso- graph plates, all of which adds up to an immediate need for extra clerical help to get the 1962 tax bills out . The Board felt it is very important that the tax bilis be out as quickly as possible, and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to re- quest the Appropriation Committee to transfer the sum of $1500 from the Reserve Fund to the Assessors ' Personal Services Account . It was also agreed that Mr. Staples should have a weekly report of progress on the status of getting the bills out . Mr. Staples reported that Mr . William Mason had inquired again about being eligible for four ! t 1. ` rat MC cc Vacation weeks ' vacation . No change was made in the previous decision of the Board on June 18. The meting adjourned at 9: 37 P .N. A true record, Atte.:st : 7,-- --Executive./Clerk,. Selectmen