HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-06-11-BOS-min 444 TC SELECTMEN'S MEETING June 11, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen ' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, June 11, 1962, at 7: 30 P.M. Chairman Adams, Messrs . Richards, Cole, Brown and Burnell were present . Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr. Staples, Executive As- sistant, Messrs . Colella and Higgins, and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present . Mr. Stevens reported that H-3756, the bill on sub- Bills divisions, should be enacted in tha Senate tomorrow and S-120, the Arlington Relief Sewer bill, was ready today to be enabted in the Senate. Mr. Stevens explained th .t he expected Mr. Wilbur Jaquith to come in with an instrument to extend the time for passing papers on the Hennessey property. Mr . Jaquith was to obtain Mrs. Hennessey' s signature . Extension of Later in the evening, Mr. Stevens presented the time instrument signed by Mrs . Mary A. Hennessey, and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign the •• instrument extending the time for passing papers to July 16, 1962. Mr . Stevens stated that he had a similar instru- ment on Justin L. Shea. • Extension of Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted time to sign an instrument extending the time for passing papers to July 16, 1962. Mr. Stevens retired at 7 :L5 P.M. Mr. Higgins reported that bids had been opened today for outdoor seating. He stated that the Hussey Manufacturing Company bid $15, 995 and Louis Tropeano bid $12, 300. Mr. Tropeano made the proviso that he did not intend to furnish the stand. • Mr. Higgins ex- Bids plained that the specifications stated that the stands would be furnished and built and he therefore felt Mr. Tropeano ' s bid should not be considered. The C :airman said, in other words, he did not meet the specifications . Mr . Higgins said he recommended that the contract be awarded to Hussey. He reported that he had checked with Mr. Carroll who concurred. Mr. Higgins explained that Mr. Tropeano claimed oto Ihe was unable to obtain a figure from Hussey, but the specifications stated Hussey or equal. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to award the contract for outdoor seating at the Center playground to the Hussey Manufacturing Company at its bid of $15, 995. Mr . Higgins also reported that one bid was re- ceived for reconstruction of the concrete sidewalks in Lexington Center, from Metropolitan Construction Bid Company, $1, 677. He stated that the bidder is not well enough known to make a recommendation this even- ing. Action on the bid was held over . Letter was received from the Mystic Valley Gas Company for permission to locate a six inch welded steel gas main in Lowell Street . Gas main Mr. Colella said he knew that Mr . Carroll had approved the proposed location. He indicated the area on a plan and stated that it is to serve four houses. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the request, the installation to meet Mr. Carroll' s specifications . The Chairman read a letter from Stephen T . Russian, representing the Paint Rock Pool Corporation, request- ing permission to connect the swimming pool at 13 Partridge Road into the existing storm drain . The capacity of the pool is approximately 125 thousand Request to gallons and it would require a period of twelve hours connect to to drain it through a four inch. 150 pound. ABS poly- drain vinyl chloride pipe. Mr. Richards said he was disturbed because he did not think this type of connection was contemplated when the Plumbing By-Law was amended, which stated that "Rain water, conductors, surface or ground water or basement drainage shall not discharge into a sanitary sewer, nor connect into any storm drainage system of the Town, except that connection may be made to a storm water system of the Town with permission of the Board of Selectmen" . He said he was concerned about 125,000 gallons of water going into a storm drain . He also mentioned liability on the part of the Town if cellars were flooded. The Chairman called Mr. Stevens back to the meet- ing and explained the request to him. Mr. Stevens said it would almost have been con- sidered to be a prohibited connection. • Mr. Stevens retired at 8:00 P.M. ij1 Jw as�G:,dm .mq ti ww The Chairman said, in this instance, he assumed the request would have to be refused. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to deny Mr . Russian ' s request to connect the Paint Rock Swimming Pool to the storm drain . Messrs . Colella and Higgins retired at 8:OL4 P .M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted finutes to approve the minutes of the Selectmen ' s Meeting held on June 6, 1962 . Representatives Brox and Bocko met with the Board at the Board' s invitation. The Chairman stated that the Board was looking for some assistance on a problem for which it has been unable to find a solution, the proposed extension of Route 3 from Lexington to join somewhere with the innerbelt . He said the Board feels the plan to run it across Lexington to join Route 2 would be disastrous and would not serve Route 3 the State very well. He explained that it would go through the easterly and southerly part of the Town and cut through new subdivision, and the Town feels it would be unfortunate to have another major highway. He stated that the Board has discussed the subject with the State Department of Public Works but has been unable to obtain relative information, and was told that the report cf the consultants would be available on May 15. Mr . Richards outlined the proposed location on the wall map . Mr. Brox said it seemedthat the proposed route runs almost parallel with Route 128. Pe stated that several weeks ago, he was told the plan would be ready May 15 and now it seems that it will not be ready until the middle of July. He explained that -`cute 3 depends largely on the plan of the innerbelt, and that is all the information he was able to obtain. He explained that a public hearing will have to be held, probably at the Public Works Department, and at that time, it is planned to receive suggestions or objections from the communities involved. Mr. Cole asked if Mr. Brox had received any infor- mation that would indicate the report is ready. Mr. • Brox replied that he talked to Charles Whitcomb and in his experience, he has found him to be very fair and he volunteered all the information he was allowed to . Mr. Bocko said he spoke to Mr. Whitcomb today, and there are three routes and the Great Meadows is more or less the one. The report will be ready by July 15. He said Mr. Brox, Mr. Long and he would do all they could to keep it out of Lexington. • tj Mr . Richards said what the Board needs is immediate information . Mr . Bocko said he and Nr . Brox would ask for a report . Messrs . Brox and Bocko retired at 8:25 P.M. The Chairman read a letter from George H. Matheson, Jr. , representing the Lantern Corporation, 62 Buchan Drive, offering $3,000 for lots 2314-242, inclusive, and lots 631-6314, inclusive, on Freemont Street . Tax title Mr. Richards said that a number of offers have been received for these lots, and at some point, the Board will have to decide whether or not it is going to get them back on the tax rolls . He said the Board should give some thought to selling the property after the street is built and the betterments determined. Upon motion duly made. -and seconded, it was voted the the offer be rejected. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant a Taxi Driver ' s license to Aubrey R. Lydeard, License satisfactory character reference having been received from the Chief of Police . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to certify the character of Joseph Graziano, an appli- Peddler cant for a State Peddler ' s license, satisfactory character reference having been received from the Chief of Police . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to transfer the Common Victualler license originally License granted to the Manhattan Restaurant, 45 Waltham Street, to Anthony' s, 27 Waltham Street . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted not to sign a certificate of character for Joseph R. McHugh, 877 Waltham Street, an applicant for a State Peddler Peddler ' s license, because of the record submitted by Chief Rycroft . Consideration of the Sewerage System Report, dated March, 1962, submitted by Whitman & Howard, was held over until Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public v'5orks, returns to work. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing, deliberating or voting on a matter, which, if made public, might adversely affect the public security, the financial interest ofthe Town or the reputation of any person . , rw The Planning Board, Mr . Carr, president of the Abbott Engineering, and Mr . LaRosa, met with the Board, relative to the proposed locations of Worthen and Emerson Roads . The group retired at 9:50 P.M. Mr. Staples and Miss Murray also left the meeting. Upon motion duly made and seconded, Mr. Brown was elected temporary cler]. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Mr. Donald E. Legro to the position of Town Counsel, effective upon notification of his acceptance . A true record, Attest : ExecUtive,' Clerk, Sel.. etman