HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-05-21-BOS-min 1~1S 5 SELECTMEN'S MELTING May 21, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen ' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, May 21, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Adams, Messrs . Richards, Cole, Brown and Burnell were present . Mr. Staples , Executive Assistant, and Miss Murray, Execu- tive Clerk, were also present . Hearing was declared open upon petition of the New England Telephone andTelegraph Company for permission to locate 477 feet of conduit in Worthen Road and 220 feet of conduit in Baskin Road. Mr. Consilvio, representing the petitioner, was Conduit the only person present at the hearing. location Notices of the hearing were mailed to the peti- tioner, owners of property as listed on the petitioner ' s plan, and also filed with the Superintendent of Public Works. Mr. Consilvio stated that the proposed locations had been previously explained to the Board and the abutters contacted. No one opposed the locations. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition and sign the order for the fol- lowing conduit locations: Worthen Road: --From Waltham Street, northwesterly approximately 477 feet of conduit , thence southwesterly approximately 18 feet of conduit . Also one (1) man-hole . Baskin Road:-- From Worthen Road, southwesterly approximately 200 feet of conduit . Petition was received from the New England Tele- phone and Telegraph Company for permission to locate . 149 feet of conduit and 101 feet of donduit, Northern Circumferential Highway. Hearing on the same location was held May 14, at which time the petitioner requested permission to lo- cate 88 feet of conduit in each instance. Conduit Mr. Consilvio explained that the Stste advised location the telephone company that the distance would have to be increased. The only abutter is the State. It has been agreed between the telephone company' s engi- neer and the State engineer that rather than have the man *.0 original petition and order go through the Town Clerk' s office and be recorded, the petition this evening could be substituted if the Board of Selectmen agrsed. He stated that if another hearing is to be held, he would have to rescind the previous petition and supersede it. He stated the location is the same, the abutter is the same and the work has been agreed upon b„ . the State and telephone engineers . It was agreed to let the original petition go through the Town Clerk' s office, with a book and page; another petition to be submitted by Mr.1Consilvio to supersede it . Mr. Consilvio retired at 7:L5 P.M. Mr. Stevens and Mr. Carroll_met with the Board. Mr. Stevens said he had prepared a release of a portion of Mr. Howard D. Ryder ' s land from a sewer betterment . He explained that the betterment was put Release of on in 1960 and -.fter that, the Commonwealth made a sewer taking of a portion of the land in connection with betterment Route 128 . Mr. Carroll presented a plan of Harriett Road, Route 128 and #2 Wilson Road and indicated the land taken from Mr. Ryder. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to release from the lien such part of the land situ- ated within the State Highway location and to sign the instrument of release in the following form: PARTIAL RELEASE OF LAND FROM SEWER BETTERMENT ASSESSMENT At a meeting duly held on May 16, 1960, the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, acting as a Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners, adopted an order for the construction of a sewer in Wilson Road in said Lexington, and attached to said order a schedule of estimated better- ments to be assessed on the particular parcels of land to receive special benefit from such construction, including land of Howard D. Ryder and Jeannette E. Ryder (Described in said schedule as Howard D. & Jeannette E. Ryder ) , re- presented by Certificate of Title No. 6207L., filed in Middlesex South Land Registry District, Registration Book 415, Page 173, on which the estimated betterment assessment amounted to $581.25. Said order and attached schedule were duly filed in Middlesex South Land Registry District as Document No. 354837 and noted on said Certificate of Title . The said Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington at a meeting duly held on the 21st day of May, 1962, acting 1 (3 as a Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners, hereby re- leases from the lien securing the aforesaid betterment assessment such part of the aforesaid land of Howard D. Ryder and Jeannette E. Ryder as is situated within the State Highway Location as altered by order by the Com • - monwealth of Massachusetts, (Department of Public Works ) dated August 30, 1960, filed in said Land Registry District on November 3, 1960 as Document No . 360478; but nothing herein contained shall be construed asan abatement of said betterment assessment or any part thereof, and the lien created by said betterment assessment is hereby expressly reserved on all the other land now or formerly of said Howard D. Ryder and Jeannette E. Ryder. WITNESS our hands in said Lexington this 21st day of May, 1962. TOWN OF LFXINGTON By /s/ Alan G. Adams Lincoln P. Cole, Jr . Otis S. Brown, Jr. Norman J. Richards Levi G. Burnell Majority of the Board of Selectmen COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. May 21, 1962 Then personally appeared Alan G. Adams, Otis S. Brown, Jr. , Levi G. Burnell, Lincoln P. Cole, Jr. and Norman J. Richards , known to me to be a majority of the duly elected, qualified and acting Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Town of Lexington, before me, My commission expires: Nov . 21, 1964 /s/ Hazel J. Murray Notary Public The original is to be given to the Collector of faxes who will give it to Mr. Ryder to give to the State Depart- ment of Public Works . The Chairman reported that Colonel Crizer, Bedford Air Base, said he wanted to see the Board and made a remark to the effect that he did not understand the water rates . ,. r �-C Mr. Carroll stated that he had written to Colonel Air Base Crizer and explained the increase in the rate . water rate Mr. Stevens said it was understood by the Air Force:: that the increase would be made before the new contract went into effect . Mr. Stevens retired at 7:55 P.M. Mr. Carroll reported that he had contacted Mr. Harry Erickson, architect, and took him over to the swimming pool at the Center Playground. He explained Swimming to him basically what is wanted and he is going to pool contact Mr . Sparrow, Chairman of the Recreation Com- mittee. Mr. Erickson will work up a plan, cost estimated and then meet with the Board. Letter was received from the Chamber of Comar rce suggesting that flags be placed around the Common each day through the summer as an additional attraction Flags for tourists. It was the opinion cf the Board that the flags should be reserved for special days. Request from Porter & Desmond to move a house Moving from Route 128 and Marrett Road to 275 Wood Street house was held over. Mr. Carroll wanted to discuss the subject with Chief Rycroft . The Chairman reported that Mr. Jeremiah F. Coughlin 7 Wyman Road, came into the Selectmen ' s Office to find Parking out whether or not parking meters could be placed in the Meters rear of the Savings Bank for the convenience of bank customers . Mr. Richards recalled that the Board had voted to proceed with the installation of parking meters in the municipal parking areas, at the rear of the stores, and said that was still in effect . Mr. Carroll was authorized to prepare specifi- cations and invite bids . The Chairmai referred to the recreation field and said the question was whether the field could be done with matching funds,and Mr. Bair had verbally Recreation told him if a portion of the land was transferred to Field and the School Department , both the field and bleachers bleachers would come under the matching funds provision. Mr. Carroll said that under matching funds, the field would have to be transferred to the School De- partment . 4 qi ksti Mr . Richards said such a transfer would require a vote of the Town, and he thought as much of the play- ground as possible should be under the control of the Town rather than the School Department . He stated that the area would be used more by the Town than it would by the School and is should be under the juris- diction of the Park Department . He recommended getting the work done without matching funds and said he was particularly concerned about the control of the field. Mr. Burnell said the problem was the control of the land vs the amount that can be saved by matching funds. The Chairman explained that it also presents a problem of operation . Mr. Carroll said he thought that the Selectmen should have control if the Public Works Department is to have the maintenance of the field. Mr. Burnell said that if the Board was questioned by Town Meeting Members, he did not think they would be satisfied with the reason of the Selectmen wanting control of the land rather than the School Department . The Chairman stated that there was some real merit on this question of control. Mr. Richards said he thought the Town was en- titled, as a Town, to have fields that belong to the Town and are not committed for a definite use . He stated that he felt the intent of the will that gave the land was not the intent to give it to the School Department . It was the general consensus of opinion that the field remain as it is and Mr. Carroll should proceed as authorized by vote of Town Meeting . Mr. Carroll retired at 8:20 P.M. Mr. John Bell, 20 Woodcliffe Road, met with the Board. Mr. Bell' s application for a Taxi Driver ' s license was denied last week. Mr. Bell was fined $25 on September 7, 1961 for drag racing. Mr. Bell said he had his car running and it was Taxi Driver something that he did. license Mr. Richards explained that the duty of the Board of Selectmen in issuing a license for driving a taxi is over and above the ordinary license. He stated that the licenses are granted with the knowledge that the drivers are going to contact the public and in many cases, taking school children to private and other schools. He said it is a very heavy responsibility and not something to be taken lightly. He stated that speeding, and more particularly drag racing, indicated an almost wanton disregard for public safety. 420 fNZ He said that there have not been too many accidents and he hoped it was because the Board has been selective. He said he took a dim view of this particular type of offense and he did not want to be responsible for grant- ing a license to a person guilty of such an act . He explained that the only reason the Boad considered his application at all, being under twenty-one, was that he had a Driver' s Education Certificate. Mr. Bell said he felt he had paid his debt to society, having lost his license for a period of three months . He said he was trying to earn money to go to college . Mr. Bell retired at 8:29 P.M. No change was made in the original decision of the Board to deny Mr. Bell' s application for a Taxi Driver' s license . The Chairman called a recess and reconvened at 9:50 P.M. A group of residents from -the Burnham Farms area met with the Board to discuss the proposed construction Route 3 of Route 3 in Lexington . During the discussion, the Chairman advised the group that the Board would invite the State representatives to meet with the Board to discuss the subject . The group retired at 10:30 P .M. Further consideration was given to Mr. Alfred S. Busa' s offer of $100 per lot for tax title lots on Circle Road. The Board reaffirmed its previous de- cision to sell lots 191-197, inclusive; lots 200-205, inclusive, and lots 236-246, inclusive, on Circle Road for $200.00 each. Further consideration was given to Mr. Lee Tarbox' s offer of $500 for tax title lot 7 , block 18, on Reed Tax title Street . A p_ oposal to sell this lot was advertised in May 8, 1962 issue of the Lexington Min ute-man. No persons contacted the Selectmen' s Office as a result of the advertisement . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sell and convey lot 7, block 18, on Reed Street to Mr. Lee Tarbox, subject to his acquiring lot 6 to be combined with lot 7, making one building lot. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Minutes to approve the minutes of the Selectmen ' s Meeting held on May 74. Memo was received from Mr. Homer J. Hagedorn who believes that changing the official polling place in Precinct I from the Adams School to the Harrington School would be of benefit to the voters . Cry 41,4 A The Chairman suggested that Mr. James J. Carroll, Clerk to the Board of Registrars and the Board of Polling Registrars meet with the Selectmen next Monday to places discuss the suggested change and also to consider changing the polling place of the Last Lexington Fire Station. The Chairman read a letter from the Board of Fire Commissioners requesting a copy of the most Ambulance recent regulations governing the use of the ambu- lance . Appointment of a Forest Warden, as required by Section 8, Chapter 48, of the General Laws, was held over until the next meeting of the Board, at Forest Warder which time the Fire Commissioners will be asked to be present . Two letters were received from hr. Fred L. Pierson, Jr. , with reference to a dog owned by Mr . Paul Wagner . Dog It was agreed to invite Mr. Hersom to meet with the Board next Monday. aa Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant permission to the Lexington Little League, Inc. Sticker to cr, duct the League ' s annual sticker drive on Saturday drive May 26. Letter from Mrs . Benjamin F. K. Groot relative to pigeons and histoplasmosis was referred to the Board Pigeons of Health. Appointment of a regular memher of the Bord of Appeals to replace Mr. Charles H . Norris was held over. Mr. Brown and Mr. Cole agreed to represent the Board on the Air Base Community Council. Air Base The Chairman suggested Mrs . George P . Morey and Community Mr.Kingston L. Howard as two members at large to serve Council on the Committee and the suggestion was accepted by the Board. Mr. Cole agreed to represent the Board at the Memorial Day exercises planned by the Memorial Day Memorial Day Committee. The Chairman reported that Mr. Arnold Howard is unable to accept re-appointment as an Associate member of the Historic Districts Commission . 422 c- ►•C pisTA U orr. ?4otien duly made and seconded, it was voted Appointments to reappoint Mr. Carl E. Bryant and to appoint Mr. William B. Hoyt Associate Members of the Historic Districts Commission for terms expiring January 1, 1967 . Letter was received from John B. Fitzgerald, Jr. , advising that he was reapplying for a Taxi Driver ' s License, having enrolled in the Arlex Auto Driving License School. It was agreed to advise Mr. Fitzgerald that his application would be held in abeyance until such time as he has received a Driver ' s Education Certificate . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted License to grant a Taxi Driver' s license to Howard E. Greening, 46 River Street, Arlington; satisfactory report having been received from Chief Rycroft . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted License to deny the application of Paul J. Crotty for a Taxi denied Driver ' s license, Mr. Crotty having been fined $20 in Concord Court as recently as April 12, 1961. Letter from the United States Committee for United Nations Day was referred to the Town Celebrations Com- mittee . Letter was received from the Senior High School advising that tickets to the graduation exercises on Graduation June lL were available for the Board and any depart- tickets ment head that desired to attend. Mr. Cole and Mr. Burnell both requested two tickets. Mr. Staples was asked to find some suitable place for storing a filing cabinet recently purchased by the Town Celebrations Committee. It was agreed to invite Mr. Arthur E. Burrell, Director of Civil Defense, to meet with the Board in two weeks . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign orders for the installation of water mains Water in Kendall Road from the end of the existing main at Orders lot 45 in Farmhurst to the existing main in Colonial Acres; in Davis Road from Rockville Avenue 3!i0' , more or less, southeast to Bird Hill Road; 280 ' in various locations in Robbins Road. The meeting adjourned at 11:50 P.M. A true record, Attest : 'Executive) Clerk, Selectmen