HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-05-07-BOS-min e ' r ►C SELFCTMEN' S MEETING May 7, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, May 7, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Adams , Messrs. Richards, Cole, Brown and Burnell were pre- sent. Mr. Staples, Executive Assistant, and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present. Hearing was declared open upon application ;of the Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc . for permission to store gasoline and other fluids on premises lo- cated at 269-277 Bedford Street . Notice of the hearing was mailed to the peti- tioner and owners of all property deemed by the Board to be affected thereby as they appear on the most recent local tax list and also advertised in the April 26, 1962 issue of the LexingtonMinute-man. The application was approved by Bernard J. Belcastro, Chief Engineer of the Gasoline Lexington Fire Department . hearing Mr. William C. Anderson, representing the peti- tioner, Mr. Louis T. Nash, 1 Deer Road, and Mr. Harold S. Franklin, owner of record, 1 Dee Road, were present at the hearing . Mr. Anderson explained that his company proposes to increase the below storage of 10,000 gallons of gaso- line to 12,000 gallons; 500 waste oil and 500 fuel oil, bringing the total to 13,000 . They propose to increase the above storage of 250 gallons antifreeze to 300 gallons ; 500 gallons of motor oil to 600; 80 gallons hydramatic oil; 200 gallons gear oil & grease; 60 gallons brake fluid and 40 gallons gasoline in tanks of two cars, bringing the total to 1,280 gallons. The Chairman asked if the two cars would be company cars or employees' cars and Mr. Anderson replied that they may be cars parked in the lubritorium at night . The Chairman asked if the company installed an addi- tional tank and Mr. Anderson reraied in the affirmative. Mr. Nash, 1 Dee Road, said his property is next to the station. He and Mr. Franklin, the owner of record, approve providing the increase in storage is not made until the new building is in operation . He said they do not want to see storage increased in the present building. Mr. Anderson explained that there is no doubt but that the company will go through with the proposed new station building to replace the existing service station 389 and stores. It is in the budget and out to bid, and he would prefer to have no restriction if that is possible. Mr. Nash said he would like it recorded in the record as a gentlemen' s agreement which would be all right with him. The hearing was declared closed and the group retired at 7:11.0 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant a license for the following storage: Above ground Storage 300 gallons Antifreeze 600 gallons Motor Oil 80 gallons Hydramatic Oil 200 gallons gear oil & grease 60 gallons brake fluid 40 gallons gasoline in tanks of two cars Below ground Storage 12,000 gallons gasoline 500 gallons waste oil 500 gallons fuel oil Mr. Stevens and Mr. John Carroll met with the Board. Mr. Stevens referred to the vote under Article 54 of the Annual Town Meeting whereby $20,000 was appropri- ated, subject to validation by the General Court, reim- bursing subdividers for part of the cost of constructing ways or installing services. He read a draft of the bill and also read a draft of the petition. He e =- plained that the next step would be to contact Representative Brox to see if he could help in getting the bill through Rules . However, if he is unsuccessful, it will have to be redrafted and submitted in the fall. He agreed to contact Mr . Brox. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to petition the General Court for passage of a bill Act reim- authorizing the Town to appropriate money to compensate bursing subdividers for constructing ways or services to greater subdividers width or size than required to serve subdivision. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to go into executive session for the purpose of dis- cussing, deliberating or voting on a matter which, if made public, might adversely affect the public security, 390c xt the financial interest of the Town or the reputation of any person . The subject of the erection of a building at 1265 Massachusetts Avenue, Gold Ribbon Farms, was discussed Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to resume the open meeting. Mr. Lawrence Witherell, 138 Grove Street, met with the Board. The Chairman stated that Mr. Witherell had a question on the sewer betterment assessment , terms of an agreement and the question of the billing. Mr. Witherell said he could not afford $13,000 and was told he would be given a deferment. He said the agreement mentions betterments - plural. Mr. Stevens explained that the sewer betterment is a separate transaction, and at the time the agreement was discussed, it was for the laying out the extension of Eldred Street . The street was laid out, the land acquired and the street built as a street . He explained that the agreement deals with it solely as a street. The sewer was not put in as :part of the street and has nothing to do with the agreement . He said betterments have been assessed for the sewer . He explained that before the Witherell betterments on the street were assessed, the land, or a sewer good part of it, had been sold so...the deferment for time betterment for payment did not actually apply because the land no longer applied to the statutes. Mr . Witherell said he still lives there. Mr. Stevens explained that the Board is not authorized by statute to postpone betterments on a single parcel of land, but only on a large tract of land such as he had. He said the land Mr. Witherell retained was not undeveloped but had a house on it and the Selectmen have no authority to postpone betterments on that . He said the only item involved now, as he understood it, is a sewer betterment which ha dnothing to do with the agreement. Mr. Witherell said the sewer went in at the same time as a package deal and Mr. Stevens explained that the sewer is not part of the street . Mr. Stevens said Mr. Witherell sold part of the land after the agreement was signed and Mr. Witherell agreed. Mr. Stevens suggested that if Mr. Witherell had a question on the legal interpretation that he: consult his attorney. He explained that the agreement has no application to the sewer betterment assessment . 91 The Chairman said the other question was on the billing, and Mr. Nitherell preferred to have a single bill. Mr ."itherell said hedid not want any interest Witherell on it . sewer Mr. Stevens asked if he received any notice and betterment he replied in the negative. Mr. Stevens explained th>t normally the Tax Col- lextor sends a notice out stating that if the taxpayer wants to apply, he may apportion payment over a twenty- year period, and if no reply is received and the bill is not paid, it is apportioned as a matter of course. He said if Mr. Witherell wanted to pay it all at once, that could be arranged. Mr. Witherell retired at 8:30 P.M. Mr. Carroll reported that bids were opened this afternoon on Contract #1 Sewer °''ork and explained that the low bid was submitted by B & R Construction Co. , Sewer Inc. and A. Lucchetti & Sons whose bid was 5131,676.50. bids He said, in his opinion, the low bid would be $137,573.00 submitted by Susi & DeSantis Co. , Inc . and the second low bid, $139,306 submitted by J. Andreassi & Son, Inc. He exported that Mr . Howard stated at the bid opening that the Town of Lexington has a requirement whereby no joint bidding is allowed. He also read an excerpt from the bid proposal, "no joint venture proposal will be ac- cepted" . Mr. Howard stated at the opening that as far as he was concerned, the bid of 5137,573.00 submitted by Susi & DeSantis was the low bid. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to award the contract to Susi & DeSantis Co. Inc. , the low bidder, in accordance with the specifications. Mr. Stevens retired at 8:40 P.M. Mrs. Chester W. Fillmore, 659 Marrett Road, and several other persons met with the Board. Mrs . Fillmore said they have a sewer problem. Mr.Rene J. Saulnier, 671 Marrett Road, said theirs is the only section without Town sewer and he asked what could be done . The Chairman read a letter, signed by Norman S. Lindsay and Elizabeth A.Lindsay, 663 Marrett Road, requesting sewerage facilities for seven houses between Five Forks and Leroy Road. Marrett Ro ad Mrs. Fillmore said that some houses that have sewer been there for only five years have the sewer and some of them that have been there for fifteen years do not have the sewer. 392 Osr4,1 Mr. Carroll explained that the last petition for a sewer in this area was received a year ago and disapproved because of lack of signatures . He said one reason this did not come up this year is because there wasn' t any petition. Mrs . Fillmore said that Mr. Lurvey, from the Board of Health, came up to her property and she had to pay 5400 for a new sewage disposal system. Mr. Carroll said the letter received this evening could be considered as an informal petition and he would have the estimated betterments prepared and sent out for signatures. It was agreed to have the petition sent to Mr. Saulnier . Mr. Carroll explained that the petition would be considered as a 1963 project if funds are not available in 1962. The group and Mr. Carroll retired at 9:00 P.M. Chief Rycroft met with the Boa :d. The Chairman asked what should be done about more patrolmen for the Police Department and the Chief replied that Civil Service should be contacted tofind out if the examination can be opened to outsiders. He re- ported this was attempted once before and refused. He suggested that the Chairman and Representative Brox go into Civil Service. The Chairman said the Chief had given the Board a list of Special Police and asked if he had gone over the list. The Chief replied in the affirmative. The Chief introduced the five officers who passed the Civil Service examination for _position of Sergeant, after which the officers retired. Officer Robert G. Martin returned to the meeting. The Chairman read excerpts from the Police Rules and Regulations pertaining to the position of Sergeant and stated that the Board wants the Sergeants to know the job, do it fairly and thoroughly. In reply to questions Officer Martin stated that he was familiar with the duties of a Sergeant , had been on the force fourteen years , was a veteran, had done some court work, finger printing and photography. He also attended the Framingham Police School. Officer Martin retired at 9:10 P.M. Officer James J. Lima, Jr. , met with the Board. The Chairman read excerpts from the Police Rules and Regulations pertaining to the position of Sergeant c 6 and stated that the Board wants the Sergeants to know the job, do it fairly and thoroughly. In reply to questions, Officer Lima stated that he had been in the Navy four years, takes fingerprints when requested, had some typing experience which has been helpful in operating the teletype, was a member of the State Police four years and has been a member of the Lexington Police Department four years. Officer Lima retired. Officer Edmund B. Morelli met with the Board. The Chairman read excerpts from the Police Rules and Regulations pertaining to the position of Sergeant and stated that the Board wants the Sergeants to know the job, do it fairly and thoroughly. In reply to questions, Officer Morelli said he has been a member of the Police Department for fifteen years, is a veteran, does photography and fingerprinting for the department, has been in charge of special details and attended the State Police School. Officer Morelli retired. Officer John P. Costello met with the Board. The Chairman read excerpts from the Police Rules and Regulations pertaining to the position of Sergeant and stated that the Board wants the Sergeants to know the job, do it fairly and thoroughly. In reply to questions, Officer Costello said he has been in the Department fourteen years, has lived in Lexington thirty-seven years, is a veteran, has been in the patrol cars, had desk duty and court experience . Officer Costello retired. Officer Charles A. Withrow, Jr. , met with the Board. The Chairman read excerpts from the Police Rules and Regulations pertaining to the position of Sergeant and stated that the Board wants the Sergeants to know the job, do it fairly and thoroughly. In reply to questions, Officer Withrow stated thlat he has been in the Department three years , is a veteran and had a broad knowledge of the activities of the Police Department. - Officer Withrow retired at 9:21 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Robert G. Martin, James J. Lima, Jr. , and Edmund B. Morelli to the position of Sergeant in the Lexington Police Department, effective May 25, 1962, at the rate of 55668.00 pending approval of the Division of Civil Service. a 9 '-C a et Mr. George W. Forten, Dog Officer, met with the Board relative to Mr. Fred Hersom' s letter with reference to Mr. Paul M. Wagner' s dog. Officer Forten reported that Mr. Hersom has en- gaged an attorney. He reviewed the history of the complaint originally filed in 1960, and the Board' s order that the dog be restrained during the day and kept in during the night. He reported that the dog is kept in Acton and is licensed in Acton but was brought back to Lexington for a few days to be treated Wagner ' s by a veterinarian. He said that now Hr. Hersom wants dog him to act and obtained a pistol permit. He advised Mr. Hersom last week that he could secure a complaint in the Concord Court any time he saw the dog out, and he would prosecute the case and assist Mr. Hersom in any way he could. He reported that Mr. Wagner told him the dog is in Acton 95% of the time. He said he did not contact the neighbors since this last complaint because Mr. Wagner told him the dog was in Lexington for only four days . Officer Torten retired at 9:35 P.M. It was agreed to advise Mr. Hersom that the Board understands the dog is being kept in Acton and as near as it can determine , is properly licensed and not being kept in Lexington for anything but brief periods. Further, that the Bcard does not feel the present con- ditions, as reported by the Dog Officer, necessitate any action by the Board, but if he wishes to take court action, such action would be up to him. Petition was received from residents on Estabrook Sewer Road for the extension of the sanitary sewer . It was agreed to acknowledge the petition and have an estimate of the cost prepared for signatures . Letter was received from Lee E. Tarbox offering B500 for lot 7, block 18, Reed Street . Mr . Staples reported that he has talked with Mr. Snow and the Planning Board has no objection to the Tax title sale of the lot. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that a proposal to sell be advertised in the Lexington Minute-man and that further consideration be given the offer. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Minutes to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meeting held on April 30, as amended. Letter was received from Sergeant Fertig relative to the proposed Heritage Day program scheduled for iney June 4 and 5. The Chairman said the Army would print the tickets and the Selectmen ' s Office could pass them Heritage out . Day Letter was received from Mr. Irwin, Building In- spector,advising that he would like to take his vacation one day a week throughout the summer months, Vacation which would be Fridays in most instances, commencing June 16. The Board had no objection. Mr. Richards reported that he had talked to Mr. Worthen and Gorham Silver relative to the lettering on the Revolutionary Monument. Mr. horthen feels Revolution- there is a certain amount of historical significance ary Monument connected with the marble slab. Either he or Mr. Richards will contact the Arts & Crafts Society to find out whether or not anyone in that group had any suggestions relative to coating the letters. Letter was received from Mr. Charles H. Norris resigning; as a member of the Board of Appeals . Re- Resignation placement of Mr. Norris was held over until the next meeting of the Board. Letter was received from the Prom-Manaders: re- questing use of the garage at the rear of the Town Offices for the annual Morgan Memorial Goodwill cloth- ing drive. They also requested permission for a loud- Clothing speaker system which would travel around the Town and Drive permission to display an overhead banner across Massa- chusetts Avenue. Permission was granted for the use of the garage providing the Red Cross was agreeable, it being used to garage the Red Cross truck, but permission for the loudspeaker system and the overhead banner was denied. Consideration was given to appointment of a regu- lar member and two associate members of the Historic Districts Commission. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reappoint Donald E. Legro a regular member for a term of five years expiring January 1, 1967; Mr. Carl Appointments E. Bryant an associate member and Mr. Arnold E. Howard an associate member, both for terms of five years ex- piring January 1, 1967. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign Certificates of Incorporation for Thomas E. MacLeod, 1977 Massachusetts Avenue; Om V. Mody and Certs . of Suresh C. Mody„5 Bryant Road; Florence A. Walworth Inc. 396 4 wpvd 101 Bedford Street, satisfactory character references having been received from the Chief of Police. Letter was received from A. Morris Kobrick, trustee of the Lucky Penny Trust and the Meryl Robert Trust, requesting abatement of a portion of the sewer betterment assessment levied against property located on Grove Street because most of the land is subject Abatement to an easement for a high-tension line. Mr. Carroll presented a plan and indicated the lat owned by the Trust . He explained how the betterments were arrived at and said he presumed the Trust could not build on a high-tension easement. He stated that the Trust will be developing the land in the rear and he thought there was some value in having the sewer. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to abate the assessment by 51,347.59, leaving a balance due of 5338.75. Letter was received from Myles T . Hogan, Jr. , 31 Constitution Road, requesting acceptance of Ross Road and Constitution 'load. Mr . Carroll reported that the subdivider-, Leeland Construction Company, Inc . , has not completed the work in that subdivision. He agreed to prepare a reply to the petition. Letter was received from Charles E. Parks, Town Traffic Meeting Member in precinct Five, relative to the control approaches to Simonds Road. The subject was re- ferred to the Traffic Study Committee. Mr. Carroll referred to a petition received from the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for permission to locate L177 feet of conduit and one manhole on Worthen Road from Waltham Street and approxi- mately 220 feet of conduit in Baskin Road from Worthen Road. He explained that a hearing has been scheduled for May 21. He explained that the contractor is ready Conduit to excavate and the pole line is in the way, and they location want it underground as soon as possible . He reported that the two abutters Bushnell and Davis have been contacted by the petitioner and have no objection to the proposal. The Board had no objection to the work being done before the scheduled hearing. Mr. Carroll referred to the Recreation Committee articles in the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting and said that Messrs . Sparrow, Kelly and Abell met 397 with Mr . Snow last week and wanted to know what is to be done about the field and the 540,000 appropriated. He said he told the group it was his understanding Recreation that the Board was going to investigate the possibility of State aid being provided. The Chairman reported that he had talked to Hr. Bair and he said definitely State aid could be received before the proposed school is constructed. It now comes down to a decision as to what the Board wants to do about the jurisdiction of the field. Mr. Carroll said that the bleachers is also tied in with this, and Mr . Sparrow wants them for the fall. Mr. Richards inquired about the school and the Chairman replied that there will be a meeting in October . Mr. Richards said if the bleachers are going on land not under the jurisdiction of the School Depart- ment, the Town could not get State aid. Further discussion was held over until the next meeting of the Board. Mr. Carroll asked how the additional building at the swimming pool was to be approached. Mr. Richards said he would like to have an archi- tect draw up some type of plan right away. Mr. Carroll suggested that an architect be con- tacted and instructed to contact the Recreation Com- mittee for information. It was agreed that Mr. Carroll would call Mr. Sparrow, Chairman of the Recreation Committee, and ask him tc have a list of the committee ' s requirements prepared this week. In the meantime, contact an architect. Mr. Carroll said he would contact either Mr. Erickson or Mr. Cole. The Planning Board met with the Selectmen at 10:40 P.M. Mr. Grindle said the Planning Board has before it Mr. Carrig' s subdivision; one exit out on Pleasant Street and the second is up through Rockville Avenue . Carrig The Planning Board will recommend that a road be ex- subdivision tended from Rockville Avenue , around the hill, up onto Moreland Avenue - land that is to be purchased for a future school. He said this also makes a second access down from Moreland Avenue . The Planning Board is recommending that this be done by the Town and paid for by the Town, about 500 feet at $30 a foot. Mr. 'Carroll said this could tie in with the use of the elementary school site. Mr. Richards asked if the Town had an option and 398 Mr. Grindle replied in the negative. He said Mr. Carrig ' s road would extend up through to Moreland Avenue and he will give the Town rights to build the road. Mr. Maybee said there is some town-owned land there now and there may be only a small triangle piece of land the Town will have to acquire. He said if the Board of Selectmen would go along with this and will recommend it to a Town Meeting, the Planning Board will consider Rockville Avenue as a temporary access . Mr . Carroll said he thought the construction of Moreland Avenue was about two years away. The Board was in favor of the proposal as presented. The Planning Board and Mr. Carroll retired at 10:50 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Licenses to grant a Taxi Driver's license to Charles L. Sanborn, 32 James Street, satisfactory character reference having been received from the Chief of Police. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to deny Paul D. Meadows ' application for a Taxi Driver ' s license because of his record submitted by the Chief of Police . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to deny Charles W. Spidie' s application fur a Taxi Driver' s license because of his record submitted by the Chief of Police . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to deny John Bell' s application for a Taxi Driver' s license because of his record submitted by the Chief of Police . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant Public Carriage Licenses to the Minute Man Cab Company, 1833A Massachusetts Avenue and the Lexing- tonCab Co. , Inc. , 11 Depot Square, satisfactory character references having been received from the Chief of Police. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the following licenses: Charles. Sanborn 32 James Street Taxi Driver ( Paul D. Meadows 536 Mass. Avenue denied ( Charles W. Spidle 29 Shirley Street ° " ( John Bell 20 Woodcliffe Road " " Town Line Pharmacy 20 Mass : Avenue Sunday Sales Village Variety Store 93 Mass. Avenue Five Forks Spa 286 Lincoln Street " " Wardrobe ' s Pharmacy 807 Mass . Avenue Concord Hill Market 2219 Mass . Avenue " " Brigham' s, Inc. 1780 Mass. Avenue t' ✓, V. LICENSES (cont ' d. ) I. Hunter Wilson 16 Oakland Street Guide Alan Silverman 15 Rumford Road Ch ester W. Fillmore 659 Marrett hoad Peddler Donald W. DeFelice 80 Westview Street TT Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint the following Special Police Officers for terms expiring March 31, 1963: SPECIAL POLICE COMMISSIONS Expiring March 31, 1963 Acheson, Eugene A. 2634 Massachusetts Avenue Allen, Charles D. 4 Paul Revere Road Allison, Howard D. 15 Utica Street C.D. Anderson, Carl 41 Ledgelawn Avenue Baker, Ramon C. 14 Stratham Road Ballou, Sidney R. 2013 Massachusetts Avenue Barrett, Elliott J. 15 Donald Stret Bickford, Walter E. 82 Waltham Street C.D. Brunn, Ewart M. 40 Downing Road Butler, Lawrence M. 24 Woodland Road Cabral, Joseph E. 47 North Street Calhoon, Albert J. 104 Simonds Road Carroll, James J. 17 Muzzey Street Clifford, Malcolm H. 54 Chase Avenue Colbert, Edward P. 794 Massachusetts Avenue C.D. Dearborn, Horace N. 16 Stratham Road Dearborn, Murray G. 16 Stratham Road Dooley, Henry A]. 77 Baker Avenue Dreselly, Andrew 12 patriots Drive Eriksson, E. Alden 41 Preston Road Fifield, Donald M. 25 Adams Street Finney, Charles A. 36 Albemarle Avenue Flack, Clifford F. 41 Outlook Drive Foster, George E. 10 Plainfield Street Gagne, Maurice A. 18 Middle Street Galvin, Russell P . 21 Crescent Hill Avenue Greening, Caywood 688 Marrett Road - Gazan, Samuel E. 112 Bertwell Road Howie, Colin A. 14 Scotland Road t�2 �-C 400 ral C.D. Jefferson , Charles E. 8 Alcott Road C.D. Jenson, Edmund M. 46 Fern Street Johnson, Joseph S. 51 Spring Street Jones, Cecil 36 Woburn Street Josephson, Harold W. 33 Liberty Avenue Kakas, Edward G. 44 Locust Avenue Kleinberg, Edward F. 41 Moreland Avenue Lannquist, Arthur 153 Shade Street C.D. Lewis, Raymond E. 11 Hancock Street Linfield, Arthur D. 58 Oak Street Licciardi, Frank G. 26 School Street C.D. MacDonald, Charles 24 Bernard Street Maloney,. William E. 289 Bedford Street MacLean, Ralph D. 9 Spring Street Merz, William F. 252 Marrett Road C.D. Moretti, Joseph A. 8 Rindge Avenue Murphy, L. Francis 5 Bennett Avenue Myatt, Robert 9 Sunnyknoll Avenue Nickerson, Benjamin 81 Gleason Road Palerme, Victor 20 Avon Street C.D. Pierpont, Wilfred D. Jr. 4 Taft Avenue Polley, John D. 189 Wood Street Prescott, Robert 6 Forest Street Purinton, Richard M 12 Oakland Street Redmond, James 7 Dunham Road C.D. Reed, Haskell W. 72 Lowell Street Reilly, John F. 43 Downing Road Richards, Randall W. 67 Farmcrest Avenue Richardson, Earl W. 18 Winter Street C.D. Ritter, Julius C. 13 Pine Knoll Road Rogerson, William G. 19 Homestead Street Rossi, Anthony J. 2 Wheeler Road Ruocco, Louis 28 Theresa Avenue C.D. Ryan, William J. 21 Grant Place Samuels, Frank T. Jr. 31 Grassland Street Saunders, Robert W. 295 Marrett Road Sellars, John A. 430 Concord Avenue Seymour, Cyril V. 6 Paul Revere Road Shaw, James C. 24 Homestead Street Slader,Frederick 23 North Hancock Street Smith, Edward C. 55 Taft Avenue Smith, Walter C. Jr. 17 Coolidge Avenue Sorenson, Axel 7A Revere Street C.D. Turner, Grald C. 9 Hillside Tanabe Walsh, James V. 152 Bedford Street Webb, Edmund A. 43 Hayes Avenue 401 Wilson, David L. Jr. 2L1 Homestead Street C.D. Wright, Glenn 67 Simonds Road Young, Stanley R. 86 Winter Street Zittell, George S. 306 Lowell Street Alan G. Adams Selectman Lincoln P. Cole, Jr. " Norman J. Richards ff Levi G. Burnell " Otis S. Brown 10 Bernard J. Belcastro Chief, Fire Department John J. Carroll Supt. Public Works Paul Mazerall Park Superintendent Anthony Rochette Janitor, Town Office George Doughty, Jr. School Department Thomas F. Ryan ° It Louis A. Bonney It 14 Anthony J. Janusas " it Thomas Sullivan if ft David Kidd ft ft William P. Casey iv ,r Clyde L. Hayne it 11 Duncan F. Swan " IT Oscar Htlich It 1f Edward P. Stevens 'r ft John Blodgett it tt Nicholas J. Delfino P1 tt Philip P. Braun It It Herman A. Mahon It IT Joseph Bluteau " TI Raymond Stevens It ft Mr. Karl E. Nyien Director, Library Mr . William F. Buckley Ass . Director, Library Mr. Peter Simoglou Reference Librarian, Library Mr. Wesley Doak Circulacion Librarian, Library Edward J. McDonnell Janitor, Library Charles W. Varney Mdsx. County Sanatorium William J. DiCicco " " IT Robert F. Ingram it Bt ft William L. Harrington Metropolitan State Hospital(Retired) John W. Alexander IT ° It (Deceased) Henry Brown, Jr. P1 It 1t r 402 bt,mica M.I.T . Laboratories Joseph E. Ewers Arthur L. Goodfellow 12 Old Coach Road 71 Ossipee Road Weston, Mass . Somerville, Mass . John A. Carroll August S. Cidado 4 Roberts Road 56 Wyman Terrace Framingham, Mass. Arlington, Mass. Robert J. Vinsec Henry Crowninshield 91 Old Sudbury Road 7 Paul Avenue Wayland, Mass. Woburn, Mass . Bertram H. Adams, Jr. John F. I' cGriskin 127 Wyoming Avenue 6-rear David Street Malden, Mass . Woburn, Mass. William L. Spiers, Jr. Lewis M. Laing 185 Lowell Street 3 LaRivier Road (moved) Lexington, Mass. Saxonville, Mass . Edward T. Gallagher John E. Barnes 8 Spring Lane 26 Kenmore Road Maynard Mass. Malden, Mass . Howard D. Ryder 2 Wilson Road Lexington, Mass . Civil Defense Mr.Arthur E. Burrell' s letter pertaining to the position of Director of Civil Defense was held over. Proposed proclamation relative to Vacation Plan- ning Week was noted and placed on file. Mr. Staples reported that Mr. Frank Ash, 96 Appraisal Laconia Street , is going to have an appraisal made of his p.yoperty and indicated that he would be' interested in living in the house for a certain period of time. Mr. Staples reported that Mr. Alfred Busa was in to see him again relative to the tax title lots on Tax title Circle Road. He explained that Mr . Snow' s letter relative to the Planning Board' s recommendation mentioned a price of 5200 per lot . The Board agreed to accept the recommendation and establish the price of $200 for each lot . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign Sewer Construction Orders on the following Sewer Orders streets: Percy Road, Lincoln Street, Hawthorne Road, Longfellow Road, Tarbell Avenue, Webster Road, asex Street, Constitution Road, Colony Road, and Lawrence Lane. (Selectmen' s files - Sewer Orders) . Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to sign Sidewalk Construction Orders for Crosby Road and Massachusetts Avenue from Pelham Road. (Selectmen 's Files, 1962 - Sidewalk Orders) . The meeting adjourned at 11: 25 P.M. A true record, Attest : j ExeciItive:✓Clerk Selectmen