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April 30, 1962
A regular meeting of the board of Selectmen was
held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building,
on Monday, April 30, 1962, at 7 :30 P.M. Chairman
Adams, Messrs . Richards, Cole, Brown and Burnell were
present . Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr.. Staples,
Executive Assistant, Mr. Carroll, Superintendent
Public Works, and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were
also present .
Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, met with the
Board for the drawing of two jurors . The following
individuals were drawn for jury duty: Albert W. Jurors
Chester, 214. ivinchester Drive; John J. Collins, Jr. ,
11 Haskell Street .
Mr. Carroll retired.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meeting held Minutes
April 23, 1962.
Mr. Stevens referred to the MDC water improvements
and specifically the damage claims for the site for the
water tank. He stated that there were two parcels
taken; one from Murray Potter and the other from
Thambash. He reported that the Potter case has been Claims
assigned for trial on the 9th of May. He tried to
talk to the Assistant Attorney General today, but he
is away and expected back Wednesday. If he is not
back, Mr. Lyons will get the folder out and call Mr.
Stevens . Mr Stevens said, as the Board would recall,
he felt the appraisal they had through MDC was too high
and wanted to know if they would use some other appraiser
if the Board wished them to do so.
Mr. Richards reported that he talked to Mr. Stevens
about this today because it is his office that has the
Potter claim, and the time had nearly elapsed for Murray
Potter to file a claim for damages . Mr. Richards filed
suit for him to protect his interest . He said his of-
fice is handling this and he would not receive any fee.
He explained that he called Mr. Stevens as soon as he
heard the case was being pre-tried. At the pre-trial,
according to notes, the Attorney General' s office re-
ported they had two appraisals and had not discussed the
matter with anyone . He said they had Town Counsel' s
letter but did not have one from Waltham.
Mr. Stevens said they had one from Waltham and he
had a copy.
Mr . Richards reported that his office has made
an offer to accept payment of $5500, taking into ac-
count the fact there would be 8% interest, a small
rebate on taxes, plus certain small costs Potter has
been put to . He said the appraisal they have is
somewhat more than what his demand is . He stated
that he and Mr. Stevens have discussed this and there
are certain ramifications . The road is being used
by Potter .
Mr. Stevens explained he is using it into his
property. He explained that the garage is actually
in front, although he doesn't use it . He has not lost
any access to his garage . One of the appraisers has
a figure of $4700 damages . He explained that the
first thing to be determined is whether or not Murray
wants the rights to use the road.
The Chairman read a letter from the law firm of
Sams, Anderson, Alper & Spencer, Miami, Florida, re-
presenting Forrest Knapp in connection with a cMm
Request for arising out of injuries sustained in an accident on
medical June 20, 1960, requesting a copy of the medical re-
report ports in connection with Mr. Knapp ' s retirement from
the Lexington Police Department . An authorization
for this medical information signed by Forrest Knapp
was enclosed with the letter.
Mr. Stevens advised that if the Board was certain
of the signature, there would be no objection to for-
warding the requested information.
Further discussion was held relative to the ac-
quisition of the property belonging to F ark' _ Ash
Ash land and located at 96 Laconia Street.
for school Mr. Stevens advised that it should be explained
site to Mr. Ash that the land is needed for a school site
and all the Town is authorized to pay is the amount
of the detailed appraisal.
Mr. Staples reported that it may be three or
four pears before the Town is ready to use the land.
Mr. Stevens explained that the Board could make
some arrangement whereby Mr. Ash could occupy the
house for a certain period of time.
It was agreed that Mr. Staples would contact Mr.
Ash and explain the situation to him.
The Chairman reported that Lawrence Witherell
saw him last Friday and still thinks all betterments
apply and wants to meet with the Board to discuss the
subject. Mr . Witherell was disturbed because he
received a bill for the payments to be apportioned
and he did not know about them.
Mr. Stevens explained that Eldred Street was built
under betterments and before the betterments were
actually assessed, Mr. Witherell sold his property. He
said the betterment Mr . Witherell is talking about now
is a sewer betterment .
The Chairman said Ms. Witherell thinks the word
betterment is for all betterments for all time. Witherell
Mr. Stevens explained there is nothing in the betterments
agreement that states Mr. Witherell would not have tc
pay betterments.
The Chairman agreed to talk to him again.
Mr . Stevens retired at 8:25 P.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Hamel, Lillian Road, met with the
Mrs. Hamel explained that they would like to have
their drainage connected to the sewer .
Mr. Carroll reported that the Hamels spoke to him Hamel drain-
and he suggested that they discuss the problem with the age
Board because of the fact there is a by-law requiring
a house to be connected to the drain. He said he did
not know whether or not the Board wanted to go into
each individual case, and that part of Lillian Road is
accepted. He presented a plan of the Hamel property
and indicated the location of the drain. He explained
that the drain could be brought to the catch basin
across the street and he recommended that they be per-
mitted to connect to the drain. He said they would
have to hire someone who would be required to post a
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to grant permission to Mr. Raymond E. Hamel, 28 Lillian
Road, to connect to the drain, the work to be done under
the supervision of the Superintendent of Public Works.
Mr. and Mrs . Hamel retired at 8:30 P.M.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to approve the following j/o pole abandonments and j/o Poles
pole locations, all having been approved by Mr. Carroll:
3 poles Bernard Street, southeasterly side, northeasterly
from a point approximately 26 feet northeast of
Bedford Street .
1 pole Ivan Street, southwesterly side, approximately
71 feet southeast of Bernard Street .
Paul Revere Road, southerly side, approximately 8 feet
west of Harbell Street, --
One (1) pole.
Paul Revere Road, southerly side, approximately 37 feet
east of Harbell Street, --
One (1) pole.
Paul Revere Road, southerly side, approximately 11 feet
west of Asbury Street, --
One (1) pole.
Paul Revere Road, southerly side, approximately 59 feet
east of Asbury Street, --
One (1) pole .
Lowell Street, westerly side, approximately 428 feet south
of Laconia Street, --
One (1) pole.
(One existing pole to be removed. )
Lowell Street, westerly side, northerly from a point ap-
proximately 880 feet north of Woburn Street, --
Thirteen (13) poles .
(Thirteen existing JO poles to be remcved. )
Lowell Street, westerly side, at and southerly from
Laconia Street, --
Four (4) poles .
(Four existing JO poles to be removed. )
Letter was received from the Mystic Valley Gas
Company recau. esting permission to locate a 6 inch welded
Gas main steel main in Lowell and North Streets.
Mr. Carroll explained that he talked to Mr. Perry,
Superintendent of Distribution, today and asked if he
woa ld, subject to the Board' s ap_;roval, instead of dis-
turbing the street , give the Town $1.00 a foot or pay
directly to the contractor hired by the Town. He said
he could resurface the street for about $1.25 or $1.50
per foot. Mr. Perry was agreeable to such an arrange-
ment .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to grant the reauest for permission to locate the main
and approve Mr. Carroll' s recommendation.
The Chairman read a letter from Mrs. Anne B. O 'Brien,
5 Lawrence Lane, relative to an accumulation of water
on the lot opposite her house.
Mr. Carroll reported that he had been contacted by
three individuals on this. He explained, going up
Pleasant Street on the ]eft-hand side just off Lawrence
Lane, is a puddle of water . He stated the lot should
drain under Pleasant Street through a small tile drain
into land owned by DeVincent . He said the land has Water cora-
been filled in over the pipe and he believed that is plaint
causing the problem. He explained that he told these Lawrence Pam
people to contact Mr . DeVincent and ask him to clean
out the line as the Town is not involved. He said if,
after the pipe is cleaned, and the problem is not solved,
it may be that the pipe under Pleasant Street was broken
during the MDC sewer project, but the engineer claims
it was not broken.
Mr. Richards asked if the lot being drained belonged
to Mr . Carrig, and Mr . Carroll replied in the affirmative.
The Chairman explained that if Mr. DeVindent is not
willing to do something, it is upto Mr. Carrig, who owns
the lot .
Mr. Sherman Wolf, 3 Lawrence Lane, said his property
adjoins the O 'Brien land and this situation constitutes
a severe nuisance for the children in the neighborhood.
He said his two year old youngster fell in the water up
to his waist and stuck in the mud. He said the situ-
ation should be corrected or the area fenced in. He
said he wanted to know what action the abutters can take.
He said he understood this is the first time water has
ever accumulated and it may be from the sewer line which
was run up Pleasant Street this year.
The Chairman said that apparently a natural water
way has been covered in.
Mr. Carroll said it is his opinion that the accumu-
lation of water is caused by the fill Mr. DeVincent had
put on his property, and it does not concern the Town.
Mr. Wolfe asked what they would do if Mr. DeVincent
won 't open the pipe, and the Chairman replied that the
next step would be to contact Mr. Carrig, owner of the
Mrs. Heinrich, Lawrence Lane, said she had contacted
Mr . Carrig who told her it was no concern of his . She
said she understood that filling in the DeVincent land
has blocked the drain and he does not have to open it
because there is no easement on his property for this
Mr. Carroll said it would not be too expensive
for the Town to go into DeVincent ' s land to open the
pipe .
Mr. Richards explained that if there is too much
fill, the Town can't open it and may find itself in
the position of keeping it open.
It was left that Mr. Carroll would contact Mr.
DeVincent to find out whit he will do .
Mr. Carroll and the group present retired at 8:50 P.M.
Messrs. Leslie York, Harold Handley and Donald
Irwin, Chamber of Commerce Building Study Committee,
met with the Board.
Mr. York said it is the general feeling that a
more appropriate information booth and a small space
for a full-time individual should be provided.
The Chairman said the subject of better facilities
for tourists came up before, at which time, there was
some discussion pertaining to aMuseum, and he thought
Mr. Worthen had prepared a rough sketch.
Tourist Mr. Handley said at the last meeting of the Historical
facilities Society, it was stated that the Society had a gift of
S1,000 which might be used for this.
Mr. York said he talked to Mr. Donald Noyes who
said a committee is being formed to look into the idea
of a museum for the Historical Society. He asked if
the Board approved of what the Chamber is attempting.
Mr. Burnell replied that he is very much in ac-
cord, and thought this was a long-overdue project, He .
said there should be a museum and restrooms .
The Chairman said that better toilet facilities
would have to be in a supervised structure .
Mr . Handley suggested using the barns at the rear
of the Garrity house now being used by the Phblic Works
Department .
Mr. Richards said there is no question in regard
to the need and some definite consideration would have
to be given to the site and after the site has been
determined, the nature of the building itself would
have to be determined. After that , the source of
the funds necessary for construction and control of the
building would have to be worked out. He said he would
not want anything like this to have any commercial ap-
pea ance.
It was agreed that the Chamber of Commerce would
come up with dome definite recommendations as to the
site and type of structure.
The group retired at 9:20 P.M.
The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Gordon Steele,
Chairman of the School Sites Committee, advising that
School Sites the Committee is concerned that the Town acquire the
three school sites, as covered in the vote of the last
Town Meeting.
It was agreed to acknowledge the letter and tell
Mr. Steele that the Town is making progress in the ac-
quisition of the three sites and will advise him as
soon as definite information has been obtained.
Further discussion was held pertaining to rates
for towing submitted by Colonial Garage, Fitzgerald
and Morris Motors. Towing
It was agreed to have Mr. Staples discuss the charges
subject with the Chief of Police.
Letter was received from Mr. Spiris with sug-
gestions for printing copies of the School Department Reports
reports .
Letter was received from James M. Symon, 28
Hathaway Road, with further reference to a brook at
the end of the road. He suggested placing a fence
across the street and up to the sidewalk which he Brook
believed to be town property.
Mr. Brown reported that he and Mr. Staples
went over there the other day. He stated that the
brook is under a culvert and the sidewalk slopes off
onto dry land.
It was agreed to advise Mr. Symon that members
of the Board have looked at the brook and basically
do not feel that Mr. Symon' s suggestion would serve
any useful purpose.
Letter was received from Perrie R. Collicut, 17
Pearl Street, relative to appointment of a mechanic
for the Public works Department . Mechanic
Following a long-established policy, the Board
of Selectmen has left the hiring of men in the Public
Works Department up to the Superintendent of Public
Letter was received from Edwin B. Worthen, Jr.
with further reference to the condition of the letter-
ing on the tablet of the Revolutionary monument on the
Common. Tablet on
Mr. Carroll said funds have been provided in his monument
budget and he has obtained a price .
Mr . Richards suggested investigating the possi-
bility of a bronze tablet due to the fact that the
letters, now incised in marble, have to be recut every
few years.
Mr. Carroll reported on bids opened today at 4:00
o 'clock for sidewalk work. Sidewalk
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted bids
to award the contract to the Malden Paving Co. , Inc . ,
the low bidder, in the amount of $3,235.00.
Mr. Carroll referred to sick leave for Mr . Longleway,
a Public Works ' employee, which was discussed at last
week' s meeting.
He said Mr. Longleway wa,i out fifty-one working days
and according to his computation, he should be credited
Sick leave with thirty-two of those days. He explained that he
proportioned the Workmen ' s Compensation to the total
amount of money Mr. Longelway was paid by the Town.
The Chairman said Mr. Carroll was establishing
a policy whereby when a than is injured in line of duty
he receives credit for the amount he does not get paid
by the Town and Mr . Carroll replied in the affirmative.
The Chairman said the policy was not so specifically
stated but Mr. Carroll was following the implied state-
ment .
Mr.Cole said he would go along with Mr. Carroll' s
request .
Mr. Richards said he felt it is not the way it is
usually done and not the way he understood it . The
question of choice has been eliminated entirely.
Mr. Staples said the Fire Captain was hurt at a
recent fire and has been out four days. The Secre-
tary called him and asked if this was to be considered
sick leave. He talked to Belcastro and understood
that the Fire and Police hurt in the line of duty would
not apply to sick leave. They are still paid but it
will not be charged to sick leave.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to credit Mr. Longelway with thirty-two days of sick
Mr. Carroll retired at 10:20 P.M.
Letter received from Mr. Arthur E. Burrell, ex-
Civil pressing interest in returning to the position of
Defense Director of Civil Defense, was held over until the next
meeting of the Boacd.
Letter was received from the Battle Green Chapter,
Order of DeMolay, inviting a manber of the Board to
DeMolay the Western Area Conference to be held at the William
conference Diamond Junior High School on Nay 12, at 9:30 A.M.
Mr. Cole agreed to represent the Board.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to grant the following licenses, satisfactory character
references having been received from the Chief of Police:
Frederick R. Tortola 1698 Mass . Avenue Bowling (ren'w'l. )
Woodhaven Country Stores 424 Marrett Road Sunday Sales "
Trinity Pharmacy 162 Bedford Street
Francis Napoli 6 North Hancock St . "
Manor Spa 269 Bedford Street If
William G. Nowlin, Jr. 29 Maple Street Guide 11
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to appoint the following individuals to serve on the
Memorial Day and Veterans' Day Committee: Jerome F. Committee
Garrity, V.F.W. ; George E. Foster, Sons of Union appointed
Veterans; Charles E. Parks, Lexington Minute Men;
Lawrence E. Stone, American Legion, and William P .
Brenchick, Jr . , Lexington Marine Corps. No appoint-
ment was made to replace Mr. Healy.
The Chairman reported that Dr. Smith would be
willing to accept appointment as Dog Officer for $35.00
per month, providing Mr. LaRose definitely is not in- Dog Officer
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to appoint Dr. Howard Smith, Second Dog Officer, for
a term expiring March 31, 1963, at 535.00 per month.
Appointment to the Town Celebrations Committee
was held over.
Policy relative to enforcement of the Zoning By-
Law and Sunday Sales was held over.
The Chairman referred to the Board of Appeals '
permit granted to Gold Ribbon Farms .
Mr. Richards said the : structure was built without Blue Ribbon
a building permit, Farm
The Chairman said this brings to his mind a serious
problem, a case where Mr. Douglas; the builder, defied
the Town. He said the same situation exists on the
sign and the Board has not received a reply to his letter.
He said the matter of the sign was never brought before
the Historic Districts Commission .
Mr. Richards said the question is whether or not
the Board is going to permit him to keep the sign there
and it was his opinion that he shouldbe given a notice
to remove the sign within thirty days . He said the
Board has no power to ;:keep the sign there.
The Chairman said it is definitely a commercial
sign and has never been approved by the Historic
Districts Commission.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to recommend to the Building Inspector that he take
appropriate action against Mr. James L. Douglass for
erecting a building at 1265 Massachusetts Avenue, Gold
Ribbon Farms, without a permit . Mr. Cole was recorded
in opposition.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M.
A true record, Attest:
1Eaecf five/ Clerk, Selectmen