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April 16, 1962
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was
held inaSeleotnen` s Room, TownOffice Building,
on Monday, April 16, 1962, at 7 :30 P.M. Chairman
Adams , Messrs . Richards, Cole, Brown and Burnell were
present . Mr . Sta. es , Executive Assistant, Mr .
Carroll, Superintendent of Public Norks , and Miss
Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present .
Hearing was declared open upon petition of the
Boston Edison Company for permission to locate poles,
guy wires and anchors on Massachusetts Avenue .
Mr. Serverson, representing the Boston Edison
Company, was the only person present in regard to the
Notices of the hearing were mailed to the peti-
tioner, owners of the property listed- on the petitioner ' s
plan and also filed with the Superintendent of Public
Works Pole, guy
Mr . Serverson explained the reason for the peti- wire and
tion is the crossing of Route 128 and he relocation
anchor lo-
oi Massachusetts Avenue . cations
No one present wishing to be recorded in favor
or in opposition, the hearing was declared closed.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to grant the petition and sign the order for the fol-
lowing Boston Edison pole, guy wire and anchor locations :
Massachusetts Avenue, northerly side, easterly from a
a point approximately 70 feet east of ;food Street, -_
Two (2) _ oles , Guy wire and anchor on each pole .
Massachusetts is Avenue, southerly side , easterly from
a point approximately 70 feet east of Wood Street, --
Two (2) poles, Two guy wires and anchors on each
Hearing was declared open upon petition of the
Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone and
Telegraph Company for permission to locate guy wires
and anchors on Wood Street .
Mr. Serverson, representing the Boston Edison
Copany, =°'-_ vCi1S �iOs representing �theTelephone
Company, were present . Guy ,.ire an(
Notices of the hearing were mailed to the yeti- anchor lo-
v� ownersof tin pet
i-s , e property =fisted on the pa�,i- cation
tioners ' plans and also filed with the Superintendent
of Public Works .
1r .!`:kPt'ay Roberts , 28 Wood .,,moi .." y wished t., be
recorded OC'cos_ t'_On.
Mr . Servers= explained ;he gay wire and anchors
are necessary because of the relocation of Massachusetts
Avenue and . Stom et . He stated
d. bethis woulthe
end of the line andit is proposed
to go down the street
to the pole in front of _r. Roberts ' house . He stated
the only :-a-, to hold the pole is to out sone type cf a
guy in there ; otherwise 1'_ .Roberts may be without service .
-r.Roberts asked why the next pole couldn' t be used.
Mr. tier verson explained that it would be less ex-
ensive to d_, it as proposed.
Mr. Roberts said there is one pole beyond his pro-
perty wnere there is nothing but scrub brush and it
seemed to him that pole could be used for an anchor.
The Chairman said for the record, ._
_ .Roberts
wished to be recorded in opposition and was suggesting
moving the guy from the present proposed location to the
next pole, southerly.
Consilvio , - resentin •o .,he Telephone pho e CO_ pang°,
said he had an idea that particular pole was not going
•,-YM_ . Roberts asked if there was any
i way eliminate
having a pole on his front lawn. He sad he realized
it is on. Town property.
Mr. CCnsilvio replied that in this instance there
is heavy telephone and! heavy electric and the line
to go . He stated that the line has to be maintained,
but if there is soxe soxother way it can be worked out,
he would be agreeable .
Mr . Roberts said if the other !e was to remain
he could see no reason_. why it couldn' tbe used.
i.` . Cons_lvic explained vha . the pole cannot be
used as it has to go .
The Chairman inquired wired aboutthe distance to the
next pole down and Mr . Serverson said it was %7 feet .
Hr . Robert C. Johnson, 60 Rood Street, said he
h_oug.ht the pole was going to be removed and e did not
object to the proposal as explaine _
The hearing was . ec ed closed and action on the
petition was held over.
Hearing was declared open upon petition of the
Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone and
Telegraph Company for permission to locate a hip
and ancon on '.'ood Street .
Mr . Ser J e rson, representing the Boston Edison Com-
pany, and Mr . lOonsi_Vio, representing the Telephone
Com any, 'sTe_.e present .
5 .
Notices of the hearing were mailed toe peti-
tioners, owners of the property list d on h .-yeti-
.. . t_oners9 plan and also filed with the Superintendent
ci Public ";'orfs . Hip guy
Mr . Servers=.. explained that t;_. e is\ a in andanchor
a tree now ann the tree to beremoved.
No ��i sii -g too berecorded in 'flavor or __. o,.:-
position, the hearing was declared closed.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to grant the petition and sign the order for the fol -
lowing Ji c hip guy and anchor:
Wood Street , from a role located on westerly side,
approximately 700 feet north of Holton Road, --
_yip guy a nn anchor.
Hearing was declared open upon petition of the
Boston Edison Company and -re New England Telephone
and Telegraph Company for permission to locate two
poles on Cedar Street .
Mer. Serverson, representing_ing o theBoston stenEd' son
Company, and Hr. Consilvio, _ - esentin= Telhone
c -
Company, were present .
Notices of the hearing were mailed to tre peii-
U_eneT'S, owners of _,;. propEtta listed on cue -t_-
'_orers r plans and also filed. _ `. he. Supe_ __.:c ?ole
c .,ens,
of Ptotic Works .
Mr. Jc s, 1±0 Cedar St ort, said he has
had poles on his land since la L fall
Mr. Consilvio said he weuld have them reoreved.
Mr. Serve_ son explained that the pole had to be
removed because it is in the middle oe tre t a.veled
The Chairman asked if hr . s objected, and
he replied in the negative .
No one wishing wishinbe
;, recorded coraed in raver or in op-
position, the hearingdeclared closed.
Upon motion duly made .-end seconded, it wae voted
-o grant the petition and i gn trio order for ' c_-
C'.nIry j/o pole locations :
Cedar Stree:-t, southwesterly side at Hamblen Street, --
-Orn (1 ) pole .
(One (1) existing JO pole to be rerov. )
Cedar Street, westerly side at Balfour Street --
One epole.
(One (I) existing JO pole to be removed. )
Hearing was declared non petition of the
Boston Edison Company and the Ke., 'ngland felephone
and Telegr h Company for eamli ss o_. tc locate one
ro' s on Grove Street .
Serverson, representing the Broscon Edison
Company, and v n_s_ly o , _ y _ .,s nt tie Te phone
Po l0- Co _p any, .. rle l pe sons er _ n trhar_
cation The hearing was declared _osed, ,..'ia upon notion
duly made and seconded, ic was voted co g4ant the peti-
tion and sign the order for the following :lc role lo-
Grove e SLr'ev , southeasterly sacs, approximately ely L 38
feet northeast. o 4idred Stress , --
nOne ll 1 ' n '
;One existing JO pole J .
Messrs . Serverson and Cots -:ic r __ at 7:55 M.
Mr. Stevens , Counsel, _-
., r
Seele, of the School Sites Committee, met the
a .a
The Chairman road a letter from._ ug"__Y oofe . ,.e",
Pastor o_ the' Reorganized Church of Jesus
_Q i' Latter Day "8_TL S, 138E _ _ sacLu„e tS Avenue , _ me
ing to have an ice cream truck parked on
19, the _ s go to
Inasmuch as the receipts would benefit a local
organization, was voted to grant the request ,
The Cheirman . e, L T _ Russell,
�_ _ _. . ,i
requesting permission o= n ✓ Foe from Peabody, to
sell novelties on the Russell House proterty April 19.
DeTice is a disabled veteran and has a Special State
license .
_ e The Chairman said the questionnot
? _ whether _
a S,-ate license authorizes an _n Jid...al to do this, and
Mr. Richardssaid , ._ , was his ar.. ._ s�,w _.�ir_g that such
license does permit one.
Stevens agreed to check he staohte .
Mr. Stevens reported ted ..hat he had received the agree-
ment between the Town and Fred ed G. B enhiey, Jr . , re acing
o emenL to the property on top of _ipie Hill.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to sign the agreement .n dutlicate .
Mr . Stevens referred the vote - '-'o?z Nearing
authorizingacquisition the acis_t o�, sr
a pcel�of land from
Justin B. Sera. Fe exp ail e eiece bounded
` possible to o me,. _✓n ✓. A, .back to the
railroad and the Adams
School, and the trice set by
.e Town' s atrraiser was Sm, C20. e
received a _ ed ottionfrom Mr . Shea or Y OOO,
Uicon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to exercise SG vne option.
Mr . Stevens stated that he had prepared the in-
strument to exercise the Mary A. Hennessey and Goodrich
brothers ' options .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to sign the instruments presented by .Stevens , ex- Options
ercising the options from Goodrich brothers, E . Lester
and Lloyd C . , to purchase lane referred to in Arzicie
38 of the warrant for the 1962 Annual Town Meeting and
the option from Mary A. Hennessy to pu_ chase real estate
referred to .r Article 39 of the warrant a,.t _ .. ..✓ 1989
Annual Town Meeting.
Further consideration was given to pet on regard-
ing conditionsofi the water holes and open wells in the
Utica Street area, Mat :r holes
Mr . StevensteTe^s �por� d he found in ChYC, 8c open wells
Section 21, of the General Laws, that in two separate
paragraphs the Town - ..by By-Law can require wells,�whether
abandonedor in use, to be covered by a covtr thatwould
withstand a certain seigr_., cr Milled in to grade . He
said crag' . 19 authorizes the Town by By-Law to require
land. Lh ..t has been exca ....,sd to be fenced and provides
for penalties if not complied with.
The Chairman said that there is no action the Board
can take legally now and Mr. Stevens said that there is
no By-Law.
The Charman said a notation should be made to con-
sider such a By-Law at the next Town Meeting.
Copy of a letter from Mr . Jansts A. Carrig to hr .
Stevens relative to tho sewer easement in a proposed
street shown on the plan of Section Four Minute Man
Highlands , owned by the Uirrac Realty Trust , was re-
ceived, antread by the Chairman.
Mr. .Stevens clai 7 d theft is a plan to which
Mr. Carrig refers and hunderstood the Planning Board
has advertised a hearing. The hearing has not been
-d so the Board has not to en any action . Be Gid_ Meta;
-ported that hs talked to Mr . Ca_rig ' s attorney the Trust
other day and asked bin what possible dasage damagecould be
done to a subdivision by putting a sewer down the
street . The attorney is goingv ._talk to - . Carrig,
However, they are more interested in the taking of land
for a school site . Mr. Stevens told the attorney it
would be helpful =r.L hire to talk to Mr . Carrig and
arrange a conference with Carrig, the purchaser and
theTown to discuss the subject . Mr . Stevens advised
that there is no o _. r action for the Board to take.
The Chairman read a letter from ;;he Planning Bca -•d
suggesting that the Board, in considering t. e aB_oointment
of a new .owi Counsel, appoint a special counsel Co assist
the Planning board_ in the legal aspects of zoning and
Town Cc,nsel subdivision control, the services of such special counsel
tc be naid for in the form of special_al fees and harged
tc the Law Department Account .nt . t also _eC nended, if
Mr. .
Stvens agreed , that _ be aopointed special counsel
to assist the Planning_ 1ann:_ng bc'a_ us
No actio__ was taken.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to go into executive session for the purposeoof
cussing, deliberating or voting on a matter which, if
made public, might adversely affect Mae public security,
the financial interest of the Town Own Or the reputation
of any ;Terson.
Inc iuo,tec., of the onsig no ., land, La oriatreeA
Executive which is part o ,.,:. the lane Townc, ..hpri„eti. the 3"a",^..�
eSS .On acquire for a school site an:.. other purposes, was
Mr. Stevens, Mrs . Morey and Mr . Steele retired
at 0;20 B.m.
T)_ .Haym. i:A L. to het with .,he Board and re-
t_re'd at o..;;, R.M.
Upon motion duly made and c c- _.ae.a, t was voted
to resume the open meeting.
Mr . Cbarles Evans, of tne Charles M. Evans ussoci-
ates, net with the Board to discuss job classifIcatines
and pay schedules ,
Mr. Evans sa' d his firm ested in the
project the Board is contemplating ani rob aGly
does more of this than anyone in the arca. `:e stated
that ten years before he formed the present organization,
^_ageC 2. _.. i' Chicago . Ris connany is now com-
pleting an assignment forthe Town of Randolph whichg
l be presented le4e _�
Town _� e -- . The company
Jo,, lassi- referred the Board o._. Make f _eld, Newton ana :,i1am.
tion & _ P Richa asked how lone the survey ,aou_d Jake
ry and Mr. Evans f that at a oc _otab timetable_ able for
schedule a job of this size would be three hs . Hes:,._ , _J
could be done in two but he would recommend three .
Mr. icha_ds asked h on the survey vey o-'ld be
started, and Mr. Evans renlied as of the moment, about
June 1st, to be completed around abor Day. He sac
it is not a good _dna to start one of these in July
also had an assignment in Plymouth which was adopted and
Mr . Richards asked if a preliminary report, wo ld
be issued, and Mr . Evans replied that he operates ac-
cording to the wishes of hissclient . He said he likes
to work closely with the Boara. He said if the +fjoaro
has a policy, he should know it and then worms to develop
that noc ky; the determination rminat_on sho ld come from the Board .
The Chairmanasked aa-v-ad if the classification rzould cone
first, and Mr . Evans reolied that he determines the job
contents . He exalained
that the employees are asked to
ll out q estionnairesalso ask that the employees
not be instructed how to answer questions .
The Chairman asked Mr. Evans was familiar with
the Townss government and he re,lied in the affir .'ative .
The Chairman said the Board '=\OLLld take the matter
under advisement .
M-.r. Evans retired at 9. 05 P.N.
Upon motion duly made and. s'econN n , it was voted.
Charles Evans Associ-
tq engage the se_rrice.s ofthe
ates, Mr . Staples to work out the details .
Mr . John Carroll returned to the meeting and sub-
mitted a ply dated April11, 1 2, entitled "A Compiled
' 96Compiled
plan of Land in Lexington, Mass ." He pointed out the
sign presently being -maintained by the Gold Ribbon ns ,
1265 Massachusetts Avenue, and also indicated the right
of way and Town owned land. ..
Mr . Carroll retired.
Mr . Edward Cataldo and Mr. Janes L. Douglas met with
the Board.
The Chairman read a letter from Mr.
Irwin, dated
April 5, 1962, relative to work done at1265 Massachusetts
Avenue, formerly the Lexington Nurseries .
Mr. Douglas said the addition is net a greenhouse,
but a lean-to and acts as a showcase . He stated that
nothing is raised in it . Gold Ribbon
The Chairman said it was a structure that reca_red _ _lams
a per`rit , and M-r . Douglas stated that he obtained a per- ;;arse
mit for alterations . He said when he applied for this,
M-. Irwin said he should separate the two, and he did,
but he did not hange the building structurally.
explained the only reason he obtained a permit was for
the wiring and plumbing. Mr. Irwin asked him for i
for a ne__^ing. re said he gave a check and nothing
was done .:.about it . He submitted a cancelled check dated
February yHe t the
b 27 • said he did. not do anything until i,_`1e
three weeks ' period had gone by plus a week for the hear-
ing and it happened to be Mr. Cataldo ' s busy season. He
said he worked on the job for which he had a permit and
let the rest go . When three weeks was up, plus one
364 1
week for the hearing, he put up the greenhouse, which was
made •o glass walls and a roof to replace the wooden wail
he took out .
The Chairman said the work was done before the board
of tpeals1 _rearing.
Mr .'r . Douglas asked if it took sixty days for the board
to meet and the Chairman replied ied that arparent,iy it does .
He said that was not kithin the Board of Selectmen' s juris-
Mr. Douglas asked when the three weeks start and
said it may start two months after he gave his
Check, He
exnlainea the check'_ was presented en a 21 ea_;o sway which was
too late to be advertised t'_hat. week . Now there is a
hearing coming un April 2k which is SXty days from the
he gave .his check.
The Chairman explained that the Board wanted to
clarify the '?fatter and wouldlock into it .
Mr. Douglas retired at 9:15 P.M.
The Chairman told Mr. Cataldo that there is a
question on the standing sign and the ownership of the
land has come up.
Gold Ribbon 112Cataldo aS!ti2u why the ownership of the land
Fe ms ' sign was brought up after all these years . He said the
signwas there before he , born .
The Chairman replied it was in the course of
ci-ecining sevecai- o things .
Mr . Richards said the subject of the sign ca-2e
up because the '?c.._, has just acquired
_ - the fee title
in the right of way He explainedthat the Towr owns
one-half of the fee and the people there own one half,
and Mr . Cataldo has the right of way over the land the
Town and _ __s;. 'Potter owns .
The Chairman stated this did bring up a problem
which the Board thought heshould know about . He
said hs did, not think the sign had ever been brought
before the Historic Districts Commission and Mr. Cataldo
said he didn't think so either,
Mr .Richards explained :hat the sizn is standing
in the middle of the street; Mr. Cataldo has right
to travel ov: r it , but itis_ the Towns street .
The Chairman said it was up to °Lr . Cata!do to make
some suggestions .
Mr . Brown asked who maintained the right of way,
and Mr. Cataldo t does .
.sV a ned thatanyonen m Gain it.
Mr. kii Ci.ar er..; � o.� Ct:, a1_Y i_,t
Mr. Cataldo said he did not think the sign. was
detrimental to the Town .
The Chairman said it was up to H_ Cataldo if he
wanted to snake any suggestions and the Boacd r realized
Ice had a real y _ oblem. He said he thought it shod'
go before the Historic Districts Comnissi on.
Mr. Cataldo asked about attending the Board of
Appeals ' meeting.
Chairman advised that he could write the Board
of Appeals and withdraw his applicat-n;._.
Mr. Richards explained that he could ask to have
it suspended and the Board could announce publicly
on the 24th that the hearing was being postponed.
Mr. Cataldo asked if, in the meantime, until he
does something, the sign could remain .
Mr. Richards reined that the Board would notify
him when it has do be taken down.
Mr .Cataldo said he would let the boa: d know wham
he comes up with.
He retired at 9:24 P .M.
Mr. Ernest Avallone and Mr. Anthony 3 . Busa met
with the Board relative to appointments to the position
of Police Officers .
Mr . Avallone said he has been on the _st now
_ for
two years , there has been an opening for almost two
years, and he has not heard anything . He said he wanted.
tc know why he had not been appointed.
The Chairman explained it was the opinion of the
Board that the list :ill be allowed to run out .
Mr . Ava_lone asked the reason and the Chairman
replied that the Board feels it is better to have a
new list .Avallone asked why, and the Chairman said
Board would like to have a larger list of candidates .
Mr. Avallone said that it would appear the Board
had something against him and Mr . Busa .
The Chairman xy-ai ed that the Board does not
have to give a reason, and he vas willing to give his
own reason which was he did not think Mr . Avallone was
temperamentally suited.
Mr . Cole said t'_^_at he and Mr . Avallone had Some
discussions, one at Mr. Coles house, and he also re-
ceived innumerable telephone calls from all over the
State which had to originate with Mr .kvalibne .
N-. Avallone said he had only one man call Mr .
Cole .
"r. Cole said he received calls from the State,
people using influence from the Governor ' s o' vice,
and said that appointments are not made that way in
Mr . Avallone said to his knowledge the only
persons he had ca- led were e ± r. Richards and. Mr. Roams .
Hr. Burnell sa4dhe
s interested inthis as an
_ _o'Je would be, andhe was listening to Hr . Avallone
alk. Hesaid he did check with Mr. Aval'_one ' s present
employer, and had ..old : r. Avallone that he knew some of
the executives there . He said Hr . Avallone was indi-
cating to him this evening that perhaps_ he might give
the Police Chief a difficult time in getting him to
cooperate .
Avallone said he has been in his present position
thirteen years .
1r . Burnell stated he found he was a good driver and
had an excellent attendance record. He said a c4tizen
in Torcn called hix and that is the reason he went to see
'lr. rva_lone .
Hr. Avallone said he never told anyonenezo call Hr.
_ s that,, the individual volunteered to help _him.
Hr. Avallone said t at if it was possible , he
wouldlike an opportunity to work on.. reserve basis
and if he did not make good, the Board co- d let him
go .
Mr . Burnell said he thought the Board had knot—
edge ^w of'
� � a� 1oYie aid `ae ped _�
present by his request or a request frsh the Board.
The Ch rman said Mr. .:usa talked to him this
afternoon and he told him it would be all right to
attend the meeting .
Mr . Busa said ne just ame in to
'find out if the
list wasgoing to run cut and 1 he Board had some-
thing against him. He said he would like the position
and has not tried to force anyone .
The Ch _ma__ stated that ist, was Air. B1sa' s privilege
to retake the examination, and ne did not think the
Board was in a position to say not cc sake it .
Hr . Avallone said he .old be .:il _ng LO buy his
uniforms .
The Charman said hr. _,_vallcne ' s nafle was pre-
- ' 1960 and the Board was
.,cia cD.� as was _._ Busa' s, li. �
informed by Mr . Av llo'rle that he did not want the job .
Mr . Avallccne stated that his wife was ill at the
erre and enoticnally upset-
pset .M . ^.'vallone said he was willing to give e up a
4i1C,CO0 a year fob .
Messrs . Avallone and Busa retired ired i;_5 ?.?1.
Tine Chairman asTeed to do ct Cf Rycroft and
6.isct ss the possibi2ty co'_ an office- o r- g on a
reserve basis .
1.1r .John Carroll returned to :he meeting.
Mr. Car oll _e- ported on bids received _act - e - es-
day on loaders, and recommended purchasing the Diesel
engine loader . Bids
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it wasvoted
to accept the low bid of 10,350 submitted by the Nine
Acre Equipment Company.
Mr. Carroll referred to the ids received last
and heldover, carryall
Er. for c purchase of a CaT' yTa 1
truck for the Engineering epar t ent, and recommended
that the bid of Rowe-Jackson Chevrolet be accented. Bid
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
tc accept :Jae low• ^id of 522.8 submitted by Rowe-Jackson
Chevrolet .
Mr . Carroll said that last week he recommended
accepting the low bid submitted by Rowe-Jackson, in
the amount of $1830 for a IT_CklaID Bruck. He explained
that alternate e bids were taken for a _ ade- '_n and the
difference..in :rice in keeping the present pickup truck
100. He said he definitely needs anotner pickup
truck, and for `5100, he thought he should keep it .
ML 'Lic'laras asked how old the truck is , and Mr. Pickup _:hck
Carroll replied Ghat it is a l95_i,.
Mr . Richards said he could see no reason for keep-
ing a 1951 truck and was opposed to chmaintenance of
old equipment .
Mr . Burnell said it certainly is not much of an
investment .
Mr. Richards said he could see mounting repair bills
and a mechanic already overloaded with work andhe felt
there would be no advantage in keeping old eqhipment .
Memo was received from Mrs . Nary E . Horton, 205
Grove _ est, stating that she is a widow Nigh; nC means Sewer
of support, and requesting abatement of a sewer better- bette ent.
ment assessment of ';:'517.25.
Mr. .Marl es was requested to investigate .
Petition was received for installation of a sani-
tary sewer in Blodgett and Peachtree Roads .
Mr . Carroll retorted :hat before the sewer can to
installed in these streets, an extension would have to
be put in Lo-well Street . He suggested that hE people Sewer
on Lowell Street and Peartree Drive sign ayition.
He said he Gould have a study made and sendout a list
of the properties that could be sewered by gravity.
Petition was received relative to traffic in the
vicinity cf Lowell Street , between Route 128 underpass
and intersection of Lowell and ,.obu_ n Streets, request-
ing the boa_ d to take action on drainage, exclusion of
heavy veticles , curbing, street repair, traffic control,
s 000h bus signs, speed limis signs, and continuance of
proposed Route 3 extension.
t the present time, a sidewalk is being constructed
up to _! endStreet_� of Laconia Street drainage wilt be in-
cluded. The Chairman said nothing could be done this
year becausetP_.e funds are. limited.
Request was received from Miss Helen Frnnch for the
Sidewalk construction of a sidewalk in front of her home_.. a"_
5 Audubon Road.
Mr. Carroll agreed to take care of this .
Letter was received from Mrs. Austin W. Fisher, Jr . ,
130 .. ..:ssa.,r v_S..t .,a mvenue, asking to have parking pro-
hibited on one side cf Massachusetts Mvenue during the
Ko Parking parade on Thursday.
The Clerk _ 'torted that she bad mentioned the sub-
ject to the Chief ef Police who advised that he does not
_'a..ve the _ sonn el to e:'"orce no porking. It was agreed
to so advise Mrs. Fisher W',.3 Will make other _ rang. ents
for her guests .
Letter from _ _ Lawrence Sack, 19 Cedar Street,
reiNat' ve to traff5c conditions, was referrea to the _.
Traffic Study Committee.
Upon motion duly made an:, seconded, it was voted
to - _ o e the minutes of the Sl eotr_ent s Meeting held
Morn 9Eas amended.
;>> _,- �.,j_,
Mr. Herbert J . Casey . .._iai__..an of the _ lag Day
Committee, Le . ton Lodge of Elks , met withthe Bo rd,
and retorted _a - difficulty was encountered _t year
Duod with tre _' uS cans! Union Tanen the U. S . m_ illy dand gave
Concert a concert on Flag He as:=_e. the BcamaL to write
a ''_ette_ to the union.
Tt was agreed to write _ Gustave Fischer, Secre-
tary of the ' u_ ._cians = Union, stating ng tha he Board
had been requested bj the Lexington Lodge of Elks No . 2204
to con_i_m correspondence to the etfect that on June 14,
as cart of a town-Tside celebrationof __
Flag Day, arrange-
_.� nge
...ents had been made for the 13t _ S . Army B Fort
Devens, to give a band cencert open to (she U i ; ne
admission charge of any type .
Nr. Casey retired at 1C: 30 R.N.
The Planning Board met with the Selectmen .
Mr. Stanley Bernstein, 3 Thoreau Road, said a com-
mittee has been formed in the Burnham Farsgs area to
work with the Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board Route 3
to cooperate efforts with the purpose of holding ,nem-
selves in readiness for the isnosal of the Seloctmen.
He said Mr. Floyd Pimberly, 6 Alcott Roars,, was also
active in this group . What Mr .Bernstein had in mind
was the uroposed extension of Route 3 .
Mr. Spindle :. ported ,hat the Planning Board thought
Mr. Snowy and Mr . Carroll shouldTort. onthe layout of
Worthen Snow_
through Carr gys subdivision. Fe said the
subdivision is ceming up for approval or disapproval ort. en Road
next Mondaynight . The ie L ,aru viewed plans presented.
by the Planning 5ca -d and it was agreed that :,j-r . Snow
and Mr . Carroll would work togetsler.
Mr . Spindle aszed if the Selectmen en had any ideas
on Emerson Road thas the Planning Board did not know Emerson Road
about and the Chairman an _ lied thas the -Board., as suers,
has not discussed the subject any more iia__ what at as
discussed at tune last nesting with the lan_ ng Board.
Mr. Bryson presented a pleas, tremarsd by a resi-
dent cf Peaceck FasEmsarea , e ...a,i eto proposed o.er-
of Route 2, Worth n and EmersonRoads . _ -
.,. jie....
was discussedandbr_E l� It was agreed furtherU study
was warranted, and that a consultant should be engaged
prepare alternate..layouts for connecting Route 2
with Worthen and Emerson Roads .
Upon motion
duly made and seconded, is voted Route 2
to rE ett re.i i Appropriation n C itte transfer
25CC 'oW! Reserve Fund Planning_ yring Board
Expenses Account to enable that Boara to engage a
consultant to work on the alternate payouts .
The Panning roar d metfred at 10:50 P.N.
An eligible list was received from the Division
of Civil Service as a Lc/suit Lc/suitof ire ev=inaticn Civil Service
held on =angary 27 for promotion to Police Lieutenant . list
The Chairm.an suggested, and the B .,ar: ro-
that the three nen on the list be invited m_ee.,
with the Bc next Monday .
The Chairman read_ _ etter fromi_ Tr : cal
ing the Bo , s attention to t houseat 596Lwell
Street , acquired by the Con .onwealth of fs,ssachusetts
in connection with the proposed extension of Route 3.
It was agreed tonotify the State Demartnent of
PublicWorks that the house is a potential hazard.
max title 'ex title
lots recefved from Stanley K. Chao, Maurice Healy, George
Breslin and Henry Garton were held over,
The Chairman read a memo relative to a program
Army the United States Army Exhibit Center proposbs to
program conduct in Lexington on June 'T and 5. The Board had
no objection.
To- _ng rates submitted by NorrisMotors,
Towing es Garage Fitzgerald were _e over.
Ji on motion dolly made and seconded, it was voted
to grant the .. xingto= Little Leaguem_son to con-
Par ade duct ar`adeon Saturday, April23, at _ . 00 P.N., from
tbe iduzzey Junior High School to the football field
near the High School.
A letter fram George E. Stone , requesting a share
Insurance of_ the To:rnss insurance business was taken under ad-
visement until such iems. e as a change is made in the
present list of participating agents .
Request .s received from the Lexington Lodge of
Elks for permission to operate abeverage stand on
Apr27 19 a: Uhe v_ _dble situated at cne junction of
v:;:ri Street and "?assac .Ase..''..s Avenue .
Perm't The Clerk _ eported
.,__,. Chief of Police was
denied not in favor. Upon motion duly made and seconded,
ft was voted to deny the reonest, primarily a . ilQ}' .,eca:;i.se
of_ the traffic oroblem involved at that particular
Upon motion duly mace and seconded, it was voted
to grant the faflowing licenses:
George H. Phelri7 11 Stevens Road
Theron _. ougi 451 Concord Avenue
rlica _.n for a Yearly Dump Permit was received
aro_^! Louis Rogers, 102 Bow ___
5treet , Arlington. Mr ,Hogers dosslandscaping iC '-v_. or seve, pe le _r
Duno Lexington .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to grant the tier.i ,. .
The meeting adSbuoned au 11: 30 P.N.
A true record, Attest : _.
Bxecu v e; Cie "X, Selectmen