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April 9, 1962
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was
held in the Selectmen ' s Room, Town Office Building,
on Monday, April 9, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman
Adams, Messrs . Richards, Burnell and Cole were present .
Mr. Stevens , Town Counsel, Mr. Staples , Execugive
Assistant, Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works,
and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present .
Mr. James J . Carroll, Town Clerk, met with the
Board for the drawing of three jurors . The follow-
- ing individuals were drawn for jury duty: Earl W . Jurors
Stevens, 73 Buckman Drive; Charles L Spencer, Jr. ,
8 Cary Avenue and Merton H. Jillson, 2C Richard Road.
Mr. Carron retired at 7:3h P.M.
Mr. Stevens referred to the garbage contract
and reported that he did not have the insurance certifi-
cates but has been assured by the broker that he will
have them in the morning , :with the exception of Work Garbage
men ' s Compensation. Contract
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to sign a contract between the Town of Lexington and
Stanley Roketenetz, Inc . , for the collection of garbage
for a two-year period at a price of $38,000 for the
first year and $38,500 for the secondyear; Mr . Stevens
to told all copies until the reai'._rec insurance certifi-
cates '_!ave been received.
Letter was received from the Planning Boarad-
vising that o-tions have been obtained from the Goodrich
brothers, E. Lester and Lloyd C . , to - urchase land refer-
red to in Article 38 of the Warrant for the 1962 Annual Options
Town Meeting and from Mary A. Hennessey to tu.rch_ase real
estate referred to in Article 39 of the same Warrant .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to exercise the options; Mr. Stevens to prepare the in-
struments for the Board' s signatures .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to sign a deed, prepared by Town Counsel, conveying lot Tax title
23, block 89, Garfield Street, to Joseph E. Casey and
Mary C . Casey.
The Chairman read a letter from David A. Washburn
;ett'_eneni. of 267 Waltham Street , rejecting the Board' s offer of ' 0
claim re- in full settlement of claim for damages in connection
ected with the Worthen Bc _... project .
The Chairman read a letter from Mr . Irwin,'
n, Bui-id-
ing Inspector, advising that Mr . John L. Douglas made
application on February 26, 1962 for alterations within
the present nursery building at- 1265 Massachusetts Avenue ,
plus the addition of a lean-to greenhouse . Mr. Douglas
Lexington was informed that the addition of a greenhouse would re-
Nurseries quire permission from the Board of Appeals . Later, t'+e
same day, Cataldo appliedfor
Mr. a Board of Arnealsffi
hearing for .;he lean-to greenhouse . 1n make a final
inspection, Mr. Irwin noticed that the lean-to greenhouse
had been erected; the hearing for which is scheduled for
April 2h.
It was suggested this
information n submitted
� that i__L O.ia�...G be
ss the Board of Appeals .
-. The Chairman said that h. sign being maintained
should be located by the Town Engineer and more in' orm-
ation obtained from Mr. Irwin.
Mr. Richards said the question of the sign is a
separate matter and the Board should not become involved
in that now,
it was left that Mr. Staples was to obtain information
from Mr. Irwin as to the type of construction, location,
whether or no the structure is to be temporary, etc. , and
asi. the owner of the building and the builder to meet with
the Board.
Decision pertaining to water holes andoren wells
in the Utica Stre - area was held over until the next
meeting of the Boa_ ..
Letter was received from Charles M. Blake stating
that on February 15 sidewalk plow hit the front of
his building causing damage which he had repaired by
n r.im
Custance Broth; -rs at _ cost of B31.53,
y Carroll stated thst the building had been
hit and this should have been taken care of before .
',r.Staples was requested to find out who owns
the building.
Messrs . Stevens and Carroll retired at 8: 10 P.M.
Mn . Charles F. Hurley, Manager of the Lexington
Inn, Inc. , Mr. Finnerty, who operates he diningroom
James .
andMr. ._ � J. Reagan, attorney, met with the Board.
Mr. Reagan stated that Mr .Finnerty is the lessee
of the dining room area and of the function rooms at
the inn. Some tine back, he went to Mr . Hurley, his
client, and stated he would like an arrangement whereby
he could have liquor lockers for patrons of the inn.
Mr. Hurley requested Mr. Reagan to give him a legal
opinion as to the legality. As a result thereof, he
did check the law and contacted the PBC and found the
set-up as stated to him was legal. He reported that Lexin`"i�o Ir
he told Mr. Hurley and Mr. Finnerty was allowed to do
it . He said they want to cooperate with the Board,
the police, and any other :gencies . Whey would like
to know what would be :....acceptable to the Board, where
the lockers could be kept, and how the patrons of the
Inn could consume their own liquor. He asked upon
what conditions would this be permitted.
The Chairman said he was surprised to learn liquor
was being served in the dining room.
Yr. Finnerty said the liquor is kept in the lockers
not visible from she dining room. A member comes in
wit :his own key, te__es out the bottle and is supplied
with g1nor and ice .
The Chairman asked if bottles ase on the table
and Mr . Finnerty replied _ at they are on the side.
The Chairman said he thought the police had re-
eived a complaint .
Er. Finnerty said the police said they had a
cc'aple of complaints and went up to investigate the
liquor situation and voiced an opinion that they did
not think it should be done in the future.
Mr. Finnerty said this is something that the public
demands especially at dinner in the evening. He said
he realized he is in a dry town but they are business-
men and trying to make a living. Hee suages-tad moving
the lockers to another area, behind a closed door that
would say' i?For Members Only" or whatever would be per-
missible .
Mr. Reagan said that as long as liquor is not kept
for sale, it is all right according to the ABC .
Mr. Richards said she Board wants to cooperate
and he assumed that some arrangement for wedding parties ,
which are strictly private, would be all right .
The Chairman said he did n.ot see how the Board
is in any position to grant permission it is either
legal or it isn ' t .
Mr . Reagan agreed and said. it was up to the Board
of Selectmcdn. He said he did not want any trouble .
The Chairman said the Town votes every two years
and has been emphatic in rejecting open sales of liquor
in public places .
Mr. Reagan asked about setting. a private area
apartfromthe public dining room, ,_nd the Chairman,-man said
he did not see how the Board is in any position to give
_ ermissio.
Mr. Ri .w Saivi t is his Opinion thai, this is
establishing a dangerous and very unpleasant precedent .
He said -people in the Town have, ever since therepeal
of prohibition in 1932 or 1933, voted that there would be
no serving of hard liquor. He stated that he felt the
use of lockers is a means of evading the law. They
provide the locker owner or lessee with an opportunity
to drink l' .:.or in a public dining room. He said he did
not see how locating the lockers in a different part of
the Premises , ould ease the situation and he personally
would not participate and advised, Mr. Finnerty to cease
and desist now.
. Hurley asked about a fourth question on the
ballot and Said a State r pres_n..ative _.J1d him it night
be possible.
The 'Chairman said he thought it might stand a very
good chance but it would have to be done on the State
level. He suggested that she Hotel Association pursue
the matter.
Mr. Burnell said he agreed with Hr. Richards and he
thought the best approach would be through the correct
legal approach as anything done ' through the use oI lockers
would be evading what the Town now has .
The group retired at 8: 35 P.M.
Mr. John Carroll returned to the meeting.
Mr. Carroll reported he had received three bids
for a new car, trading the 1954 Chevrolet ne now uses,
as follows: Dunn Ford Sales $1899.66, Rowe-Jackson
Car bids Chevrolet , $1915.00 and Mawhinney Motors, $$1950.0v.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to accept the low bid of ?1899.66 submitted by Dunn
Ford Sales .
The Chairman said. he thought all the cars, for
Bids the various departments , should be tut out for bid
together and as part of a purchasing policy, this is
something that should be looked into .
Mr . Carroll _ ported be had received. two bids
for a half ton pickup truck as follows : Automotive
Service, $2027 .00; Rowe-Jackson, $-n 1 56 .00.
Upon motion duly made and secopced, it was voted
to accept low bid of $1856.00 submitted by Rowe-Jackson.
Mr. Carroll reported he had received three bids
for a Carryall, to be used by the Engineering Department, Bids
as follows: Alewife Motors, 82550.00; Automotive Sales ,
82375. 00 and Rowe-Jackson, $2216.00.
He said he would like the Board to wait a week
before acting on the bids as he would like an opportunity
to inspect the trucks upon which bids were submitted.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to defer acting on the bids until the next meeting of
the Board.
Memorandum was received from Mr. Snow, Planning
Director; relative to cutting trees and clearing Willard
woods .
woods .
Mr . Carroll reported that he inspected the area
today and found that Mr. Mazerall has done nothing
different in this area than he has done on every area
owned by the Town, and that was to clear the dead brush.
He said it was not his understanding that tillard Woods
was to be a bird sanctuary.
The Chairman said he understood. the Selectmen have
the care and maintenance of the woods and the Recreation
Committee has plans for the use of the woods.
Mr. Richards said he was not aware of any plan to Willard
leave these woods in their completely natural state or Woods
even to transplant wild flowers there . He mentioned
that the Town has , in the past five years, acquired a
vast area of land but there is no definite su-oervisory
group to take charge of the so-called recreation areas .
He stated that the Selectmen do not have the time to
patrol these sites and he did not think the Recreation
Committee is inclined to pay much attention to them.
He suggested sending a letter to the Recreation Committee
asking it to submit to the Board some idea as to what
state of preservation these areas are to be maintained.
He said none of the areas acquired were gifts,and he
felt the Town can use them. He said he would like the
Recreation Committee to meet and decide how best it will
use the areas and also give the Board a timetable.
Letter was received from the State Department of
Public Works with reference to traffic conditions at
the intersection of Route 2A and Lowell Street . Until Traffic
legal and technical problems relating to traffic control
signals have been resolved, the State is reluctant to
recommend signal layouts and sequences which might be
contrary to the new laws and standards .
Letter was received from Lester L. Andrews & Son,
277 Bedford Street, advising that a new location for
Wequest to their plumbing business must be found and they would
purchase like to know about the possibility of acquiring a
land parcel of land abutting the railroad tracks on lledford
Street which is part of the Public Works / land.
The Board has no control as regards the sale
of this parcel of land, not tax title, and the request
for sale would have to be presented to a Town Meeting.
Mr. Cole asked to have a report from the Building
Inspector relative to loam stripping, discarded re-
Complaint frigerators, junk and a demolished building on property
owned by Pond Malty Trust and located on Reed Street .
Mr. Carroll retired at 9: 15 P.M.
Letter was received from the Town Celebrations
Exchange Committee advising that an exchange of flags ceremony
of flags between Lexington and Concord has been scheduled for
Sunday, April 15, at 2:00 P.M. at Fiske Hill.
Letter was received from the Town Celebrations •
Committee, together with proposed proclamation pre-
sented by the American Legion in support of its national
program "Bells Across the Nation" .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to issue the proclamation in support of the program.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of the
Board held on April 2, 1962.
Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
that the minutes of the Executive Session held on
April 2, 1962 be expunged.
At 9: 30 P.M. , the Planning Board met with the
Mr. Grindle referred to the proposed sale of lots
on Circle Road to the Busa Realty Trust and agreement
in connection thereto . He explained that the Trust
wants to extend Circle Road an. the Planning Board
Circle Road does not want to approve it until the agreement per-
lots taming to the tax title lots is signed.
The Chairman explained that Mr. Stevens is work-
ing on this .
Letter was received from the School Committee
indicating interest in working with the Selectmen and
other Town Committees relative to the expansion of the
Senior High School recreational facilities .
The Chairman stated that in February the Recreation
Committee came in with some suggestions and Mr. Carroll
said he would like a development plan. He explained
that the Board' s first thought ,aas that it involved
recreational programs, school athletic facilities and
that a plan should be made with the approval of the Planning
Board; the idea being that there would be a plan that could
be followed as the money was appropriated.
Mr . Meyer said the only plan the Planning Board
has is to leave the present facilities where they are,
eliminate Park Drive and level out the rest of the area
so it is a large green field that can be used by painting
lines on the ground.
Mr. Grindle asked if Mr. Carroll would want some-
thing more definite and the Chairman replied in the
affirmative .
Mr. Meyer said his conception is a broad grassy
field with the exception of Park Drive.
The Chairman. said Mr. Carroll should have some
idea of the plans so he can have the engineering work
done and estimates of costs prepared.
Mr. Maybee explained that the plan the Planning
Board has is not a detailed layout in any sense of the
word. He said he thought the entire area should be
laid out by someone other than the Planning Board.
• Mr. Meyer asked where the Planning Board fitted
into the program and the Chairman replied that this
is a case of future planning and he thought the Planning
Board was directly interested.
Mr. Maybee said the Planning Board is not in a
position to do the work.
The Chairman said that this has to go through the
Planning Board at least on a consultant basis, and per-
haps it would be necessary to hire someone to do the
Mr. Maybee said he thought it would have to be
The Chairman said he would ask the School Com-
mittee and the Recreation Committee what they think
they need.
Mr. Snow reported information obtained from a
meeting with the State Department of Public e Works
relative to Route 3. Emerson Road
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to hire a consultant with the intention of laying out
u!nerson Road from Massachusetts Avenue to Route 2.
The Planning Board retired at 10:35 P.M.
Letter was received from Mrs. Robert Kittredge,
Fairbanks 17 air ar!ks RCaµ aKc ing to have an ordinance adopted
Swimming whereby swimming pools will have to be fenced.
pools It was agreed to advise Mrs. Kittredge that the
Board is in the process of taking whatever action is
necessary to prepare a By-Law for Town Meeting action.
Letter was received from Mr. Irwin, Building In-
spector, relative to bids received for replacement of
Ar , his department ' s car .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to accept the low bid of $1770.00 submitted by Rowe-Jackson.
Discussion relative to towing rates was held over
until the next meeting of the Board.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to grant ' r. 'N�alte- B. Murray, s request, on h if
Paper Drive of the St . Brigid gid and Sacred Heart church parishes,
for permissions to conduct a paper drive on Sunday,
pri 1 J
Letter was received from Mr. Edward D.Duncan,
on behalf of the Lexington Chamber of Commerce, rela-
tive to a member of the Board acting as one of three
judges of floats in the April 19a_ ade.
Mr. Richards agreed to act asone of the judges.
Letter was received from the Veterans of Foreign
Wars, inviting the Chairman and any member of the Board
VFW T n- to Installation of 0 _..hers oh _.�, Knights`� Yini g.it of
stallation Columbus Hail, Bedford Street , aty 8:30 F.M.
The Chairman stated thAS due to a previous commit-
ment, it would be impossible for him to attend. _r.
Burnell agreed so represent the Board.
Upon motion duly made and secondec_, it was voted
to grant the following licenses, satisfactory character
references having been received from the Chief of Police:
Clyde McArdle 51 Harding Road 'Taxi Driver
Frederic B . Hubley Auctioneer
Bertram _ . - tin ti
Letter was received from the Lexington Lodge of Elks,
Herbert J. Casey, Jr . , Chairman of Flag Day Committee,
requev i _,g permission to use the Bait tie Green on the
morning of June l4 at 7:0C A.M. and-and inviting a member
of the Board to attend the scheauled Flag Day ceremonies .
The Lodge also requested approval of an Army Band
concert on tine evening of titre 14 at the Center Playground.
Upon motion duly made andseconded, it was
to ap_;rove the use of the Battle Green. Mr Cole agreed
to represent the Board the morning of June 14 and Mr .
Richards asked to be reminded inded of the date .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to make the following appointments for terms as indicated:
Town Accountant Raymond L. White
Board of Appeals Donald E . Nickerson
(Acting under Building and
Zoning By-Laws )
Board of Appeals - Associate Members J. Henry Duffy
Charles T. Abbott
George F . Wadsworth
Ruth Morey
Ralph H. Tucker
Lewis L. Hoyt
Board of Public ;
_: .. f� e1.1are and Harold F. Lombard
Old Age Assistance Bureau Robert K. Taylor
Howard j. Dawes
Paul F . Bartel
Robert P . Trask, Jr.
Ganmel Legacy Income Trustees Mary B. Casey
(Acting with Department of Margaret L.
Public Welfare)
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to sign Orders of Layout on the following streets ac-
cepted at the Annual Town Meeting, March, 1962:
Lincoln Street (Alter u: Justin Street
relocate) Rindge Avenue
Albermarle Avenue Tarbell Avenue
Anthony Road Winn Avenue
Gerard. Terrace Winthrop Road
Lillian �-v Lexington Avenue
Turning Mill Road Locust Avenue
356 ,,,
Accounting procedures and budgets were held over .
The meeting adjourned at 11 :25 P.M.
A true record, Attest :
,E ec i tive C z , Selectmen