HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-03-28-BOS-min 332 S _C Tj.T ':NIS h7TI7D I march cd, 196_ A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Wednesday evening, March 28, 1962, at 7 : 30 P.M. Chair- man Adams , Messrs . Burnell, Brown and Richards were present . Mm . St res sxecut ve ant, M . eve-.s ; To.an Counsel, Yr. John Car-oll, Superinte ^_dent of Public Works , .end the feting Clerk were also present . The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Stevens rela- tive to abatement of the betterment assessment on lot 11 Moreland ^venue , owned by Pasquale and Hermina LU.ongo. Mr. Stevens explained, by use of a plan, the lots owned by them. It was agreed with :°ir .May, :dr . Luonc,o ' s Abatement attorney, thatthe existing betterment on Moreland Avenue woadid be abated. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to abate the street betterment assessment, levied against lot 11 Moreland Avenue , owned by Herm..in_a and Pasquale Luongo, in the amount of 4350 in settle-.nent of claim for damages . Letter from John W. Rycroft, Chief of Police, was read by the Chairman. James R. Gannon, 517 Bedford Street, Lexington, and D' mond P. Nawoichik, Jr. , 16 Nichols Roa. , Lexington were both fined in the Concord District Court on Marchi 'Paring 26 for speedin8, and. fine 10 andsl5, respectively. Upon motion duly made and seconded., it was voted to hold a hearing _ the Selectmen` s Room, on Monday evening, April 2, to show cause why their licenses to on-rate a t -vi in Lexington should not be suspended or revoked . M,, . Stevens reported on an accident involving a station wagon owned by Gordon L . Marshall , which was parked on Robinson Road, near Turning Will Road , and a pickup trucke owned by the ToTan, operated by George Chickering; of the Department of Public Works . The brake on the truck was not properly adjusted, causing the truck to move forward and strike the station wagon. The damage w s87 .30 and Mr . Stevens would like authority to settle the claim. Upon motion duly madand seconded, it was voted to authorize Mr . Stevens to settle the claim of Gordon Marshall in the amount of ;87 .30. gas Mr . Stevens ingaired as to Town Counsel and asked what the status was . Town Counsel ee The Chairman replied that the Board was well aware of the situation. Mr . Stevens reported on a claim of the Cemetery Commissioners in the amount of $46.95. This accident involved a truck driven by William Kling, an employee at Westview Cemetery, who backed into a parked car Claim owned by Harvey F. Winlock, Cemetery Commissioner . Mr . Alinlock would like reimbursement from the Town for that amount . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Mr. Stevens to settle the claim in the amount of $46.95. Mr . Cole arrived at the meeting at 8: 05 P.M. Mr. Stevens retired at 8:05 P.M. Mr . Carroll reported on the street lighting for the schools . He stated that the recommendation of the Boston Edison Company at Fiske School involves an annual increase of ? 858 . The Town has cut down the size cf lights to be used to 1,000 lumen instead School Light of 4,000 lumen as recommended. He also stated that this cuts the cost to 6462 . Most of the school light- ing is charged to the Street L4ghting Account . Mr. Richards stated that the Town should install lights at the Fiske School and the School Department be advised that starting in 1963, all lights on school property will be billed against the school department . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was so voted. Upon motion dui:: made and seconded, it was voted that we accept the layout as proposed by the Boston Edison Company for lighting at the Fiske School for 1,000 lumen lights at a cost of 41_62 . Mr. Carroll reported that he and Mr . Staples went in to the Department of Public Works to see the plans of Route 2. They met with Mr . Jack Gardner and Mr . Olson and saw plans of Route 2. Mr . Carroll Route 2 suggested that the Board have them come out at the earliest possible date to go over the plans with them. He also felt that the Board should publicize the fact that they have received information thatRoute 3 will be going through Lexington. Mr. Carroll showed a plan showing Daniels Street at the Lexington line and reported that someone in 334. �-C Arlington had cut through the woods, removed a section of stonewall and was apparently going to build a drive . Daniels St . Trees had been cut aro Mrs . Adeline Nixon said she wanted Arlington to come out on Daniels Street in Arlington. Mr . Carroll stated that she Enould be written and told thet it has come to the attention of the Boas and that she should repair the wall, that she is trespassing and will be held responsible for any damage in the future . Mr. Carroll was authorized to write the letter . Mr. Carroll informed the Board that the Town had new Garbage garbage routes that would be collected by precincts and he felt it would work out well for the Town. The Chairmanread a letter from the Board of Health relative to the number of complaints they had received Garbage regarding the collection of garbage . com_o-_aints Mr . Carroll reported that he had talked with Mr. Lurvey with regard to this matter . Letter from Robert U. Muller was read by the Chairman petitioning the Town to extend the sewer on Fairbanks Road from Shade Street 1660 feet, more or less , north- easterly and. eaoterly. Mn. Carroll explained the location b: use of a plan. He advised that estimates would be pprepared and it would be included in the 1963 budget . The Chairman read a letter from Anthony J. DiRocco, Sewer,water 8 Dunham Street, Lexington, enclosing petitions for sewer. .P street water and street construction. ra=idtruction Mr. Carroll is to have estimates prepared and will include it in the budget for 1963 . The Chairman read aletter from Martin A . Gilman, 56 Bloomfield Street, with regard to purchase of a Station Wagon when a new car is purchased for the Police Department . Police It was agreed to advise PTr.Gilman that the bids Car Bids for the new cruiser will b. submitted m i tied. on Monday, April 2, and to thank him for his interest in the matter . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following pole locations , all having been approved by Mr . Carroll: Concord Avenue , southwesterly side , opposite Benjamin Road, -- -ole One (1) pole . locations (One existing JO pole to be reroved. ) Concord Avenue , southerly side , easterly from a point approxi- mately 148 feet east of Barberry Rood, -- Two (2) poles . (Two existing JO poles tc be removed. ) 335, Letter from the Boston Edison Company requesting permission to withdraw joint petition, dated September lA, 1961, for three pole locations on Marrett Road, (four (4) existing 50 poles to be removed) southwesterly side , Petition opposite and northwesterly from Wilson. Road. . Withdrawn Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant permission to withdraw joint petition dated September 14, 1961, for three pole locations , on Marrett Road, (four (4) existing JO poles to be removed) southwesterly side, opposite and northwesterly from Wilson Road . Mr. Carroll suggestedthat a definite plan be worked out with the School Comrittee , Planning Board and Recreation Committee with retard to the fields at the Center Playground . It is a matter of space for the most part--the new girls ' hockey field and the new girls ' field adjacent to Lincoln Street and Center Park Drive . Playground Mr . Richards stated. that the School Committee fields shouldbe asked and the Planning Board. what their requirements are ; then those requirements could be turned over to the Planning Board to get some idea how they could be met in the area . After that , it could be turned over to Mr. Garroll . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meetings Minutes held on March 19 and Ti . Upon motion duly made and sect nded, it was voted to sign Certificate of Incorporation on behalf of Cert . of Evert N. Fowls , 12 Winthrop Ro_aa, satisfactory Inc . character reference having been received from the Chief of Police . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve application for a yearly dump permit for Dump permit John W. Castoldi, Auburndale , Mass . , who is building houses on Millbrook Road, Lexington. Request from the 4-li Town Committee for permission to sell "eatable wrapped items' on April 19 was received . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted April 19 to advise Mrs . Kozanjian that the Board had no objection . - Letter from Mrs . Ivan G. - aston, President, Minute- Man Council of Girl Scouts, Inc . , requesting permission 33 to have a booth to sell Girl Scout Cookies on April 19, was read by the Chairman . It was agreed to advise Mrs . Easton that the lo- cation which she requested had been used by the American Legion for a number of years, and if she would designate some other location, the Board would be glad to give it their consideration . Letter from St . Brigid' s Holy Name Society to op- erate a stand on Massachusetts Avenue at the corner of April 19 Depot Square , was read and ap .;roved by the Board. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant their request. Application for a Taxi Driver' s license was re- ceived from Herbert E . Hutchinson, Jr. , 1847 Massachusetts License Mvenue , Lexington . As the policy of the Boara has been not to grant a license to anyone under twenty-one years of age who has no Driver' s Education Certificate , it was voted to deny the application. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following renewals for Auctioneer ' s licenses : Robert O . Rockwell, 3 Graham Roo Robert N . Cann, 48 Hancock Street Mr. Staples reported on the increased coverage in Blue Cross the Blue-Cross - Blue Shield policy. Blue Shield It was agreed that he should take whatever action is necessary to implement the coverage . The Board suggested that Hr. Staples go over two or three budgets each week anda certain amount of time be allotted at each meeting to go over them with the Budgets heads of Departments in an effort to save money. Mr. Burnell stated th_ t anything that could be done to keep spending down and the tax rate down, would be a noble effort . It was a.^reed to start next Monday and take the budgets in. order . The Chairman read a letter from Stanley K. Chao, 9 Alpine Street, Lexington, offering $4,000 for _parcel Tax title of land located. between Alpine Street, Colonial Avenue and Wood Street, lots 205 - 211, and 223 through 234, Also $1, 000 for a parcel, lot numbers 263 through 266. Mr. Staples was reoue. tea to check into the matter and it was held over until the next meeting of the Board. 337 Letter was received from Paul J. Gray, 54 Hemlock Street , Ariangton, offering $200 each for two lots, Tax title 466 and 1.465 on Banks Avenue , Lexington. No action was taken. Reouest from the Town of Northboro for concurrence to use the radio frequency of 158 . 820 Yjegacycles on the local government service wa_ held over. Mr : Staples reported that the Police were having Request a great deal of interference with another Town' s instal- denied lation about the same distance from Lexington as North- boro, and the Board objected to the request . Discussion was held on the matter of Personnel Consultant . Mr . Staples presented several proposals submitted, Personnel and it was agreed to contact thecompanies submitting Consultant the two lower figures and have them meet with the Board. A discussion was held relative to the appointment of Town Counsel and the Clerk was dismissed at 10: 25 P.M. A true record, Attest : Acting Clerk, Selectmen