HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-02-19-BOS-min SELECTMEN' S MEETING February 19, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, February 19, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs , Adams, Richards and Cole were present . Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr. Staples , Executive As- sistant to the Board, Mr. John Carroll,. Superintendent of Public Works, and Miss Murray, the Executive Clerk to the Board, were also present . Hearing was declared open upon petition of the Boston Edison Company for permission to locate one pole on Hartwell Avenue . Mr. Serverson, representing the Boston Edison Company, was the only person present at the hearing. Notice of the Hearing was mailed to the petitioner, owners of the property as listed on the petitioner' s plan and also filed with the Superintendent of Public Works . Pole Mr. Serverson explained that the proposed pole location is to service the new Systems Development building, and is a new pole Mr . Serverson retired at 7:50 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition and sign an order for the fol- lowing pole location: Hartwell Avenue , northwesterly side, approximately 340 feet northeast of Maguire Road, -- One pole . Mr . Stevens reported on the M.D.G . hearing rela- tive to the Arlington Relief sewer and said there was no opposition expressed to this bill . He reported that Mr . Pratt from Newton indicated opposition at first, Relief but when he realized Lexington was not a new member sewer saidhe did not think it fair for Lexington to be asked to pay part of the cost of construction . Mr . Stevens talked to Representative Buckley today who said he postponed the Neponset Valley sewer hearing until February 26, Mr. St-rens suggested thlt the Chairman or some member of the Board attend the hearing on Metropolitan Affairs February 26 . 90 r Mc a> Mr . Stevens referred to the Hayden Recreation Center and said that it would be desirable to com- plete the exchange of land before the end of this month; the present Board. having participated in it . He re- ported that the title has been checked . Mr. Lynch, counsel for - he Center, made several suggestions re- garding the deeds and Mr . Stevens accepted them all except one . Mr . Stevens reported that he has written. to Mr. Benkley Fred Benkley and. hopes to talk with him this week. He reviewed the proposed agreement; the amount to be paid $1300. Mr . Stevens reported that the execution finally came through on the MacCormack case , the total amount being $14, 967 .25 . He said this should be on the warrant for the Board to sign next Monday night and he has written to the Assessors advising that this should be included in the amount of the tax rate for 1962. He stated that 2, 000 of this amount should be charged against the appropriation made in 1960 . Letter from Mr . Arthur U. Hooper, counsel for Kuhn claim Mrs . Kuhn, requesting the Board to make an offer in settlement of damages for Lots 28 and 29, Block 61, Hickory Street, was held over. Letter was received from Henry J. Travers re- Travers questing the Board to make an offer in settlement of claim damages for Lots 50-56, Block 46, Ward Street . Mr. Staples asked if some basic price could be arrived at for the lots taken for the dump site , and said that the valuation of the several lots varies . Price of Mr. Carroll said that he thought all the small lots lots should be considered on the sant basis . Mr . Stevens suggested that the Board look at all those lots taken and try to think at one time how much it is going to offer for all of them. He said if a list was compiled of all the lots and the values set, there would be a basis on which the Board could try to settle . He advised that the Board does not have to advertise tax title lots it desires to exchange for lots owned by individuals . Mr. Staples was requested to bring in the lots, names and assessed valuations . Mr . Stevens said he would compose a letter in reply to the communications received from Mr. Hooper and Mr. Travers . 6`gam+° - ss Mr. Stevens referred to A 'ticle 32 in the warrant under which the Selectrrn seek authorization to sell and convey two parcels of land of the Town situated on Lots at Follen Road at Marrett Road, and advised that the Town Follen and Meeting must establish the minimum amount to be paid. Marrett Rd. The Chairman mentioned that as of January 1st, the term of one regular member of the Historic Districts Commission, appointed by the Selectmen, expired and the terms of two associate members expired. She said out of six names the Board has to select two and the Library Trustees nominated their two in November. She stated that the Arts & Crafts Society and the Historical Society will not have a meeting until April and asked if the Board could accept the action of the Executive Committees who are supposed to act for the societies: Mr. Stevens advised that he did not think so. Historic The Chairman said in that case, the appointments District in January should be changed. appointments Mr. Stevens said the nominations could be made in April for 1963 . The Chairman said at present, there is no oppor- tunity for an Associate Member to be advanced to a Regular Member . Mr. Stevens explained there would be if the Associ- ations nominated an Associate to be a Regular Member . He said perhaps the Act should be reviewed and legis- lation sought to make a chsnge . The Chairman stated that the Lexington Historical Society should make nominations for a regular member and two Associste Members now and two nominations for Associate Members for 1963 . Mr. Stevens retired at 8 :25 P.M. Certificate of Appropriateness was received from the Historic Districts Commission for the erection and display of_,two signs to be used in connection with the Signs Parking Ares off Meriam Street , one sign to be erected on town property at the junction of Meriam Street and Massachusetts Avenue , and the other to be erected at the entrance to the parking area on Meriam Street . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectments Meeting held Minutes on February 12, 1962. Letter was received from the Greek Orthodox Church in Cambridge , requesting permission to commence a Ten Mile Road Race , to be conducted under the supervision • a tnt Race of the Massachusetts Division of the P. .A .U. , at the Minute Man Monument on March 17, 1962, 1 :00 P .M. Upon motion duly made and' seconded, it was voted to grant theiraddest subject to all details being worked out with Chief Rycroft . Mr. Carroll reported that Mr. Ferguson had contacted Mr. Robert Cave, Fiske School P.T.A . , who apparently was not too concerned about the street lighting situation just as long as lights were installed around the school . Mr. Carroll recommended croing to 1,000 lumen lights at a cost of >L62.60 per year, unless the Board preferred School to wait until he heard from the Boston Edison Company lighting on an overall plan to light all of the schools . It was agreed to advise Mr. Cave that the Boston E,,ison Company has a plan for lighting that particular school, but before taking any action on his request , the Board intends to investigate the overall lighting for all of the schools , and will contact him when more definite information has been received and a decision made . Letter was received from Mr. Mitchell I. Spirts advising that he had received telephone calls in regard to plowing the sidewalk on Oak Street . Snow Removal The Board instructed Mr. Carroll to plow the side- walk on Oak Street . The Chairman urged construction of that sidewalk in 1962 . Petition was received from the Boston Edison Com- pany and the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company Guy and pole for permission to locate two guys and three poles on location Middleby Road running from Outlook Drive . Upon recommendation of Mr. Carroll, it was voted to grant the petition and sign the order. Petition was received from the Boston Edison Com- pany for permission to run and maintain wires over Waltham Street to service the Manhattan Restaurant, now under construction. Pole Mr. Carroll explained that the company is trying location to get service into the restaurant and if they don' t, the owners will use Ras . It was agreed to request the petitioner to have a representative meet with the Board to discuss the proposed installations . Upon motion duly made and seconded , it was voted to grant the petitions and sign the order for the 0 G �Aei< following j/o pole locations, all having been approved by Mr. Carroll : Lowell Street, southwesterly side, approximately 610 feet southeast of Woburn Street, -- One pole . One existing j/o pole to be removed. Maple Street, southeasterly side, at Emerson Road, -- One pole . One existing j/o pole to be removed. Bellflower Street , westerly side, approximately 303 feet south of Homestead Street, -- One pole . One existing j/o pole to be removed. Pole locations Chase Avenue , southeasterly side, southwesterly from a point approximately 110 feet southwest of Taft Avenue , -- Three poles . Three existing j/o poles to be removed. Wood Street, northwesterly side, northeasterly from a point approximately 160 feet northeast of Massachusetts Avenue, Three poles . Guy wire and anchor on first pole . Wood Street , southeasterly side , northeasterly from a point approximately 170 feet northeast of Massa- chusetts Avenue, -- 2 poles . Upon recommendation of Mr. Carroll, no action was taken on petition for a j/o pole location on Homestead Street, southerly side, approximately 23 feet east of Pole Bellflower street and the petition for one pole on locations Bellflower Street, easterly side, at Balfour Street. Mr . Carroll retired at 8 :55 P.M. Notice was received from the Middlesex County Commissioners that the amount which the Town is to pay for maintenance, operation, and repair to the Mdsx. County Middlesex County Sanatorium for the year 1961 is Sanatorium 31,356.19 . It was agreed to ask the Commissioners why there is such an increase over the amount assessed in 1960 and how the amount was arrived at. L 9-C The Chairman reported that a verbal request had been received from the Lexington Arts & Crafts Society for permission to make sales at the exhibition to be Sale held M-.y 19 on the Buckman Tavern grounds . Upon motion duly made end seconded, it was voted not to approve the sale of paintings at the exhibition and to suggest that persons inter .sted in purchasing a paint .ng could eo indicate at the exhibition and arrange for a later purchase . Mr. Robert Jeremiah, Wire Inspector, left a tele- phone message that he would begin his vacation March 5 . He contacted Mr. Waldo MacWilliams , Concord Wire In- spector, who indicated he would be willing to substitute . Vacation Upon motion dulymade and seconded, it was voted Wire In- to appoint Mr. Waldo MacWilliams as substitute Wire spector Inspector for a three week period beginning March 5, 1962 and to request Mr. MacWilliams to advise the Burd if he is willing to accept . Mr. MacWilliams is to be paid from Mr. Jeremiah' s budget . Mr. Staples reported on outstanding ambulance bills , Ambulance and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted bills to request the Collector to present the unpaid bills for 1957, 1958 and 1959 for abatement . Messrs . Blaisdell, Battin, Christensen, Clarke of the Appropriation Committee, and Mr. Raymond L. White met with the Board at 9:35 P.M. Amounts to be appropri- ated under the articles in the warrant were discussed, and the group retired at 11 :00 P.M. Upon motion duly made end seconded, it was voted Account to close out the balance of t>10,450.00 voted under balance Article 17, November 19, 1956 (Junior High School) . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Account to close out the '(320,000 .00 voted for acquisition of balance the Great Meadows March 17, 1958, providing Mr. Stevens approves . It was agreed to request Mr. Carroll to have plans Parking prepared for the road to the municipal parking area and ready for the next Town Meeting. The meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M. A true record, Attest : Executive C1 rk, Selectmen