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January 22, 1962
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was
held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on
Monday, January 22, 1962, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Ruth
Morey, Messrs . Adams , Ferguson, Richards and Cole were
present. Mr. John Carroll, Superintendent of Public
Works, Town Counsel Harold Stevens and Executive Assistant
Staples were also present.
A letter was received from the East Lexington Mens
Club requesting that a member of the Board meet with
their club on February 22nd to explain the important Invitation
articles that will come before the March Town Meeting.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to inform the East Lexington Mens Club that a repre-
sentative from the Board would be present .
Mr . Stevens reported that he had redrafted the
Agreement with the M.D.C . omitting the provision which
required any settlement of land damages be subject to
the approval of Lexington and recommended that it be Agreement
approved by the Board. with M.D.C .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to approve and execute the Arreement with the M.D.C .
Mr. Stevens also informed the Board that the Com-
mission was planning to assess the increased water M.D .C . Wates
rate this year rather than waiting until next year, as rate
had been anticipated. Mr. Si-evens will discuss this
further with the M.D.C .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to adopt and sign the Taking Order for a temporary Easement
construction easement in Lot 8, Lincoln Street, owned Lincoln
by Mercurio and Linda L. Dankese , for a 24" water main Street
to Standpipe , which will be installed in an existing
permanent easement .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to adopt and sign the Taking Order for the Sanitary Sanitary
land fill in the Meagherville section on the'northwest land fill
side of Route 128 and including all of the Meagherville
land northeast and southwest of the Boston and Maine
Railroad as shown on a plan entitled "Plan Of Land In
Lexington, Mass . , dated May 26, 1961, Scale 1" = 1009 ,
John J. Carroll, Town Engineer" .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
Contract to sign the contract awarded to B. J. Pentabone , Inc.
on January 15, 1962, for street work, drains, etc .
Mr. Carroll informed the Board that he believes
Mr. Bellizia should be written and advised that it is
Culverts not wise for the Town to lower the culverts in question
at this time , but that at a later date , depending upon
what action is taken relative to lowering the gas main,
it might be possible to lower the culverts as much as
three feet.
Mr. Carroll has been discussing grades on the culverts
crossing Route 128 with the State , but not wishing to
give erroneous information, he has not given the State
any change in grade . It is believed that the State
will leave the culverts at elevation 110.0 . Therefore ,
should the brook be lowered, the culverts would be at
the correct elevation.
Mr . Carroll suggested that an Article be placed
in the warrant of the regular Town Meeting to lower
Kiln Brook. When the Division of Waterways holds its
Kiln Brook hearings in February, the Selectmen can petition them
to lower the brook. The Division of Waterways would
then give an estimate of the cost involved and perhaps
contribute engineering assistance and some portion of
the cost of the project.
Mr. Carroll informed the Board that he had met
with Mr. Paul Tetzlaff, Director of General Services
and Facilities Planning for Raytheon, and talked with
Raytheon him concerning the water main through the Raytheon
water main property for which funds were appropriated in 1959.
Raytheon is now attempting to place the water line
so that it will not interfere with their future con-
struction plans. Should any additional cost be in-
volved, due to a change in length, Mr. Tetzlaff will
recommend this be an expense of Raytheon.
A copy of a letter to Mr . E. J. McCarthy, Chief
Engineer, Department of Public Works, relative to
Worthen Road and Route 2, was reviewed and discussed
by the Board.
As a result of the discussion, Superintendent
Carroll was instructed to proceed as rapidly as pos-
sible to provide a layout and cost estimate for
Emerson Road from Route 2 to Massachusetts Avenue .
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A letter was received from the Planning Board in
which they expressed the opinion that the money previously
raised for the development of Baskin Park should be used Baskin Park
for that purpose . They further recommended that addi-
tional lands be acquired and added to the park site and
the whole of the area improved and developed as soon as
possible .
A letter was received from Mrs . Florence Gaugh,
5 Gleason Road, requesting a street light at the corner Street light
of North Hancock Street and Gleason Road .
The request was referred to Mr . Carroll .
Mr. Harold Roeder, Deputy Director of Civil Defense ,
and Mr . William Enders of the Civil Defense met with the
Mr. Roeder tendered his resignation as Deputy
Director of Civil Defense by letter, which the Chairman
read. Civil Defens=
The problems of Civil Defense , since Mr . Burrell' s
resignation, were discussed.
Mr.Enders agreed to participate as Deputy Director
to the extent he formerly had and said he would be
pleased to assist and work with any new appointees .
Mr. Roeder also said that he would try to assist in
any way he could.
At 9:20 P.M. , the Appropriation Committee met with
the Board to review and discuss the Public Works budgets .
During the review, it was the consensus of all Dump site
that money for the preparation of the dump site , now a
part of "Care of Dump" budget should be removed from that
budget and made a separate article . It was also noted
that there was no item included to fence the new site .
Mr. John Blaisdell, Chairman of the Appropriation
Committee , suggested that the interest item for Water
bonding in the Water Maintenance budget, should be Water bond-
carried in the interest budget if legally possible . He ing
further suggested that the Item in the Water Maintenance
budget for a fence at the Standpipe be transferred to a
more logical budget, stating the fence was protection for
the radio tran_stitter building and had nothing to do with
water maintenance .
The Woodhaven Trunk sewer request was discussed but
no decision reached because it was unknown if such a large
sum could be bonded in one year within the debt limit .
On a motion duly made and seconded, it wm voted to Retirement
send flowers to Mrs . Tullar who will retire on Januy 31, 1962 .
On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
Licenses to approve Taxi Driver licenses for David B. Whipple ,
62 Three Ponds Road, Wayland, and Angus W. McIver, 30
Follen Road, Lexington .
A Certificate of Incorporation, on behalf of Roger
Cert . of Wigglesworth, 31 Pine Knoll Road , Lexington, and others
Inc . (Not residents of Lexington) , was signed by the Board.
On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
Minutes to =pprove the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meeting held
on January 15, 1962.
Street hearing notices for hearing on January 31,
1962, were signed for the following streets :
Street Albemarle Avenue Lincoln Street Winthrop Road
hearings Anthony Road Justin Street Lexington Avenue
Gerard Terrace Rindge Avenue Locust Avenue
Lillian Road Tarbell Avenue Richard Road
Turning Mill Road Winn Avenue
A letter was received fromJames Carroll, Town
Dividend Treasurer, in which he informed the Board that the
dividend from the Employees ' L4fe Insurance amounted
to $6, 154.07.
A letter was received from the Planning Board
Planning Bd. listing articles Which they recommend be included
Articles in the warrant for the regular Town Meeting.
A card was received from the Lexington Historic
Old Belfry Guides ' Association which indicated that they were
interested in and would support any movement to place
the Old Belfry on the Common.
A letter was received from the National Conference
of Christians and Jews, requesting that a Chairman
be appointed for Brotherhood Week.
The Board agreed to meet again Wednesday evening,
January 24, 1962, at 7:30 P.M.
A true record, Attest
Executive Assistant