HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-01-31-BOS-min is 042 SET,F^TMTN1S IE^RING I January 31, 1962 The Board of Selectmen held a hearing in Estabrook Hall, Cary Memorial Building, on Wednesday, January 31, 1962, at 8 :00 P.M. Chairman Morey, Mr. Adams , Mr. John . Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works -and Town Engineer, Mr. Guy Colella, = ssistant Superintendent of Public Works , Mr. Robert Higgins, Assistant Town Engineer, and Miss Murray, the Executive Clerk, were preesnt . The hearing was called to order by Mr . Adams , who acted as Chairman. He introduced Mrs . Morey and Mr. Carroll, and explained that the hearings were being held for the purpose of making and establishing layouts of the streets to be presented to the Annual Town Meeting in March. He stated that notices of intention of th.: Board to pass orders for the extensions , layouts and re- locations had. been delivered by Constable to all pro- perty owners as they appear on the most recent tax list , He explained that each property owner would be given an opportunity to see the plans and register opposition if they so wished, and that the final decision as to whether or not the streets will be accepted is made by the Town • Meeting Members . The first street taken up was Albemarle Avenue from Rawson Avenue a distance of 170 feet, more or less, north- ^lbemarle easterly to Anthony Road. Avenue No one spoke in favor or in opposition, and the hearing on Albemarle Avenue was declared closed. Hearing was declared open on Anthony Road from Albemarle Avenue northwesterly a distance of 320 feet Anthony to Lillian Road. Road No one spoke in favor or in opposition, and the hearing on Anthony Road wag declared closed. Hearing was declared open on Gerard Terrace from Cedar Street westerrly a distance of 303 .53 feet to its terminus . No one spoke in favor or in opposition, and Gerard the hearing on Gerard Terrace was declared closed. Terrace Hearing was declared open on Turning Mill Road from a point about 71 feet, more or less, from the westerly side line of Demar Road a distance of 656.57 feet westerly Turning Mill and northerly. Road The Chairman read a letter from the Turning Mill -- Associates advising that the members of the association 0 400 were in accord with the Board ' s intent and hoped that there would be no obstacle to having the road accepted by the Town. No one spoke in favor or in opposition, and the hearing on Turning Mill Road was declared closed. Hearing was declared open on Lillian Road from a point 675 feet from the westerly side line of Lowell Street and running southwesterly a distance of 1076 Lillian Road Lillian feet , more or less . No one spoke in favor or in opposition, and the hearing on Lillian Road was declared closed. Hearing was declared open on Rindge Avenue from Rawson Avenue southerly a distance of 1035 feet, more or less,-to terminus . Rindge Avenu Mr. Michael W. Aquaro, 48 Rindge Avenue , asked about the installation of a sanitary sewer and said that there is a distance between numbers 48 and 40 without sewer. Mr. Carroll said that according to the Town records a sewer has been installed in the street but if there is only a short distance without it , the Town could install it before the street is paved. No one spoke in favor or in opposition, and the hearing on Rindge Avenue was declared closed . Hearing was declared open on Justin Street from Bernard Street northwesterly a distance of 685 feet, more or less , to Eldred Street . Justin Stree No one spoke in favor or in opposition, and the hearing on Justin Street was declared closed . Hearing was declared open on Tarbell Avenue from Tucker Avenue southwesterly a distance of 775 feet, more or less , to terminus . Mr.Louis C. Carota, P)1 Tarbell Avenue , asked if the hearing meant that the street would be accepted whether the people wanted it or not . Tarbell Ave . The Chairmen replied that the hearing is to allow the abutters to ask questions and to be recorded in favor or in opposition. He explained that only the Town Meeting Members can decide on the acceptance . Mr. Frank E. Davis , Jr. , 59 Tarbell [venue, asked when the work would be done . Mr. Carroll replied that all streets to be done under the Betterment Act would go into one contract which would be let some time in the late spring and he hoped the work would be started in the early summer. No one spoke in favor or in opposition, and the hearing on Tarbell Avenue was declared closed . cdp ^°C it Hearing was declared open on Winn Avenue from Bow Winn Avenue Street easterly a distance of 140 feet to Rindge Avenue . No one spoke in favor or in opposition, and the hearing on Winn Avenue was declared closed. Hearing was declared open on Winthropoad from Waltham Street easterly, a distance of 1146 feet, more or less , to Sherburne Road. Mr. Hugo R. Maienza, 45 Winthrop Road, asked if the hearing meant street lights would be installed. The Chairman replied that installation of street lights does not come under street construction. He Winthrop Rd. said the Board would try to have the lights installed. Mr. Edward Anderson, 47 Winthrop Road, asked if sidewalks would be included and the Chairman replied in the negative . Mr. Anderson said the street is used by the High School students and is dangerous in the winter. The Chairman said that sidewalk work is done under a different contract andhis question relative to side- walks would be recorded.. No one spoke in favor or in opposition, and the hearing on Winthrop Road was declared closed. Hearing was declared open on Lexington Avenue from Follen Road a distanc e . of 932 feet , more or less, northerly to Locust Avenue . Mrs . Edith J. Morris, 4 Robbins Road, asked if the present finished area would be widened. Mr. Carroll replied in the negative and explained that it is planned to keep the width of the pavement approximately the same . ;exington Mr . James J. Campbell, 16 Lexington Avenue , said Avenue that he thought there were sixteen residents on this street and half of then are on corner lots . He asked if the assessment was on the longer side and Mr . Carroll replied in the affirmative . Mr. Campbell asked if the balance of the cost was divided among those not on corner lots . Mr . Carroll replied that in this case the Town will absorb a large portion of the cost because a great deal of the cost will go into drainage for Follen Road and Locust Avenue , on either end. He said the balance of the cost, excluding that, would be assessed against the properties being bettered. Mr. Campbell said that on this street where only 50% of the people will absorb 90% of the cost, it could cost him $;✓2,000 . Mr. Carroll explained that he would not be charged ss more than $10 per foot in any instance as betterments itdug cannot be assessed greater than the estimated betterment . He said that , by law, a betterment cannot be assessed for more than the estimate , but it may be less that the esti- mate . He said that a large portion of the $15,000 will be for drainage on Locust Avenue and Follen Road and would not be charged to the abutters . The Chairman explained that when the contract has been let and the cost comes in, the abutters pay not more than the actual cost. Mr. Carroll said he thought it was within the power of the Board to make partial abatements if the situation is such that it feels the cost to fit abutters is high. Mrs . Rose Steinhauser, 9 Lexington Avenue , asked the location of the drainage on Locust Avenue . Mr . Carroll relied that Lexington Avenue has been under discussion only a short time and the plans are not ready. He said under ordinary circumstances, the drain- age would be brought up to within 300 feet of the highest point in the road. Mrs . Steinhauser asked where the catch basin would be and Mr. Carroll replied that it would be on the side of the street. Mr. Edward Anderson, 47 Winthrop Road, said that there is a right-of-way between lots 223 and 225 on Winthrop Road and asked if anything was to be done with that . Mr. Carroll asked if he was referring to the access to the school and Mr. Anderson relied in the affirmative . Mr. Carroll said there is nothing contemplated at the present time . No one else wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing on Lexington Avenue was declared closed. Hearing was declared open on Richard Road from a point about 70 feet, more or less, from the westerly side line of Plymouth Road, a distance of 1015 feet, more or less, westerly and southwesterly to Follen Road. Richard Road The Chairman read a letter, signed by residents of the road, registering objection tothe proposed layout of the road in the area now owned by the Tower Estates from Follen Road to No. 18 Richard Road. The letter stated that the signers would be willing to arrange . with the Tower Estates to take the fee in Richard Road to the middle of the street for the width of their lot frontage , and to share the cost of making plans and drawing deeds for the exchange , providing the cost did not exceed $50 a lot . Mr . Merton H. Jillson, 20 Richard Road, asked how Tally signatures were on the letter and the Chairman read 288 --C the names . Mr . Frederick T. VanVeen, 10 Richard Road, said the road on which he abuts is not a part of the Tower Estates but is still a part under consideration at the hearing. He asked what it involved. The Chairman stated that it has only recently come to the attention of the Board that the fee in Richard Road, Lexington Avenue and part of Locust, Churchill Lane , and Cedarwood Terrace remained in the Tower Estates . He said when the Town purchased the area in the rear for a playground, it was sold by a trust . The trust wants to dissolve and must get all the pro- perty out of its hands . He said the Board felt it was under some obligation to straighten this out and accepting the roads is one way. Mr. VanVeen said that part of the road does not come under the Tower Estates . The Chairman said it seemed to be wise to do the entire section . Mr. VanVeen said that streets are usually laid out by petition. He said this is a paved street in good condition and not being laid out by petition. He asked if it was a matter of public convenience and necessity. The Chairman explained that, in general, the policy has been to accept streets upon petition by the abutters . If there was a large number of streets , they had to be I done on a high percentage of signatures . However, the Board can lay out a street when it seems to be the wise thing to do and in this instance , where most of the street would be accepted, it seemed wise toaccept it all . Mr. VanVeen asked if there was a 50% rebate when a street goes through not for public convenience and neces- sity, and the Chairman replied in the negative . Mr. VanVeen wished to be registered in opposition . Mr . Paul D. Holleman, 15 Richard Road, said he is in the short area and has signatures of all but two people stating their objection to the laying out of Rich-rd Rodin the area now owned by the Tower Estates from Follen Road to No . 18 Richard Road because they spent 5700 in September to have the street constructed to that they considered standard. He said they feel it would cause undue hardship to pay another `500 to redo something that has already been done . The Chairman said the letter would be taken into consideration. Mr. VanVeen said he was also a corner abutter. Mr. Carroll explained that in the case of a corner lot where both lots are private ways, the abutter would pay a full assessment . He said that when Robbins Road ) comes in for acceptance , and the frontage on Robbins is less, then MYr, VanVeen would not have to pay any- thing, but if it is greater, he would pay the difference Mr. Raymond M. Hainer, 19 Richard Road, said he worked to get the street paved and wished to be recorded as being in favor of nice streets, but he could not see why it had to be done again. Mr . VanVeen asked if he could have some of the details . Mr . Carroll explained that Richard Road would be built 24 feet wide and he thought the present width was less than that. He said drainage would be included and the estimated betterment would be $310 a foot . Mr. VanVeen asked how betterments were assessed and Mr. Carroll explained that they are payable over periods of five , ten or fifteen years at 4%, at the option of the property owner. No one else wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing on Richard Road was declared closed . Hearing was declared open on Locust Avenue from Follen Road a distance of 635 feet, more or less, easterly. Mr . Alden V. Johnson said that he owns property on Buckman Drive andasked how this would affect him. Locust Ave . Mr. Carroll explained th= t he had received a notice in error . No one wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing on Locust Avenue was declared closed. Hearing was declared open on the alteration and re- location of Lincoln Street from Worthen Road a distance of 300 feet, more or less, westrly. Lincoln St . No one wished to speak in favor or in opposition and the hearing on the alteration and relocation of Lincoln Street was declared closed. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. A true record, Attest: i ',Executive- Clerk, Selectmen