HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-01-29-BOS-min 257 SET,FCTMEN'S MEETING January 29, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday , January 29, 1962, at 7 :30 F.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs .Adams , Ferguson, Richards and Cole were present. Mr. Stevens, Town Counl, Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public works , Mr. Staple , Executive Assistant, and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present . Mr. James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, met with the Board for the drawing of three jurors . The follow- ing individuals were drawn for jury duty: George H. Jurors McManis, 39 Normandy Road; Karl W. Ahlstrand, Jr. , 140 Grove Street ; John G. Jelatis, 27 Tyler Road , Mr. Carroll retired. Hearing wEs declared open upon petition of thh. Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for permission to locate three poles on Marrett Road . Mr. Serverson, representing the Boston Edison Company, Mrs . Oliveira, 682 Marrett Road, Mr. and. Mrs . Brinckley, representing Mr. Arthur J. Thyng of 676 Marrett Road , were present . Notice of the hearing was mailed to the petitioners , owners of the property as listed on the petitioners ' plan and also filed with the Superintendent of Public Works . Mr. Serverson was discussing the proposed locations before the hearing was declared open and stated that he could see no reason why one of the poles could not be Pole lo- moved down to the lot line . He said he did not think cation it would create too much of a distance or hazard. Mr. Brincklow said a representative from the tele- phone company told him he wanted to put the pole on his lawn with a cable that would be right in the middle of the lawn. He stated that the State is taking a piece of Mrs . Oliveira ' s land and a piece of his land for a new ramp. Mr. Serverson said he did not see any reason why the proposed location cannot be changed. Mr. Brincklow asked why the lines could not be placed underground . Mr. Serverson explained that the company would not look favorably on an underground installation unless 9 58 AC Mr.Brincklow wanted to bear the expense . He said it would cost approximately 17.50 per foot and the house would have to be all rewired. Mr. Serverson said he thought the poles could be placed on the right hand lot line facing Mr. Brincklow ' s house and he thought the pole on Mrs . Oliveira' s land would be about where it is now only set back a little further. He explained that there isn' t much that can be done as the house is wired on the far side and there will have to be one pole . He said. he would look into the proposed locations and see what changes might be made . He explained that if the pole is moved to Mr. Brincklow's lot line , there will be two poles instead of three poles . The hearing wes declared closed and Mr. Serverson agreed to report further to the Board. Mrs. Oliveira and the Brincklows retired at 7 :L5 P.M. Hearing was declared open upon petition of the Boston Edison Company for permission to locate twenty- four wires over the Cambridge-Concord Highway. Mr. Serverson explained that this petition refers Edison wire to an existing transmission line and the company locations desires to validate : ts location over the new State highway . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition and sign an order for permission to locate twenty-four wires over the following way: Cambridge-Concord Highway, at a location approximately 95 feet west of Weston Street . Mr. Serverson retired at 7 :50 P.M. Mr. Howard Dawes, 10 Bernard Street, and Mr. • Bernard Glenn, 21 Ivan Street, met with the Board. • Mr. Dawes presented a blueprint and indicated where his house and Mr. Glenn ' s house are located and also referred to a chain link fence and area being taken Dawes ' land by the State . He mentioned two parols of land which acquisition he stated are useless to anyone and which he and Mr. Glenn would like to acquire . He said he understood that the land would have to go back to a private way. Mr. Stevens said he did not know how Mr. Dawes ' deed read and advised th:ct someone should check the deed. Mr.Dawes asked how the parcels could revert back to private ways , and Mr. Stevens replied that the Town could abandon it and then the ownership would go back • to whoever owned it . • CMitaaAI eJ The Chairman said it appeared thtt there was con- siderable detail involved if Mr. Dawes was thinking about getting anything in the warrant for the March Meeting. Mr. Dawes said Mr . Carroll thought he and Mr. Glenn could make some arrangement with the contractor to do some digging while he is in the area and thereby save some money. He said he thought just the abandon- ment could be included in the warrant . Mr. Stevens said he would have to check it and ex- plained whatever abandonments the Town has made have all been on relocations . He said it would have to be determined whether or not a public hearing would have to be held . He suggested that in the meantime Mr. Dawes have his title checked. Mr. Dawes asked how much time he had and Mr. Stevens replied that he would have to check and see if this is something that can be included in the warrant . Mr. Dawes said the cont actor would not do..any work unless the land is under his control. He said he would check the title and get in touch with the Board later . Messrs . Dawes and Glenn retired at 8:00 P . I. Mr. Stevens reported that he had this evening received an offer from Mr. Luongo, which he proceeded to read to the Board, and explained that the offer would expire at midnight February 5, 1962. Luongo offer Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the terms of the offer and to authorize Mr. Stevens to prepare a release . The Chairman asked if Mr. Stevens had anything to report on the installation of a signal receiving base Signal re- . on Raytheon property. He replied that hetas about ceiving base three statutes to read. Petition was received, signed by property owners on Richard Road, objecting to the laying out of Richard Road as a town way. The owners are willing to arrange with the Tower Estates to take the fee in Richard Road to the middle of the street for the width of their lot frontage and to share the cost of making plans and drawing deeds for this exchange , providing the cost Richard Roac does not amount to more than 1 .50 per lot. M-^. Stevens said such an arrangement would take care of the situation and the t50 per lot is all right . He explained th< t he talked to the Trustees of the Tower Trust today and they are trying to obtain more informatirn from the Land Court . He said the cost may be less than th50. Mr. Stevens retired at 9:00 P.M. 000 420 iNt r mC Messrs . Wheeler and Shepard of Cabot, Cabot and Forbes, met with the Board. Mr. 'Wheeler said that Mr. Reiss owns the parcel of land which the Town is interested in acquiring for cemetery purposes . He will only release it at 10V/ per foot if the Town would agree that the rest of the property up to it is zoned. He asked if, pending what the Planning Board is coming up with for rezoning this area, he could write a letter to the Board stating that Cabot, Cabot & Forbes will make this available at Cemetery 10V per foot immediately upon rezoning of the property land up to this point . He explained this is the only way a release can be obtained from Reiss . He said the only other procedure would be a taking by eminent domain. He said he would have to obtain a signed statement from Reiss this week as he is going to Japan. Mr. Wheeler said the other item is a 30,000 foot easement in the middle of the lot to the sanitary fill area. If any agreement is made with the Town, Mr. Reiss wants to be paid in full. Cabot, Cabot and Forbes will have to make a payment to him of $6,000 additional at the time the Town takes a grant of ease- ment of any kind toget into the sanitary fill area. • He said if the Town will go along with the easement discussed, which would permit Cabot, Cabot & Forbes to use either side for parking , they will stand that cost, I and when the Town makes a permanent right-of-way into the property for sanitary land fill, it would be part of the cost . He said when the Town takes the 37,000 feet, Cabot, Cabot & Forbes would expect 5/ for the easement area plus 10/. The Chairman said that , immediately, Cabot, Cabot & Forbes expects nothing . Mr. ,:dheeler said that was correct . He said they would have to pay Reiss for any type of grant to the Town et 5/ a foot, totaling x:6,000 . He said Cabot, Cabot & Forbes would stand that cost as long as it is understood when the permanent taking is made that the taking inside the easement will be 15/ a foot . He said they need a quick decision because Mr. Reiss is going away. Messrs . Wheeler and Shepard retired at 9:20 P.M. The Boat$ felt that there is no immediate useful purpose to extend the front of the cemetery down Bedford Street towards Lexington Center unless the Cemetery Commissioners have some definite reason. With reference to the 30,000 foot easement, it was agreed to ask Cabot, Cabot & Forbes for a regular ease- ment for the street as laid out, containing 37,000 square feet for $6,000, fee to follow, and payment to be made 231 at a later date with the Town reserving the right to install a water line . Mr. Carroll explained that one of the employees in the Tree Department has requested permission to take one week's vacation in advance of the vacation period Vacation when his wife will be in the hospital. The Board had no objection. Mr. Carroll stated that the MDC changed the method by which the Town is now assessed on sewerage . He said that when Emerson Road Garden Apartment subdivision plan was approved about a year ago:', the proposal to sewer it was to tie into an MD0 manhole . He stated that in December he wrote and asked for a permit to make the tie- in to the manhole and received the following estimates : Up to the time a relief sewer is built for Arlington and Lexington, a 10-inch connection with a demand of 0.704 mgd . and a pro-rated demand of 0.044 mgd. should cost the Town from $250 to $320 per year until the Boston Main Drainage area is added to the District, and from $180 to $240 after that time . After a relief sewer is built and additional capacity is provided in Mill Brook Valley, the capital charges will be based on nearly the full demand capacity demand of 0.640 mgd . and the capital charges to be $6,000,000 annually, the chafe for this connection would then be about ;3,500 each year. Mr. Carroll explained that the subdivision plan has been redesigned which involves rebuilding the manhole and increases the cost of the subdivision about $5,000, and said that there would be a number of similar situ- ations . He stated that a permit to connect to the line • has been obtained from MDC . Mr. ! dams asked if Mr. Carroll would rather have a connection made to a town sewer . Mr. Carroll said they are tying into the MDC man- hole and have a plan approved by the Planning Board. Mr. Carroll was asked to figure out what the cost will be to w nnect to th0 sewer in Maple Street . A letter from Mr. Carroll, dated January 29, 1962 with reference to the proposed change in the water rate water rates schedule and the proposed change from quarterly to & billing semi-annual billing was held over . Petition was received from residents of the Woodhaven area for a sanitary sewer, also stating that they cannot - , wait until 1963 or 1964. 6TH ' heos ►-C The Board will recommend that two years trunk Trunk sewer sewer construction be done in one year thereby pro- viding a trunk sewer to serve the Woodhaven area. The Chairman read a letter from Felix V. Cutler, Reed & Bed- 4 Carley Road, with reference to the area at the ford Streets junction of Reed and Bedford Streets . junction Mr. Carroll reported that he intends to have the trees, to which Mr. Cutler referred, planted on Reed Street in the spring and he has requested the State Traffic Division to submit a design of the inter- section. The Board agreed to inspect the area and consider further Mr. Cutler ' s suggestions relative to the installation of curbing and sidewalks . Letter was received from A. Schofield Corporation requ:sting permission to move a house from 354 Bedford Permit Street to South Street , Bedford, and a house from 8 Wyman Road to the end of Robinson Road. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the request subject to the following con- ditions : 1. Bond of $5,000 on file . 2 . Obtain individual permits from Mr . John J. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works . 3 . Contact Chief Rycroft of the Police Dep- artment to arrange for the day and time of moving each house . 4. Contact Mr. Paul Mazerall, Park Superin- tendent . The Chairman read a letter from the Chamber of Com!ruce advising that all building owners and busi- nesses from the Lexington Food Market to the Edison Trees Shop along with Foster 's Stationery Store and. Douglass Funeral Home have indicated th t they would be pleased to have as tree planted in front of their establishments . Mr. Carroll retired at 10:20 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Minutes to approve the minutes of the Selectmen 's Meeting held on January 22, 1962. � I Letter was received from the Town Celebrations t _idt Committee inviting the Board to participate in the Parade early morning parade on April 19. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant permission to the Painters ' Guild, Lexington Arts and Crafts Society, to use the Buckman Tavern Exhibition Green on May 19, 1962 from 10 :00 A.M. until 5 :00 P.M. for an exhibition of small paintings . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to renew a Taxi Driver ' s license to Douglas E. Hogan, License 12 Vaille Avenue , Lexington. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Mr. Willard P. Grush, 32 Colony Road, a Appointment member of the Board of Assessors for a three-year term expiring January 1, 1965. Mr . Grush will replace Mr. William 1 . Burnham whose term has expired. Mr. Staples reported that he had discussed the subject of Brotherhood Week with Mr. William Bevis who Brotherhood -suggested Mr. George Gabriel as Chairman. Week Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to name Mr. George F. Gabriel, 10 Winchester Drive, as Lexington Chairman for Brotherhood Week, February 18 - 25, 1962 . The Chairman read a letter from John Y. MacNeil relative to the Town ' s insurance program. It was Insurance agreed to advise Mr. MacNeil that the Board does not contemplate any change in the insurance program at the present time . No action was taken. The meeting adjourned at 11:25 P.M. A true record , Attest : ' Execv.tive Clerk, Selectmen