HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-01-08-BOS-min 238 SELE CTMRN' S MEETING January 8, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen ' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, January 8, 1962, at 7 :30 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs . Adams , Ferguson and Cole were present . Mr. Stevens , Town Counsel, Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works , Mr. Staples, Executive Assistant, and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Minutes to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meeting held on January 2, 1962 as corrected. Further discussion was held relative to a letter Remote Mr. Nickerson received from the Federal Aviation Agency Communi- pertaining to a Remote Communications Facility at 141 cations Spring Street . Facility Mr. Stevens has requested, and expects toreceive, additional information on the subject to present at the next meeting of the Board . Mr. Stevens reported that the M.D.C. water contract with the Air Force has been redrafted with a couple of changes and he expects it will go to the Commission on Thursday. Mr. Stevens suggested that the Board have in mind Article an article to authorize the Selectmen to dispose of a small parcel of land off Follen Road adjacent to the Moulton land . Letter was received from the Collector of Taxes re- questing approval of a bond on behalf of Julian Roberts whom she has appointed Deputy Collector for 1962. The Chairman called attention to the item of Dis- Bond crepancy - Former Deputy Collector shown on the Ac- countant ' s balance sheet in the amount of $1,376.86. Mr. Stevens advised that the Board could vote to abate the balance being carried and charge it to the Reserve Fund . He agreed to discuss the subject with the bonding company and report to the Board. Upon motion duly made and seconded , it was voted to approve bond #65 65627 in the amount of $2500 on behalf of Julian Roberts, Deputy Collector, the Clerk to find out if MLr. Roberts is any relation to the c'd'ic?1:1 former deputy collector, if there is any other deputy collector, how much he is given to collect and what he is paid . The Chairman referred to the report relative to the persons or firms, as listed in Mr. Donald Grant ' s letter of December 4, 1961, who appear to be in violation of the Historic Districts Act. Violations, Mr. Adams reported that he talked to Mrs . Anna E. Historic Phillip 's son who said he was going to apply for a District hearing to maintain the present sign. Act. Mr.Stevens expects to obtain additional data as to the ownership of the parcel of land upon which the Lexington Nursery & Garden Center now maintains a sign. Mr. Carroll reported that he had talked with Mr. Richards who expects to have some information by B. J. Penta- Wednesday relative to B. J. Pentabone Company. He . bone , low also reported that Ithitman & Howard has been trying bidder to obtain a certified financial statement but has been unsuccessful. They do have a letter from the bonding company stating that a bond will definitely be written, and he is going to write them this week and ask for a December 31, 1961 balance. Mr. Carroll , suggested that the Board write a letter stating thus far it has beanunable to obtain the in- formation requested by Whitman & Howard, and if it is not received by a certain date, the Board would award the contract to the second low bidder . Mr. Stevens advised that a letter could be sent by the Superintendent of Public Works stating that Whitman & Howard has had no satisfactory answer to questions and has asked for a certified balance sheet as of; Decethber 31, 1961, which has not been received and it is imperative that this balance sheet be re- ceived immediately, together with whatever else has been asked for, and ask to have the informacion furnished by such and such a time as the matter of awarding the contract will be acted on by the Selectmen on January 15 . Mr. Ferguson explained that it is very difficult to obtain an end of the year certified balance sheet and further that the situation may change the day after the balance sheet has been prepared. He said the main concern seems to be whether or not the concern has sufficient capital to enable it to do the job and the other is whether or not it has enough equipment . Mr. Carroll reported that 'whitman & Howard thinks the company is capable of doing the job but wants to make certain if it is financially able . 940 mu< Mr. Ferguson suggested that a check be made where Pentabone is going to finance the job, then call the bank and ask if it would agree to carry him. He said the bonding company can tell anything the Board wants to know. Mr. Adams said that the Board has asked Whitman & Howard for a report, and in the past has made decisions on the basis of their reports . In this instance , he thought it was proper for the Board to write to Pentabone and ask them to provide any information Whitman & Howard seeks . Mr . Carroll pointed out that a decision will have to be made next Monday night . Mr. Ferguson said he thought the Board should ask Whitman & Howard to make a recommendation . The Chairman said that Mr. Richards is having a check made and Whitman & Howard would have some in- formation for next week . She suggested holding the subject over until the next meeting. Mr. Stevens said that he thought Mr . Carroll could write whatever letter the Board thought necessary. Mr. Carroll reported that he met with Mr. Edward Burns and Mr. Stevens, of the Battle Green Inn, relative to the sidewalk and Treed on what repairs should be made Sidewalk to the sidewalk. He said that he received a letter from them dated January h, 1962 stating that as soon as the weather permits, they will correct the condition of the sidewalk as outlined by Mr. Carroll. Mr. Carroll reported that he and Mr. White had been oing over the carryover balances , one of which is 9,312, appropriated in 1957 for the Baskin playground Carryover area . He said in all this time the only thing he knows balances of that has been done is a plan made by Miller and Nylander three or four years ago. The Chairman said the Planning Board has in mind acquiring another parcel of land on Grove Street after the completion of Route 128 as another access from Grove Street. Mr. Stevens advised that it would be better to have a separate article to acquire that parcel. The Chairman said this subject should be discussed with the Planning Board because that Board is very in- terested in a second access to the playground. Mr. Carroll referred to the land takings made by the State on Route 128 and said an offer totalling $695 had been made for anumber of parcels . He said he had listed all the lots, State parcel numbers, assessed 241 valuation of the lots, etc. He figured the damagec'to be $3,198.50. He reported that the State offered $$125 on the area taken from the Baskin playground and the appraisal made by Mr. Harry Berglund was $1833. Mr.Stevens explained that the law has been changed and as he understands it, now thedanage has to be worked out with the Attorney General' s office . He said he would review the statute and he thought Mr. Berglund or someone could check these and the Board could then proceed. He said he would review the statute and then talk to Mr. Carroll. Further action was held over until the next meeting of the Board . Mr. Stevens retired at 8:30 P.M. Mr. Carroll' s preliminary budget estimates on streets to be constructed was discussed. Mr. Carroll recommended holding the construction of Cutler Farm Road over until the sewer is installed in Budgets 1963 . He said he would not recommend an expenditure of funds for a dry sewer for a period of only one year . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted not to construct Cutler Farm Road in 1962. Mr. Carroll said that before Edna Street is con- structed, water and sewer must be installed. He re- ported that the area has been upgraded and he would like to see the street constructed. Mr. Adams mentioned that no houses are built and he would prefer to defer construction giving preference Edna Street to streets upon which houses have been built . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted not to construct Edna Street in 1962 . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted not to construct Judson Road until the sewer is in- Judson Road stalled in 1963 . Mr. Carroll said he definitely recommended con- struction of Justin Street . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Justin Stree to include Justin Street in the list of streets to be accepted and constructed in 1962. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted not to include Old Shade Street in the list for 1962, Old Shade the petition never having been returned by the abutters . Street Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to include Rindge Avenue in the list of streets to be accepted and constructed in 1962. 242 ND Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Parbell "Ave. to include T°arbell -AvenB in the list of streets to be accepted and constructed in 1962. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Sheridan St . not to include Sheridan Street in the list for 1962, the petition never having been returned by the abutters. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Tucker Ave . not to include Tucker Avenue in the list for 1962, the petition never having been returned by the abutters . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Winn Ave . to include Winn Avenue in the list of streets to be accepted and constructed in 1962. Mr. Carroll reported that Winthrop Road will have a subdivision built off it and he thought the road should be constructed. Mr. Adams said it would be for the good of the Town. Mr. Ferguson felt that if the street is built, it will make a runway channeling traffic to Winthrop Road and Highland Avenue and he thought it would be doing the Town an injustice . Mr. Carroll explained that the subdivision has been approved and there will be a:enumber of homes constructed and acceptance of this street will be postponed only for another year . Winthrop Rd. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to include Winthrop Road in the list of streetssto be ac- cepted and constructed in 1962. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted not to include Young, Third and Fourth Streets in the list for 1962, the petitions never having been returned. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to include Lexington Avenue , Locust Avenue and Richard Lexington Ave. Road in the list of streets tobe accepted and constructed Locust Ave .& in 1962. Richard Road The total amount approved was $100,550. At 8:55 P.M., the following members of the Capital Expenditures Committee met with the Board: Chairman Noyes, Messrs . Garay, Longley and Mrs . Souza. Mr. Noyes reported that he has $150,000 a year for 1962 through 1966 for Worthen Road, paying for the extra cost of providing for the width of the road for hecessary crossovers . - e Under Chapter 90 construction for 1962 he has S55,000 which is up $5,000 from the planning he had for last year and 1963, 64, 65 and 66. Mr. Carroll explained that it is to complete Concord Avenue from the Blemont line to ,Route 2. Mr. Noyes asked if the figure for street acceptances mentioned this evening was a firm figure . Mr. Carroll replied that it could be less on Richard Road, Lexington and Locust Avenues as it may be decided to just resurface them. It was agreed to carry the next four year figures on street construction at $150,000. Mr. Noyes said that sidewalk construction re- mains at $50,000 . Mr. Carroll reported that he has about fifty streets for which the School Department has requested sidewalks . Mr . Ferguson said a more realistic figure would be $75,000. _ The amount of $50,000 was suggested and it was finally agreed on $60,000. Mr. Noyes referred to the 24" sewer main from Pleasant Street to Woodhaven at $584,000. Mr. Carroll said the most critical area in need of sewer in the town is the Woodhaven area and explained that the first phase would carry it to the middle of Sewer the swamp behind the Follen Road area. He explained that if the project is done as one operation, the Town will receive a better price for construction because it will be about one-half a million dollar job, and the entire job would be in the spring of 1963 and there would be no capital outlay for 1963. The Chairman suggested that sufficient funds be provided to take the main up to the edge of the C3 zone . Mr: Carroll said he would have to study this more carefully. Mr. Noyes explained that they still have the MDC sewer now moved to 1964 and the trunk sewer along Route 128, Ml Zone to 3ates Road moved from 1964 to 1965. Mr. Carroll stated that he has requests totaling $330,000 for sewer laterals. It was agreed that the Board would obtain more information pertaining to school sites, Assessors, and the relocation of the center field facilities . The group retired at 9:50 P.M. Mr. .Alfred P. Tropeano met with the Board, and stated that he had three itesm to discuss . He re- 244 ferred to his request of October 23, 1961 for the installation of a sewer to serve Lot E on Waltham Sfreet. He said the suggestion made at the time by the Board was not practical for several reasons . He cannot get a percolation test because the lot is within 200 feet of a sewer and the Board of Health will not approve it . Furthermore , to bring the Sewer sewer from Worthen Road will involve a distance of about 175 or 180 feet which he indicated on a plan. He pointed out where the Town sewesr ends and stated that he would be willing to put a sewer in from that point and pay the complete cost, and anytime the Town wanted to assess betterments across the street, it had the right to do so. He explained that the abutters will not sign for the installation of the sewer be- cause they do not want it. Mr. Ferguson explained that the Board did not want to force a betterment on the abutters and that Mr . Tropeano' s suggestion seemed reasonable to him. He asked if 147 . Tropeano was willing to pay the entire cost and give the pipe to the Town. Mr . Tropeano re- plied in the affirmative . Mr. Carroll said he could not see any objection if Mr. Tropeano would pay the cost of an 8`T sewer . Mr. Tropeano said he wanted an article inserted in the warrant for reimbursement on Worthen Road and Article stated that the amount could be left blank just as Worthen Rd. long as the article is in the warrant to start the necessary legislation. Mr. Tropeano said he wanted an article inserted in the warrant releasing an easement on Lot 8, Poulter Road. He said, as he recalled it, the plan referred to it as a sewer and drainage easement but the taking document refers only to a sewer easement. Article The Chairman said she thought this was something easement that Mr. Carroll should discuss with the Town Counsel and if it is feasible , the Board will include an article in the warrant . Mr. Tropeano mentioned Mr . Busa' s culvert in East Lexingtonand the Chairman said that if he wanted to discuss this subject, the Board would have to review Busa it . Culvert Mr. Tropeano explained that Mr. Busa wants a con- tribution from the Town . Mr. Ferguson asked how much he wanted and on what basis . 245 Mr. Tropeano replied that there never was any definite agreement of what the Town would pay or would not pay, and Mr.Busa said it should be on a fifty-fifty percent basis . Mr . Tropeano said he knew this could not be . Mr. Ferguson said he thought there was sone question relative to the size of the culvert. Mr. Tropeano said this would also require an article in the warrant . Mr. Ferguson suggested that Mr. Tropeano look into the matter further and then submit a definite request to the Board. Mr. Tropeano retired at 10:20 P.M. Mr. Arthur Burrell, Director of Civil Defense , met with the Boad . He stated that the problem about which he is concerned is where the entire Civil Defense program is going and this is something for the Board to decide and how much support it is going to lend. Civil Mr . Adams said he did not think the Board should Defense enforce Town departments to compliance . Mr. Burrell said that may be so but the nucleus of any organization must be built around the existing employees and unless the Board assigns a certain amount of responsibility to each employee , nothing will be ac- complished. Mr. Adams explained that he was not arguing against it but felt that a good working team cannot be formed by force . Mr. Burrell said that the Board would have to de- cide whether or not it wants to continue with a Civil Defense program. Mr. Cole felt that the Board should make it imperative that every Town employee has a definite job to do and if it takes an order, then the Board should issue an order , He said there should be a definite plan of what the de- partment is aiming for, there should be a full-time director and some secretarial help. He said blast shelters are needed, space is needed for the government, sufficient enough to provide for the care of fifty people which would include clergymen and medics. The Chairman mentioned that the Town Meeting in November had voted against such a program. Mr. Burrell said if the Board of Selectmen could not arrive at some decision, the program could not be sub- mitted to a Town Meeting and he thought the program was technically feasible. . Mr. Ferguson inquired about the duties of the two 246 ,,x,y employees mentioned for Civil Defense, and Mr. Burrell replied that if there is any type of a training program, there will be records to be maintained and the Town has equipment that should be kept up to date . He said there is a great deal of typing and answering various questions over the telephone . He said some days there are ten or twelve calls and other days only one or two. He said the federal shelter program will incur a great deal of work. Mr. Ferguson asked if it could be taken care of if the Board were to say that the typing and clerical work could be taken care of through sore other means than employing a girl for Civil Defense . Mr. Burrell replied that he doubted if it would take care of it because there is enough work to keep one girl busy. Mr. Adams said that whatever is recommended to Town Meeting must be acceptable . The Chairman suggested not bringing these items up at the next Town Meeting. She said she thought it was too soon after the defeat of the Civil Defense and it might be better to wait until there had been an edu- cational program. Mr. Burrell suggested that the item of $3900 in his budget for emergency repairs in Cary Building be carried in the Public Works budget. Mr. Burrell stated that he has not submitted his budget to the Appropriation Committee and asked the Board of Selectmen to advise him what it wants to do. Mr. Burrell retired at 11:30 P.M. The Chairman read a letter from the State Depart- ment of Public Works advising that Chesterbrook Con- struction Co. , Inc . has requested an extension of time on its Chapter 90 contract . The Commissioners recommend Extension an extension to May 15, 1962. of time Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to extend the time for co-ipletion of Chesterbrook Con- struction Company' s contract to May 15, 1962. The Board gave further consideration to an offer of y$5,000 for lot 11, part of 10, lots 22, 23, 24,25, 69, 70 and part of 71 on Sylvia Street submitted by Tax title Valeri Construction Co. , Inc. A proposal to sell these lots was advertised in the December 28, 1961 issue of the Lexington Minute-man. Mr. Joseph F. O'Connell, an abutter, came into the Selectmen' s office and looked at the proposed combination of the lots . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sell the lots, to be combined as shown on the sketch submitted by the purchaser for $5,000 plus any better- ments . 24 Letter was received from the Board of Assessors requesting the insertion of an article in the warrant Article for an appropriation of x530,000 for payment in 1962 of the expert appraisal of real estate . Letter was received from the Junior Chamber of Commerce requesting the Boa' d to issue a proclamation relative to Jaycee Week. Proclamatior Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to issue a proclamation for the observance of Jaycee Week, January 20 - 27. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the following licenses : Licenses Anna E. Philips 29 Depot Square Common Victualler Michael F. Zirpolo 1720 Mass: Avenue Common Victualler Battle Green Inn, Inc. 1720 Mass . Avenue innholder Invitation to attend Installation of Officers was received from the Lexington Marine Corps League . If possible, Mr . Cole- will represent the Board. The meeting adjourned at 11:55 P.M. A true record, Attest: 'EKxecutive/Cle rk, Selectraen Mark C. Aldrich 14 Cliffe Avenue Taxi Driver Peter A. Fitzpatrick 15 Hathaway Road t0