HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962-01-02-BOS-min SOI kg SrLECTY 0W' SETIWWO January 2, 1962 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Tuesday, January 2, 1962, at 7: 30 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs . Adams and Richards were present . Mr . Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr . Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works , Mr. Staples, Executive Assistant, and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present . Mr . Cole arrived at 10 :00 P.P . Mr . Stevens referred to the suit thet was pending against the Town for damages for taking a sewer ease- ment on two parcels of land owned by James Carrig and reported that he had received a release from Carrig . Upon motion duly made and seconded , it was voted to sign an abatement of .L252.97 sewer betterment as- sessment levied against Lot 39 Cambridge-Concord High- way and abatement of 426 .71 sewer betterment assessment levied against an unnumbered lot, as referred to in Abatem_nts plans entitled "Plan of Sewer Easement Off Cambridge- Concord Highway to Lawrence Lane and Webster Road, Lex- ington, Mass. " , and "Plan of Sewer Easement Off Pleasant Street, Lexington, Mass ." Mr. Stevens stated that he did not have time to check the court list to find out where the Justin Shea case is . He said that lir. Reenstierna ' s opinion on the damages of the taking of the sewer easement was •x800 and explained the t away back in the beginning, the Planning Board recommended that the Town acquire the Shea ' s land -3.nd also additional land for the Adams School . He claim said he has not had any discussion with Mr. Shea ' s attorney. He stated that Mr . Reenstierna figures the loss in value is L ,000, and if the Town takes the addi- tional parcel, it will be 21200 more; his decision being based on the fact that Mr. Shea will be losing two lots . He explained that if the Board decides to offer :, 200 and it is not acceptable , there will have to be an article in the warrant because The Board would have no authority to acquire that p-rcel. He said if Mr . Shea will not settle , he should be advised that there are two separate items . He has never asked anything for the sewer easement because from the very beginning, the Town wanted to see if it could buy the land and additional land because this is where Emerson Road was going. He said he has been waiting all this time. for a plan and 232 N4, as soon as it was received, it was given to Mr . Carroll who had the lines laid across it and then gave it to Nr . Reenstierna for his opinion of the value . Mr. Adams said he was it favor of netotiating for 4200. Mr. Richards said if the price is too high, the Board might as well proceed on the sewer easement . It was agreed to authorize Mr . Stevens to try to have Mr . Shea give the Board an option in writing to s ell this land for 44200 and release of all damages for the taking; the option to be exercised in May . After receipt of the release , the Town would .so in and make a taking, check the title and get a confirmatory deed. Mr. Stevens explained that Mr , Shea feels that if those two lots are taken, it makes the development of the rear land uneconomical . Copy of Mn. Stevens ' letter to Mr . Toole , M , and copy of the proposed_ agreement as redrafted, was noted and placed on file . Copy of a letter from the Federal Aviation Agency ',astern Region to Mr . Nickerson, relative to installation Signal of a signal receiving base on Raytheon lane, was received Receiving and read by the Chairman. Base Mr . Stevens explained that if a structure is erected on land other than governmental land and released to the _ government, it does cone under the zoning law. If it is owned by the gover ^gent, it does not come within the zoning law . He said he would try to obtain some more detailed information on the subject . Further consideration was ::riven to the subject of existing violations of the Historic Districts Act . The Chairman read a letter received today from Mrs . Anna Phillips, advising that she does not contemplate Violations any change except for routine maintenance . of Historic Mr. Richards suggested that, before taking any Districts action, those people in violation should be asked to meet Act . with the Board. Mr . Stevens said he would try to obtain more in- formation relative to he sign presently maintained by the Lexington Nursery & Garden Center . Mr . Adams said he would contact Mrs . Phillips ' son and explain the situation to him. M . Carroll reported fhet. Whitman & How rd had re- ceived an October 31, 1960 balance sheet on the P. Pentabone Company and there is still some question rela- 233 tive to the financial cccondition of the firm. They would like some more time to check the accounts receivable . Bidder on The Bonding company listed in the bid was never contacted . Street wort Mr . Richards said he wouldget a report for the .... Drains Board. Mr. Stevens retired at 8 : 35 P.N. Mr . Carroll reviewed the drainage figures on Worthen Road ant after discussion, it was agreed to include in- Drainage stallation of the drainage when the street construction is done . Mr . Paul P. Shepherd and another gentleman, repre- senting Cabot, Cabot & Forbes , met with- the Board to discuss the 600' extension of a water main in Marrett Road, Route 2A in the vicinity of the Minute Man Research Park . Mr . Shepherd presented a plan and stated that it Water main concerns the piece of property rezoned at the Special extension Town Meeting and indicated the point to which a 12' main is being brought in the location of the firm' s subdivision. He stated that the company has on file with the Planning Board a subdivision plan showing a road coming into it which he indicated on the plan. He said. the Town has an 8" main to the end of the existing ramps and it will be extended to the end of the future ramps by the State at no cost to the Town, and that there will be a gap of 800 feet . He explained that there is a 10'x- water main but there is nothing into which the company can connect and stated that the 8" main is fed by a 6" main and the pressure is very poor. The Planning Board has deferred action on the subdivision until it has been determined how the water will be made available at the end of the road . Mr. Carroll said th:;.t the 6"' water main is in very poor condition and Cabot, Cabot & Forbes has a subdivision showing a water main into the street which is 500 feet deep. The Planning Board is in the posit _on of not know- ing if it should disapprove the subdivision or if it can disapprove it . He explained thet Cabot, Cabot Sc Forbes is trying to find out from the Board of Selectmen if the water main will be included in the 1962 budget so that the Plan- ning Board will have reasonable assurance that the water main will be put in. He said the extension would cost about B11,500 . 500 . Mir . Adams asked if it would be done under the Bettor - ment Act . Mr. Carroll replied that Lexington Inn now has water 234 from Massachusetts Avenue so there would be no better- ment on that side but there would be on the other side . Mr . Aeams asked if this extension would be , generally speaking, desirable for the entire area, and Mr. Carroll repThed t'n± it would help the situation back to: ards Five Forks but there is no problemthere now. The Chairman said the Board would discuss the subject . Mr . Shepherd and the gentleman with him retired at 9: 07 P.M. Mr . Richards said, as a practical matter, he was in favor of connecting this and including an item to cover the cost of the extension in the 1962 budget, but he thought there should be some discussion with Cabot, Cabot & Forbes on this subject and the access to the dump site . It was agreed to write Cabot, Cabot & Forbes and state only that the Board would provide theme with a connection to the Lexington water system. Yr. Carroll retired at 9: 15 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant a petition andsign an order for the follow- ing j/o pole locations approved by Mr. Carroll : Pole locations Hamblen Street , Southeasterly side , southwesterly from a point ap_oroximately 90 feet southwest of Cedar Street, -- Six poles . Upon motion duly mede and seconded , it was voted to approve the following j/o pole abandonment on Woburn Street : .Woburn Street, northerly side , approximately 130 feet east of Rumford Road . Notice was received from the State Division of Forests and Parks relative 6 S -^81 'v,e to 19' 2 appropriations Budgets for Insect Pest Control and Dutch Elm Disease . It was agreed" to include an item of PC, 600 for Insect Pest Control and $17, 000 for Dutch Elm Disease Control in the 1962 budgets . Upon motior_ dulr made and seconded, it was voted Minutes to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meet_` g held December 26, 1961 . Letter was received from Alonzo E. Reed, Inc . , together with material pertaining to Fallout Shelter Survey. The Chairman reported that Mr. Burrell attended a meeting last Friday nicht with the Army Engineers Civil on Fallout Shelters . She said that he wanted to dig- Defense cuss budgets this evening and his letter of last week with reference to the evaluation of the Civil Defense Program. She said she thought the Board should dis- cuss the budget before having Mr . Burrell in. Mr . Stevens and Mr. Carroll returned to the meeting at 9 : 30 P.M. Mr . Stevens referred to a letter received September 18, 1961 from Irving Brown, representing Michael Salhaney, 539 Concord Avenue , asking the Board to make an offer Claim of settlement for damages . It was voted to authorize Mr. Stevens to offer ?1 .00 in settlement . Mr . Stevens retired at 9:35 P.M. Further consideration - as given to Mr. Gillis ' claim for damages for land taken in the process of widening and constructing Hamblen Street . 'i• r. Carroll stated that the Town took 380 feet and Street Mr. Gillis had to pay f'4'320 for 32 feet . Betterment Mr . Richards was inclined to abate the betterment abated assessed on a qorner lot, Mr. Gillis' house and garage facing Cedar Street . The Chairman inquired if this would be establishing as precedent on future assessments of corner lots . Mr . Richards said that it is not his intention to set this up as a policy because every parcel of land is different . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to reduce the betterment assessment to 200 and refer it to Mr . Stevens to obtain the necessary release of damages . Further consideration was given to request of last week for additional parking spaces for taxis . Yr. Carroll presented a elan showing the number of spaces in Depot Square , including the four taxi stands . Traffic Rul6 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted & Orders to provide two additional spaces for taxi stands to be located directly in the rear of the present authorized taxi stands in Depot Square , to include parking meters in Depot Square at Ross ' store , and on both sides of Waltham Street as far as Vine Brook Road. Upon motion duly made and seconued, it was voted to amend the Traffic Rules and Orders as follows : AEE DNEI'TT TO THE TRAFFIC RUL'. S AND ORDERS, TOWN OF L7770707, ADOPTED BY TEE BOARD OF SEL.00TIEN January 2, 1962 (Parking Meter Zones ) VOTED : That the Traffic Rules and Orders of the Town of Lexington adopted by the Board of Selectmen October 7, 1935 and subsequent amendments there- to, be and hereby are further amended by striking, out, in Al ticle V, S ction 9, the following description: Waltham Stret , easterly side , from Massachusetts Avenue southerly, for a distance of 163 feet . Article V, Section 9 is further amended by adding the following new descriptions : Waltham Street, easterly side , from Massachusetts Aven, e southerly for a distance of 370 feet to Vine Brook Road; Waltham Street, westerly side from 250 feet south of Massachusetts Avenue , southerly for a distance of 230 feet to 480 fe :t south of Massachusetts Avenue Date of Passage - January 2, 1962 Mr. Carroll reported that Dr. Yuill, 20 Muzzey Street , and Mr. Kenneth Blodgett, 269 Bedford Street, had re- quested to have snow removed from their places of busi- ness after snow storms , and presented a plan showing the areas where snow is presently lifted. It was agreed to include these two areas in the list for snow removal . Mr. Carroll retired at 10 : 13 P.7 237 Bid was received from the Somarville Printing Company for printing 700 and 800 copies of the 1961 Annual Town Report . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Town Report to accept the bidreceived from the Somerville Printing Cogapany for 800 copies of the Annual Town Report at 05.75 per page and 250 copies of the School Department Report at §3 .50 per page . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the following licenses : Licenses Carriage House Restaurant Common Victualler Minute Man Restaurant 71 tl Village Variety Store tl Geo. R. Reed. & Son, Inc . t Trinity Pharmacy " " Robert D. Mawhinney First Class Agent Samuel L. Foray 29 Pine Knoll Road Taxi Driver Brian J. Raftery 2318 Mass . Avenue Charles A. Urbon 11 Carville Avenue Donald J. MacDonald 478 Marrett Road David C . Warren 39 Adams Street Kenneth M. Glenn 105 Winter Street11 " t? Paul B. McCauley 75 Spring Street 11 The meeting adjourned at 11: 03 P.M. A true record, Attest : /M i s:xecdtive-'Clerk, Selectmen