HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-12-26-BOS-min SELECTMEN' S MEETING December 26, 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Tuesday, December 26, 1961, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs . Adams, Ferguson, Richards and Cole were present. Mr. Stevens , Town Counsel, Mr . Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, Mr. Staples, Executive Assistant, and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present . Mr . James J. Carroll met with the Board for the drawing of two jurors : Edward L . Gilfix, 42 Peacock Jurors Farm Road and Norman G . Fletcher, 36 Moon Hill Road, were drawn for jury duty . Mr. Carroll retired. Hearing wss declared open upon petition of the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for permission to locate one pole , six guy wires and anchors on Hartwell Avenue . Pole Mr . Serverson, representing the Boston Edison location Company, and one other gentleman were present . Notice of the hearing woe mailed to the peti- tioners , owners of property as listed on the peti- tioners ' plan and also filed with the Superintendent of Public Works . Mr. S rverson explained the proposed locations and reason for the request . Mr . Carroll said that the proposed pole , guy wire and anchor locations would not interfere with the Town' s use of the road. No one being present to speak in favor or in op- position, the hearing was declared closed . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition and sign an order for the follow- ing pole , guy wire and anchor locations: Hartwell Avenue , southeasterly side, approximately 465 feet southwest of Maguire Road. One pole . Six guy wires and anchors . Hearing was declared open upon petition of the Boston Edison Company for permission to locate one pole on Laurel Street . M-C 224 Mr. Serverson, representing the Boston Edison I Company, was the only person present at the hearing . Notice of the hearing was mailed to the peti- tioner, owners of property as listed on the petitioner ' s plan and also filed with the Superintendent of Public Works . Mr . Serverson explained that there are poles in old Reed Street and old Laurel Street that the company desires to take out . It is the intention of the company to take out four poles and replace them with one pole . No one was pres ,nt in favor or in opposition, and the hearing was declared closed. Upon motion. duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition and sign the order for the follow- ing pole location, having been approved by Mr . Carroll: Laurel Street, northwesterly side, approximately 25 feet northeast of Reed Street, -- One pole . Petitions were received for j/o pole locations in Hathaway Road, Blueberr` Lane , Turning Mill Road, Outlook Drive , Hartwell Avenue , Sedge Road and the abandonment of two poles on Reed Street . Mr . Carroll reported that the only petitions he Pole approved were Blueberry Lane , Hartwell Avenue and locations Reed Street . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petitions and sign the orders for the following j/o pole locations and abandonment : Blueberry Lane , northeasterly from a point approximately 37 feet northeast of Tyler Road, -- Fifteen poles , guy wire and anchor on eighth pole ; Hartwell Avenue , southeasterly side , southwesterly from a point approximately 78 feet southwest of Bedford Street, -- Three poles . Reed Street, northeasterly side, northwesterly from a point approximately 283 feet northwest of Acorn Street . Abandonment of two poles . 11 Mr . Stevens advised that he had prepared two Orders of Taking of the water line easement. The first easement runs from Marrett Road to Bridge Street, most of which goes through private land . Mr . Carroll Water ease- indicated the location on a plan entitled "Plan of ment Water Easement from Marrett Rd. to Bridge St . Lexington, Mass ." , dated October 26, 1961, and explained that the taking has to be made because the property owners will not grant an easement . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt an Order taking water easements in a strip of land extending from Marrett Road to Bridge Street. The second Order of Taking is in Bridge Street from Waltham Street up to the far side of Valley Street and then in Morgan and Jean Roads . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt an Order taking water easements in a parcel of land in that portion of Bridge Street that extends Water ease- from Waltham Street westerly to a line that is an ex- ment tension across Bridge Street to the westerly line of Valleyfield Street and then all of Morgan Road and all of Jean Road . Mr. Stevens reported. on the status of the M.D.C . water contract . Mr . Carroll reported that he estimates the cost of constructing Richard Road from Pollen Road to beyond Robbins Road, including drainage , to be 0.0, 000; Lexing- ton Avenue , including drainage c:15, 000; Locust Avenue , $1580 and the construction of a dry sewer $12,500 . Street Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted acceptances to propose the layout of these streets as town ways; Mr . Carroll to prepare the plans and Mr. Stevens to so advise the Tower Trustees . Mr. Stevens reminded the Board that when a street is laid out and accepted, it becomes the Town ' s responsi- • bility. Mr . Stevens referred to the suit pending against the Town for deranges for taking a sewer easement on two parcels of land owned by James A. Carsig. He presented a plan showing the percels . He explained one betterment amounts to $252 .97 and the assessment was made on the assumption that the lot could be combined with other land making a buildable lot . The other betterment amounts to $L26.71 and this assessment wah also made on the assumption that the parcel could be combined with 22 6 r-C other land making a buildable lot . He advised that the two lots were created by the construction of Route 2 and reported that Mr. Carrig is willing to accept abatement of these betterments and, dismiss the suit . He said it would seem appropriate to agree to abate these if Mr . Carrig will give theTown a proper plea to dismiss the suit . Cratements Upon motion duly mace ,and seconded, it w -s voted to abate the betterment assessment on Lot 39 Cambridge- Concord Highway in the amount of y252 .97 . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it ws voted to abate the betterment assessment on an unnumbered lot on Lawrence Lane in the amount of U426. 71 . Mr . Carroll reported on the snow storm on Sunday and Christmas Day and said that he would need an addi- tional €;14,500 which includes hired equipment that will Transfer be working Wednesday . He said the hired equipment should work, but if the Board decided against it, the amount of transfer would be reduced. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to request the Appropriation Committee to transfer the sum of 0_4,500 from the Reserve Fund to the Snow Removal Account . Letter was received from Mr. and Mrs . Joseph L. Gillis, 140 Cedar Street, claiming darages for the amount of land taken by the Town in the process of widening and constructing Hamblen Street. Claim It was agreed to have Mr. Carroll and Mr .Staples look into the subject and report at the next meeting of the Board. The Chairman read a letter from Mr . Alfred P. Tropeano advising thct he had been consulted by Claudia Claim L . Dalrymple , 20 Fletcher Avenue , regarding a claim for personal injuries sustained by her daughter when she ran into a cable stretched between the posts off Park Drive , opposite the skating rink: Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to refer the claim to Town Counsel . Mr . Carroll reported that he had checked with the School Department relative to the Fiske School PTAs School request for street lighting and they are referring to lighting lighting the driveway in from Colony Hoed. He advised that he has asked the Boston Edison Company for an estimate of the cost. Messrs . Stevens and Carroll retired at 8 :45 P.M. Mr . James J. McDevitt, his son and three other boys met with the Selectmen. Mr. McDevitt had claimed damages which he stated had been sustained by his automobile when it was involved in a collision with a police cruiser . Mr . Stevens, after completing an investigation, was of the opinion that the officer who operated the cruiser was not at fault and that neither he nor the Town is liable Claim for an y damages to Mr. McDevitt ' s car . Mr . McDevitt said he asked to meet with the Board tonight to find out what the decision was based on. The Chairman explained that the Board refers all such claims to the Town Counsel. Mr . McDevitt asked if he could see a copy of the Police Report and the Chairman replied th t the Town Counsel has the report . Mr . McDevitt said this dragged on for about a month before any action was taken. He asked if the Board would be interested in hearing the stories of the boys . He said he was prepared to go to court because he felt the Town is liable . The Chairman suggested_ that Mr.McDevitt talk to Mr. Stevens . Mr. Richards explained to Mr. McDevitt tha:the Selectmen' s records are open for anyone who wants to read them and the records may be used at a later time . Mr.McDevitt said he had not talked with these three boys as to what they have to say and stated that he has enough confidence in them to have anyone ask them cuestione . Mr. Adams said that the proper approach would be to contact the Town Counsel. Mr. McDevitt and the boys left the meeting. Mr. Elroy Dalrymple , Lexington Cab Company, and Mr . Paul Rivals, Minute Man Cab Company, met with the Board relative to additional parking space for cabs . Mr. Rivals said that on the side where his office is, there are three spaces from the office out to the street , and if they could have those three and one addi- tional on the other side, it would help some . He said if the cabs are parked behind the depot, the customer has to wait until the driver goes after the cab. Mr . Dalrymple said his cabs are parked on the other Taxi stands side of the depot . Mr . Rivals said he keeps his cabs on the other side of the depot or any place he can . Mn. Cole asked how many spaces they wera requesting, and Mr . Rivals replied that they have two each now and would like four each, a total of eight spaces . He said three on his side and one on the other side would take 22W myeY would take care of them. Mr. Ferguson asked how many people they picked up in a day, and Mr. Rivals replied about fifty. He said he takes people from their homes to the center . About 25% of them go to the stand andthe other 25% call up. He said when the cars are in the parking_ lot, the people are waiting until the car is taken from the lot . Mr. Richards said thst the Town is putting in a $15, 000 crossover that should be of some help. The Chairman said that parking is very limited for the Central Block as it is . Mr. Rivals referred to licenses for taxi drivers and said that if a man leaves or is discharged, it means he will have a car idle until another license can be obtained and asked if another driver could be hired until the license has been acted on. Mr. Richards said it might be possible to obtain a temporary per-pit . Mr. Adams said he thought there should be a quick check with the police before issuing a temporary license . Messrs . Dalrymple and Rivais retired at 9 : 08 P.M. Decision relative to additional parking spaces was held over until the subject has been discussed with Mr. Carroll . It was greed to adopt the following procedure rela- tive to issuance of temporary taxi driver permits : • 1. File an application and pay the fee . 2 . Applicant can obtain temporary permit within 24 or 48 hours . 3 . If the Board finds the applicant has a record, the employer is to be notified Taxi Driver that the license has been revoked and licenses should be returned immediately. 4. Temporary permit good for 15 days . It was agreed to amend the applications for Taxi Driver Licenses by adding the following : Is this application for a temporary permit? Has your license to operate ever been sus- pended or revoked? Have you been a defendant in a criminal action other than a parking violation in which you were not acquitted.? If so, for what reason? The Chairman read a letter from Brewer & Lord rela- tive to distribution of:commissions on the fire insurance • schedule . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Insurance to give the 1 .25% formerly allocated to Leslie H. Bull, now retired, to John F. MacNeil . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meeting held Minutes on December 18, 1961, as amended. Letter from The National Cash Register Company, Business the unsuccessful bidder on two accounting machines, Machines was noted and placed on file . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign an application, certifying to the character of Cert . of Inc Liese Rosenblum, 28 Patterson Road, who has applied for a Certificate of Incorporation. Satisfactory character reference was received from the Chief of Police . Letter was received from Valeri Construction Co . , Inc . , together with sketch of what is proposed insofar as combining certain tax title lots on Sylvia Street is Tax title concerned. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that a proposal to sell lot 11, part of lot 10, lots 22-25, inclusive , 69-71, inclusive , on Sylvia Street be advertised in the Lexington Minute-man and th.-t further consideration be given the offer on January 8, 1962 . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to set January 15, 1962 as the closing date for re - Closing date ceiving articles to be inserted in the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting in March . Upon motion duly made a? seconded, it was voted to grant the following licenses : Morris Motors 4OO , a tbam St 2nd Class gen_ Rowe Jackson Chevrolet, Inc . 39-4i Bedford St . ist Class atent Dunn Ford Sales, Inc . 409 Massachusetts Ave . " IF Auto Engineering Inc . 436 Marrett Road Howard D . Johnson Co. Route 128 Common Victualler Woodhaven Country Stores ,Inc . 424 Marrett Road Miller-Starrett-Fest & Assoc . Inc . 594 Marrett Road Intelligence Off_ce James R. Gannon Taxi Driver William M. Belcher ct William Campbell Mears Louis S . Sala Charles Lyon Sturdevant II `£ Fulton Stephan Butler ,T Billy Gene Warren " Ti Anthony Ferreira 249 Marrett Road Peddler 230 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted License to deny a taxi driver ' s license to Robert C . Murphy, denied 3 Snow Drive , Littleton, because of the record submitted by Chief Rycroft . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted L; cense to deny a taxi driver ' s license to Sylvester Modoono, denied 378 Woburn Street , because of the record sub_mieted. by Chief Rycroft . Upon motion duly made and seconded , it was voted Proclamation to issue a proclamation designating. January United Cerebral Palsy Month . Letter from Mr . Arthur Burrell, r- lative to an Civil Defense evaluation of the Civil Defense program was held over until the next . .seting of the Board. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M. A true record, Attest : ,Executive Clerk, Selectmen