HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-11-20-BOS-min 181 SELECTMEN 'S MATING November 20, 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, November 20, 1961, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs . Adams, Ferguson and Cole were present . Mr . Stevens , Town Counsel, Mr . Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, Mr . Staples, Executive Assistant, and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present. Hearing was declared open upon petition of the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Boston Edison Company for permission to locate one pole on Massachusetts Avenue , northerly side , approxi- mately 70 feet west of Worthen Road. Pole Mr. Sorverson, representing the Boston Edison location Company, was the only person present at the hearing. Notice of the hearing was mailed to the petitioners, owners of property as listed on the petitioners ' plan and also filed with the Superintendent of Public Works . Letter was received from Mrs. Daniel H. Freeman, owner of the lot at the corner of Worthen Road and Massachusetts Avenue , objecting to the proposed pole location. Mr . Serverson explained the proposed location by use of a blueprint, and said the pole would be for guy purposes . The Chairman asked what would be done when Worthen Road is continued and Mr . Serverson asked if that would be in the near future . Mr. Carroll replied that it would be this year . Mr . Serverson suggested that the petition be held in abeyance until the construction of the street is completed, at which time the petitioner could rearrange the entire solution. On -October:• 30, hearing was held relative to a j/o pole location on Theresa Avenue but held pending information requested by the Chairman relative to the number of crossings on the street. Pole Mr. Serverson explained the crossings by use of location a blueprint to the Board' s satisfaction. Mr . Serverson retired at 7:L45 P.M. Letter was received frau Mr: Stevens , together with the original Water Service Contract No. AF 19 (628) - 700 with the united States covering the furnishing of 182 ta" a-C a> water by the Town to the Electronic Systems Division, Laurence G. Hanscom Field, Bedford. Air Force The original contract is to be delivered to the Water Town Accountant and Mr. Carroll agreed to have copies contract made for the Selectmen' s files and for his own file . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Mr . Carroll to write to the Contracting Officer rescinding and cancelling his letter of May 2, 1960, giving notice of termination of water service contract No. AF 19 ( 604) -781 . Mr. Stevens reported that he had .received a tele- phone call from Mr. Norman May, representing Mr . Pasquale Luongo. Mr. Staples reported that Mr . L ongo refused to agree on the right of way and still does not want the $6, 000 . Mr . Staples explained there was only one Luongo recourse and Mr. Luongo agreed. (Buckman Dr. ) Mr . Stevens reported that he advised Mr. May that a definite answer would have to be given before Monday night so if a taking is to be made , it would be on the two lots fronting on Moreland Avenue and there would be no question of betterments . Mr. May seemed to think that was sensible . Mr. Stevens explained to him that the Town would pay $6,000 for just the right of way. Mr. Stevens said that an attempt will be made to meet with Mr. May on Wednesday morning . The Chairman read a letter from the Historic Dis- tricts Commission relative to certain problems which Hstoric have arisen in connection with the enforcement of the Districts Historic Districts Act, as well as the policies which Commission should be pursued in such enforcement. The Chairman said she thought the Commission should be invited to meet with the Board next Monday. Letter was received from James J. McDevitt, 36 Colony Road, claiming danage to his car on October 5, Claim 1961, when a police cruiser operated by Officer J. Shine backed into it. Mr. Stevens reported that he had an appointment to discuss this with the Officer this evening, but was unable to keep it . The letter was referred to Mr . Stevens . The Chairman read a letter from Mr . Irwin, Building Inspector, relative to a note he received from Mr . Kenneth Blodgett asking to have regulations pertaining to roadside stands enforced. 183 Mr. Ferguson suggested that the Board advise Mr . Irwin that his duties involve enforcement and he should Roadside do something about this . He also said that if roadside stands stand permits were going to be enforced, the Chief of Police should be requested to enforce the Sunday licenses . Mr. Adams stated this would involve additional help and might mean an assistant to Mr . Irwin. Mr. Ferguson said he would not hurry to employ an assistant . He said he had been watching the monthly re- ports and would try this out before getting an assistant . Mr. Adams suggested a Town Meeting vote to get the reaction of the Town Meeting Members . Mr . Ferguson said if the Board enforces the laws and the Town Meeting members do not like it , the Board will know their reaction . The Chairman said if Mr. Irwin is to enforce the roadside stand permits, the Chief should enforce the Sunday licenses . Mr. Stevens suggested that Mr. Irwin write to the twelve individuals who have roadside stand permits and advise that a letter of complaint has been received and in the very near future an inspection will be made . Mr. Ferguson said the Building Inspector should be told to enforce the laws and the suggestion made to him that he start by writing a letter to those people having Board of Appeals / permits advising that a complaint has been received and he will be making an inspection. Mr. Stevens stated that Mr. Irwin may want to make certain that the Board does not want to liberalize . It was agreed to ask the Chief of Police to have a check made of all the establishments open Sunday and bring the list with him next Monday night to discuss the subject with the Board. Mr. Ferguson said if Mr. Irwin takes this approach and then reports to the Board the number of violations, then perhaps the Board should recommend a change in the Zoning By-Law to conform to what is actually taking place and put it up to the Town . The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of Mr. Irwin' s letter to the Planning Board. Letter was received from Wesley C . Arens , 17 Pleasant Street, Burlington, claiming damage to his car in the amount of $45.20 as a result of hitting a deep hole on Lowell Street across from #684. Mr. Carroll explained that :he police reported the hole to Mr . Woisinger and he had it patched the next day. I Mr. Stevens explained that the Town is required to maintain the Town ways, and if there is a defective C"r 184 condition in the travelled way whereby an individual sustains personal injury or property damage , the Town is liable . He stated that the police should report any defective condition they see while cruising around. He said they should also advise the Superintendent of Public Works immediately if they know of any accident caused by a defective condition. The claim was referred to Mr. Carroll for a report . Messrs . Stevens and Carroll retired at 8:50 P.M. Letter was received from Mr. John E. Harvey, 1 Constitution Road, relative to the use of aluminum siding. Aluminum Mr . Staples explained that Mr. Harvey is saying siding that aluminum being a conductor poses certain hazards either through puncturing the aluminum or when ser- vices are attached. It was agreed to thank Mr. Harvey for his letter and advise that it has been referred to the Building I .spector for a report . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Transfers to request the Appropriation Committee to transfer $1,023 . 65 to the Elections-Jurisdiction Selectmen Account and $850 to the Selectmen' s Expenses Account . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to certify the character of Robert M. Washburn, 28 Bow Street, and Robert G. Finnerty, Jr . , 229 Pollen Road, Cert . of Inc . who have applied for Certificates of Incorporation, satisfactory character references having been received from the Chief of Police . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the following licenses : Licenses Stuart C . MacDonald, 29 Deering Ave.. , Taxi Driver Robert 0. Rockwell, 3 Graham Road, Auctioneer Leon A . Burke , 31 Merin Street, Guide Berman' s Market, Inc . , 55 Massachusetts Avenue , "Package Goods Store ", subject to approval of the Alcoholic Beverages Commission. Decision relative to the application for a License Public Carriage License , filed by the Lexington Historic Tour Train, Inc . , was held over until the next meeting of the Board. 185 Application was received from Charles C . Hutchinson, 40 Hovey Street, Watertown, for a Gas Permit. Mr . Hutchinson submitted a resume of his qualifications, ex- perience , together with a letter from the Mystic Valley Gas Permit Gas Company. Mr . Byrne , Gas Inspector, recommended that a permit be granted. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Mr. Byrne to make an exception to the es- tablished rule and issue a permit to Mr. Hutchinson. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meeting held Minutes on November 13, 1961 . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Town Offices to close the Town Offices on Friday, December 22, 1961, to close at 1:00 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to discontinue the policy of granting the employees a day off for Christmas shopping . This policy was Day Off established prior to the five-day week, at which time the department stores were not open evenings . The subject of attendance records was discussed and it was agreed that weekly reports should be sub- Attendance milted to the Board and that the department heads records should be so advised. Letter was received from the Planning Board re - commending that all town-owned lots on Circle Road be sold to Busa Realty Trust under certain provisions . Tax title The Selectmen thought the recommendation and reasons for it seemed reasonable and it was decided to ask Mr. John Carroll for his opinion. Mr. John Carroll returned to the meeting at 10:,17 P.M. Letter was received from Marvin Groll, 54 Aldred Street, complaining about, what he described as, a serious drainage problem on Eldred Street . Drainage Mr. Carroll reported that he had talked to Mr. Groll and he does not understand what he is refer- ring to . He said there is considerable clean up work to be done but he did not feel that the recent construction increased the water table at all. The Chairman suggested that the letter be ac- knowledged and Mr . Groll be advised that the subject �-C has been referred to Mr . Carroll and the Board was con- fident that everything would be satisfactory by the time the contract is comuleted. _ Letter was received from Mr. Homer J. Hagedorn and four other Town Meeting members from the Countryside area acknowledging recent traffic improvements . They Countryside suggested that the Board take steps to persuade the State to provide a continuation of a suitable sidewalk along Woburn Street in front of the IGA store . Traffic problems in the area are to be discussed at a public meeting to be held Wednesday, November 29, in the Harrington School at 8:30 P.M. The Chairman suggested thatthe letter be acknowledged and an outline of what has been done by the Town incorpo- rated in the letter and also to advise that the Board could not attend the meeting but would be interested in the outcome . The Chairman reported that Mr. Stoltz, from the office of Brewer & Lord, called about some provisions Insurance in the insurance program that would be economical to the Town. It was agreed to have Mr. Staples discuss the subject with Mr. Soltz and then report to the Board. Letter was received from Mr.James V. Cosgrove , • 307 Wood Street, requesting permission to move a house from 397 Bedford Street to property owned by him at Permit 128 Hartwell Avenue . Mr . Carroll said he could not see any problem, and the lot upon which Mr. Cosgrove intends to place the house is recorded. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant Mr . Cosgrove permission to move the house subject to the following conditions : 1. Bond to be filed in the sum of Ip5, 000. 2. Obtain permit from Mr. John J. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works 3 . Contact Chief Rycroft of the Police De- partment to arrange for the day and time of moving . Lr. Contact Mr . Paul Mazerall, Park Superintendent . Mr. Carroll said a sign should be erected at the corner of Meriam Street and Massachusetts Avenue and one at the- new municipal parking area. He presented a sketch of the proposed signs prepared by Newton- Parking lot Norman Co. of West Newton. signs The Clerk was instructed to ask Mr. Irwin if the 187 Town could maintain such a sign and also to request the Historic Districts Commission for a hearing. Mr . Carroll referred to Worthen Road at the Center Playground and reported that he had met with Mr. Abel., Mr . Sparrow and Mr. Spiris in an effort to agree on what is needed on Worthen Road by way of a fence and the relocation of the cinder track . Mr . Carroll said he does not feel a fence on both sides is necessary ex- cept from the right of way at the rear of the Hayden house to the point where Park Drive intersects Worthen Road. Mr. Carroll recommended a 4' chain link fence and said he would either have to take it out or include it in the contract. No action was taken by the Board. Mr. Staples reported that he has been discussing business machines and it appeared to him that it would be difficult to have one downstairs andsuggested put- ting one in the Assessors ' Office , that is just the business machine , and one in the Accounting Department . He explained what the machine in the Accounting Depart- ment could be used for and thought something could be worked out with Mr . Carroll, the Treasurer. Mr. Ferguson suggested that Mr. Staples pursue the possibility of bringing all the departments using busi- ness machines together . The meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M. A true record, Attest : ' Hxecdtt ve Clerk, Sele ctmen