HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-11-13-BOS-min 4 a�at SELECTMEN' S MEETING • November 13, 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday,. November 13, 1961 . Chairman Morey, Messrs . Adams, Ferguson and Richards were present. Mr. Cole arrived at 9:05 P.M. Mr . Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr . Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, Mr. Staples , Executive Assistant, and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present. Mr. Carroll reported that a 1958 dump truck, owned by the Town, caught on fire June 12 as it was working on Waltham Street . The truck was insured and settle- ment of the claim has been made in the amount of $507.82 Transfer and a check received. He asked the Board to consider transferring this amount to the Road Machinery Account inasmuch as it is now apparent that the account will probably be depleted before the end of the year. If this procedure is not approved, a transfer from the Reserve Fund will undoubtedly be needed and a request for additional funds will have to be submitted at the end of the year. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to request the Appropriation Committee to consider a transfer of $507.82 from the Reserve Fund to the Road Machinery Account . Letter from the Manhattan Builders, Inc . relative to parking in the area to the rear of the building at 45 Waltham Street was held over. Manhattan Mr. Carroll presented a plan, which he explained Restaurant was the proposed restaurant, and called the Board' s parking and attention to a note on the plan to the effect that fence the Town was to remove the fence . He said he asked the individual who brought the plan in this afternoon who ordered removal of the fence and who was going to move it . The man told him his employer instructed him to take it down. Mr . Carroll told him not to do anything further and the man claimed that the posts are still there . Mr . Carroll stated that this subject came up about a year ago, and at that time, the question was asked if the fence could be removed so the contractor would have access to the rear of the building. He said at that time , the Board was opposed to losing any parking spaces and instructed him to contact the owner. However, the 173 plans were dropped and nothing was ever done . He said he thought the fence would have to be removed because it is on the property line . The contractor wants permission to work on the building from the parking lot rather than from Waltham Street which will mean that some of the park- ing spaces will have to be eliminated temporarily. He said, as he recalled the subject, he thought the Board suggested making an opening to service the building. Mr. Richards felt that there would have to be some type of temporary construction to define the area where the contractor is to work and asked if the fence was on Town property. Mr . Carroll replied in the affirmative . Mr . Richards said it would appear that Manhattan owes the Town a fence . Mr. Adams suggested that the Board leave the matter with Mr . Carroll for him to work out. Mr. Ferguson said that to him it made more sense to do the workthere than it did to interfere with the flow of traffic on Waltham Street, and suggested that Mr . Carroll indicate the area that can be used. He also suggested that Manhattan Builders replace the fence before any permission is granted to work on the building from the parking lot. Mr. Carroll asked what the Board wanted in the final analysis . He said he could have the fence re- placed. Mr. Ferguson said there was no reason why the Board could not make the same arrangement made when the Savings Bank was in the process of construction. It was agreed to authorize Mr . Carroll to give Manhattan Builders Inc . as much space as he deemed advis- able , still maintaining two-way traffic and to arrange for some type of marker so the contractor will know where his material will have to be kept . Mr. Stevens presented Agreement No. 1214 relating to certain pipes to be installed at the request of the Selectmen under Route 128 by the contractor working for the Department of Public Works in connection with the reconstruction of a portion of the state highway. Authority to enter into an agreement was voted by the Special Town Meeting held on November 6, 1961. Agreement Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to execute Agreement No. 1214 between the Department of Public Works and the Town of Lexington. Mr. Stevens referred to the Arlington Relief Sewer and reported that hr. Buckley had advised him that ha. -174 lea had contacted all of the Representatives and Senators Arlington and set up a sewer meeting with the M.D.C . and invited Relief Sewer him to attend, which he did . He reported that it was left that Mr. Stevens would draft the bill. The Chairman reported that she and Mr . Staples had been down to see Mr . Luongo and he advised that he had received an offer of $5,000 for each lot and does not want to sell them. She explained to Mr. Luongo that the vote of the Town was and what the Board could do. He does not have an attorney and does not want to engage one, and does not want to go to court . Luongo lots The Chairman said what would mean the most to Mr . (Buckman Dr. ) Luongo would be a letter from the Board and asked what should be done . Mr . Stevens explained that if negotiating was un- successful, the lots would have to be taken by eminent domain. Mr . Richards recommended payment of $6,000 for two lots, 11 and 12, leaving Mr. Luongo with lot 10 which does not have an easement. He asked if the Town would need slope easements, and Mr. Carroll replied in the negative . Mr. Ferguson was also in favor of taking both lots . It was agreed to have Mr. Staples approach Mr . Luongo once more before taking a vote . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to charge Mr. T. H. Reenstierna' s bills for apprais- ing property on Westview Street, having been suggested for acquisition by the Town for Cemetery purposes, to the Selectmen' s Expenses Account . Mr. Stevens retired at 8:15 P.M. Mr. Guy Colella, applicant for the position of Assistant Superintendent of Public Works, met with the Board. Mr. Carroll explained that Mr . Colella does not have a background in municipal work but he has done engineering, design and construction. Mr. Colella graduated from Indiana Tech with a B.S . technical engineering . He is thirty-two years old and lives in Malden. Mr. Carroll said, with his background, he felt he could train him in municipal experience he needs, and would spend four or five months doing that before he would be of any value to him or the department . He stated that Mr . Colella would take the Public Works 115 Administration course and by next spring, it is hoped that he would be able to take over . In reply to Mr. Richards ' questioning, Mr . Colella stated that he had been a construction engineer and chief of party, Land Mark Surveying Company since spring. Before that , he was assistant construction Superintendent for the Gil Wyner Construction Co. of Malden for about a year . His B. S . degree was in Civil engineering. He attended Malden schools and has done office work, esti- mating, payroll work, procuring men and equipment. His father is a contractor and he has handled as few as ten and as many as 105 men at one time during his work as Superintendent. Mr . Colella retired at 8:24 P.M . Mr. Adams asked when he would begin working for the Town, and Mr . Carroll replied that he would give two week ' s notice . The Chairman asked at what salary he would be hired, and Mr. Carroll replied $6500 . Mr. Carroll said he wants Mr . Colella to take over the working crews in the Public Works and Park Depart- ments, which he, himself, has not had the time to do. He also wants to have someone keep a closer control on costs of the various projects . Letter was received from John Cuccinello, 72 Valley- field Street, offering $700 for lots 94 and 95 Valleyfield Street . Tax Title Mr . Carroll presented a plan showing the lots and pointed out a 42" drain running through the lots and also showed a right-of-way. He recommended retaining the lots until after the constructiLn of the Woodhaven trunk sewer . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to advise Mr. Cuccinelo that it is the Board' s opinion that it is not in the best interest of the Tom to dis- pose of these lots at this time . Mr. Carroll retired at 8:35 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt Orders of Taking on the following streets ac- cepted by votes of the Special Town Meeting held on November 6, 1961: Station Way Worthen Road from Waltham Street Buckman Drive (See Selectmen' s Files under Highways 1961) . 176 �^C Letter was received from the Town Celebrations Com- Thanksgiving mittee relative to a Thanksgiving Community Service at services the High School on Sunday, November 19, at 8:00 P.M. The Chairman reported that the Lexington Minute Men had sent her a letter inviting the Board to attend Historic installation ceremonies on Thursday night, November 16, Tour Train which is the night the hearing is scheduled relative hearing to the Lexington Historic Tour Train Inc . It was agreed that the Board should attend the hearing. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted License to grant a Taxi Driver' s license to Charles L. Sturdevant, 40 Wachusett Drive , stisfactory character reference having been received from Chief Rycroft . Further consideration was given to Mrs . Woodward' s request for a "Stop" sign at the intersection of Turning Mill Road. and. Robinson Road. "Stop" sign Mr. Ferguson agreed with Mr. Carroll and Chief Rycroft that this particular intersection is not unlike numerous others throughout the Town, and it was voted to deny the request . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Minutes to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meetings held on November 6 and 9. Messrs . Burrell, Enders, and Roeder of the Civil Defense , Messrs . Blaisdell, Clarke , Bevin, Viano and White of the Appropriation Committee , met with the Board to discuss Civil Defense . The Chairman explained that the Selectmen felt it essential to discuss the subject, most of the members of the Board feeling that the vote last Monday did not mean that Civil Defense was out of mind, but more that Civil Defense it was rejecting something. She asked Mr . Richards to read the vote passed October 30, 1950 by Town Meeting establishing a Civil Defense Department, and Mr . Adams said he thought the Department would have to be held together until it comes up again at the March Town Meeting. The Chairman said that there was a balance in the appropriation of $4800, and according to the wording of the By-Law, the department was entitled to hire such assistance as the Director feels he needs . Mr. Burrell explained that there is something less than $700 that has not been committed and said that there is about $1,000 in outstanding bills . He said possibly only $200 remains uncommitted. 177 Mr . Burrell said the real heart of the problem is what is done with the Town government structure and it is the Town government structure that makes orbreaks the organization. Mr . Blaisdell suggested building an emergency corps aroundHHH;the existing personnel and said there should be a complete understanding of what the Civil Defense organ- ization wants to do. He said he thought a solid policy was needed. Mr. Richards said he thought it was up to the Select- men to decide what they are going to have for a Civil Defense Department . He said there is a Department and it should be told that it is the Board' s policy that the Civil Defense should 1 . Be a clearing house for information. 2. Establish an adequate communications network. 3 . establish an adequate program for dissemi- nation of information from higher head- quarters . L . Prepare to staff and have available an emergency control center to act in case of an emergency. He said t a subsequent time in order to accomplish these goals, the Civil Defense group would determine they need so much money for a communication system, and part of the communication system would be a warning system. The other communication system would be being able to communicate with the nearby towns . He said the shelter program has merit but he was confused and , thought that portion of the program could be deferred for the moment . Mr. Burrell said he had not heard anyone in the organization who wanted to resign. However, he said that the Selectmen must realize it will receive nothing more than a holding action. The Chairman said that Mr. Burrell and his echelon should think what is to be done and the Selectmen will think what is to be done and meet again. Mr. Burrell said the Selectmen should provide some direction on the 1962 budget and he did not think he wanted to project it into 1962. Mr. Burrell said that he thought in the next two weeks there should be a meeting. The group retired at 10:05 P.M. Mr. John Carroll returned to the meeting . Mr. Carroll reported that he had discussed with Cabot, Cabot & Forbes the construction of the new Systems Development Corporation bui -ding at the corner of Hartwell Avenue and the Boston and Maine Railroad. 178 -.r �-C It was the proposal of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes to service the Systems Development Corporation budding with water through a six-inch water main from Westview Street and to tie into the existing Itek trunk sewer for sanitary sewage . Mr. Carroll felt that since the Town needed to build a twelve-inch water main from Westview Street to the site of the proposed sanitary land fill in 1962, that it would be beneficial to the Town to have Cabot, Cabot & Forbes construct a section of the twelve-inch main parallel to the Boston & Maine Railroad from Westview Street to Hartwell Avenue . The easement within which this main would be looted would be-/responsible for the maintenance of the twelve-inch line . In return for this construction, Cabot, Cabot & Forbes would not be re- quired to pay a sewer connection charge in lieu of Bet- terments for the Systems Development Corporation build- ing amounting to 62,336.13 and a water connection charge in lieu of betterments amounting to 6765. Since the construction of this twelve-inch main would mean that Cabot, Cabot & Forbes would be paying approximately 65, 000 more to service this building (including the sewer and water betterments previously referred to) Cabot, Cabot & Forbes requested that the Town construct in 1962 in Hartwell Avenue approximately 1100 feet of ten-inch water main and approximately 1100 feet of eight=inch sanitary sewer so that the rest of their complex of buildings on Hartwell Avenue could be ser- viced. Both these utilities would be put in under betterments . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Mr. Carroll to proceed with the solation as recommended by him. Mr . Carroll reported that he had talked with the State Traffic Engineer regarding lights at the Lowell- Maple Street intersection, and he is going to try and help to have them installed by the State at no cost Traffic to the Town . He submitted a draft of a letter he lights recommended the Board to send . It was agreed to authorize the Chairman to sign the letter as drafted by Mr . Carroll. Mr. Carroll retired at 10:25 P.M. The Chairman referred to Chester Duval ' s letter objecting to Mr. Byrne ' s statement that gas permits Gas permits will be issued to Master Plumbers only. She read a letter from Mr. Stanley W. Ellis, Chairman of the Gas Regulatory Board, Department of Public Utilities. granted to the Town and the Town would be I 179 hah She reported that Mr . Ellis feels someone who has been a satisfactory installer for a number of years could be given a permit and she suggested that Mr . Staples and Mr . Byrne go over the matter. Mr. Staples stated that Mr. Byrne has to inspect the work regardless of who holds a permit and he did not see that it made too much difference . If he finds upon inspection that the work is not right , he can re- voke the permit. Mr . Richards asked if Mr. Byrne was to have the power to determine to whom permits are to be given, and asked what the standard was going to be . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to amend the schedule established September 5, 1961 so as to enable issuance of Gas Permits to applicants not Master Plumbers, by adding the following: Anyone desiring a Gas Permit who is not a Master Plumber must submit a resume of ex- perience to the Board, together with a re- commendation from the Gas Inspector, and a letter frars the gas company for whom the applicant has done work. The Selectmen will consider the application and if approved, authorize an exception to the established rule . The Chairman called the Board' s attention to a statement in the amount of $30 for membership service fee for the year ending October 31, 1962 sent to Mr. Palmer by the Municipal Finance Officers Association of Illinois . No approval was voted and payment was held in abeyance . The Chairman reported thatthe balance in the Accounting Department-Personal Services Account as of today is >747.86. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to request the Appropriation Committee to transfer from the Reserve Fund to the Accounting Department - Transfer Personal Services Account an amount to meet the pay- rolls until December 31 . The Chairman reported that she received a tele- phone call relative to transportation for the Refresh- ment Booth from the football field to the Public Works Department and the question asked was if thebooth could remain where it is because the group in charge was having 180 trouble transporting it. The Board was opposed to the stand remaining at Refreshment the football field and it was suggested that some booth of the funds r-Aized from the sale of refreshments could be allocated for transportation. The meeting adjourned at 11 :05 P.M. A true record, Attest : Execeftive.,Clerk, Selectmen