HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-11-09-BOS-min 1 _ 68 st\D �-C SEL EC TMEN T S y ETI NG NOVEMBER_ 9, 1961 A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the SelectmenTs Room, Town Office Building, on Thursday, November 9, 1961, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs . Adams , Ferguson, Cole and Richards were present . Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr . Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, Mr . Staples, Execu- tive Assistant, and Miss Murray, Executive Clerk, were also present. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petitions and sign the orders for the following j/o pole locations , all having been approved by Mr. Carroll: Pole Lowell Street, northeasterly side , approximately Locations 160 feet southeastrof Winchester Drive , -- One (1) pole . (One existing JO pole to be removed) . Tarbell Avenue , southeasterly side , southwesterly from a point approximately 70 feet south- west of Taft Avenue , -- Four (4) poles . Chase Avenue , southeasterly side , southwesterly from a point approximately 412 feet south- west of Taft Avenue , -- Three (3) poles . Chase Avenue , northwesterly side , approximately 100 feet northeast of Bennett Avenue , -- One (1) pole . Mr. Stevens reported on the status of the water service contract with the United States Air Force . Air Force Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Water to sign a letter of interpretation referring to Contract Utility Water Service Contract No. AF19 (628) -700. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign Utility Service Contract No. AF19 (628) -700. All signed documents were taken by Mr. Stevens . Mr. Stevens read a letter from Mr. Monahan, Town Manager in Arlington, with reference to the proposed Arlington Arlington Relief Sewer and distribution of costs, ad- Relief Sewer vising that Mr. Buckley, Chairman of the House Com- mittee on Metropolitan Affairs, will file a bill in the legislature . %f 1. 169 sp Mr. Stevens retired at 8:15 P.M. The subject of parking meters in the municipal parking areas was brought up. Mr. Cole moved that the installation be delayed Parking until another vote is taken by a Town Meeting. meters Mr . Adams recommended obtaining a daily check from the Police Department . Mr. Cole withdrew his motion. Mr. Ferguson moved to proceed with the instal- lation of the parking meters and Mr. Richards seconded the motion. Two members voted in favor and three voted in opposition and the motion was lost . The parking meters will not be installed for the present . Letter was received from Manhattan Builders, Inc . with reference to the parking problem existing in the area to the rear of the building. The letter stated Manhattan that when the desed to the property to the rear of the parking building was turned over to the Town, it was understood that tenants in the building would be given consideration as to the duration of time they would be permitted to use the parking facilities . Mr. Richards said he did not know of any restrictions on the use of the property by the Town . Mr. Carroll was instructed to find out how much of the land in the rear of the building belongs to the corpo- ration. Invitation to participate in the observance of Veterans ' Day was received from the Veterans ' Day Com- Veterans ' mittee . Day Mr. Cole agreed to represent the Board. Mr. Carroll asked to have the appraisal of the C . C . & F. land (dump access) held over until receipt Appraisal of the second appraisal . Mr. Carroll reported that he had discussed illumi- nating the municipal parking area off Merin Street with the Boston Edison Company and presented several Lighting proposals . parking Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted area to install three twin 17,000 lumen mercury vapor lamps on a time clock that will go off at midnight; the time to be changed at a later date if it is determined neces- sary. Request for a "Stop" sign at Turning Mill Road and Robinson Road was received from Mrs . Woodward, 20 Robin- son Road. 170 Mr . Carroll reported that he and Chief Rycroft Request drove over to the intersection today and neither re- for "Stop" commends d'Stop" sign. sign Mr. Ferguson, a member of the Traffic Study Com- mittee , is to look at the intersection, after which the Board will make a decision and acknowledge Mrs . Woodward' s letter. Mr . Carroll advised that Mr. Higgins had attended a hearing held October 31 by the M.D.C . on proposed im- provements or extensions to the Metropolitan District M.D.C . Water System and reported that a bill is going to be hearing filed by the Chairman of the Special Commission on Water Rates . It will be similar to the recent sewer bill that was filed and passed so it will give the M.D.C . more flexi- bility in determining rates from year to year. Mr. Carroll requested that discussion of a water main to service the Systems Development Corporation be held over . The Chairman referred to a meeting held on Tuesday, October 31, at the office of Mr. E. J. McCarthy, Chief Engineer of the Massachusetts Department of Public Works, Worthen Rd. relative to the connection of Worthen Road to Route 2. at Route 2 She reported that she had been asked to send a memorandum to Mr . McCarthy outlining the group' s understanding of what was discussed at the meeting, a draft of which had been mailed to the members of the Board. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that the memorandum as read and amended by the Chairman be accepted and sent to the State Department of Pubit Works . Letter was received from Metcalf & Eddy relative to water service in the event of bombing. No action was taken. Mr. Carroll reported that he had contacted the State Department of Public Works relative to the timing of the traffic lights at Countryside . He was Traffic told that the standard interval for a pedestrian red lights and yellow light was twelve seconds . They might raise it to fifteen seconds . He said he would have more in- formation for another meeting . Notice was received from the State Department of Public Works, together with an application for the erection of a directional sign to be erected by Raytheon tL Company on the Boston to Concord Turnpike at a point approximately 1150 feet east of Spring Street . Sign Permission was granted to Raytheon on September 26, 1961 . Mr . Carroll reported that he has received an appli- cation for the position of Assistant Superintendent of Ass ' t.Sup' t . Public Works which he felt meets his requirements . He of Public said he wouldlike to have the applicant meet the Board Works next Monday . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the following Taxi Driver licenses, satis- Licenses factory character references having been received from Chief Rycroft : Brian J. Raferty 2318 Mass , Avenue Taxi Driver Frederick W. Doak 7 Stetson Street Letter was received from Commissioner Charles H. W. Foster, of the Department of Natural Resources, rela- tive to the Commonwealth' s Municipal Conservation Com- mission Program commended to the Board for acceptance Conservation by the Town. Accompanying the letter was a revised Programs manual for Municipal Conservation Commissions . Mr. Richards said he would obtain sone information on the subject and report to the Board. Mr. Carroll retired at 10 :10 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minute of the Selectmen' s Meating Minutes held on October 30, 1961, as amended. The Chairman referred to Mr. Chester Duval' s letter of October 23, in which he objected to Mr. John Byrne ' s statement that gas permits will be issued to Master Plumbers only. She reported that she had been in to the State Department of Public Utilities and met Mr. Stanley W. Ellis, Chairman of a three-man committee in charge of Gas Code enforcement of the Gas Code . Mr. Ellis agreed to write the Board a letter on the legislation being filed. She explained that, pending receipt of the letter, she told Mr . Duval to wait. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. A true record, Attest: ,E ecutive _Clerk, Selectmen