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October 23, 1961
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was
held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building,
on Monday, October 23, 1961, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman
Morey, Messrs . Adams , Ferguson, Richards and Cole were
present . Mr. Stevens , Town Counsel, Mr . Carroll,
Superintendent of Public Works, and the Executive
Clerk were also present .
Mr . Stevens referred to a communication received
by the Board on October 9, 1961 from the State Depart-
ment of Public Works relative to an agreement in con-
Agreement rection with the installation of 12-inch and 1L-inch
asbestos cement sewer pipes, 8-inch and 12-inch cast •
iron cement lined water mains and 48-inch reinforced
concrete pipes to be installed in connection with the
reconstrucedon of a portion of Route 128.
He reported that the agreement has been prepared,
is acceptable to him and the Metropolitan District
Commission and is now in order for the Board to sign.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to sign the agreement submitted by Mr. Stevens . The
original and copies were taken by Mr . Stevens .
Notice was received from the Metropolitan District
Commission of a hearing to be held on October 31, 1961
Ma; Hearing on proposed improvements or extensions to the Metro •
politan District Water System.
Mr. Carroll was requested to represent the Town
at the hearing.
Mr. Cole presented a proposed proclamation per-
taining to United Fund week .
Proclamation Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to proclaim the week of November 3 - 10, 1961 as United
Fund Week in Lexington.
Letter was received from the State Department of
Public Works relative to the law authorizing towing
of vehicles .
Mr . Stevens explained that the Town By-Law pro-
vides for towing cars interfering with the work of
removing or plowing snow or removing ice , but the
law to which the State refers is broader in its scope .
This law provides for towing cars from areas where
No Parking is permitted bathes the disadvantage of
making the rules and regulati: ns subject to the approval
of the Department of Public Works . He said he had an
idea this was going to be rewritten, there being some Towing
feeling that it is inadequate . vehicles
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to refer the communication to the Traffic Committee for
study and recommendation .
The Chairman read a letter from Mrs . Mary C .
Whittemore , 39 Dawes Road, stating that while attending
a hearing in Estabrook Hall on Dctober 11, her coat Claim for
stuck to one of the seats, and in trying to remove it, damage to
all the velvet finish remained on the chair: Mrs . coat
Whittemore wrote that she paid B65 for the coat six
months ago and asked what the Boa °d intended to do about
replacing the coat.
Mr . Stevens advised that Mrs . Whittemore had no
legal rights, the Town is under no ob ,.igation and under
such circumstances has no right to make any reimburse-
ment:: .
It was agreed to so advise Mrs . Whittemore and tell
her that the chairs have been inspected and the Board
wondered if there oould be anything in the manufacture
of the coat that caused the velvet finish to come off.
The Chairman reported that Mr. Fred Benkley, 35
Whipple Road, called her and stated that he had Mr. Coleman
and someone else appraise his property and it was worth
much more than t1, 000 the Board had offered. He said
he did not feel he could settle for that but would take
1300 . Benkley
Mr . Ferguson said he felt the same as he did before Claim
when the Board approved settlement of $1,000.
Mu . Adams said he did not see any justification
in a change of what has been proposed to Mr . Benkley.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to authorize the Chairman to call Mr . Benkley and tell
him that the Board. is sympathetic but the settlement
of x:1, 000 previously offered, remains unchanged.
The Chairman reported that she , Mr . Stevens, and
Mr . Carroll met last Friday morning with three representa-
tives from the Air Force relative to the proposed Water
Service Contract . Air Force
Mr . Stevens explained that he had received a call Water Con-
Thursday from a civilian in the office of Mr. Mallen re- tract
questing an appointment for them to meet with him on
Monday. He told them that any further meeting would
be with others , so he arranged with the Chairman and
Mr . Carroll to meet Friday, and reported on that meeting . •
He read a letter, addressed to the Board, and dated
October 20, 1961, which, among other thincs, requested
consideration be given to an additional thirty day ex-
tension of Notice of Termination .
Mr. Richards moved that the Board table any action
on the request to extend the time of termination beyond
November 1, 1961.
Mr . Stevens suggested that the last paragraph in
the Board ' s letter be revised to read that the Board
was delaying any action until next week as it believed
it should have final word from the Air Force by then.
Mr. Ferguson suggested that the Air Force be ad-
vised that the Board was not taking any action at this
time on the recuest for an extension. He said he would
go along with granting them fifteen more days, providing
a letter is written to the Commanding Officer in Bedford
stating that the Board expects him to see that this is
expedited now.
Mr . Adams seconded Mr . Richards ' motion to table
any action on the request to extend the time of termi-
nation beyond November 1, 1961 .
Mr. Ferguson was recorded in opposition and moved
for reconsideration. He said he would prefer to give ••
one more week' s cooperation and then go to the Command-
ing Officer .
Mr . Richards said if Town Counsel feels that what
he has been told that the effort made by the local
authorities to consummate with the changes and that there
is a reasonable chance that Browning would be able to ac-
cept it in that length of time , he would go along with it .
Mr. Stevens said he felt there would be time enough
if it was really given priority.
Mr . Richards seconded Mr. Ferguson' s motion for re-
Upon motion. dul made and seconded, it was voted
to extend the date of termination only to November 15,
1961 and.. to so advise Mr. Carroll .
Mr . Stevens retired at 8 :45 P.M.
The following members of the Retail Division, Chamber
of Commerce , met with the Board, Miss Bongiorno, Messrs .
Chamber of Moore , Michelson, Baker and Kolovson.
Commerce re Mr . Michelson said he wan=ed to bring the Board up
?srking to date as to how the parking situation in the center is
now because of the new parking lot on Meriam Street .
He stated that the Chamber of Commerce has tried to get
all day pe.rkers into the new parking lot and has sent
a letter to all the business men in the center requesting
them to park in the new lot . He said a week later they
put yellow tickets on the windshields and they were able
to tell who was p rking all day. He said if they continue
the effort, the all day parking situation can be corrected
and reported that the new lot on Meriam Street is being
used almost to a maximum. He presented snapshots taken
of all the municipal parking areas . He said the Chamber
would like the sup;.ort of the Police Department and the
Selectmen in trying to force the few people still parking
all day to use the other parking lot . The Chamber would
like to find a way, through the Selectmen, so that the
parking meters will not be put in because the merchants
feel that where shopping centers are springing up all
around this area, free parking is provided and they would
like to keep free parking in the center parking lots .
Mr . Moore said the Chamber of Commerce feels retail
business will be hurt seriously if parkin, meters are
installed in the town parking lots and doesn' t want them
if there is any way possible not to have them.
The Chairman asked if it was his opinion that the
shoppers would not use the lots if metered.
Mr. Moore said the surrounding shopping centers of
Bedford and Burlington do not have parking meters and the
Chamber feels that the people will go there .
The Chairman said that the comment has been made
that as soon as it is decided not to have meters, the
merchants will decide it is a long cold walk over to the
railroad parking area.
Mr. Michelson said the efforts of the Retail Division
will be able to get the all day parkers out of the lots
and they can tell by the yellow cards who the all day
parkers are . He said if the Division gives the police a
list of the numbers of violators, a warning from the Police
Department will be more effective than the yellow tickets .
Mr . Baker said if there was better lighting in the
Meriam Street parking lot at night, more people would use
it .
Mr. Michelson asked if a request had been put in
for lighting that area .
The Chairman replied that she thought it was to be
Mr . Michelson said it will be dark at four-thirty
or five and lights are needed.
Mr. Moore said the Chamber would like the Board
to make every effort not to have the meters installed .
The Chairman asked if they would like to have the
Board defer action for six months or so.
Mr . Moore replied six months or a year, and if the
Chamber does not live up to what it says it will do,
the meters could then be installed. •
Mr . Richards said he would like to know what the
Town Meeting voted, and said he would not be in favor
of extending the installation beyond another Town
Meeting .
Mr . Moore said the Chamb_;r would like , if possible ,
to have another police officer in the center of the
Police Town at night as protection has been very poor the last
protection few months . He said he understood one officer is sup-
in Center posed to be in the center all night and: maybe that is
not enough. The Chamber is concerned about more pro-
tecticn in the center from darkness until after midnight .
He said many m.erchants have found their doors have not
been checked many, many times .
The Chairman explained that the number on the force
is low at the present time .
Mr. Moore stated that the Chamber merely wanted to
express its thoughts . .
Mr. Ferguson asked what the Chamber had in mind for
added protection.
Mr. Moore replied that possibly two men on foot at
the same time as it seems one man has not been adequate .
Mr . Cole asked how a merchant would know if his
doors had been checked if they locked them, and Mr. •
Moore replied that some of them have forgotten to lock
Mr . Moore asked if the Board had contacted the
Boston Edison as to what their thoughts might be for
Street better and more suitable lighting for the Town .
lighting The Chair-man explained that the Board has con-
centrated on the area down Waltham Street and Massachu-
setts Avenue to the Junior High School . She ex_ lained
that a study has been made to change the lights in the
center but nothing has been done beyond that .
Mr . Adams said if new standards are needed, the
Town will have to pay for them.
Mr . Michelson said as far as the standards go, a
representative of the Boston Edison said they would put
up the poles but it is the cost of the fixtures that
the Town pays for .
Mr . hat Mr. has all the
Fergusonceruson said Carroll
figures and the Boston Edison has made a survey and
figured the cost .
The Chairman said many people do not feel a white
way is a necessity for the center of Lexington .
Mr. Baker said that with the new Historic Park
coming to Town, some consideration must be given to
providing a comfort station.
The Chairman stated that the Board has this in
mind but there main, that is one of the plans for the
next few years . She said the Chamber of Commerce in-
formation booth might be combined with a comfort station,
and explained that she had received a drawing of such a
building from Mr. Greeley.
The group retired at 9: 25 P.M.
Mr . Ferguson said he had not changed his mind rela-
tive to the installation of meters in the mdnicipal park-
ing lots . Parking
Mr . Cole said he would favor extending the time for Meters
Mr . Adams said the meters probably would not be in-
stalled until after Thristmas and. suggested postponing
action until then.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meetings held Minutes
on October 11 and. October 16.
Letter was received from Mr. Carroll, Town Clerk,
advising that he had received Mr. Ronald S . Woodberry' s Resignation
resignation as a member of the Capital 'Expenditures
Committee .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to sign an application, certifying to the character of Cert . of
Albert J. Moll , 25 Dawes Road, who has applied for a Inc .
Certificate of Incorporation. Satisfactory character
reference was received from the Chief of Police .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to sign orders for the following streets laid out by
the Selectmen on October 16, 1961 :
Buckman Drive from existing Buckman Drive a distance
of 235 feet, more or less , southerly to Moreland Avenue . Street
Station Way from Edison Way to Municipal Parking Area
a distance of 78 feet, more or less, northeasterly.
Worthen Road from Waltham Street a distance of 100 feet
northerly on the westerly side .
Worthen Road from Cambridge-Concord Highway 275 feet,
more or less , northerly.
(See Selectmen' s Files for 1961 - Highways )
Th,e Chairman asked what night the Board would hold
Meeting a meeting the -week 'of Town -meeting ana it was agreed to
hold aregular meeting on Thursday, November 9, 1961,
at 7: 30 P.M.
The Appropriation Committee met with the Board and
amounts to be appropriated at the Special Town Meeting
Appropriation were discussed as follows :
Committee Article 2, $30,000; transfer of $15,000 from
the Middleby Road School appropri-
ation and $15,000 from the Excess
and Deficiency Account.
Article 3 . $1.00
Article L. The Committee felt that there is a
balance in the account an!_ it was not
in favor of adding to that balance .
Article 5 . $60,000 available for transfer from
the Shade Street sewer . Mr . Carroll
thinks he has 619,000 available for
the water anc if so, the Committee
proposes a transfer, the balance to
be transferred from the Excess and
Deficiency Account . If funds are
not available , the entire amount
will be transferred from the Excess
and Deficiency Account .
Mr . Ferguson retired at 10:05 P.N.
Article 6. $12, 881.
Article 9. $L , 000 construction plus land acqui-
sition, the maximum ` 10 ,000 for two
lots .
Article 13 .?' 1, 800 personal services .
Article 11T. ,$0, 000 .
Article 15.610,000 .
Article 16. 5,000.
The Appropriat__n Committee plans to
discuss the Civil Defense figures with
a member •of the Civil Defense Department .
The Committee retired at 10:35 P.M. , and Mr. Carroll
returned to the meeting .
Mr. Carroll reported that he had been talking to Mr .
Paul Shepard and a: ked him for an overall plan as to how
the entire area is to be developed. When he receives Hartwell
that, he can try to workout all the problems pertaining Avenue
to water and sewer in the area . He said basically they
are willing to put in the 12-inch main. He agreed to
report further next week .
Mr. Carroll referred to the Capital Zxpenditures
report andsaid the subject of sewer construction has
caused him some concern and he thought it should be re-
viewed. He said it did not make much sense to bring Sewer
the sewer over to Waltham Street only and that it should
be extended to Woodhaven where it will do some good. He
reported that Cabot, Cabot & Forbes has been in to see
him about developing the land at the corner of Spring
Street and Route 2. They plan to tie into the sewer at
Shade Street and Spring Street on a temporary basis . He
asked how the Board felt about extending the sewer all in
one year.
The Chairman said that Woodhaven is the area that next
needs the sewer and that is the project for the next two
years .
It was agreed that it would be wise to plan the
entire length to Woodhaven over a two year period.
Letter was received from Dr. Lawrence K. Pious, on
behalf of Temple Fmunah, requesting permission to move
a house from 8 Wyman Road to property at the Concord Permit tc
Turnpike near Waltham Street to be used as the parsonage mo:-e build-
for the Rabbi . ir^
Mr. Carroll said he would like an opportunity to
go over the proposed route and the request was held over.
Request was received from Oscar W. Carlson for the
extension of the sewer on Grant Street to servi:e lots
1, 2 and 3 .
Mr. Carroll presented a plan and explained where 's Carlson
Mr. Carlson wants it extended. He said he felt it sewer
should be done under the Betterment Act and the Town
thereby would not become involved in Mr. Carlson put-
ting it in himself.
Mr . Richards raised the question of connecting
through private property .
Mr. Carroll explained that the situation had been
explained to Mr. Stevens and there seemed to be no problem.
* the sewer is presently located and where
It was agreed to advise Mr. Carlson that an esti-
mate of costs will be prepared for signatures and the
request would be considered when the 1962 budgets are
being discussed. It was su;,vested that something could
be said in the letter to Mr . Carlson to the effect that
the Board presumed he had the status of the strip between
the present Grant Street and the lots he desires to build
on investigated to determine whether or not a sewer con-
nection could legally be made .
Request was received from the Mystic Valley Gas Com-
pany requesting permission to tie in a 2-inch main on
Gas Main Taft Av nue to furnish additional feed to the area.
Upon Mr. Car! oll! s recommendation, it was voted
to grant the request .
The Chairman reported that Miss Lillian Viano had
made a verbal request for an entrance from Muzzey Street
to the parking lot.
Mr . Carroll presented a plan showing the fence now
on the lot .
The Chairman reported also that Miss 'Piano would
Parking like to have an opening and would give the Town a right
of way .
Mr . Richards said he would have no objections if
the same arrangement could be made that was made with 1
the Lexington Savings Bank but he did not know how it
could be plowed.
Mr . Carroll was requested to bring the subject
up again next week .
The Clerk reported tht Mr . Aiden L. Ripley had
called the office to inouire whether or not the Board
"No Hunting" planned to post "No Hunting" signs on the property
signs recently acquired from the Tower estate .
Mr. Carroll was requested to have the property
posted .
Mr. Carroll referred to his report last week rela-
Water tive to the installation of a 12-inch water main in
Hartwell Avenue , at which time he stated the connection
charge would be $1800 . He explained that the correct
figure is $2325.05.
Mr. Carroll retired at 11: 15 P.M.
Letter was received from Mrs . Edith P. Petterson,
Policewomen Secretary of theLexington Policewomen ' s Association,
request for requesting an increase in salary to "$125 per month.
increase It was agreed to advise the Association that the
request will be considered when 1962 budgets are
being prepared.
The Chairman read a letter from Chester C . Duval,
tractors Association, objectingdtoltheostatement Cer
_ Metal
ate went "per Gas
mits will be issued to Master Plumbers only" which Inspector
appears on a notice issued by the Gas Inspector, Mr.
Byrne .
No action was taken and the letter was held over
until the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 11: 25 P.M.
A true record, Attest :
'Executive_ Clerk., Selectmen