HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-10-16-BOS-min 120 SELECTMEN ' S MEETING October 16, 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, October 16, 1961, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs . Adams , Richards and Cole were present . Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, and the Executive Clerk were also present. • Hearing was declared open upon petition of the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for per- mission to lay approximately 40 feet of conduit in Concord Avenue , 164 feet westerly of Waltham Street . Mr. Consilvio, representing the petitioner, was present. Notice of the hearing was mailed to the petitioner, owners of property as listed on the petitioner ' s plan and also filed with the Superintendent of Public 'ijorks . Conduit No one was present in favor or in opposition. location Mr. Consilvio explained that there is a dual pole line going along Concord Avenue , and due to the widen- ing, it is planned to remove one line of poles . To do this, it will be necessary to move the conduit to one side , and he stated tht in the future there will be poles on one side of the street only. The hearing was declared closed. • Hearing was declared open upon petition of the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for a pole location on Demar Road, approximately 162 feet northwest of Turning Mill Pole Road. location Mr. Consilvio, representing the New England Tele - phone and Telegraph Company, Mr. Serverson, represent- ing the Boston Edison Company, were present at the hearing. Notice of the hearing was mailed to the petitioners, owners of property as listed on the petitioners ' plan, and also filed with the Superintendent of Public Works . Io one was present in favor or in opposition. Mr. Consilvio explained that the pole is presently located in front of a driveway and it is intended to relocate it about ten feet. The hearing w=s declared closed. 121 Hearing was declared open upon petition of the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Boston Edison Company for a pole location on Dane Road, approximately 18 feet northwest of Sherburne Road. Mr. Consilvio, representing the New England Tele- phone and Telegraph Company and Mr. Serverson, repre- senting the Boston Edison Company, were present at the Pole hearing. location Notice of the hearing was mailed to the peti- tioners, owners of property as listed on the petitioners ' plan and also filed with the Superintendent of Public Works, No one was present in favor or in opposition. Mr . Consilvio explained this is to support the line going in to Dane Road and is being used as a guy pole . The hearing was declared closed. Messrs . Consilvio and. Serverson retired at 7 :50 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petitions and sign the orders for the fol- lowing ernduit and pole locations : Concord Ave : From a point 164 feet westerly of Waltham Street, northwesterly approximately 40 feet of conduit. Pole Concord Ave : From a point 164 feet westerly of Waltham locations Street, westerly REMOVE approximately 40 feet of conduit . Demar Road, southwesterly side , approximately 1) 2 feet northwest of Turning Mill Road. One pole . (One existing j/o pole to be removed. ) Dane Road, northwesterly side , approximately 18 feet northwest of Sherburne Road , -- Ope pole . Mr. and Mrs . Ernest Johnson, 45 Grove Street, met with the Board. Mr. Carroll presented a plan of the Eldred Street trunk sewer and explained that it would be parallel to Eldred St . Route 128 on the southerly side of Route 128 and it is Trunk Sewer necessary to go through Mr . Johnson' s land sore place . He said every effort was made to place the sewer in the 122 rn h valley as close to Route 128 as possible thereby doing what was felt would be the least amount of damage to the Johnson property. He stated that the plan, prepared by Mr . Snow, showed the proposed location of Emerson Road and said the sewer is in Emerson Road above Mr . Johnson' s property, but it is impossible to get in Emerson Road on Mr. Johnson' s property because of the deep cut . He explained that he stayed close to Route 128 and if the land is developed as Mr . Snow has indi- cated, it will be as shown on the plan, thereby very little damage if the property is ever developed. He said he couldm.ove the easement one way or the other ten or fifteen feet, but he would like to have put it right next to Route 128 but was hampered by a brook and also by a pond. Mr. Johnson asked if there was any need to come this way and asked. why it couldn' t have gone through the McDevitt property. He said there is a low spot from Grove Street to the hill. Mr. Carroll replied that the cost would be pro- hibitive . Mr. Johnson asked who was doing the work, and Mr . Carroll replied. it was the Town. Mr. Johnson asked who the sewer was being constructed f cr and Mr. Carroll replied that it is to take care of the people on Hawthorne and Longfellow Roads . He said this sewer was brought to the Selectmen' s attention several years ago, and it was not being put in for the developer . Mr. Johnson said he did not want it through his pro- perty and asked why it could not connect to the other sewer. Mr. Carroll explained that this sewer is flowing another direction entirely and stated that there is a difficult problem of grades . Mr. Johnson said he did not life it . The Chairman explained that if this is done and the street ever Foes in, it leaves the property so it can be developed with the greatest number of house lots if Mr . Johnson ever decides to sell. Mr . Johnson asked if the lots were drawn out on his property and Mr. Carroll replied in the affirmative . Mr. Johnson asked if the lots would. be on Emerson Road, on the northerly side, and Mr. Carroll replied in the affirmative . Mr. Carroll explained that if the sewer went up Emerson Rose , it would be twenty-five feet deep and the cost would be fantastic . The Chairman asked if Mr. Johnson wanted it as far from his house as possible for his present use of the land . 123 Mr. Johnson said he never knew anything about it until he received a notice from the Planning Board about the Green and White development . He said he did not like it and if tbere is any way to put it some place else , he would prefer it . The Chairman asked if Mr , Johnson pastured his cows and he replied in the affirmative . Mr . Carroll explained that the contractor knows that protection will have to be provided so the cows won' t get into the trench. Mr. Johnson said he still did not like it . Mr. Carroll said he tried to explain to Mr . Tropeano what he had in mind. Mr. Johnson said he was not arguing about shifting the sewer, he just didn' t want it . Mr. Johnson said where this land is under develop- ment, he did not see why the sewer couldn' t go into that road. Mr. Adams explained that the sewer is not being put in for the developer. Mr. Johnson asked where the sewer was going, and Mr. Carroll indicated the route on the plan. He explained that the theory is the more pumping stations the Town has , the more it must spend for maintenance . He said it is better to have as few pumping stations as possible and it is better to have gravity sewers . Mr. Johnson said that if there is any other way, he doesn' t want it . Mr . Carroll said he would have the contractor, who is an excellent one , to get in touch with Mr . Johnson so that the least harm will be done at the least inconvenience to Mr. Johnson. Mr . and Mrs . Johnson retired at 8:10 P.M. Mr . Stevens advised that there were three sewer taking orders to be signed in connection with the trunk sewer . Mr. Carroll presented plans and explained that the first taking is from Eldred Street in a southerly direction to Route 128 . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt • the Taking Order in the following form: • C0MMONIPT ALTR OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, SS . TOWN OF LEXINGTON At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington held on the 16th day of October, 1961, it is OPDLVED: Whereas at a Town Meeting duly called, warned and held on March 3, 1961, namely at an adjourned session 124 thereof duly held on March 20, 1961, in accordance with the provisions of law applicable thereto, it was unanimously • • t4VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to install a sewer main or mains in such locations as the Selectmen may determine from the vicinity of Justin Street to Burlington Street and also to the vicinity of Turning Mill Road, subject to the assessment of betterments or other- wise , in accordance with Chapter 504 of the Acis of 1897, and all acts in amendment thereof and addition thereto, or otherwise , and to take by eminent domain purchase or otherwise acquire any fee , easement or other interest in land necessary therefor; and to appropriate for such installation and land acqui • - sition the sum of $246, 000 .00 and to provide for payment thereof by the transfer of $20, 000.00 from the Excess and Deficiency Account, by raising $101, 000.00 in the current tax levy and the balance of $125, 000 .00 to be transferred from the unexpended balance of the appropriation for the installation of a seie_r main from t're westerly side of the State Highway, Route 128, to the vicinity of Westview Street voted under Article 1.4 of the Warrant for the 1959 Annual Town Meeting. • WHEREAS the Selectmen have determined that in order to install the sewer main from Justin Street to Burlington Street and also to the vicinity of Turning Mill Road it is necessary that the sewer main be located in the land herein- after described. NOW, THEREFORE, we the undersigned, being a majority of the Board of Selectmen of said Town of Lexington, duly elected and qualified and acting as such, do hereby, under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and Chapter 79 of the General Laws, and all acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, and of any and every other power and authority us hereto in any way enabling, take in the name and on behalf of said Town of Lexington the perpetual rights and easements to lay, con- struct, inspect, repair, remove , replace , opDrate and for- ever maintain a sanitary sewer or sewers with any manholes, pipes , culverts and other appurtenances, and to do all other acts incidental thereto, including the right to pass along and over the land for the aforesaid. _ purposes, in, through and under a certain strip of land in said Lexington commencing at the Northern Circumferential Highway (Roui: e 128) and extending to near Eldred Street and bounded and described as follows : 125. Beginning at a point in the northerly line of the Northern Circumferential Highway (Route 128) which point is situated westerly and distant 321 .99 feet from the easterly terminus of a curve with a radius of 3, 750 .00 feet ; thence running North 12°53'48" West through Part of Lot A, distant 67 .12 feet to a point in the northeasterly boundary of said Fart of Lot A; thence turning and running North 31°50 ' 30" West along said northeasterly boundary of Fart of Lot A, distant 97 .70 feet to a point; thence run- ning North 32°33118" West along the northeasterly boundary of an unnumbered lot, distant 406.74 feet to a point ; thence running North 32O44' 51" West along the northeasterly boundaries of Lot, K, Bernard Strt and Lot 12 and through Lot FR), distant 645 . 65 feet to a point in the south- easterly boundary of lot 398; thence turning and running South 64°27' 00" West along said southeasterly boundary of lot 398, distant 21 .49 feet to a point; thence turning2and running South 26°51' 30" East in Lot M-, distant 25.61 feet to a point ; thence running South 32°07 '50" East through the remainder of Lot N3 and into Lot L5, distant 300.54 feet to a point ; thence running Souh 33°03 ' 00" Last through the remainder of Lot 12, Bernard Street, Lot K, an unnumbered lot and into Part of Lot A, distant 822 . 73 feet to a point; thence turning and run- ning South 12°53 '48" East through the remainder of Fart of Lot A, distant 61 .16 feet to a point in said northerly line of the Northern Circum- ferential Highway (Route 128) ; and thence turning and running along said northerly line of the Northern Circumferential Highway (Route 128) by a curve to the right with a radius of 3750 .00 feet, distant 20 .00 feet to the point of beginning; all as shown and marked "Sewer Easement" on plan entitled "Plan Of Sewer Easement From Near Eldred Street To Northern Circumferential Highway Lexington, Mass ." , dated June 23, 1961, John J. Carroll, Town Engineer, to be registered and recorded herewith and a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a p amt hereof. We do hereby also so take temporary construction ease- ments, for use in constructing the sewer to be installed in the permanent easement hereinabove described, in a strip of land having a uniform width of 20 feet, measured at right angles between side lines , said strip abutting upon and ex- • tending the full length of the southwesterly boundary of 126 the above described permanent easement, all as shown and Marked "20 ' Temporary Construction Easement" on said plan; and reference to said plan is made and said plan is in- corporated herein for a complete and detailed description of said strip of land . The temporary construction easements herein taken in- clude the right to enter upon the land taken, to de_ sit earth and material thereon, and in general to make 4"e necessary or desirable in connection with the aforesaid sewer construction. The 'Construction easements snal_ terminate thirty days after the completion of the sewer construction, and, in any event, not later than October 16, 1962. Said rights and easements in the land included within the above descriptions are taken without interference with or prejudice to the rights of the respective owners of the land, except so far as is reasonably necessary in the exercise of the rights and easements hereby taken, and there are re- served to the respective owners and their heirs, successors, and assigns all their respective rights in and to the use of their lands for all lawful purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof for all of the purposes hereinabove mentioned. On each occasion that the Town enters upon the land in which the aforesaid rights and easements are taken and performs any work thereon, it shallbe the obligation of the Town to remove all surplus material and to leave the premises in reasonably as good condition as when the entry was made . Any trees upon the land included within the above described strips of land are included within the taking . The land in which the aforesaid rights and easements are taken is believed to belong to the following named parties, but if thename of the owner of any of said land or of any interest therein is not stated or is not correctly stated, it is to be understood that such land or interest is owned by an owner or owners unknown to us : REGISTERED LAND Lots as Indicated on Certificate Owner Aforesaid Plan No. Book Page Frances May Baskin Part of A 81985 540 35 The Advent Christian Church of Somerville Massachusetts K 99046 625 96 127 Anthony Costa and Annette M. Costa, Husband and wife L5 55199 369 77 Filice Andreottola M3 74039 494 413 UNREGISTERED LAND Lots as Indicated Owner on Aforesaid Plan The Advent Christian Church of Somerville , Massachusetts Unnumbered And said Board, having considered the question of damages, hereby determines that no damages have been sus- tained and none are awarded. No betterments are to be assessed for this improvement. WITNESS our hands at Lexington as aforesaid, this 16th day of October , 1961 . /s/ Ruth Morey • • Norman J. Richards Alan G. Adams Lincoln P. Cole , Jr . Majority of the Board of Selectmen C0'D.IOTTWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss . October 16, 1961 Then personally appeared Ruth Morey, Alan G . Adams, Lincoln P. Cole, Jr. , and Norman J. Richards, known to me to be a majority of the duly elected, Qualified and acting Selectmen of •the Town of Lexington, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Town of Lexington, before me , /s/ Harold E. Stevens Notary Public My Commission expires August 31, 1968 128 • Mr. Carroll explained the second taking, an extension of the first one from Eldred Street connecting to an ex- isting sewer under Route 128, going through the land of James and Bertha Murphy into the Johnson land . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt the Taking Order in the following form: Cair ONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLESEX, St, . TOWT. OF L 1XI E T O At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington held on the 16th day of October, 1961, it is ORDERED: Whereas at a Town Meeting duly called, warned and held on March 3, 1961, namely at an adjourned session thereof duly held on March 20, 1961, in accordance with the provisions of law applicable thereto, it was unanimously "VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to install a sewer main or mains in such locations as the Selectmen may determine from the vicinity of Justin Street to Burlington Street and also to the vicinity of Turning Mill Road, subject to the assessment of betterments or otherwise , in accordance with Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897, and all acts in amendment thereof and addition thereto, or otherwise, and to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee , easement or other interest in land necessary therefor; and. to appropriate for such installation and land acquisition the sum of52L;;246, 000 .00 and to provide for payment ther _of by the transfer of $20,000.00 from the Excess and Deficiency Account, by raising $101, 000 .00 in the current tax levy and the balance of $125, 000 .00 to be transferred from the unexpended balance of the appropriation:. for the installation of a sewer main from the westerly side of the State Highway, Route 128, to the vici- nity of Westview Street voted under Article 14 of the Warrant for the 1959 Annual Town Meeting ." WHEREAS the Selectmen have determined that in order to install the sewer main from Justin Street to Burlington Street and also tb the vicinity of Turning Mill Road it is necessary that the sewer main be located in the land herein- after described. ROW, THER'FFOF3, we the undersigned, being a majority of the Board of Selectmen of the Said Town of Lexington, duly 9 elected and. qualified and acting as such, do hereby, under • and by virtue of theprovisions of Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and Chapter 79 of the General Laws, and all acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, and of any and every other power and aut'nority us hereto in any way enabling, take in the name and on behalf of said Town of Lexington the perpetual rights and easements to lay, con- struct, inspect, repair, remove', replace , operate and forever maintain a sanitary sewer or sewers with any manholes, pipes , culverts and other appurtenances, and to do all other acts incidental thereto, including th.- right to pass along and over the land for the aforesaid purposes , in, through and under a certain strip of land in said Lexington extending from Grove Street through lot 8A and bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a point in the southwesterly line of Grove Street, which point is situated northwesterly and distant 141 .73 feet from the southeasterly terminus. :of a curve with a radius of 1466. 37 feet; thence running North 84°46' 28" West, distant 388 . 64 feet to a point in the northwesterly boundary of lot 8A; thence turning and running North 14°49 ' 21" West along said northwesterly boundary of lot 8A, distant 20 .28 feet to a point; thence • turning and running South 84 46' 28" East, distant 367 . 95 feet to a point in the south- a'asterly line of Grove Street; and thence turning and running southeasterly by a curve to the right having a radius of 1466.37 feet along said southwesterly line of Grove Street, distant 26.45 feet to the point of beginning; all as shown and marked "20 ' Sewer Easement" on plan entitled "Plan Of Sewer Easement In Lot 8A Grove Street Lexington, Mass . " , dated June 26, 1961, John J. Carroll, Town Engineer, to be recorded herewith. We do hereby also so take temporary construction ease- ments for use in constructing the sewer to be installed in the permanent easement hereinabove described in two strips of land , each having a uniform width of 10 feet , measured at right angles between side lines, and extending Brom Grove Street to the northwesterly boundary of lot 8A, said strips respectively abutting upon and extending the full length of the northerly boundary and the southerly boundary of the above described permanent easement, all as shown and marked "10 ' Temporary Construction Easement" on said plan ; and reference to said plan is made and said 130 plan is incorporated herein for a complete and detailed description of said strips of land . The temporary construction easements herein taken include the right to enter upon the land taken, to deposti earth and material thereon, and in general to make all use necessary or desirable in connection with the aforesaid sew r construction. The construction easements shall terminate thirty days after the completion of the sewer construction, and, in any event, not later than October 16, 1962 . Said rights and easements in the land included within the above descriptions are taken without interference with or prejudice to the rights of the respective owners of the land, except so far as is reasonably necessary in the exer- cise of therights and easements hereby taken, and there are reserved to the respective owners and their heirs, successors and assigns all their respective rights in and to the use of their lands for all lawful purposes not inconsistent with the use thereof for all of the purposes hereinabove mentioned. • On each occasion that theTown enters up on the land in which the aforesaid rights and easerants are taken and per- forms any work thereon, it shall be the obligation of the Town to remove all surplus material and to leave the premises in reasonably as good condition as when thu entry was made . Any trees upon the land included within the above described strips of land are included within the taking. The land in which the aforesaid rights and easements are taken is believed to belong to the following named parties, but if the name of the owner of any of said land or of any interest therein is not stated or is not corectly stated, it is to be understood that such land or interest is owned by an owner or owners unknown to us : Lots as Indicated Owner on Aforesaid Plan James J. Murphy and BerthaJ.. , Murphy, husband and wife Lot BA And said Board, having considered the question of damages, hereby determines that no damages have been sustained and none are awarded . No betterments are to be assessed for this improvement . WITNESS our hands at Lexington as aforesaid, this 16th day of October, 1961. /s/ Ruth Money Alan G. Adams Norman J. Richards Lincoln P. Cole , Jr . C OPIIONWN ,ALTN, OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss . October 16, 1961 Then personally appeared Ruth Morey, Alan G. Adams , Lincoln P. Cole , Jr . and. Norman J. Richards, known to me to be a majority of the duly elected, qualified and acting Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their free act and deed an:. the free act and deed of the Town of Lexington, before me , /s/ Harold H. Stevens Notary Public My commission expires August 31, 1968 Mr. Carroll saidcthe third taking was a little bit further on Route 128 to the Johnson land and goes under Emerson Road with a piece under Route 128 and then go- ing to Turning MLA Road . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt the Taking Order in the following form: C OT'"M ONr4AL TH OF MASSACHUSETTS MIDDLE7EX, SS . Til� '1T OF ._Hi1 :GTOIIQ At a meeting of the Board of Selectm. n of the Town of Lexington held on the 16th day of October, 1961, it is ORDERED: Whereas at a Town Meeting duly called, warned and held on March 3, 1961, namely at an adjourned session th:_ re- of duly held on March 20, 1961, in accordance with the pro- visions of law applicable thereto, it was unanimously "VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to install a sewer main or mains in such locations as the Selectmen may determine from the vicinity of Justin Street to Burlington Street and also to the vicinity of Turning Mill Roe , subject to the assessment of betterments or otherwise , in accordance with Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897, and all acts in amendment thereof and addition thereto, or otherwise , and to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee , easement or other interest in land necessary therefor ; and to appropriate for such installation and land acquisition the sum of 4246, 000 .00 and to provide for payment thereof by the transfer of $20, 000 .00 from the Excess and Deficiency Account, 132 by raising 5101,000.00 in the current tax levy and the balance of 125,000 .00 to be transfe-'red from the unexpended balance of the appropriation for the installation of a sewer main from the westerly side of the State Highway, Route 128, to the vicinity of Westview Street voted under article 14 of the Warrant for the 1959 Annual Town Meeting ." WHEREAS the Selectmen have determined that in order to install the sewer main from Justin Street to Burlington Street and also to the vicinity of Turning Mill Road it is necessary that the sewer main be located in the land here- inafter described. NOW, THE EPORE, we the undersigned, being a majority of the Board of Selectmen of said Town of Lexington, duly elected and cualified and acting as such, do hereb\ , under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and Chapter 79 of the General Laws, and all acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, and of any and every other power and authority us hereto in any way • enabling, take in the name and on behalf of said. Town of Lexington the perpetual rights and easements to lay, construct; inspect, repair, remove , replace , operate and forever maintain a sanitary sewer or sewers with any manholes , pipes, culverts and other appurtenances , and to do all other acts incidental thereto, including the right to pass along and over the land for the aforesaid purposes, in, through and under a certain strip of land in said Lexing- • ton extending from Turning Mill Road across lot 26 and bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a point in the southerly line of Turning Mill Road, which point is easterly and distant 10.00 feet from the westerly boundary of lot 26; thence running South 13°02 '40" East, distant 116.51 feet to a point in the southerly boundary of lot 26; thence turning and running North 78°04' 06" East along said southerly boundary of lot 26, distant 20 .00 feet to a point; thence turning and running North 13°02 '40" West, distant 116. 90 feet to a point in the southerly line of Turning Mill Road; and thence turning and running South 76057 '20" West along said southerly line of Turning Mill Road, distant 20 .00 feet to the _tint of beginning; all as shown and marked "20 ' Sewer Easement" on plan entitled "Plan Of Sewer Easement In Lot 26 Turning„ Mill Rd. Lexington, Mass .", dated June 26, 1961, John J. Carroll, Town Engineer, to be recorded herewith. 133 We do hereby also so take temporary construction easements, for use in constructing the sewer to be in- stalled in the permanent easement hereinabove described, in the following strips of land situated in said Lexington: 1 . A strip of land having a uniform width of 10 feet and extending from Turning Mill Road to the southerly boundary of lot 26, said strip abutting upon and extending the full length of the westerly boundary of the above described permanent easement, all as shown and marked '10' Temp. Sewer Construction Easement" on said plan; and 2. A strip of land having a uniform width. of 10 feet and extending from Turning Mill Road to the southerly boundary of lot 26, said strip abutting up and extending the full length of the easterly boundary of the above described permanent easement, all as shown and marked "10 ' Temp.Sewer Construction Easement" on said. plan; and reference to said plan is made and said plan is in- - - corporated herein for a complete and detailed description of said strips of land . The temporary construction easement in said first described strip of land is taken subject to the existing drain easement in said strip of land which was conveyed to the Town of Lexington by deed from Watts Realty Corpo- ration dated February 13 , 1958 and recorded in Middlesex South District Registry of Deeds, Book 9104, Page 550 . The temporary construction easements herein taken include the right to enter upon the land taken, to deposit earth and material there on, and in general to make all use necessary or desirable in connection with the aforesaid sewer construction . The construction easements shall terminate thirty days after the completion of the sewer construction, and, in any event, not later than October 16, 1962. Said rights and easements in the land included within the above descriptions are taken without interference with or prejudice to the rights of the respective owners of the land, except so far as is reasonably necessary in the ex- ercise of the rights and easements hereby taken, and there are reserved to the respective owners and their heirs, sue- cessors and assigns all their respective rights in and to 134. r the use of their lands for all lawful purposes not in- consistent with the use thereof for all of the purposes hereinabove mentioned. On each occasion that the Town enters upon the land in which the aforesaid rights and easements are taken and performs any work thereon, it shall be the obligation of the Town to remove all surplus material and to leave the prem1ses in reasonably as good condition as when the entry was made . Any trees upon the land included within the above described strips of land are included Within the taking. The land in which the aforesaid rights and easements are taken is believed to belong to the following named parties, but if thename of the owner of any of said land or of any interest therein is not stated or is not correctly stated , it is to b e understood. that such land or interest is owned by an owner or owners unknown to us : Lots as Indicated Owner on Aforesaid Plan Aaron Smith Lot 26 And said Board, ha :ring considered the question of damages, hereby determines that no damages have been sus • - tained and none are awarded. No betterments are to be assessed for this improvement . WITNESS our hands at Lexington as aforesaid, this 16th day of October , 1961 . /s/ Ruth Morey Norman J. Richards Alan G . Adams Lincoln P. Cole , Jr . Majority of the Board of Selectmen C O ,rn ONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlese c, es . October 16, 1961 Then personally appeared Ruth Morey, Alan G. Adams , Lincoln P. Cole , Jr. , and Norman J. Richards, known to me to be a majority of the duly elected, qualified andacting Selectmen of the Toch of Lexington, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Town of Lexington, before me , Harold B. Stevens My commission expires August 31, Notary Public 1q9, 135 Mr . Stevens reported tht he had contacted Mr . Fred Benkley, 35 Whipple Road, who said he did not see why the Board should take into consideration the Benkley towers because when he sells , the buyer will not get any rights . He felt the X1,000 was not sufficient and wanted time to consider the Board' s offer . Mr . Berkley told Mr. Stevens that he would like to discuss the subject with the Chairman. At 8:25 P.M. , Messrs . Stevens and Carroll retired and Chief Rycroft met with the Board. The Chairman told the Chief that the Board wanted a report before talking to Mr. Edward Connors . Chief Rycroft stated that there were two cases in the Concord Court at the same time , and the court found Connors guilty on both and. assessed him ?dl50 on one and filed the second complaint . This all happened in July, but the delay had nothing to do with the Police Depart- ment . Mr . Connors was represented by Daniel Lynch who was in Europe at the time and his office contacted the Concord Court and the case was set up two or three times . Mr. Lynch wanted the cese to come up on a Saturday, and the Judge told him if he was going to enter a plea, he would set it up for a Saturday . Police The Chief reported that on the twenty-sixth when report the Police cruiser on Adams Street coming to Hancock liquor Street passed a car and stopped it for speeding . The operator, John T . Barowski, living at 7 Hamblen Street, was seventeen years of age . In talking , the police found out they had peen drinking and asked them to get out of the car and Borowski was visibly under the in- fluence of liquor . In answer to the Question asked as to where they obtained the liquor, they said they picked a fellow up on Lowell Street who gave them eight quarts of beer for the ride . After more questions, they ad- mitted a fellow in Cambridge purchased the liquor for them at Connors ' . There were two cars and they divided the liquor. They said that night they were going to have a cookout and it rained. It turned out the liquor was purchased by Martin Walsh from Cambridge . He was the one who went into Connors ' and got the liquor. From the description, the next day Inspector Barry had Connors come into the station and he remembered and admitted he soldthe liquor. There was no question about his age ; W0lsh is seventeen. On the 28th, Officers Baylis and Janusas daw a car in back of Connors Bros . ' store and checked it because it answered the description of a car they were looking for . A fellot;, Traniello, came out and in answer to questions, said he had beer and he was 136.. „ee -w seventeen. Officer Baylis took him back into the store and Connors admitted he sold it to him. They had twelve cans of Knickerbocker . The Chairman asked if the Chief had received any other complaints . The Chief replied that he has heard rumors that they were coming from out of Town to buy it . He said the Connors were convicted in 1952 but it was one of the Clerks who sold it . He said at that time the boy looked older. Chief Rgcroft retired at 8:45 P.M. At 9:05 P.M. , Mr. Tdward Connors and his attorney, Mr . Daniel Lynch, met with the Board. The Chairman read the communication received by the Board from the Clerk of the Concord court . She stated that the Selectmen was the licensing boardand felt Mr . Connors should be asked in to hear what he had to say about the violations of the liquor law. She stated that the Board had just received a full report from Chief Rycrdt . Mr. Lynch asked to speak for Mr . Connors and said he did not condone at any time anyone selling liquor to minors . He said he thought it was a very serious offense and. so told Judge Northrup. He said he thought the Selectmen had a responsibility to the community Connors ' when such a thing happens . He explained that when Liquor the offense occurred, he was out of Town and the case License was postponed by Judge Northrup at the request of his office until he returned. He reported that they went to Court on a Saturday ; it was not a jury trial, and Lieutenant Corr told his story. He said they pleaded not guilty and accepted a builty plea. He stated that Judge Northrup told him he would appear before the Board of Selectmen or write a letter asking that no disciplinary action be taken, the offense not being deliberate . He explained that the law does not state that one has to know a person is under twenty-one . He stated that on July 25, a lad from Arlington went in and Mr . Connors waited on him personally, and the lad looked over twenty- one . He said he wanted some beer and said his father was having a cookout and could not get up. Later on this lad who purchased the beer was not involved, but some other boys were involved in an accident . The next night a lad went into the store and when asked how old he was, said twenty-one . He purchased a lesser amount and the police got him in the parking area. The merchandise was returned and the boy got his money back. He said in both cases, Mr . Connors believed the boys were over twenty-one, but even though he believed the boys to be over twenty-one , that does not condone it . 137 Mr . Lynch said that both Edward and Thomas Connors • have lived in Lexington for fifty years , both graduated from Lexington High School, one in 1918 and the other in 1923 and have been successful, substantialbusiness- men. They had built up a business in Burlington and worked very hard in the pig business . Ten or twelve years ago, they received this liquor license in Lexington. He said they have never been in trouble with the Board of Selectmen at any time except one instance in 1952 when a salesman., was convicted for selling liquor to a minor and discharged. He said from then until now they have had no difficulty with the Board or the police . He said that at no time have the police ever suggested that any complaints were made , that there was any talk or suggestion that they were selling to minors . He said no police officially or unofficially called the store . He said they have tried to conduct themselves honestly. He stated that in February they purchased this block and have a very substantial investment in Lexington. The block sold for $200,000 and they would not deliberately jeopardize that investment to sell a few cans of beer to a minor . He said he thought it was unfortunate and the Connors know he does not condone it. He said this should never happen again and he did not think it would. He said. when he found out what happened, he told Mr . Connors • to go to a good. eye doctor which he did and his vision is good . He suggested, that nothing more serious than a warning be given, and said it should be given. He said he did not think this would ever happen again and if it did, he would not appear before the Board on their behalf . The Chairman asked Mr . Connors if he ever asked for identification when in doubt of a customers age , and Mr. Connors replied in the' affirmative . The Chairman said that in this instance he did not feel it necessary as he thought they we °e older. Mr. Connors said they looked older to him. The Chairman said the Board was very much disturbed and every time anything happens around Town, the question is asked where do they get the liquor . She said if minors are getting liquor in Lexington, it places a great obligation on the Board. Mr . Connors said it certainly was an accident and he assured the Board it would not happen again. Mr . Connors and Mr. Lynch retired at 9: 20 P.M. Mr. Adams said he did not think the Board could take no action and would be in favor of suspension. Mr. Richards said he would be in favor of a warning . The Chairman suggested a w -.rning and publicity in the paper . 138 2 A motion was made and seconded that a severe warning be given and Connors notified that any further violation would lead to the suspension or revocation of his license . Two members were in favor and two were opposed so the motion was lost . A notion was made and seconded thatConnors Bros . ' license be suspended for three days ; Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 19, 20, and. 21 . Two members were in favor and two were opposed so the motion was lost . A motion was again made and seconded that a severe warning be given and Connors notified that any further violation would lead to the suspension or revocation of his license . Three members were in favor and one opposed. The motion wes carried. Mr . Adams was recorded in oppo- sition on the grounds that he felt a warning insufficient . Mr. Carroll returned to the meeting. Upon motion dulymade and. seconded, it was voted to grant the following petitions for pole locations on Pole lo- Concord Avenue , pole removals from Concord Avenue and cations : Woburn Street, all having been approved by Mr. Carroll : ' removals Concord Avenue : From approximately 208 feet westerly of Waltham Street, westerly remove fourteen poles . Woburn Street: From approximately 583 feet westerly of Lowell Street westerly remove two poles . Mr . Carroll presented a plan of Hartwell Avenue and indicated a parcel of land for which a building permit had been issued. He pointed out the water main on Westview Street and said it is the only water main in the area . They have to get water and h=: ve retained an easement from Cabot, Cabot & Forbes so they plan to construct a six or eight inch main to tie into Westview Street . His question was whether or not a betterment , which would amount to 065, should be charged . He mentioned that funds will be requested next year to develop the sanitary landfill area, and a twelve inch main is proposed for fire protection. He reported that he talked to Paul Shepard some time ago and it was agreed that who- ever developed the property should construct a twelve inch main and stop it at Hartwell A-.enue ; the Town pre - sumably paying the difference between a twelve inch main and an eighteen inch main. He suggested that this 9 e • be done because ne felt the Town would be saving coney. He said if the developer lays the main and the Town as- sumes the maintenance, it may not cost the Town anything . • He said at the most the cost to the Town would be $2,000. The sewer connection would be ;'x1, 800 . The Board authorized Mr . Carroll to work out the details along the lines he suggested. Mr. Richards said this would not be a good approach unless the Town was given an easement and Mr . Carroll agreed. Mr. Carroll presented a plan he had prepared to show the Cabot, Cabot & Forbes , land in relation to the sani- Appraisals tary land fill site . He said it was his understanding that after the plan had been prepared, an appraisal would be made of the damage if a road was put through. He said an appraisal should be made if Town Meeting is going to be requested to make an appropriation. The Board authorized Mr. Carroll to obtain two appraisals . Mr . Caroll reported that Mr . Mazerall, Tree Warden, and Superintendent of Moth and Insect Control, would like some official title relative to his work in he Park Department . He explained that Mr. Mazerall attends meetings and conferences where most Town representatives are known as Superintendent of Parks . Park Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Superintend- to appoint Mr. Paul E. Mazerall Park Superintendent for ant a term expiring March 31, 1962, with the understanding that the title does not indicate an advancement either in position or salary, and that Mr. Mazerall will still be under the jurisdiction of the Superintendent of Public Works . Mr. Stevens returned to the meeting and referred to the be`arrant for the Special Town Meeting to be held November 6. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to take out the article on Summit Road . Mr . Soule , Chairman of the Planning Board, met Article with the Selectmen and advised that the Planning Board Summit Road was in favor of taking out the articles on Summit Road. Messrs . Stevens and Soule retired at 9:45 P.M. Upon motion dulymade and seconded, it was voted to lay out as a town way Station Way from Edison Way Station Way to the Municipal Parking area a distance of 78 feet, more or less, northeasterly, shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated September 1, 1961 . 140 Upon motion duly made and. seconded, it was voted to alter and relocate as a town way Worthen Road from Worthen Road Waltham Street a distance of 100 feet northerly on the westerly side as shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated September 1, 1961 . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to lay out as a town way Worthen Road from the Cambridge- Worthen Road Concord Highway 275 feet, more or less, northerly as shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated September 5, 1961 . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to lay out as a town way Buckman Drive from existing Buckman Buckman Drive a distance of 235 feet, more or less, Drive southerly to Moreland Avenue as shown upon a plan on file in the office of the Town Clerk, dated September 1, 1951. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Warrant to sign the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting to be held on Monday, November 6, 1961, at 8 P.M. The Chairman read a letter from Nir. Lurvey in Sewers which he submitted a list of streets that are , accord- ing to his records, having the most difficulties with private seJaTe disposal facilities . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Minutes to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meeting held on October 9, 1951. Letter was received from Leon A . Burke , Jr. , with proposed notice of hearing for the Board' s ap- proval relative to the Lexington Historic Tour Train, Hearing Inc . The Chairman suggested, and the Board agreed, to make a change in the wording of thenotice and also to include a list of the streets over which the proposed tour train would be operated. The Chairman reported that Mr . Leicester Coit, Manager of the telephone office in Arlington, called to ask if the Board would issue a proclamation to be Proclamation known as Pioneer Week, the week of October 29„ in celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the found- ation of the Association in Boston . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the request and issue the proclamation. 141 Letter was received from Walter E. Murray, 5 Revere Street, requesting permission, on behalf of Paper Drive St. Brigidts Church, to conduct a paper drive on Sunday, October 29 . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted that the request be granted. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve Public Official Bond # S-20, 112 in the amount of $1, 000 on behalf of Raymond L. White , Acting Bond Town Accountant . Memorandum was received from Senators Saltonstall and Smith relative to a discussion on Civil Defense to be held in the John Hancock Life Insurance Company' s hall on Thursday, November 9, at 1:30 P.N. Representa- Civil Defens tives of the Department of Defense and the Office of meeting. Emergency Planning will join State officials in the discussion. It was agreed to ask if any representatives from the Civil Defense Department would be able to attend. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve payment in the amount of $50 to Mr . Frederick Staples, Executive Assistant, for attending the Board meetings before he officially takes over his full-time duties on November 1 . The meeting adjourned at 11:05 P.M. A true record, Attest : Executive Clerk, Se ie ctmen