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October 2, 1961
A meeting regularof the Board of Selectmen was
held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building,
on Monday, October 2, 1961, at 7: 30 P.M. Chairman
Morey, Messrs . Adams , Ferguson and Richards were pre -
sent . Mr . John J. Carroll, Superintencent of Public
Works , and the Executive Clerk were also present . MIr .
Cole arrived at 8:15 P.M.
Mr . James J. Carroll, Town Clerk, met with the
Board for the drawing of three jurors . The following
Jurors individuals were drawn for jury duty: Frank J. Gallagher ,
Jr. , 14 Appletree Lane ; Malcolm R. Gavin, 24 Normandy
Road; Murray D. Black, 21 Paul Revere Road.
Mr . Carroll retired.
Hearing was declared open upon petition of the
Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone
and Telegraph Company for permission to locate one
pole on Concord Avenue .
Notice of the hearing was mailed to the peti-
tioners, the owners of property as listed on the
petitioners ' }glans and filed with the Superintendent
Pole lo- of Public Works.
cation Mr. Arthur R. Serverson, representing the Boston
Edison Company, was the only person present at the
hearing. He explained that the Company had received
a request from an individual to have his driveway
The hearing was declared closed.
Hearing was declared open upon petition of the
Boston Edison Company for permission to locate two
poles on Lowell Street .
Pole lo- Notice of the hearing wassmailed to the peti-
cations tioner, the owners of the property as listed on the
petitioner' s plan, and also filed with the Superintend-
ent of Public Works .
Mr. Serverson was the only person present at the
hearing . He explained that there will be four new
11,000 lumen street lights replacing 8,000 lumen lights
to illuninate the entire intersection at Lowell and
Maple Streets .
The hearing was declared closed and Mr. Serverson
retired at 7:40 P.M.
Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, arrived at the meeting.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to grant the petitions and sign the orders for the
• following pole locations : Pole
Concord Avenue , northerly side , approximately 1180 feet locations
west of Waltham Street , --
One pole .
Lowell_ Street, in traffic island at Maple Street, --
One pole .
Lowell Street, westerly side, approximately 25 feet
north of Maple Street, --
One pole .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meeting held Minutes
on September 25, 1961.
Letter was received from Eugene F. Delfino, 94
Reed Street, offering $700 for lots 77 and 78, Block D,
Reed Street.
The Clerk reported that Mr. Carroll, Town Clerk,
will not have foreclosure proceedings completed on Tax title
lot 78 until some time in 1962.
It was agreed to advise Mr. Delfino that fore -
closure proceedings will not be completed for approxi-
mately another year and therefore the Town has no
authority to dispose of lot 78.
The Chairman read a letter from the Town Cele-
brations Committee requesting permission to display
American and U. N. Flags along the street on U. N.
Day, October 24.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to grant the request . U. N. Flag
When Mr. Cole arrived at the meeting, the subject
was discussed further and he voiced opposition to dis-
playing any flag on a par with the American flap .
Upon motion duly made and seconded_, it was voted
to rescind the vote granting permission as requested
by the Committee .
It was agreed to ask the Committee if they would
substitute displaying the two flags by flying the UN.
flag under the American flag on the Common or flying
a small number of U.N. flags in one section of the center .
Mr. Stevens submitted a copy of his letter to
Mr . Harold J. Toole , M.D .C . , in regard tothe contract Air Force
to furnish water to the United States for use at Laurence Water
G. Hanscom Field.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to sign the new contract with the United States to
Air Force furnish water to Laurence C. Hanscom Field numbered
Contract AF 19 (628) -700 and to deliver the contract to the
(water) Town Counsel to hold until the Metropolitan District
Commission consents under Chapter 280 of the Acts of
1961 to the Town furnishing water to Hanscom Field and
then to be delivered by him to the Contracting Officer
at Hanscom Field.
Mr. Carroll inquired about advetising for bids ,
and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to authorize him to advertise bids for the 2)44 water
Bids main, estimated in his budget at S420,000, from the
intersection of Waltham Street and Concord Avenue to
the vicinity of the standpipe .
Upon motion duly made a seconded, it was voted
to sign a contract with the C . L. Guild Construction
Contract Co. , Inc . , for Trunk Sewer (Contract No. 5) in the
amount of $223, 032.50. All copies were taken by Mr.
Stevens .
Mr. Stevens reported his conversation with Mr .
Hobey, in regard to the possible relief sewer and ad-
Relief Sewer vised that the Board could expect to hear from the
Town of Arlington on the subject.
Messrs . Stevens and Carroll retired at 8: 15 P.M.
• Chairman Brown, Mrs . Marek and. Messrs . Steele and
Clark, School Committee , met with the Board.
The Chairman explained that the Meeting was called
at the request of the School Committee for the purpose
of selecting a successor to Mr. Dan H. Fenn, Jr . , whoc
resigned and the two Boards should proceed with the
election .
Mr. Brown read the names of five candidates pro-
School posed by the School Committee for consideration.
Committee The meeting then proceeded to the election of one
member as successor to Mr . Fenn.
The following were nominated and seconded to be
a member of the School Committee : Mr. Ronald S.
Woodberry, Jr. and Mr. Nathan B. Ricker.
There were no other nominations .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the nominations
were closed.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Executive
Clerk was appointed Teller.
%he members of both Boards proceeded with the election
by ballots which were collected and counted by the
Teller . There were eight votes cast for Mr . Woodberry
and one vote for Mr . Ricker .
The Chairman thereupon declared that Mr. Ronald S.
Woodberry, Jr . , had been duly elected a member of the
School Committee to serve until the Annual Election in
March, 1962.
The group retired at 8:40 P.M.
Mr . John Carroll returned to the meeting.
He reported that he had drafted an amendment to
the Plumbing By-Law, Article XVI Storm Drains , and
submitted it to Mr. Stevens for final drafting if it
is to be included in the warrant for the Special Town Article re
Meeting. Drains
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to insert an article in the warrant for the Special
Town Meeting to amend Article XVI Storm Drains, of
the Plumbing By-Law .
Further consideration was given to Dr. Crumb' s
letter relative to parking on Wallis Court .
Mr . Car -oll reported thathe and Mr . Ferguson,
of the Traffic Study Committee , recommended `No Parking"
on either side of Wallis Court.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Traffic
to amend the Traffic Rules and Orders to prohibit
parking on either side of Wallis Court.
It was further voted to amend the Traffic Rules
and Orders to prohibit parking on the northerly side
of Winthrop Road for a distance of 150 feet .
Mr . Carroll referred to the order adopted by the
Board of Selectmen on September 18 taking by eminent
domain a permanent sewer easement and a temporary con-
struction easen nt in certain parcels of land situated Release of
between Grove and Eldred Streets . He reported that damages
Mr. Richard Soule said he would like to sign a con-
firmatory deed and release of damages in exchange for
$100 . Mr. Reenstierna' s appraisal was $50 . Mr.
Carroll presented a plan and indicated the taking.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to accept a confirmatory deed andrelease of damages
from Mr . Soule , to be approved by Town Counsel, in
exchange for $100 .
Mr. Carroll referred to installation of parking
meters in the two municipal parking areas . He ex-
plained to t the article in the warrant did not appropri-
i ate any money and he thought it was agreed that
bids would be taken with the understanding that the
successful bidder and the Town would receive an equal
Parking share of the revenue for a period of three years .
Meters He said, with the Board ' s approval, he would write
the specifications around the present meters made by
the Park-O-Meter Company. He advised that the Chief
of Police feels very strongly that the same type of
meters should be used.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to authorize Mr. Carroll to invite bids for parking
meters to be installed in the two municipal parking
areas .
Letter was received from. Mr. LeRoy N.Johnson,
owner of property at 78 Cliffe Avenue , requesting
the extension of the sanitary sewer to serve his pro-
Sewer party and that of Mrs . Margaret Smith, 68 Cliffe Avenue .
Mr . Carroll advised that this should be handled
by a regular petition and considered when budgets for
1962 are being discussed .
Letter was received from Mrs. Helen Garten, 11
Fairview Avenue , requesting abatement of a sewer better-
ment assessment in the amount of $175.46 levied against
lots 249 and 250 Wood Street . Mrs . Garten claimed that
the lots do not border on the present Wood Street . •
Mr. Carroll eXplained that a sewer was installed
Abatement in Wood Street in 1959 as the street is now built and
indicated the old location on a plan . He explained
that Old Wood Street would have to be crossed to connect
these lots and indicated a parcel of land located between
the old location and the new location of Wood Street .
He said the piece of land between old and new Wood Street
probably is owned by the former owner of Patriots Forest .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to abate the sewer betterment assessment, in the amount
of $175 .46, levied against lots 249 and 250 Wood Street,
it being the opinion of the Board that the assessment is
illegal .
Mr. Carroll presented the Board with a chart indicat-
ing the results of traffic counts taken at Maple Street,
Traffic Lowell Street and Winchester Drive and also at Massachu-
counts setts Avenue and Marrett Road . He expects todiscuss
the Maple -Lowell Street location with a representative
from the State Department of Public Works . He did not
feel that li -nts is the answer at the Massachusetts
Avenue-Marrett Road location and he would like to study
it more .
Petition was received from the Boston Edison Company
for the location of two manholes, conduit and pole con-
nections on Lillian Road, southerly from Lowell Street,
a distance of about 965 feet . Pole
The proposed manholes, conduit and pole connections location
were approved by Mr. Carroll . Upon motion duly made
andseconded., it was voted to grant the petition and sign
the order .
The Chairman read a:letter from the Town Celebrations
Committee relative to the observandeof the 250th anni-
versary of the incorporation of Lexington in 1963 .
No action was taken and the subject was held over
until the next meeting of the Board.
Letter was received from Mr . Burrell, Director of
Civil Defense , requesting appointment of Mr. William
Enders to the position of Deputy Director to fill the
vacancy created by Mr. Robert Soule ' s resignation. Civil Defers;
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to appoint Mr. William Enders to the position of Deputy
Director of the Civil Defense Department .
Letter was received from Mrs . Edward A. May, on
behalf of the Woodhaven Associati n, requesting permis-
sion to block off Normandy Road in front of numbers 38, 39,
40 and 41 on October 21 from 8:00 P.M. until midnight Block dance
for a block dance .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to grant the request .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted Uses of Hail
to grant the following uses of halls :
4-H Town Committee Cary Hall October 27 Halloween Party
Premiere Performance
Company E'stabrook October 3 ) Tryouts
October 20)
Lexington Civil Rights
Committee November 7 Public Meeting
The Chairman reported that she had received a call
from Lieutenant Schweickart who thought something should Tax
be done about ab^ting taxes for men called back into the abatements
service .
Mr. Richards explained that there are no such pro-
visions .
At 10:00 P.M. , Mr . Stevens returned to the meeting
with the Planning Board.
9 6 •1
The Chairman referred to the proposed amendment to •
the Zoning By-Law and said the question is whether it
should be postponed and the Board proceed with the other
articles in the warrant .
The Chairman reported that she talked with Mr .
Fisher , Chairman of the Standing School Building Com-
mittee , who stated that postponement of the Special
Town Meeting for two weeks would not cause any diffi-
culty. She also reported that the Civil Defense Director
Town Meeting is very anxious to have the articles pertaining to that
department brought up.
Mr. Soule said the Planning Board is of tte opinion
that the October 30 meeting should be held for all the
articles except the proposed change in zoning; the Board
to actively pursue the zoning change and hold a public
hearing which would have no relation to the October 30
meeting . He said if there are changes to be made after
the public hearing, they would be made and further hear-
ings held until it is ready for a Town Meeting . He
reported that Mr. Stevens indicated this evening that the
proposed amendment has to have substantial revision before
it will be ready for a public hearing.
The Chairman read a letter from Cabot, Cabot and
Forbes and it was agreed that the proposed rezoning of
Zoning the so-called Rinaldo property could be presented at
the November Town Meeting.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
Town to extend the time of the Special Tom Meeting scheduled
Meeting to be held on October 30 to Monday, November 6.
Mr. Stevens read an article he had drafted rela-
tive to fall-out shelters to which there was no objection.
The Chairman referred to a letter, dated September 15,
received from the State Department of Public Works, rela-
tive to proposed plans ofthe Town for construction of
Worthen Road to Route 2 .
Worthen Road Mr. Soule reported that the subject had bean dis-
' Route 2 cussed by the Planning Board but it did not go along with
the State ' s proposal .
The subject was discussed at length until 10:30 P.M. ,
at which time Mr. Stevens retired.
It was agreed that Mr . Soule , Mr . Carroll , Mr . Snow
and the Chairman arrange a meeting with the State Depart-
ment of P„blit Works to discuss the subject further.
The Planning Board retired at 11: 20 P.M.
Further consideration was given to the appointment
of an Executive Assistant to the Board and the subject
of salary for the remainder of 1961 and the first three
months of 1962 was discussed. Executive
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unani- Assistant
mously voted to offer the position of Executive Assistant
to Mr. Frederick T . Staples, at a salary of ;8500 per
annum; Mr . Staples to assume the position at the earliest
possible date , not later than November 1, 1961, and to
give the Boa d as much time as possible during the
month of October with proper compensation for such
time .
The meeting adjourned at 11 :30 P.M.
A true record, Attest :
Executaye Clerk, Selectmen