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September 25, 1961
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was
held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building,
on Monday, September 25, 1961, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman
Morey, Messrs . Adams , Ferguson and Richards were pre-
sent . Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works ,
and the Executive Clerk were also present . Mr. Cole
arrived at 8:25 P.M.
Hearing was declared open upon petition of the
Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone
and Telegraph Company for permission to locate one
pole on Wallis Court.
Pole Mr . Mahon, representing the Boston Edison Com-
location pany, Mr. Consilvio, representing the New England
Telephone and Telegraph Company, Messrs . Ballard,
Burgess and Mrs . Comley were also present .
Notice of the hearing was mailed to the peti-
tioners and to the owners of property as listed on
the petitioners ' blueprint and checked with the Board
of assessors .
Mr. Mahon explained that the telephone company
maintain this line and have sent to the Boston Edison
Company an instrument indicating that it would like
the pole relocated due tosome construction. He
stated that it is the first pole in from Massachusetts
Avenue abutting the Hunt property, and not located on
private property.
No one wished to be recorded in opposition and
the hearing was declared closed. The three abutters
retired at 7:38 P.M.
Hearing was declared open upon petition of the
Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone
and Telegraph Company for permission to locate one
pole on Maple Street .
Pole Notice of the hearing was mailed to the peti-
location tion rs and to the owners of property as listed on
the petitioners ' blueprint and checked with the
Board of Assessors .
Mr. Charles A. O 'Donnell, 159 Maple Street, was
present at the hearing.
Mr. Mahon explained that this is a proposed pole
location for a street light the Town has ordered.
Mr. O'Donnell had no objection. The hearing was
declared closed at 7:40 P.M. and he retired.
Hearing was declared open upon petition of the
Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone
and Telegraph Company for permission to locate two
poles on Wood Street.
Notice of the hearing was mailed to the peti-
tioners and to the owners of property as listed on
the petitioners' blueprint and checked with the Board
of Assessors.
No one attended the hearing in favor or in op- Pole
position. locations
Mr. Mahon ex: lained that the existing pole is
directly in the center of a proposed driveway and
the company has been asked tc move it . In order
to do so, it is necessary to install two poles on
either side of the proposed driveway .
Mr . Carroll reported that he had looked at the
proposed location and approved.
The hearing was declared closed at 7:45 P.M. ,
and Messrs . Mahon and Consilvio retired.
Upon motion dulymade and seconded, it was voted
to grant the petitions and sign the orders for the
following pole locations :
Wallis Court, northwesterly side, approximately
90 feet southwest ofMassachusetts Avenue .
One pole . (One existing j/o pole to be re-
moved. )
Maple Street, southeasterly side, approximately
177 feet southwest of Lowell Street,
One pole .
Wood Street, southwesterly side, northwesterly
from a point approximately 3, 725feet north-
west of Holton Road,
Two poles . (One existing j/o pole to be re-
moved. )
Mr. Stevens, Town Counsel, arrived at the meting .
Letter was received from Dr . Harold J. Crumb,
1632 Massachusetts Avenue , requesting 'No Parking"
on either side of Wallis Court . Traffic
It was agreed that Mr . Ferguson and Mr. Carroll
would view the area, study the conditions and report
at the next meeting of the Board .
Letter was received fromIrving Brown, attorney
for Michael and Alice R . Salhaney, 539 Concord Avenue ,
stating that he was writing to make an offer of settle-
ment re land taking as provided in Section 8A of Chapter
79 of the General Laws .
Claim Mr . Stevens presented a plan, explained the slope
easement and indicated the taking on the plan. He said
the Board might delay any action until the job is com-
pleted, and advised that there is nine months from the
date the Order of Taking was filed.
Mr . Carroll stated that there is very little
sloping on this property, approximately l2 to 1.
Mr. Stevens suggested that the Board offer X1.00
in settlement .
Mr . Carroll referred to the trunk sewer from
Emerson Road to Burlington Street and stated that
the easement plan has been prepared and Mr. Higgins
is going to discuss the subject with the various
people whose property is involved, at which time
the questionof betterments would be raised.
Trunk Sewer He presented a plan entitled "Trunk Sewer Plan
and Profile", indicated the easements and said that
there were some very awkward situations because of
the proposed location and construction of Emerson
Following a discussion of both the street con-
struction and the sewer installation, it was agreed
that there would be no sewer betterments assessed.
Petition, signed by four abutters, was received
for the installation of a sanitary sewer and con-
struction of Old Shade Street .
'Sewer and Mr. Carroll presented a plan and explained that
street - the lots on Benjamin Road back up to Old Shade Street,
Old Shade but in his opinion, there would be no betterment to
Street those properties .
Mr. Ferguson asked if those lots could be used
for house lots, and Mr. Carroll replied in the negative .
He explained that the street is approximately twenty
feet wide now and would probably be constructed thirty
feet .
Mr. Carroll said this would be an item for the
1962 budget and agreed to send out estimated costs
for the petitioners to sign.
Mr . Stevens retired at 8: 35 P.M.
Mr. Carroll reported that C . L . Guild Construction
Co. , Inc . of Providence, R. I . , was the low bidder on
the Trunk Sewer (Contract No. 5) with a bid of $223,032 .50 .
He stated that the bid had been checked and found .:to
be correct, and also stated that this company had done work
in Lexington in 1957 and is an excellent contracting
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to award the Trunk Sewer Contract to the C . L . Guild Sewer
Construction Co. , Inc . , at the bid price of $223,032.50 . contract
Mr . Carroll referred to a hearing to be held next
week on Chapter 90 work for 1962 and reported that he
had talked with a Mr. Barrett, State Department of
Public Works, and told him that the Town' s request was
going to be $55,000 to complete Gbncbrd Avenue from Chapter 90
Blossom Street to Waltham Street. Mr . Barrett was not
sure that the Town would get that amount but there was
no harm in making the request. He felt that the Com-
missioners might suggest waiting until 1963 to complete
Concord Avenue . Mr. Carroll said that would mean
leaving a gap in the road. He suggested that the Board
send a letter making a strong request for $55,000 and
also a request to have the avenue completed in 1962.
The Chairman reported that she had received a
letter from Mrs. Daniel Tassell, 358 Woburn Street,
requesting "Slow Children" or "20 MPH speed enforced"
signs . - Traffic
Mr. Carroll explained that Woburn Street is a
State highway and it was agreed to refer the request
to the Departnent of Public Works .
Letter was received from Mrs . Margaret A. Smith
requesting the extension of the sanitary sewer to Sewer
connect to #68 Cliffe Avenue .
Mr . Carroll said he thought this property was
included in the contract and agreed to check it .
Letter was received from the State Department of
Public Works relative to the connection of Worthen
Road to Route 2. Worthen Road
Mr . Ferguson suggested proceeding with the layout Route 2
of Wellington Lane and taking the construction of
Worthen Road from there in slowly. The Board agreed .
Letter was received from the County Commissioners
advising that a hearing will be held on October 20, 1961 Hearing
at 10:30 A.M. upon the petition for relocation and
specific repairs of Massachusetts Avenue .
Mr. Carroll reported that one of his girls gave
him two weekst notice last week and another today . He
stated that both girls are leaving to tabs positions
Salaries paying higher salaries . He said one of the girls is
taking home $40 plus which is not enough, and he thought
something should be done about a step-rate plan as an
incentive .
The Planning Board and Mr. Stevens met with the
Board at 9:25 P.M.
The Planning Board had this evening given Mr.
Stevens a draft of the proposed amendment to the Zoning
By-Law which should be advertise d`this week for action
by Town Meeting on October 30. Mr. Stevens said it
was too complicated for him to thoroughly check in such
a short period of time .
The possibility of deferring the Town Meeting to
November was considered as was the possibility of two
Town Town Meetings .
Meeting It was left that the Planning Board would meet with
(Zoning) the Selectmen next Monday, at which time further con-
sideration will be given to the date of the Special
Meeting and whether or not the zoning article will be
included in the warrant .
Mr. Stevens retired at 10:05 P.M.
The Chairman referred to the letter from the State ,
of which a copy was sent to the Planning Board, rela-
Worthen Rd. tive to the connection of Worthen Road to Route 2. She
Route 2 explained that the sewer line has to be located. •
Mr. Carroll said that both Boa. ^ds should arrive at
some conclusion because this connection also relates to
Buckman Drive , Summit Road and Wellington Lane .
The Chairman suggested that all possible information
pertaining to these streets be obtained and available for
the public hearing on October 11 .
The Planning Board retired.
Letter was received from the School Committee re-
questing a joint meeting with the Selectmen for the pur-
pose of selecting a successor to Mr. Dan H. Fenn, Jr.,
School who has resigned.
Committee The Chairman called Mr. Brown and arranged to hold
a joint meeting next Monday, October 2.
Letter was received fromMr . Irwin suggesting an
amendment to the Zoning By-Law relative to fallout or
Article bomb shelters . A copy was sent to Mr. Stevens as an
article is to be included in the warrant for the Special
Town Meeting in October or November.
Letter was received from the Mass Transportation
Commission relative to appointment of a Committee to
assist the Commission
in plans
land use , economic development and related matters in Mass
the Greater Boston Region. Transpor-
It was agreed to send a copy of the letter to the tation
Planning Boa& and to advise the Commission that a Commission
member of the Planning Board and Selectmen would attend
the first meeting.
Further consideration was given to the appointment
of an Associate Member of the Board of Appeals to fill
the vacancy caused by appointing Mr. Norris a regular
member . Appointment
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to appoint Mr . George P. Wadsworth an Associate Member
of the Board of Appeals for an unexpired term ending
March 31, 1962, effective October 1, 1961 .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meeting Minutes
held on September 18, 1961 .
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted
that notices of intention to lay out the following Street
streets be signed and mailed to the abutters : notices
Buckman Drive from existing Buckman Drive a distance
of 235 feet, more or less, southerly to Moreland Avenue .
Summit Road from near Pinewood Street a distance of
700 feet, more or less, southerly to Fern Street .
Station Way from Edison Way to Municipal Parking Area
a distance of 78 feet, more or less, northeasterly.
Worthen Road from Waltham Street a distance of 100 feet
northerly on the westerly aide .
Worthen Road from Cambridge-Concord Highway 275 feet,
more or less, northerly.
Application was received from David F. Corr, 72
Bertwell Road, for a Taxi Driver' s license . License
Satisfactory character reference was received
from James F. Corr, Acting Chief.
Upon motion duly made and secondee., it was voted
to grant a Tcxi Driver' s license to David F. Corr .
The meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M.
A true record, Attest:
'Executive Clerk, Sel sctmen