HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-09-18-BOS-min het 72 SELECTMEN'S VETTI NG September 18, 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday, September 18, 1961, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs . Adams, Ferguson and Richards were present . Mr . Stevens, Town Counsel, Mr. Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works, and the Executive Clerk were also present . Mr. Cole arrived at 8:10 P.M. Hearing was declared open upon petition of the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone & Telegraph Company for permission to locate one pole on Hudson Road. Pole Notice of the hearing was mailed to the petitioners location and to the owners of property as listed on the peti- tioners ' blueprint . Mr. Mahon, representing the Boston Edison Company, and four other individuals were present at the hearing . Mr. Mahon explained that the proposed location is a matter that the telephone company is particularly interested in. He stated tkat the distance from the pole now at Hudson Road to Spring Street is about 210 feet, and the telephone company advised that the roots are hanging low at that point and the installation of a pole is necessary . No one wishedand to be recorded in opposition the hearing was declared closed, at which time the group retired. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition and sign the order for the fol- lowing pole location: Hudson Road, northeasterly side, approximately 125 feet southeast of Spring Street, -- One pole . Hearing was declared open upon petition of the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone & Telegraph Company for permission to locate two poles on Robinson Road. Pole Notice of the hearing was mailed to the petitioners locations and to the owners of property as listed on the peti- tioners ' blueprint. Mr . Mahon, representing the Boston Edison Company, was the only person present at the hearing . He ex- plained that the petitioners plan to run a service to 73 the school from the Grove Street entrance and the poles will be located on the westerly side of Robinson Road abutting the property of George J. Anderson. From that line , it is planned to set three poles on Town property and hang street lighting fixtures. He stated that the two poles now being petitioned for will carry a line only for street lighting to light up the rear of the school. Mr. Richards asked if the wires would be buried, and Mr . Mahon replied in the negative . Mr. Mahon stated that he had discussed the subject of street lighting with Mr. Spiris for both the front and rear of the school . Mr. Spiris referred to the Standing School Building Committee , working with the architect, Mr . Crimp, and suggested that Mr . Mahon contact Mt . Crimp. Mr. Mahon discussed the matter with him today and he is agreeable towhat the company plans to do in the way of setting concrete units in School front of the school. Mr. Crimp suggested that Mr - street Mahon obtain rights for the street lighting for the lighting front of the school and the rear of the school from the Board of Selectmen, indicating that he and the School Building Committee are through with it. Mr. Stevens explained that it is school land and under the control of the School Department and he thought it would be the School Committee rather than the Board of Selectmen fromwhom rights would be ob- tained. Mr. Mahon said if the Board felt this to be a function of the School Department, he would contact that department. The Chairman asked if the six poles that go from Grove Street would light the parking area or just the entrance , and Mr . Mahon replied that the last pole would reach the parking area and the lights will be 4,000 lumen. Mr. Mahon retired at 7:55 P.M. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition and sign the order for the following j/o pole location: Pole location Robinson Road, westerly side, southerly from a point approximately 50 feet south of Mountain Road, -- Two poles . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to request the Appropriation Cohuunittee to transfer Transfer the sum of $1,255.45 from the Reserve Fund to the 4 Elections - Jurisdiction Selectmen Account, the addi- tional funds being necessary because of unforseen expenditures incurred by the referendum on the school . It was voted to advise the Appropriation Committee that a transfer will have to be requested to meet the payrolls for the Accounting Department for the balance Transfer of the year, but until more definite information as to the amount needed is obtained, the request will be held in abeyance . Mr. Stevens presented an Order of Taking of a proposed sewer easement from Grove Street through Sewer private property to Eldred Street and explained that easements there would be a twenty foot permanent easement and a twenty foot temporary easement . Mr. Carroll explained that the sewer will flow down Grove Street to the easement and tie into the sewer at Eldred Street. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt an Order of Taking for the sewer easement for the Grove Street and Eldred Street sewer in the follow- ing form: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSET_'S MIDDLESEX, SS Town of Lexington At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington held on the 18th day of September, 1961, it is ORDERED : Whereas at a Town Meeting duly called, warned and held on March 3, 1961, namely at an adjourned session thereof duly held on March 20, 1961, in accordance with the provisions of law applicable thereto, it was unanimously "VOTED: That the Selectmen be and they hereby are authorized to install sewer mains, subject to the assessemnt of betterments or otherwise , in such accepted or unaccepted streets or other land as the Selectmen may determine , in accordance with Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and all acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, or otherwise , and to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee , easement or other interest in land necessary therefor; and to appro- priate for such installation and land acquisition the sum of $331 ,100.00 and that payment be pro- vided by the transfer of $56,900 .00 frau the Sewer Assessment Fund, the transfer of $257,200.00 from the Excess and Deficiency Account and the 0 balance of x}20,000.00 to be transferred from the unexpended balance of the appropri- ation for the installation of sewer mains voted under Article 14 of the Warrant for the 1960 Annual Town Meeting ." WHEREAS the Selectmen have determined that it is necessary to install a sewer main in the land herein- after described. NOW, THEREFORE , we the undersigned, being a majority of the Board of Selectmen of said Town of Lexington, duly elected and qualified and acting as such, do hereby, under and by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 and Chapter 79 of the General Laws, and all acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, and of any and every other power and authority us hereto in any way enabling, take in the name and on behalf of said Town of Lexington the perpetual rights and easements to lay, construct, inspect, repair, remove, replace, operate andforever maintain a sanitary sewer or sewers with any manholes , pipes , culverts and other appurtenances, and to do all other acts incidental thereto, including the right to pass along and over the land for the aforesaid purposes, in, through and under a certain strip of land in said Lexington extending from Grove Street to Eldred Street and bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Grove Street, as laid out by the Middlesex County Commissioners by order dated December 6, 1946 and recorded in Middlesex South District Deeds, Book 6990, Page 463, and registered in Middlesex South Land Registry as document 209505, which point is situated 275.48 feet northerly of the southerly terminus of a curve with a radius of 604. 64 feet; thence running South 79° 37 ' 34" West through an unnumbered parcel, Land Court lot 8, and an unnumbered parcel, distant 617.58 feet to a point in the common boundary of said last mentioned unnumbered parcel and Land Court lot "0" ; thence turning and running South 22° 54' 10" East along said last mentioned common boundary, the common boundary of said lot„ "0" and of lot 3, the common boundary of/Aid lot 3. andf and Court lot 389, distant 237.49 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 50 36' 50” West through said Land Court lot 389, distant 80 .66 feet to a point in the northerly line of Eldred Street; thence turning and running easterly by a curve to the right having a radius of 1500 *Land Court Lot "N" and :,: and the common boundary of said lot 3 and 76 feet along said northerly line of Eldred Street, distant 21 .26 feet to a point ; thence turning and running North 5° 36' 50" East throu ,h said Land Court lot 389 and into said lot 3, distant 78.54 feet to a point; thence turning and run- ning North 22° 54' 10" West through lot 3, dis- tant 217.63 feet to a point in the northerly boundary of said lot 3; thence turning and run- ning North 79° 37' 34" East along said northerly boundary of said lot 3, the northerly boundary of lot 2 and the northerly boundary of lot 1, distant 586.22 feet to a point in the westerly line of Grove Street ; and thence turning and running northerly by a curve to the right having a radius of 604.64 feet along said westerly line of Grove Street, distant 21 .01 feet to the point of begin- ning; all as shown and marked "20' Sewer Easement" on plan entitled "Plan Of Sewer Easement Off Eldred & Grove Sts . Lexington, Mass .", dated July 26, 1961, John J. Carroll, Town Engineer, to be recorded and registered herewith and a copy of which is annexed hereto and made a part hereof . We do hereby also so take temporary construction ease- ments, for use in constructing the sewer to be installed in the permanent easement hereinabove described, in the following strips of land situated in said Lexington: 1. A strip of land having a uniform width of 20 feet , measured at right angles between side lines, and extending from Grove Street through an unnumbered parcel, Land Court lot 8, and an unnumbered parcel to Land Court lot "0", said strip abutting upon and extending the full length of the northerly boundary of the above described permanent easement, all as shown and marked "20 ' Construction Easemm.ent" on said plan; and 2. A strip of land having a uniform width of 20 feet, measured at right angles between side lines, and extending through a portion of Land Court lots "0" and "N" and through Land Court lot 389 to Eldred Street, said strip abutting upon and extending the full length of the westerly and northwesterly boundaries of the above described permanent ease- ment, all as shown and marked "20 ' Construction Easement" on said plan; and reference to said plan is made and said plan is in- corporated herein for a complete and detailed description 1 1 of said strips of land. 77 The temporary construction easements herein taken include the right to enter upon the land taken, to deposit earth and material t-ereon, and in general to make all use necessary or desirable in connectionwith the aforesaid sewer construction. The construction easements shall terminate thirty days after the completion of the sewer construction, and, in any event, not later than September 18, 1962. Said rights and easements in the land included within the above descriptions are taken without interference with or prejudice to the rights of the respective owners of the land, except so far as is reasonably necessary in the ex- ercise of the rights and easements hereby taken, and there are reserved to the respective owners and their heirs, successors and assigns all their respective rights in and to the use of their lands for all lawful purposes not in- consistent with the use thereof for all of the purposes hereinabove mention d. On each occasion that the Town enters upon the land in which the aforesaid rights and easements are taken and performs any work thereon, it shall be the obligation of the Town to remove all surplus material and to leave the premises in reasonably as good condition as when the entry was made . Any trees upon the land included within the above described strips of land a-e included within the taking. The land in which the aforesaid rights and easements are taken is believed to belong to the following named partie s, but if the name of the owner of any of said land or of any interest therein is not stated or is not correctly stated, it is to be understood that such land or interest is owned by an owner or owners unknown to us : Registered Land Lots as Indicated Certificate Owner on Aforesaid Plan of_Title Book Page Karl W. Ahlstrand, Jr. and Joan P. Ahlstrand hus'-and and wife 8 and parcel marked "Part of Grove Street prior to County Layout" 91511 587 161 Richard H. Soule "N", "0" and 389 86027 560 77 78 Unregistered Land Lots as Indicated Owner on Aforesaid Plan Drummer Boy Corporation Unnumbered Vee C . Tsien and Fiu Hwa Tsien, husband and wife 3 And said Board, having considered the question of damages, hereby determines that no damages have been sustained and none are awarded . Betterments are to be assessed for this improvement . The area which it is expected will receive benefit or advantage, other than the general advantage to the community from such improvements, is as follows : Land as Shown Estimated Owner on Aforesaid Plan Betterments Drummer Boy Corporation Parcel marked $ 2,049.75 "Parcel Assessed" and it is hereby estimated that betterments will be assessed upon such parcel of land in the amount hereinabove set forth. WITNESS our hands at Lexington as aforesaid, this 18th day of September , 1961. /s/ Ruth Morey Norman J. Richards Alan G. Adams Gardner C . Ferguson Lincoln P. Cole , Jr. Majority of the Board of Selectmen COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss September 18, 1961 Then personally appeared Ruth Morey, Alan G. Adams, Lincoln P. Cole , Jr. , Gardner C . Ferguson and Norman J. Richards, known to me to be a majority of the duly elected, Qualified and acting Selectmen of theTown of Lexington, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Town of Lex- ington, before me , /s/ Harold E. Stevens My commission expires August 31, 1968 79 Notice was received from the Metropolitan District Commission relative to a hearing on September 27 in regard to proposed improvements or extensions to the Metropolitan Sewerage System. Mr. Stevens explained this is the regular statutory hearing and the Commission is required by law to give notice . He said this brings up the matter of the Arlington relief sewer. He has not heard from Mr. Monahan, Town Manager in Arlington. Mr. Adams asked if the subject should be brought up MDC Sewerage at this hearing and Mr. Stevens replied that if the Town System of Arlington is not going along with it, there is nothing much Lexington can do. He suggested that the Chairman contact Mr . Monahan and ask if he has gone into this any further. The Chairman agreed to contact Mr. Monahan and then call Mr. Richards who is to contact Mr. Buckley, Chairman of the House Committee on Metropolitan Affairs . Notice was received from the County Commissioners that a meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 27, for a discussion of matters pertaining to public roads . A representative of the Town was invited to attend and present the Board' s views with reference to highway improvement for the year 1962. Chapter 90 Mr . Carroll stated that either he or Mr . Higgins would attend. He said he presumed that he would fol- low the procedure of continuing with the construction of Concord Avenue next year . The Chairman referred to the articles for the October Town Meeting, and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted not to include an article for Westview the acquisition of theland adjacent to Westview Cemetery Cemetery land and to postpone action until the March Meeting. Mr. Carroll was requested to have a forty foot scale plan prepared. Mr. Stevens retired at 8:58 P.M. Mr . Carroll referred to access from Worthen Road to Route 2 and showed the Board a plan of Wellington Worthen Rd. Lane which he is calling Worthen Road and the layout Route 2 of Wellington Lane . Mr . Carroll also went over the traffic control suggested for Worthen Road at Massachusetts Avenue . Traffic Letter from Mr. Leonard M. Lansky, 112 Burlington Street, together with a communication he has sent to 80 the editor of the Minute-man relative to the develop- ment of theMcDevitt property, the Planning Board and Emerson Road, was noted and placed on file . Meeting An open meeting with the residents of Grove Street , Burlington Street area has been scheduled by the Plan- ning Board to be held in Estabrook Hall on Wednesday, September 27. The Chairman reported that Antonio Venuti had been in and discussed his sewer betterment assessment with her and Mr. Carroll. Mr. Carroll presented a plan and explained that a sewer easement was taken through the property and he recommended abating the entire amount . He stated that the sewer was not constructed in front of Mr . Venuti ' s property and the assessment is illegal. He said Mr . Venuti does not want to connect and was told that there would be no betterments . Mr. Carroll said tht if the Abatement betterment is abated, M-' . Venuti should be given to understand that he will never be able to connect . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to abate the sewer betterment assessment levied against property at 397 Lincoln Street owned by Antonio and Concetta Venuti in theamount of $702.15, with the under- standing that no permission will be granted to connect this property to the sewer . M». Carroll referred to Mr. Schlaich' s request for a permit to move a building from 10 Wyman Road to Lot #1, Redcoat Lane . He reported that he had gone over the proposed route with Mr. Mazerall and there is nothing Permit to in the way except a couple of tree branches. He said Move build- as far as Kinneen' s park is concerned, no bushes will ing be moved. The park is to be done over and Mr. Mazerall does not think there will be any damage done . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant Mr. Schlaich a permit to move his building subject to a cash deposit of $1,000.00. Letter was received from Richard P. Cromwell, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Pilgrim Congre- Signs gational Church, requesting the erection of a sign at each end of Coolidge Avenue pointing to the new church. Mr. Carroll explained that the Department of Public Works has been putting up direction signs for the churches free of charge . The Chairman reported that the property is now being Curbing graded, and she thought curbing should be installed in front of the church and also a sidewalk. S Mr. Richards said the time to consider the sidewalk would be the Annual March Meeting . Mr. Carroll reported that he had talked with Mr. Grush and at that time , understood that the church did not want curring. He said he would contact him again to make certain, and if the curbing is desired, he will have it put in. Letter was received from Miss Virginia L. Sargeant, L� Eustis Street, advising that she will pay the entire cost of extending the sewer to her property at an esti- mated cost of 31200. Sewer Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to authorize Mr. Carroll to proceed with the installation of the sanitary sewer to service the property at 4 Eustis Street, subject to payment of $1200 by Miss Sargeant. Mr. Carroll mentioned that the parking area is ready for use and said he understood the Board intended to have parking meters installed in the two municipal parking areas in the center . Parking Mr. Carroll was authorized to obtain bids for park- Meters ing meters to be installed in the Edison Way and Waltham Street parking areas . Mr . Carroll retired at 9:35 P.M. Further consideration Tar given to letter from Brewer & Lord, dated August 30, 1961, and upon motion Insurance duly made and seconded, it was voted to adopt the Public & Institutional Property Plan as explained in the letter. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meeting held Minutes on September 11, 1961. Petition was received from the Boston Edison Company and the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company for j/o pole locations on Moreland Avenue and Meriam Street. Both proposed locations were approved by Mr. Carroll, and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the petition and sign the order Pole for the following pole locations: locations Moreland Avenue, northwesterly side, approximately 360 feet northeast of Davis Road, One pole . (One existing j/o pole to be removed. ) 82 Meriam Street, southeasterly side , approximately 343 feet northeast of Massachusetts Avenue , -- One pole . (One existing j/o pole to be removed. ) Letter was- received from Mr. Arthur E. Burrell, Director of Civil Defense, recommending that each Civil Defense depart*rw nt prepare a comprehensive anddetailed plan of what action it and the individuals in it would take upon receipt of a Civil Defense Attack Warning. Mr. Cole was authorized to discuss the subject with Mr Burrell and it was agreed to send a memo to all deparUment heads, not previously requested, to submit the plan requested by Mr. Burrell . Letter was received from Mr. Irwin, Building Inspector, stating that he has had numerous inquiries relative to fallout shelters . He explained that in many instances the shelters are to be built on small lots , and if they are to be considered structures, it would be in violation of the Zoning By-Law inasmuch as there would not be the required setback or sideyard Fallout distance . Shelters One community has ruled that if the fallout shelter is built entirely below ground level, it is not a structure . The building laws now define a structure as "any combination of materials" and as such, the proposed shelters would have to meet the Zoning requirements . It was agreed to ask Mr. Irwin to submit a specific amendment to the Building By-Law to be acted upon at the October Special Town Meeting . Further consideration wss given to appointments to the Board of Appeals . The Chairman agreed to contact Mr. Pichard P. Cromwell to find out whether Board of or not he would serve as an Associate Member . Appeals Mr. Charles H. Norris was selected to replace Mr. Lester T. Redman as a regular member , effective October 1, 1961 . Letter was. received from Mr . Robert H. Holt, President of the Isaac Harris Cary Educational Fund, Cary stating that in his opinion, no objection could be Building made by the Fund to the proposed use of the base- ment in Cary Memorial Building for shelter pur_.;oses . The Chairman reported that there have been instances during weekends when people in Town had taken rubbish to the dump in borrowed trucks and were unaware of the fact that they have to have a permit. Dump She suggested that emergency permits for Sundays be Permits issued by the Police Department . The Board had no objection. The meeting adjourned at 11:08 P.M. A true record, Attest: Executive,Clerk, Selectmen