HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-08-21-BOS-min S' LECTP'LN' S MEETING August 21, 1961 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, on Monday evening, August 21, 1961, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Morey, Messrs . Adams and Ferguson were present . Mr. Stevens, Town Couns -1, Mr . John Carroll, Superintendent of Public Works , and the Acting Clerk were also present . Hearing was declared open upon application of Arlex Oil Corporation for permission to increase the underground storage capacity of gasoline from 1,500 to 4, 000 gallons on premises located at 275 Massachu- setts Avenue . Mr . William E . Maloney was the only person pre- sent at the hearing. Notice of the hearing was mailed to the owners of all property deemed to be affected thereby as they appear on the most recent local tax list and also ad- vertised in the August 10, 1961 issue of the Lexington Gasoline Minte-man. The application was approved by Chief hearing Engineer Belcastro of the Lexington Fire Department . The Chairman inquired why this increase was necessary and Mr . Maloney replied that their yard was sinking four or five inches each year , and when they dug it up, they found the rest was caving in, so while in the process of digging up the yard, they felt it an opportune time to put in a larger tank. He re- ported that they have gas trucks making deliveries two or three times a week, sothey need additional storage . The hearing was declared closed at 7 :38 P.M. and Mr . Maloney retired. Upon motion dulymade and seconded, it was voted to grant Arlex Oil Corporation a license to increase the underground storage capacity of gasoline from 1,500 to 4,000 gallons on premises located at 275 Massachusetts Avenue . Mr . Richards arrived at the meeting at 7 :40 P.M. The Chairman read a letter from Grover C . Willcox, Jr . , Colonel, USAF, relative to Water Service Contract Extension of No. AF19 ( 604) -781 . This letter, she explained, was time - Air requested at the hearing on August 11 regarding the Force Water terms of the contract, at which time they agreed to the contract last extension of time . 91 c- -e Mr. Stevens reported that there were a few unim- portant changes . In our present contract, the Town had a right to terminate . He moved that we extend the time sixty days to November 1. The Board authorized Mr. John Carroll to write the letter, ex- tending the time to November 1, 1961. The Chairman read a memorandum from Mr. Brox Legislation relative to any legislation the Board might have to be filed. Mr. Carroll reported on bids for Chapter 90 construction. There were seven bidders : Chester- brook Construction Co. , x69,087 .75 and Ruggiero Chapter 90 Bros . , ;72,817.50 were the low bidders . The bidders Bids were under the engineering estimate . Mr . Carroll checked with the Chapter 90 office in Boston and they recommended the contract be given to the low bidder and will be communicating with the Board. Mr. Stevens retired at 8:05 P.M. The Chairman inquired if Mr. Carroll had received a call on conditions at 2A and Massachusetts Avenue . _ Mrs . Goddard had called her about an accident some Traffic time ago and damage to her property, and she felt signs or stop lights should be installed. The Chairman in- formed her that this is a State highway and the State would be responsible for installation of signs or lights . Mr. Ferguson asked if the Town had to petition the State for stop lights, and Mr. Carroll replied in the affirmative . He will have a traffic count taken . The Chairman read a letter from Harold J. Toole, I'M , in which they agreed to pay the Town of Lexington Trenches the sum of 88, 277 .50 in lieu of placing permanent re- Pleasant St . surfacing on trenches in Pleasant Street and Walnut & Walnut St. Street, as requested in our letter to them of July 11, Mr . Carroll reported he had two bids for overhead garage doors for the Public Works Building: Douglas, $4, 798.00; Tropeano, 65, 131 . Bids for He suggested that the bid of James L. Douglas be Overhead. accepted for five doors, one electric, and the others .Garage Doors manually operated, for the Public Works Garage . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the bid of James L. Douglas for five doors, one electric, the others manually operated, for the Public Works Garage . Mr. Cole arrived at the meeting at 8 :15 P.M. LItZ Mr. Carroll reported that he had a request for curbing under betterments . The article in the warrant for curbing does not specify, and Mr. Car - oll felt it would be well to have it read. "to install curbings, under betterments or otherwise" The Chairman read a letter from the. Board of Selectmen, Bedford, relative to a request from Drainage Reginald Wood who has a subdivision of land off Bedford- Grove Street, Lexington, adjacent to the Bedford- Lexington Lexington town line . Mr . Wood wished to be allowed line to discharge the water from a storm drainage system in the subdivision onto the land now owned by the Town of Bedford. In return, Bedford wishes tobe provided with a stub from the proposed drainage system in Lexington on Grove Street . Mr . Carroll stated that there has been a drainage problem there for years and the only solution was to put in a catch basin. Nothing was ever done about it and dry wells were put in two years ago . Be reported the Planning Board has this under consideration and when they bring up the matter, the Tcwn will make a decision. Mr . James L. Zieff, 12 Young Street, was present at the meeting. The Chairman inquired what he wished and he replied that he wanted to know the Board of Appeals ' decision with regard to permission to connect Zieff to a storm drain. drainage The Chairman replied that the Board of Appeals did not feel they had the authority to grant permission and Town Counsel had taken the matter under advisement . The Chairman read ,a letter from Anthony P. Modoono, • relative to extension of the existing sewer to 170 Woburn Street . She inquired from Mr. Carroll how long the service would be and he replied about 125 feet . Mr. Carroll reported that I4r. Modoono is willing to pay for the entire sewer. He had previously advised Mr . Modoono that, assuming there was no edge , the service Modoono would cost f200 to Fr1500 . He has had holes drilled sewer and is sure there is no ledge . He feels Mr. Modoono service has problems . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to grant the request to extend the now existing sewer main to 170 Woburn Street , Mr. Modoono to pay all the costs , plus the service charge to the house . A r� f�,a A discussion was held relative tolaying out Massa- chusetts Avenue as a County way. Mr. Carroll reported Massachusetts that Massachusetts Avenue is an important road and is Avenue in bad. condition . The Chairman requested a list of the County Roads for the Bo€r. d. ir. Carroll retired at 8 :30 P.M. Mr. John MacNeil, President of MacNeil Insurance Agency, and Mr. Alfred Gorell, Jr . , Vice-President , met with the Board at 8 :35 P.M. relative to the Town' s insurance . Mr . MacNeil gave the Chairman an insurance plan, copies of which he will send to other members of the Board. Mr . MacNeil feels that the values are out of line [assurance in many of the Town departments . Mr. Richards questioned what advantage it would be to the Town, -- money saving , better coverage or what . He stated that we are now paying aC r4CCC, premium and asked what would be wrong with putting the insurance out for bid. Mr . MacNeil replied there would be nothing wrong, but twelve or more insurance offices would give the same bid. Mr . Gorell stated that all the fire rates are the same . After discussing different phases of insurance at length, the Chairman stated that theBoard was interested and would like copies of the plan to study. Mr. MacNeil and Mr. Gorell retired at 8:56 P.N. Messrs . Harold Michelson, Richard Michelson, Cosmo DeBonis and. Glenn Cram, Jr . of Arlington, met with the Board relative to the closing of Laundromats on Sundays . Mr . Richard Michelson, being the spokesman for the group, explained that they represented the three laundro- Sunday mats already in Lexington. He reported that had Blue Laws received notice two weeks ago to be closed on Sundays . Laundromats The: brought a petition with 267 signatures, copies of which are to be sent to theBcard . Their feeling was that the laundromats are the only businesses asked to close . The Chairman stated she believed t notice to close came from the Police Department, not from the Board of Selectmen. M:^ Harold Michelson asked if the Police receive the orders from the Board, and. the Chairman replied that they did not receive thea from this Board in this case . Mr . Michelson inquired if the Police are charged with enforcing the Blue Laws, and what Blue Laws are they charged to enforce . Mr . Richards replied tha t the Police are charged with enforcing all laws . Mr. Harold Michelson stated that no one is employed on Sundays and asked why it was necessary to enforce the Blue Laws . Mr . Rich4r ds stated that the Town of Bedford closed their laundromats and the City of Waltham also . The Court supported the Chief of Police inBedford in closing the laundromat . Mr . DeBonis stated that the Blue Laws have worked a hardship on people as far as the laundromats are con- cerned doing a service for the people in Lexington. He stated more people come on Sundays than on any other day. It is a high point of convenience , especially with the trouble with septic tanks and cesspools . He asked if it would be possible to get special permission to operate on Sundays, or perhaps a special license Mr. Adams inquired if there was a Laundromat Associ- ation, and if there had been a tw•eakdown of figures by hours, and Mr. Richard Michelson replied in the negative• . He stated it is very difficult to take a real check . Mr. Cram stated that quite a few tourists also signed the petition. Hr . Richards inquired if the laundromats were open in Arlington on Sundays, as he wondered what the general pattern was . Mr. Cram stated that any vandalism in Town has always occurred around midnight, but his coin boxes were taken out at 11 :10 P.M. Mr . Richard Michelson stated that they had only two slugs in the machines, and asked if there has been any complaints . The Chairrhn stated that there are many eople who object to the stores being open on Sundays . Perhaps they are selling more than they are given a license for , but they are closed at 10 P.M. at least . Does the Town want them open 2L hours and Sundays too. She surge sted that the group talk with the Chief of Police as she believed he had a prograr, in mind . Mr . Adams suggested that they send the petition to their representative . Mr. Richards stated that the Bca rd cannot issue a permit . He stated that -he police stepped in and closed up gift shop people who are dependent upon Sunday trade . He said he felt in the very near future there will be legislation, and the way to a solution is to act through the group. It would be a nullity to issue a license . He also suggested that the group contact their re- presentative to permita license to be issued for Sunday operation by the Town, the business to be in the hands of the Selectmen to curb abuses . The Chairman stated the Board cannot grant any licenses and suggested that the group contact their legislators as they are ready to listen to their constituents and also contact the Laundromat Associ- ation. Her opinion is that the State will pass the authority to the Town to grant pdrmits . The group retired at 9:30 P.M. Mr . Soule arrived at the meeting as the Board was discussing Fall-Out Shelters, Mr . irwin} s letter . Mr . Richards inquired if it would be possible for a person who applies to the Town for a Fall-Out Shelter to waive the permit . Secondly, what would be the attitude of the Board of Assessors towards a person with a Fall-Out Shelter on their property, -- Fall-Out will these things be considered. Third, should Shelters there be a building code applicable to these shelters just as a barn or building as, if we are to encourage people to build fall-out shelters, they should not be penalized in any way as long as the shelter meets the building code .requirements . With regard to the cuestion of whether or not charges can be waived or building permits issued, (if people decide to put the • shelter in the basement which is the logical place ) if it interferes with the building laws. Mr . Adams stated that the shelters must be built safely. Mr. Soule reported they had ten or twelve calls already, three contracts and four others coming in. He had called Mr. Irwin to set up standards, and they were waiting to proceed with the permits . Mr. Adams felt there should be permits, also that it be publicized. Mr . Soule stated the standards should be the minimum standard for a house if you allow shelters to be built . For their own protection, they would like to see minimum standards to hold competition to a standard so it would not vary below a Civil Defense standard . Mr . Ferguson felt the Assessors should decide , and Mr. Stevens should approve a permit that would state the minimum standard. Mr. Soule stated t'_. t a shelter could be built for 5500 of solid concrete blocky with air, for another ,`:200 . Some people want to build x'3500 shelters, all underground. The Chairman stated if the shelters are outside , ; they should be taxed. Further discussion on shelters to be continued next week . 8} C alb Mr. Soule met with the Board relative to a Fall Town Meeting . He stated that the very first date they could meet was October 30 . This is predicated on the fact that it will take a minimum of six weeks after they accept a draft from Mr. Snow : - a week in which to write a report, then the public hearing, three weeks in which to advertise the hearing, a minimum of two weeks for the draft to be reviewed. This comprises six weeks . They will complete the plans they are working on, meet with Cabot, Cabot and Forbes and others as promised, and get this. draft in shape to present to Mr . Stevens . Presentation to Town Meeting to be complete rather than otherwise . He stated they can Fall Town be ready by the 30th of October for a Town Meeting, Meeting which is the first datethey can be prepared. Mr. Ferguson suggested talking with the Standing School Building Co! a; ttee . Mr. Soule stated that, referring to the Rinaldo property, Cabot, Cabot and Forbes have problems, they have a small frontage and have to show a second means of access . The Chairman inquired if they would rather have a later meeting, and Mr. Soule replied in the negative , that he thought it should be set up for October 30 . Mr . Richards said the Board would plan on the 30th if the School Committee could wait until then, anything later would be out of the question, and that the Board should know this week . The Board decided to call the Standing School Building Committee Chairman to find out if they were agreeable , Mr. Fisher was away and Mr . Russian, Vice Chairman, approved the date . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to call a Special Town Meeting to be held on Moneay, October 30, 1961, at 8 P.M. Mr . Soule retired at 10:20 P.M. Mr. Cole requested the Board to meet with the Civil Defense Department on Monday, August 28. The Civil Defense wished to make a survey of Town public buildings to see what is suitable for Civil Defense Civil Defense Shelters, how they can be converted, and to give the meeting Board plans so theTown may use their own contractors . Secondly, the Air warning system is inadequate , not feasible . The Chairman asked for an opinion on holding this meeting, and Mr. Richards advised that he would be unable to attend and Mr. Ferguson was uncertain as to his plans for that date . 9(1 r Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted • to post a meeting to be held on Monday, August 28, 1961, at 7 :30 P.M. in the Selectmen ' s Room. The Chairman read a letter from Leon A. Burke , Jr . , relative to the Historic Tour train, in reply to the Board' s letter of June 29, 1961 . Mr. Adams left ti .meeting during the discussion. The Chairman asked for opinions of the other members of the Board. Mr. Richards said the Board wanted to convey the idea that the Town wished to consider the people when the route was published. Mr . Ferguson felt there should be a public hearing, that the people on the route should be notified and he also questioned the Town' s right to have a bus in Historic the Town. Tour Train The Chairman replied that the train could not pick up passengers . Mr , Richards stated that Mr. Burke would have to meet with the Department of Public Utilities as to the approval of the vehicle . It was voted to postpone any action at this time , and to have the minutes of the previous meeting with regard to the Historic Tour Train available . Letter from the Town Celebrations Committee was read by the Chairman giving a list of appointments made by them at their meeting as follows : Mr. Kingston Appointments L. Howard, Chairman; Mr. Donald B. Cobb, Vice-Chairman; Mrs , John Fernberger, Recording Secretary and Mrs . Eleanor B. Litchfield, Corresponding Secretary. Letter was received from Mr . Arthur L. Burrell, Civil Defense , asking the Board to remove the name of Resignation Edwin L. Key, Blueberry Lane , Shelter Officer, as he is no longer a resident of the Town. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign Certificate of Incorporation on behalf of James Cert . of Inc . E . Ba-reit, 29 Sherman Street, and others, (not resi- dents of Lexin ton) , character references having been received from the Chief of Police . However, the lo- cation was not approved as being suitable . Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign Certificate of Incorporation on behalf of Edith S . Myerson, 11 Moon Hill road, of Lexington, and others (not residents of Lexington) , character references - Cert . ofinc . having been received by the Chief of Police . Letter was received from Mr. Vernon C . Page , 12 Independence Avenue , requesting appointment to the School Committee , taking the place of Ar . Dan Fenn. It w as voted to advise Mr . Page that at the present time we have had no resignation from Mr. Fenn. Letter from Mrs . William Vaughan, 119 Lowell Street , relative to traffic conditions at the junction of Summer Traffic and Lowell Street was referred to the Traffic Study Committee . Letter was received from Mr. and Mrs . Fred Corazzini, 7 Burnham Road, commending the Police and Fire Departments for their services . Copies of this letter are to be sent to the Police and Fire Depart- ments . The minutes of the meeting of the Advisory Com- mittee of the Minute Man National Historical Park Minute Man were received , including its recommendations to the Nat 'l . Park Secretary of the Interior that the park boundaries be report reviewed in the Colonial Heights Area. The Chairman referred to letters received from various applicants for the position of Executive Assistant, which were discussed briefly. It was Executive agreed to write Mr. Sidney S . Frissell, Town Manager, Assistant Napoleon, Ohio, asking for more information if he is still interested. It was decided to hold over the minutes of the Selectmen' s Meeting held on August 7, until Miss Minutes Murray is back from her vacation. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to sign a Sidewalk Order for Edgewood Road on the Sidewalk south side from a point 112 .41' from the westerly Order side line of Meriam Street and running 76 .5 ' westerly. The meeting adj •,.urned at 11 :05 P.M. , at which time the Acting Clerk retired. A true record, Attest : ) / 7 A ,/77 ,_, L,—* Acting Clerk, Selectmen