HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-03-24-SC-min Lexincton School Committee Minutes - March 24, 1987 Face 1 A meeting of the Lexington School Committee was held on Tuesday, March 24, 1987 at 7:O0 p.m. in the Lexington Rich School Student Library.gory. Present were: Koplow, Leader, Newman, W ic and Clough. Also present were: Pierson, Zimmerman and Barnes. : The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 .m. It was VOTED:cu _, to convene in Executive Session at 1:01 p.m. to ;'4 =r"== m2t- ter= pertaining to Collective arc' in„- Contrant Nacotiations and procedures or dismissal ssal o_ one or more employees. Ye=, Koplow; Yes, Leader; Yes, Newman; Yes, Nik; Yea, Clouch The Chairman announced thav would h_ vatuvninc to Publ4c Sen;on_ at approoimately 8:00 o.m. _.r. Pierson announced the faath7 D-nnzn Pwan, HeadC Sian of PUP. _ _he Diamond Middle School. ..e wasan a _ of the -'.._ i_._ TION ._.tool_ for years and =_ well respected r staff. _ extended the sym t� of t n ist t_ h l Committee touf" - r yea,:-z- _ A_rin ration and 5:...00_ comm_ ee the family o Mr. Swan. :t was VOTED: to accept the Minutes of January 8, 1397 as amended. (Koplow, MINUTES- Newman, Unanimous) JANUARY E, 1987 JANUARY 20, 1987 VOTED: to accept the Minutes of January 20, 1997 (Koplow, Newman, Unanimous) VOTED: to accept the Executive Minutes of January 6, 1987. (Newman, EXECUTIVE MINUTES- Koplow, Unanimous) JANUARY 8, 1997 Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, it was VOTED: to accept the Schedule of Payments as listed on Page 94. SCHEDULE OF (Newman, Koplow, Unanimous) (To be embodied in the Official PAYMENTS Minutes. ) VOTED: to accept the Personnel Changes - Certified as listed on Face PERSONNELCHANGES- 95. (Leader, Koplow, Unanimous) (To be embodied in the CER_m.,_ Official Minute=. ) VOTED: to accept the Personnel _h.ances - ;. as-aifie = listedon rz,r„.tuNNEL CHANGES- PF-A. d a_ Page �:41<�_ AP'du.. e=-A. (Leader, Koplow, Unanimous) KTo be _.-bodied in the CLASSIFIED Official Minutes. Frank D5Giammarinn presented the rest lis rf the recent Basin BSI? RESULTS Shills Testing . _ cram. He ____ :evsewed the ovvo,aces of the Basic Skills Testing Program versus MEA.". He said final retorts would be resp t two, Committee e 1 n May. _ n ed _ the School _ ,te Dr. Pierson noted that MEAP and Basic Skills tests are unfunded " 1 mandates by the State and School Committees needed to make a case for the State to fund the additional requirements of these testing pro- grams. The tentative report __ _n file at the Professional Library. Lexington School Committee Minutes - March 24, 1987 Face 2 Mr. Michael O'Sullivan prosertea highlights of the issues relating TOWN MEETING to the School and Town Budgets for 87-8E. Mr. O'Sullivan focused on APPROPRIATIONS, the share of reductions needed to be considered by the schools and the COMMITTEE VIEW ,_, Town. He also outlined the _ .1E the Appropriations Committee in the TH7 BUDGET' scheme of the final recommendation of the Town and School budgets being presented to the Town Meeting. At this pcint, Mr. Cly l _ reviewed the projections anda history __ the percentage increases of school budgets versus town budgets. MKoplow id that she felt the School Committee had been very _`dada_ _ res onstble+ in t L d=v=lopment of he new }' et Pnd had reduced wherever possible. She said it was important to note for the Town Meeting the value of ,he =nthools in relation to the over-allwel- fare __- t4i fe that was of the ___ of the Town. .:� . J_r;San said .iE _ __G this one ::_ first times in a ng h. the To Meetingg had to meet` the i ss;�eof a ' annc twe . the ; s and Townaseachsought _ _i_ 2 �E.=�+_2^. School = the :_ _., t . _ .._p ^ t.Pefinancial probe s. A review of the possible inclusion of administrative assistance BUDGET ISSUES at Estabrook and Bridge Schools, science workshops and a counseling position for the High School were reviewed. Mr. Newman suggested that the all-morning kindergarten be deferred for one year which he felt would also relieve Bridge and Estabrook. After further discussion, itwas agreed that there was no support by the School Committee for administrative assistance at Bridge or Estabrook. However, there was support for additional aide time for • those buildings. In addition, it was agreed that an additional counsel for the High School be included with monie=_ to come from housemaster savings. It was also suggested that $9,000 would be put aside from science materials to add to the budget. This $9,000 was to be a transfer from science materials into the workshop account and to provide training in elementary science for people on a continuous basis until the status of the federal grant proposal was determined. Mr. Newman moved that $20,000 be allocated. It�was MOVED: that 0: 00 ' e allocatedpresent $ 00 for total v. av $2_ ,_ � P_ a_ ca to the 5,(� tC.. a C _ of $25,000 and the ne^=eery amount be added to 87-82 budget. There being no second to the motion, it failed. ta wd MINED: that $10,000 be provided for science training and transfer the same amount of monde budgeted from science equin the e' 'n�' school= and supporting YM1 L summerwork- shop, use it forC Wv_A shop, train nvinitiative ($10,00: plus $5,000) out of the $25,00_ .r b- - -- be Federal on enc1 situa- tion a-_ if the 4rcnt ras approved, the amount wouldd revert to the original budget. (Koplow, yes; ',ear'ar, yes; Wik, yes; Clough, yes; and Newman, abstain) The School Committee requested a full plannr report __ the Clarke SUMMER WO'KSH'r,r' technology stream before _ 'lote on this item. Dr. Zimmerman agreed to send the information to theSchool Committee. Lexington School Committee Minutes - March 24, 1387 Pace 3 A letter from the Board of Selectmen inviting School Committee to APRIL 20TH PARADE take part in the April 20th parade was discussed. It was VOTED: to reconvene in Executive Session nat 91 :18 p.m. to di discuss ma„ ters pertaining to contract and negotiations. Yes, Koplow; Yes, Leader; Yes, Wik; Yes, Newman; Yes, Clough. The Chairman announced that the School Committee would be return- ing to Public Session. It was VOTED: to return to Public Session at 11 : 42 p.m. Yes, Kopi.ow Yes, Wik; Yes, Newman; Yes, Leader; Yes, Clough. It was VOTED: to set the 1987-88 Budget at $22,311,077, that figure repre- senting a projected salary increase for teachers and custodians at 5%. (Newman, Leader, Unanimous) It was VOTED: that in order to complete the process of the evaluation of the Superintendent, the School Committee have access to the eval- uations of principals and other staff members evaluated by the Superintendent of Schools. (Koplow, Wik, Unanimous) It was VOTED: to adjourn at 11:44 p.m. (Koplow, Newman, Unanimous) Respectfully submitte', / ichard H. Barnes, Recording S ``````:retary f APPROVED: June 22, 1987